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Alice Lovey Jun 2018
I crave for things unknown;
Tell me your story, I see your soul.
Once upon your tragedy or possibly your dreams,
Find me gazing intently at your given everything.
The intimacy of conversation;
Exchange these words with me.
Sit beside my person as we explore the galaxy.
Perhaps then I could learn from you,
Perhaps then teach you being new.
Would you mind getting lost with me
Where our hearts connected too?

I've lived forever in eternity,
I wish to know all to be known,
Time begets sincerity,
Sate my curiosity so.
Emotional connectedness and bonding over sharing souls with another human, though perhaps also a bit of loneliness.
Lyn-Purcell Jun 2018
Blessings in winter
Rain of spring leaves
Drift home once more
Hearth captures all hearts
with love as a cloak
And we bond
This one is an old poem I just found reading my old journal from 2012-13.
Man, time seriously flies! And the trip down memory lane is great!
It really shows how much I've evolved with my pen!
And I sure as hell will keep on inkin'! ^.^
Thanks so much everyone! You're all amazing!
Be back soon!
Lyn ***
Mosh Microbiomes Apr 2018
The greatest minds have repeatedly said
The matters of the heart are delicate & bare
So I looked & I looked, for the magical potion
Everytime a glimmer of hope shows, I think in slow motion

Wondering what this person would mean to me
Overthinking if I should just shut my brain & let it be
“Let’s see where it goes” if it goes, it never does
Let’s just have fun instead, ignore any real bonding or trust
Sneha Thakur Jan 2018
It was a link like the one between bonds ,
Irreplaceable and impeccable.
Bestfriends , what they said they were.
When together , they gained a definite optimum.
Fancied by the crowd ,
But deep down pitied by all.
Hearts pumped with the same rhythms ,
The same hesitancy and same agitations.
Bestfriends , what they said they were .
A bit drowsy , a bit shattered
What to consider next ,
Was her only possible quest.
But sooner or later ,
She will perceive the certainty ,
That it was no more than a witless sanction ,
Bestfriends what they said they were.
Akash mazumdar Nov 2017
Oh yes you don't belong to her and surely you never did,
I know there is a struggle doin it but you've to accept it,
Don't fall for seconds of  heavenly hallucinations,
You'll hit hard afterwards these potions ,
You know already that she got her man,
You're not the one why don't you understand,
Okay, there were of holding hands or intense scenes,
Just pretend they were just uneven chilled breeze,
Forget about them and just move on,
You know there is no reason goin through this storm,
Just get over it you know this way got wild turns and animals too,
Just stop right here because its not your way niether she belongs to you.
Twirl Jul 2017
Often I think that's it. The way I want things to be.
My future life.
Think this is gonna be my wonderful home.
We can grow old like this.

At good times I'm convinced of that.
But sometimes the thoughts getting dark and sinister.
Bonding is binding.
I won't do it half-heartedly.
I'm afraid of sharing my life.
Losing my control.
Relinquishing my independence.

And then I see you and everything lights up and I ask myself:
Why are you hiding your life?
It should be OUR life.
OUR control.
OUR independence.
When you entered into my barren life‘
My heart felt happy with your illumination
A chapter of new beginning was written
And new chapter was meant for rumination
Seeds of relationship we sowed yesterday
Now seem to be curious for germination
All evil thoughts destroying our sweet world
Are now apprehensive of their termination
To make this affinity more stable and strong
Our mutual understanding was very crucial
God from the heaven showered its blessings
And witnessed that our love was fiduciary
To make buds of our fervent desires bloom
Trusted each other with great dedication
Mutual understanding for unending bonding
We realized was the best and emphatic medication
Glowing in the dark is the attitude of true love
That poured into us enthusiasm and elation
And our ardent and per fervid commitments
Let the wings of our mission fly for dulation
Strong waves of wind taught us a lesson
Our desires and dreams we have to cherish
And gave us a magic spell of true relationship
Evil thoughts from our path we have to perish
I wish that every moment of my love is for you
Because you are the only shining star of my life
Always keep spreading your affection on me
Now I am your only partner and your only wife
Never leave me alone in the deep wood
To wander and cry for my caring soul mate
Will keep all promises that I made with you
You are my heart and you are my playmate

(By Kishan Negi)
Trust and faith make relationship more strong and more stable.
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