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Haruharu Jul 2018
I lied.

I am afraid, like for real.

The empty promises from the past are haunting me.

Destroying this.

Biting my tounge, to not question.

A constant battle in my head.

The insecurities are there to remind me.

That no one ever stayed..
austin Jul 2018
One more day is fading away
as we ride this bus to the city
The storm is coming nearer now
And your bliss will turn to tears

We've almost reached our destination
Countless parachutes in the sky
These mosquitoes are swarming
before your eyes,
Just a moment's time til someone dies

The skies are getting darker now
Not a shard of light in this room
You'd better make good choices now
Or meet your impending doom

I hear your steps from the other room
And I'm already locked and loaded
You'd better get on running now
Or I'll destroy what's left of you

I walk upstairs to higher ground
and hear your cowardly whines,
I look in the eyes of my colleague
And said don't move, this **** is mine

I've made my way to my snipers' nest
and my eyes are set to ****
I've got my sights on your head right now
To pull the trigger, you know I will
This may or may not be a Fortnite inspired poem that I wrote for fun, lol
Save your gravity
For the fragile bones
That tread your mountainous rock

I will not fall again.

That slippage comes too quick
When weak men crawl
Like ants upon your surface

I am the fallen angel
Whose wings were too burdened
By the golden kiss of truth

I have fallen to this world
To this mountain
To this cliffside coffin

I have torn from the stone
A house and a life and a lover
I have risen beyond the curse that binds me

And I will not fall again.
forestfaith Jul 2018
Doesn't mean this person has mental illness.
Doesn't mean we Christians doesn't have suicidal thoughts too sometimes.
Doesn't mean this person is weak.
Doesn't mean they suffer from depression.
The devil tempted Jesus with suicide.
Understand it better please.
You are not alone.
Keep fighting!
We would fight with you this battle!
I am free to listen!
faa Jun 2018
A row of shoes were lined up,
Ready to be slipped on
Each pair unique, telling tales
It’s owner’s burden buried deep
their sufferings carried on

One of the pairs horribly reeked
Of long hours under the sun
Soaked with sweat and tears
That leaked from it’s owner’s eyes
And seeped through the owner’s toes
Exploitation and oppression
Tattered and slipper strings snapped
Which brings into question
Can we dare walk in those shoes?

Another pair was rather extravagant
Bejewelled, dazzling with rubies
The aroma of vanilla spreading
Through the radiant effervescence
Yet it held a vibe so ominous
Perhaps emitting unhappiness
From the riches that brought no glee
Which brings into question
Can we dare walk in those shoes?

Slipping your feet into a pair
crawling, walking or sprinting
Empathising in their shoes
Shredded from sufferings
Or stitched with threads of hope
What truly matters in those shoes
Is to understand with compassion
Gaining a glimpse of their wars
To interpret, understand and empathise
With “Verstehen” we can learn
And share our battle scars
Then perhaps, we can accept ourselves
And each other in solace
so let us ask ourselves, once again;
Can we dare step into their shoes?
"Verstehen" is a term coined by Sociologist Max Weber loosely characterized by three words; "interpret, understand and empathize", basically walking in someone else's shoes to understand them better. this poem was inspired by this very concept
Rose Jun 2018
I rubbed the gum wrapper so long my fingers turned green,
as pieces of tin foil fell like dust on this tattered pillow.
i sat obediently calm and quietly observant,
while you judged me for the amount of days i’ve lived
not considering the quality of those days.

I drove home screaming to melodies lost on me,
as the night air whipped my hair into tangles of hurt,
asking what plan He has for a soul like mine,
for no matter where i go, there simply isn’t a place for me.

It’s never a question of smiles gained or looks given,
but rather, the ways i can bend and form to ideas,
and how easily i can lie while waiting for the curtain to drop.
i can't conquer every battle and when i've lost i fall hard. this is for those who might have lost me, if they don't fix the crumbling path.
JLS Goldsen Jun 2018
Left said is of the simple stories unread,
Begun of tales lost and of mistakes within rot.
A flower blooms in the mist,
Open petals of human thirst,
Nourish, as the sun burnt, our seething scars learnt.
Each of each fought,
And this story witnessed by the stars,
Grows through the whistling call of the Sorrowful,
The Vengeful,
The Regretful.
All characters sought;
A kiss from the power of light, life with litigation,
Left and begun,
Battle and won, from all, anticipating admiration.
Hero, he is, to escape the soul of those that know him not.
He was everything, yet
Everything willing to bet.
The tale of called-on salvation from endless forget.
Script by the Gods, this desperation,
A play with human nature, I must mention.
He proved endearing eyes, grinning grimes,
By grain and by grain,
Destiny designs a breakable frame.
Prologue that will soon be followed by 4 parts with an epilogue.
Logan D Jun 2018
If you don't mind
Back off
Oh sorry, not you
But my mind

See, we fight often
He tries to take over
Trying to make me miserable
But I resist
I'm into happiness and bliss

Too much time spent
Playing scenarios
Suspecting things
Believing lies
We usually end up in a compromise

I used to wish for the superpower of mind control
Until I realized I already have it
I control my own mind
Call me Professor X
I just schooled my mind

Positive thoughts
No more hate
Righteous thinking
I'm changing my fate

Put me through hell
But I tied him down
Like Naruto did to the nine tails
Yeah you'll see me around
But I'll be glowing this time
you're one mindset away from a different life
Geanna Jun 2018
The feeling of loneliness takes over once again. This is a bit different, I admit. Day and night I sit and cry, I've finally stopped asking why. I feel like I lost all my friends, I lost all my family. it's a mess, the thoughts in my head. I know they love me, I know they care. Otherwise I wouldn't be here. By here I mean home, the home that they own. No one else is around, in the cold dark water I forever drown. All I have left is my lover. No brothers, no sisters, no father, no mother. I blind them with a smile, the smile that they trust. Soon it'll bust. The secrets, the lies, they're gonna ask "why?". Why didn't I say, why didn't I tell, why didn't I go out looking for help. But I did mother, I did father, I did brothers and sisters and oh my lover, I tried, I tried with all my might. I fought, I cried, I just need to find out why.
~ G.P.O
This is obviously not the best, but I tried and i'm still learning .. i'd love to hear your guys thoughts :)
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