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Andrew Rueter Oct 2021
I'm a facsimile
a fake
emptiness filling me
I think
I don't know
it sinks
in a heart of stone
protected by gnarled bone
creating a hollow home
for veins carrying a mannequin's blood
so I can be Zap Brannigan smug
with no plan to win love
just fill a hole in my heart
when I draw and discard
avoiding any form of vulnerability
so I can act cruel willingly
and shirk my responsibility
to my fellow man
I'm well off ******
overestimating my self worth
to save me from getting hurt
by people that act like myself
this can't be good for my health.
He was the most tastiest , that she'd craved so much for
but was the most unhealthiest , dangerous amour..
Just like the tastiest junk foodzz
Spicy Digits Aug 2021
I want to touch your base,
I want to touch base.
Now we're gonna circle back
To our circle ****.
Feel the warmth of my regards
Deep in your archive folders.
Savour the tingling of my best wishes,
Between your table of contents.
I want to touch your base,
I want to touch base.
Kim Essary Sep 2021
Have you ever felt your feet on the inside of my shoe
If you answered no then you haven’t a clue
By all means remove your own and I’ll gladly lend you mine
You will be amazed at the stories you’ll find
I guarantee you won’t make it one mile and you Will bring my shoes back to me
Though you may wear the same size you still couldn’t fill my shoes
You see
they have caused me many blisters from walking through my days and crying through my night
Just to wake me in the morning to another battle left to fight

Now you beg me to trade back my shoes you thought you could fill
As you see that didn’t happen today nor it never will
Don’t be so quick to judge others by the choices they may choose
Because the day may come when when you have no choice but to walk a mile in their shoes
Sunset Meadows Sep 2021
I wonder how long this façade will last
How do they think I'm mentally stable
I honestly don't understand
I can't tell if I'm just that good at hiding it
Or if they just don't know how to notice
Due to how long it's been like this
I think it's me
How did I get to be so mentally unstable
It hardly feels like I'm functioning
I'm just a robot
A person living double lives
Who I am with people
And who I am when it's just me
Left to my own thoughts
I don't remember what it's like to be stable anymore
When can I finally be normal
And no longer be plagued with these illnesses
Maybe I just have to be gone
I knew this was gonna happen
I can't ever be around people
They can't ever see me as who I am
They only see the wrong in their eyes
Why does this always ******* happen
I can't ever make good friends
That's why I'm like this
If I make the pain's trade
I can go on for longer
But how can I when they're so close
I feel like I'm being watched every moment
I know that's probably just my anxiety
But it could be true
I feel like a ticking time bomb
Moved to college and have to live with three roommates.
My Dear Poet Sep 2021
The fire will find you out
Some are straw and some are gold
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