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Kash Dec 2016
Eating together is bonding
but I can only manage half
Nabarun Roy Sep 2016
Do you know How I treat you?
In my mind, In my heart?
Complex answer which can't be cut,
Wherever my life goes
There you flow,
Every moment I find you,
My heart gets extra dimensions with no clue.
Then after things increased its dimensions to top
And my heart grew a single huge loving crop.
The way I promised the crop to never leave
It in any harsh field,
You are the crop, You are that love,
Whom I found as a blue dove.
Never loved you as a girlfriend
Though, I went to be your best friend.
Dove was blue, thing was different,
The mind is fluent.
And yeah, I loved you more than those
Relations and it was an unexampled love like a transparent rose.
Actually, I don't know anything about life
Let the ignorance and anger come which I can rife.
Let them flow like a stream
No one will mind, but the anger will go and finish like a sweet cream.
I though, we have got better than ionic bond
But actually it was just a weak Vander Waal Force around,
Things just broke
With a single wind stroke,
Just Left me thinking
The consequences,
If I had pretended, used the fertilizer
The crop wouldn't have left the heart
And this unmovable heart
Failed to treat, failed to understand, failed to live.
Curse me, I couldn't understand the feelings in the crop.
I have written this for my best friend xD When things went to a misunderstanding :/
Maddy Oct 2016
Two minds bond together
A mutual feeling of oneness
Time stands still
Life and joy
The moment lives forever
Fingers running over velvet skin
Sweet scent of your body
Gentle movements in rhythm with our bonding
My heart sings with pure pleasure
The moment lives forever
Breathing and lost in time
Arousal wetness flows freely
Entering is ecstatic joy
Sighs of mutual pleasure
The moment lives forever

- Pearson-
Hanna Jordan Jul 2016
The mesmerizing sounds of nature
echoed through my ears
It was a blissful morning
we both agreed,
With his cup of coffee in one hand
and cigarette in the other
we talked for over an hour
on that beautiful porch,
breezing through every little topic
These mornings are what I live for
good conversation, coffee, and a pack of cigarettes.
Thirty years had passed me by
I was approaching fifty one
For my birthday I thought I would go
to New York and take my son
I'd been there once many years ago
When my boy was not yet born
With his mother gone, I thought it time
To go back there with my son
I checked the web and booked a room
In a hotel that looked real nice
It was just three blocks from Broadway
I guess I should have checked it twice
We flew on in from Michigan
We were set to see some games
We would also go to Broadway
And see some plays with some big names
I should have seen it coming
Problems arising from the start
Our plane was late in leaving
They had crashed the luggage cart
An hour to reload it
Got us off and in the air
With a strong tail wind behind us
The pilot said we'd soon be there
We landed at the airport
Waited forty minutes for our bags
You see, when they loaded us in Detroit
They forgot to fasten all our tags
We went outside to get a cab
We were almost to our stop
We would find the Biltmore Hotel
My young son and me...his pop
We told the taxi driver
To the Biltmore Hotel please
He said "Sir, are you certain"
"They've had bed bugs and there's fleas"
"I checked it on the internet"
"It looked nice and was cheap"
The driver said "OK Sir,"
"But, the's a heap!"
I thought a bit, but said...."come on"
"It cannot be that bad"
But as we pulled of Broadway
The neighborhood looked quite sad
The street was dark and nondescript
there was no one to be found
Except for idle yelling
You could not hear a sound
Windows were all boarded up
The farther we went east
I thought, for thugs and hoodlums
this street would yield a feast
I thought the cabbie might be right
A new hotel we'd get
But, I still had not decided
Even though the streeted was quite the threat
The sign outside the hotel
Was burned out in some spots
But, I guess from our reaction
We both deserved what we had got
I told the cabbie, do not stop
Just floor it and we'll go
The sign outside the Biltmore
lit up as "BI T MO **"
I wasn't gonna stay there
We went back and made it quick
Just looking at the Biltomre
Well, it really made me sick
I learned one thing this trip
Next time, I'll call ahead
And won't book at the "BIT MO **"
For I might just wake up dead.
MindsPalace May 2016
Life seems to
At moments in time, But never does it do so for more
Than a chime.
The holidays, birthdays, vacations Are fun; all nice and good, but
So fast they are done. These
Moments in between are Endlessly Long,
Where life stays dark and without Any song. I need some light, some
Real happiness, I need Some joy that keeps me in
Bliss. But Life doesn’t deal any hands like that, and in
The darkness
                                                   ­                                                            All alone
I sat.
                  Then came a lantern, Slowly, Pursuing,
It never gave up, it never stopped searching, it
Reached for my Inner soul And gave me an urging.
An urging of Trust, an urging of
Kinship, a start of
Respect, a glimpse of
Friendship. It truly
Cared and it Ignored my faults, no judging
Or hating, It should have left fast, but it didn’t.
It cared, and it gave. If my life was not then better, what
Yet Did I lack? With friends Loving like that.
Troubles are real and can’t be erased, but I’m still
Alive, for in
I’m Encased.
They are all I want and they’re perfect To me. Every day my friends are all
I want to see. A Hope, a light,
A Haven
That could never be more appreciated, they could never be
Replaced, or ever be Faded. I love this light; I do my best to be
A light back and give someone a rest from
Their own daily struggles.
Thank you My friend,
For being
And a Light
To me.
Your light
Shines on, so
Strong, My friend,
Shine on.
K Balachandran Apr 2016
Two protruding supple *******--
on much toned down
lactating, tender *******,
swollen, in anticipation
of thirst, awaiting open mouthed,
---are gently pushed in between
pursed, eager, fumbling lips,
of the newborn, who in no way knows,
what happens, in this world of strangers.

When milk in one is fully drained, as if by prompt,
it's the turn of the other full one, he knows.

Each one is avariciously taken in
by saliva dripping cute baby lips,
instinctively discerns it as "Mama dear"
even without opening tired  eyes
that fear the rushing, hurting light.

Motherly warmth, the distinct scent,his nose smells first
the bonding felt, when held close to her  warm *******,
incessant flow of lukewarm milk of love;
aren't these enough to make her presence felt
in the baby's nascent mind, that craves for a  mom?

This is the  precise moment, of the 'new born mother'
Mother, the flowing milk of life, protector, care giver.

As if in a dream just began to unfold,
the new born, like a bloom disarmingly smiles!
Closing her eyes as if to join in the baby's dream,
the mother suckles the infant in self oblivion.
The meaning of the pride written on her face
in hues of crimson, only a mother could fully discern.
Dileep Apr 2016
It's regarding the girl who loves tea , her world was full of books , as sugar and spice she has all those thoughts , some are light as air and some are as deep as ocean bed .She is someone whose natural , honest as hell . Her love is  something that is truly indescribable. She is beautiful in every possible way but it's always her own way  where it is most beautiful ..
It's always my pleasure to be friend of such a beautiful heart . My writing is dedicated to her .
there should be a oscar for the best smile
in the situation of a breaking heart.
i have become the greatest actress these past months,
swearing happiness in rhymed couplets,
and faking laughs while my soul cried.
i know you feel the same way i do:
and you deserve recognition for this performance
i can watch from across the pub -
your laugh seems genuine, your eyes are not,
as you wish them a happy honeymoon,
and secretly wish he was with you.
we deserve a prize, you and me, for an act
so accomplished only other actors can see.
we are the greatest pretenders, after all,
as we weep on the inside but carry on,
swearing to everyone but each other
that we are, we will be alright,
that we are not in love with what isn't,
that we won't forever be wishing
for what will never be.

(we deserve an award at least,
because we know we will never have them.)

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