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Sunset Meadows Sep 2021
I wonder how long this façade will last
How do they think I'm mentally stable
I honestly don't understand
I can't tell if I'm just that good at hiding it
Or if they just don't know how to notice
Due to how long it's been like this
I think it's me
How did I get to be so mentally unstable
It hardly feels like I'm functioning
I'm just a robot
A person living double lives
Who I am with people
And who I am when it's just me
Left to my own thoughts
I don't remember what it's like to be stable anymore
When can I finally be normal
And no longer be plagued with these illnesses
Maybe I just have to be gone
I knew this was gonna happen
I can't ever be around people
They can't ever see me as who I am
They only see the wrong in their eyes
Why does this always ******* happen
I can't ever make good friends
That's why I'm like this
If I make the pain's trade
I can go on for longer
But how can I when they're so close
I feel like I'm being watched every moment
I know that's probably just my anxiety
But it could be true
I feel like a ticking time bomb
Moved to college and have to live with three roommates.
My Dear Poet Sep 2021
The fire will find you out
Some are straw and some are gold
Nikkipopgun69 Aug 2021
Thinking it’s a waste of time
What’s the point if I’ve tried so many times
When every time is ignored
Thought I’d give feelings one last go
What a fool I was to do that
I’m only relevant when  It’s suits you.

I’ll bring pretend I didn’t send anything it’s
All in your imagination by pressing unsend.
I can put you on mute also.
Trying to keep myself together when I’m falling apart.
Putting a fake smile on my face everyday pretending that I’m fine.
Sometimes people say you write the best things in your life when you’re sad or hurt
I guess they’re right..
I wish I never let myself fall for you maybe it was just the thought of you.
Lanna K Aug 2021
Much rather than having her dead. Let her live and let her loll in my joys, beauty, and happiness. whilst her soul is stripped naked and humanity no longer resides in her, nor will she know the ease of humility.
23 year old bully. people who are hurt, hurt.
Jme Love Aug 2021
Eyes can be deceiving
In recieving that which we do not wish to see. Optical illusion creates a delusion of something more pleasing. Blinded to pain and misery. Its calculated in the sensory. Knowing this vision isnt seen through rose colored glasses we make believe. Looking only at the beauty past the ugly. We camouflage the eyesores. Blinking just once to change the perspective of all things in sight. We hide behind closed eyes to avoid the view of the world as it is. We overlook just so we dont have to see. Its only when we realy look do we find the truth hidden behind blue eyes.
A collaboration with me and my best friend Fontenot
bun in the oven,
trophies in the attic.
i used to be a beast,
still am in the office.

bad shades and good vibes
are what we used to sell
from fast car windows,
pre-straightened edge.

no more just getting by,
we're gonna do better
than what i had to do
to please the 'rents, if that.

bathroom mirror is worn,
stains on the counter
from hidden faces
and powdered noses.

cool, calm, collected,
clearly a success now
just don't check the
top bedside drawer.
for D.M.L.
LONE STAR Jul 2021
I've been listening to the correct lyrics for the wrong song
Been dancing to the right rythm for the wrong beat
Been having the wrong feelings for the wrong person
fake love
In our Lifetime
They come and go
You'll never see them coming
You never expect them go

Sometimes they come with a lesson
But sometimes with a heartbreak
One thing we should know early on
It's never wrong  to prioritize one's sake
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