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Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Scared to be loved.

In your mirror I cannot see a place for me.
Inside your aura, I do not feel safe.
At your side I only feel that I need to leave,
Because I know one day you will go away.

Beneath your wings I am still getting burned.
I am suffocating in your arms, let me breathe.
With you at my side I should have been able to turn,
But my life is heading straight into a catastrophe.

As the buildings collapse and crash down all around us,
I am left to reflect on the end of our love.
As the hope disappears, I am only left alone with my empty wishes.
I cannot give you what you need;
I can only be a plaster when you are in need of stitches.
Something permanent to heal what we are losing.
No Obamacare can save us from us;
I think it is time for us to say…who are we truly fooling?

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
The Wanderer

What land is this stretched out before me?
I am forever lost inside a world of hatred, hunted by their vengeance.
Trusting in no one but myself inside this Hell;
I find myself wandering in search of a saviour to offer me guidance.
I beg, I plead; I foretell a future with an unbroken promise,
If I am to be blessed with sight, when I am blind to all witness.

I confess I am lonely in such a barren place;
I fall detached from any form of comely shaped temptress, blaming all.
I am unworthy of your anger, for I am invisible to any kindness;
I seek some meaning inside this world,
But I see no way of becoming disenthralled.

A dark ranger stalks my footsteps;
I shall be captured and added to the prisoners of hopelessness.
Pain reigned, so I sought shelter within a drug.
Now all I am is lost in the wilderness and all I can do is wander on.

Could I have foreseen this foretold future?
Was it written down for me to read?
Is there any way I can fix my existence with a simple suture?
I need a loophole in my downfall, in which I can believe in,
So that I can put my faith in the hope that one day I shall be set free.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Brandon Conway Jun 2018
As I mope around the swamps of my brain
I think of nature’s beautiful scenery
Stuck in a world where currency reigns
Littered with mankind's rapacious factitious imagery

Sat in a cube, walls off-white
Ceiling tiles, **** stained
Trapped in ennui's plight
Blue light keeping a soul maimed

But there's a cure
Just beyond these walls
5pm, till then I endure
Then I can answer Edens call
Stuck in the frozen depths of hell of off-white walls filled with a cubical garden. Not the garden I want to grow.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Your endless love

You could bring me sunshine, or you could be my rain;
Either way I look forward to seeing you again.
You could be love, or you could be lost;
You could be good, but I want you bad.
I will willingly pay any cost,
To feel your love; to make you laugh.

If pain is what I must endure,
To be allowed to knock on your door,
The knock me to the floor with a thousand rejections,
Because you are my cure and I will always rise once more.

If I must lose all that which I have,
To hold onto your love, then take it all back.
I will give you all that which I have,
Because, I want you bad.

You give me hope when there is none.
You give me shelter from the pain.
You give me your tears of happiness,
When I am dying of thirst beneath the sun;
You give me anesthetic with your kiss when I am in need of being saved.

I can only give you my unending devotion.
You are already my endless passion in motion.
I can be the arms around you when you are in need of a hug;
I can only be what you are to me…
Will I remain your endless love?

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Bubble boy and his internal struggle

My heart is a bunch of knots;
So damaging to myself, my God!
Why can I not just catch a break?
And find someone, to ease this pain.

The drugs don’t work,
I need her.
Only she can cure this nausea.
So full of bile, I fake all smiles,
I think, I thought, I oughta.

Stay away because I am contagious;
No more self-dangerous, just so sick of it all!!!!
This is so much pain for one man to own.
I sit in silence to drown out the moans.
The noise cuts like a knife and I fall to the floor.

I have so much stress, so I detest,
This never rest.
This this.
Is this really the best I can do?
The most fun I can have without being ****.

I would remain sad, but as I exhale,
These words of fail,
I know all things, they end one day.
So if I have to suffer these nails,
That I keep within my body, frail,
Then surely I will one day be saved.
Saved from my eternal struggle,
Over quick double,
Triple the trouble.
Love can only burst my bubble.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Julia Guzmani Apr 2018
Let me tell you a thought
If you knew that I am caught.
Tell the judge to announce, guilty.
So I can reciprocate honesty.

Every single day inside the cell,
Innocence will lead you to hell.
While you still have the cure,
Love will win to keep you pure.

Close to the white color of clouds,
You will hear the wonderful sounds.
Like a choir of angels.
Smooth and bangles.

But I woke up with hunger, miracle!
I had a shortcut to get closer obstacle.
With a smell of medicines surrounds me,
I will always wish for the stars free.
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