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Adam Holmstrom Aug 2018
We lie awake
at afterparty hours
with fragile hearts
that scream silently,
why do we feel alone?

Why do we feel alone
with so many of us here?
We carry a torch
in its fire our feelings flicker.
We pass it around
breathing the ember in.
We inhale the flames
And exhale dark ashes.

Each breath keeps it ignited
as we share this light inside us.
We feel it's familiar warmth
when we pass each other by.
It bonds and it heals us;
all walks of our lives together.

We lie awake
at any fragile hour
with open hearts
that scream loudly,
we are not alone.
Thank you for listening
Andra May 2016
How did you end up
flowing in my veins?
I breathe you
with every second that passes
and I cry with tears
that taste like you.


I should make myself
a tea
and calm down...
as if this could
heal me...

How can you heal
with an ordinary tea,
a chronic problem?

give me
ten boxes of aspirin.

marïama Jul 2018
I vainly sought in him a cure to the same pain he caused.
we would raise our arguments like sitting ducks just to to knock them down with reasons of logic or luck of love
Some things cannot be undone, people say we are meant for each other, but is it truly so
Maybe just a comfortable phase but will anything grow?
He whispered that there was only me, I believed all that he breathed in my ear, he pulled me in close, closer than anyone before..
I think I hate him now, a bit more every day but I've not given up yet- I want him to stay.
I wonder.. how do you fight jealously
How do you make it stop it’s constant hunger inside you.
Skin so soft that it doesn't seem real, in so deep I can’t keep it concealed
The doubt is consuming, the wall inside me was well-built and unyielding, my heart left too crippled from past abusers to possibly endure anymore pain
So if this love fails it will destroy everything in its wake.
I become enraged from time to time when the little green bug called jealously feeds away inside of me
Love has taken control, the knowledge that i let “love” dismantle the wall,
that i spent years building and reinforcing
brick by ******* brick, piece by ******* piece
i let him gradually demolish it and now i am powerless and susceptible and now he has me by the heartstrings and he holds me in his greedy palms.
I even pray to God, I tell him that i would do anything
anything just to take back control.
Amira Jul 2018
I need to cure the swelling of my sinful lips.
He was there, she was there, I was there.
My fear has been replaced with guilt,
I've seen her clothes,
the cat she named Snow,
her favorite mug, her mirror,
and the life she built.
Sadness appeared as disgust
through his knowledge of the perfect way to initiate a kiss
and the perfect way to clean up the trails,
to what I left.
Before I walked out,
I wished he had cleaned up the trails to my loneliness.
He was there, she was there, I wasn't.
Manny Jul 2018
Heart, please tell me why.
I'm still my phone
Waiting for a message that'll never come
Sitting here alone
Just watching the time run

Do you remember how we used to be?
I wonder If like me, she's feeling lonely
This depression doesn't want to set me free
Heart, I'm begging you to cure me

Because time doesn't seem to numb the pain
The heartache when I hear her name
These tears don't seem to stop the flame
I'm begging you to set me free

Oh heart, you turned out to be a traitor
Let her go so we can save her
Knowing we'd regret it later
But her happiness was not with me

The past is where my mind now dwells
As I suffer here all by myself
Knowing her kiss now belongs to someone else
And now she'll never smile for me

Oh heart, please let her go
She won’t come back, we both know
And no matter how much we wish it wasn't so
Only she can set me free
Another poem from my collection.
Sehar Bajwa Jul 2018
is a drug.
it can
**** you.
You can risk
everything for

It will reduce you
to nothing.
It will make you forget
all your troubles.

No matter how
hard you try,
or how far
you run.
You will come hurtling back.

And you can
have enough of it.

medicines are
Drugs too.
Love can cure you.
It makes you
Love will fix you.

Love is what makes
this life
worth living.

Love is a drug.
it can make you
or break you.
Just like everything else.
Thank you for  reading this poem.
III Jul 2018
What a cruel cycle
     That the cure to
     Is the inevitable shine
           Of beauty.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
My favourite dream.

Even in a daze, I can still picture your face;
Every day, I know I am moving the right way.
Without a doubt, I will never just walk away;
You make my Monday blues, turn into lazy Sunday’s.

Wish to see me and I will be there at your side;
Pray for me, when I have lost my way, from time to time.
When the sun is gone, I will kiss you goodnight;
You are my love, you are my muse and you are my morning sunshine.

If we are using bitter words, we will never advance;
I will speak a beautiful truth to you, if you give me the chance.
I will help you fly so high, if you just hold onto my hand.
If you have the time, I would like to show you my master plan.

You are in all my best memories; you remind me of being happy.
You are a sight for sore eyes and the only one I want to see.
If the world only knew you, they would know my reason to be.
You’re my lover, you’re my beautiful; you are my empathy’s release.

In a mixed up mind, you are my missing jigsaw piece.
I want to keep your love inside my heart;
You make me whole, my perfect fit.
When I am in your arms, I am at my place of peace;
So I will kiss you goodnight and as I do,
You will remain my favourite dream.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Just Maria Jul 2018
I itch and itch everyday
I scratch and scratch but it won't go away
What causes it I'm not so sure
I just wish there was a cure

It could be the bugs in my bed
Or maybe it's all in my head
I tried pills I tried lotions
I've even tried homemade potions

All the doctors say that I'm insane
All they want to do is study my brain
I went home and started to cry
I guess I'll itch till the day I die
I posted this poem at another site where Itching was the subject.
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