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Fake Knees
pittsburgh, PA.
Fake a smile, it's all they'll see The tears are real, the smile's not me
A Fake Name
Tennessee    Alias was the word I was looking for, but I'm not a wordsmith, just an apprentice. Besides, that field was required.


jake aller  Nov 2018
fake gods
jake aller Nov 2018
Fake Gods
Every day

There is another outrageous statement
From this preacher or that preacher

Saying that God spoke to them
And told them that Trump

Was anointed by God himself
And would bring us all to the promised land

Well I hate to bring it up
But felt that I must

If God exists
And is all powerful

Why would he waste his time
Talking to these idiot preachers?

And why would he anoint Trump
The most ungodly of all politicians
How do these preachers know
It is God calling

Or perhaps it is a fake God
I mean why not?

In this age of fake age, fake *****, fake angels, fake artists, fake *****, fake *****, fake calls, fake card games, fake casinos, fake clothes, fake computer programs, fake computer games, fake coffee, fake devils, fake doctors, fake drugs, fake eyes, fake faces, fake falls during the world cup, fake fish, fake food, fake friends, fake Gods, fake games, fake hair, fake judges, fake lawyers, fake live celebrities on TV, fake legs, fake lotto tickets, fake hearts, fake languages, fake love, fake meat, fake minds, fake ministers, fake names, fake passes, fake players, fake people, fake ***, fake politicians, fake ****, fake photos, fake poets, fake priests, fake products, fake ***, fake songs, fake sports stars, fake movies, fake TV, fake teeth, fake vaginas, fake watches, fake writers, fake victims, fake videos, fake universities and fake well everything else

Why not a fake God
Pretending to be God
Just in it for the power,
the money

And the sweat love of the beautiful babes
That he has convinced
Has to sleep with him
As God has ordained it

Yeah I think that it is
God has been replaced
By a Fake God

Does the fake God speak to them?
And what does the fake God sound like?

How did the fake God talk to them?
On the phone? By email? By tweet
Or by visions or voices in their head?

Or are they just raving lunatics
Who think that the real nonexistent God
is calling them?
Not knowing or caring it is the fake God
On the cosmic hotline from the fake heaven

God, either the real deal
Or the Fake God
does not in my opinion
Talk to idiots

Too many things to do
Running this fake God scam
While the real God is either on vacation
Or is locked up in a cosmic dungeon somewhere
Or has been killed by the fake God
In league with the real Satan

Nor should God either the real God
or the Fake God
tolerate these fools any more

The Fake God does not send us hurricanes or tornados
To punish us

That is beneath his cosmic pay grade
And the real God
Has been cut off from his power sources
Locked away into cosmic dungeon
Without a phone, internet, or power outlet

The real God is God
and is mysterious
And if he speaks to us at all

We surely do not understand
Anything he says

As we have surely ******* up
The teachings of his prophets

And all we can hear
Is the voice of the fake God
The cosmic shyster
Who has been impersonating God
Perhaps for thousands of year

So I wish to end this by saying
Oh you false prophets


The real God is not calling you
And never has
But the fake god
That’s another story

But, please
Just SFTU already
Charles Thomson Feb 2020
There's one true thing I'd like to say:
that everything is fake today.

It doesn't matter where you look:
fake film, fake magazine, fake book.

The world around is upside-down:
fake motorway, fake house, fake town.

Look right and everything's a lie:
fake earth, fake trees, fake sea, fake sky,

fake hair, fake smile, fake skin, fake tan,
fake babe, fake child, fake girl, fake man,

fake bus, fake car, fake church, fake pews,
fake Christianity, fake Jews,

fake Sikhs, fake Buddhists, fake Hindus,
fake art, fake poetry, fake muse,

fake drill, fake tools, fake nails, fake screws,
fake knife, fake cut, fake pain, fake bruise,

fake train, fake plane, fake park, fake loos,
fake shop, fake pub, fake food, fake *****,

fake speech, fake face, fake interviews,
fake poll, fake vote, fake win, fake lose.

fake talk, fake thought, fake voice, fake views,
fake fame, fake truth, fake fake, fake news,

fake Washington, fake people resident,
fake flag, fake USA, fake president.
RILEY  Nov 2012
RILEY Nov 2012
I'm bored, as bored as someone can be
I'm bored, running circles around my thoughts like a bumble bee
I'm bored, with every breath I take
I'm bored, and boredom is the only thing in people that couldn't be fake
Fake smiles you throw
Yet your fake smiles don't work because you still look like a crow
Fake laughs so high
You think high pitch can make the time fly?
Fake faces you reveal
You eat up on lies like a happy meal…
Fake body you wear every day,
Yet at the end of the time, no one's interested in your body made of clay
Fake gazes, fake stairs
Fake intentions climbing up the stairs
Fake jewelry, fake phone
This is a list of fake I could always go one
Fake hearts, fake emotions
Fake intimacy, fake devotions
Fake marriages, fake divorce
Fake sympathy and fake remorse
Fake empathy, fake duty and chores…
Your lies are fake, which makes them true
But again, your truth is fake too!
Fake thoughts fake you
Fake thoughts fake you
I will go back to being bored, for boredom is the only thing that's right
Fake rights make you go left; fake lefts take you out of sight
Fake lives you lead a head of you, but you can't get your fake boredom that's why I cherish my boredom so much
Fake groups of happy, you're not happy, you're just a fake ignorant bunch
I'll go back to my boredom for it gives me a sense of sanity
And takes me a bit away from your fake ego and vanity
Fake hugs fake care
Fake lungs of fake air
I'll go back to my boredom, for my boredom is unique
And my boredom made me realize how fake you are as we speak…