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anotherdream Dec 2017
Demons flying,
Angels dying.
Left here sighing,
Drowning from crying.

Fading ashes finally fell,
Drifting down to fate.
No reason to yell,
No reason to hate.

Sudden fire surrounding,
Life has you captured.
Lost in my drowning,
My happiness raptured.

You’ve been captured,
You have lost.
Audible laughter,
Infinite bombs.

You gave up,
You finally quit.
Please load your gun,
Refuse to give in.

You will burn,
You will die,
Take your turn,
Roll the dice.

By the way,
Life is death.
No words to say,
Only last breaths.

You’re never ready,
Always afraid.
Keep your arms steady,
Remember how you’re made.

Take your shot,
Take the chance.
You’ve only got,
Scars on your hands.

Yes they hurt,
Yes they bleed.
You feel their burn,
So hard to breathe.

Why do I suffer,
Why is there pain?
No absence of cutter,
No absence of blades.
A poem about the war within us all...
Rylie Lucas Dec 2017
A demon is mean
An Angel is nice

A demon accepts all
An Angel only accepts its own

A demon sees past the rules
An Angel only sees before them

A demon cannot be understood
An Angel has no secrets

A demon can be trusted
An Angel cannot

Why can Angels be trusted?
Because no one is perfect
No one can be fully understood
No one that is "normal" exists

Demons are the human race
The ones that are all around us

Angels don't exist, sorry
Nothing so perfect has ever walked on this earth.
In my opinion(I'm atheist, haters gonna hate), Angels cannot exist for 1 reason: Nothing is perfect, especially religion. So if someone wants to say that something perfect is real, they can have their opinion.
Scarlet M Dec 2017
The first time I laid
my eyes on you,
a voice echoed, not too far
yet not too close,
suddenly it was blinding,
warm light,
as cliche as it sounds,
yes..., I blinked
and thought I saw wings,
and then I realized,
that devils could fly too.
uzzi obinna Jan 2018
Who am I to fly you to the sun,
Where the stars sit and watch us burn?
Who am I to take you to the sea,
Where Leviathan is supremacy?

Where else can I make your home,
A place where angels and demons roam?
Where can we find a safe hole-
A place to hide your precious soul?

Sometimes we can hear the ocean calling,
Sometimes its a still small voice whispering,
The voice Dear VIRGINIA heard- yes the troll,
We'll forever miss her- oh bless her soul;

What will the departed say of u and I?
Will they receive us in the sky?
What will we see when we look the devil in the eye,
Will it be hate, compassion, remorse or a battle cry?

Shall we see the pentagram when the sun king is born?
Will there be hope for the broken and the torn?
Will we hold hands and dance in the vineyard of Jezebel?
The vineyard which Naboth refused to sell.

What if we just sit beneath the stars tonight,
And watch our enemies burn in their fight?
And ask the moon to shine very bright,
So that none would be out of sight?

The world is in so much terror,
Anguish of an unending labor,
Children of perdition is all she brings forth,
Many without substance, without worth:

Gather your friends as we cross the red sea,
Let all those who say we can't, stand and see;
The sun and her friends shall stand still,
While we fulfill our hearts utmost will.
Tori Schall Nov 2017
Take the Pain
Take the Fear
I don't want them
to be left here

alone with me
because they
will break me
I fear

So angels send me
to a place where I can stay
away from the demons
that chase me in my mind

They fight and they kick
they never go away
so please help
and save me

From the demons
in my head
and let me sing
with you again
S Smoothie Nov 2017
What if i told you your demons are a result of constant programming you to want more than you need, more than you deserve?

What if i told you its completely reversable?

That you take over your subconcious conciously. Mindfully and manually work at the art of appreciation. Tell your self what you constantly dont need.

Dont fall for the time trap. It was invented by the rat race to turn us all into rats  Pavlov's dogs on steroids. Silence the bell and make a concious choice using your God-given free will.

Smile at the sun, wink at the moon,warmly blow a kiss to the stars and never look back at the passive way you let those demons control your life.

Pain free, drug free, because you choose to give it no consent. No dominion.

You, one of the great contributions of this incredible world; who was stopped from manifesting all your pitential because you were too busy trying to find a name and a source for your apathy and frustration.  Because thats the way a fool is used as tool of destruction.

YOU have THE  POWER to CHANGE EVERYTHING. Its in YOUR HANDS. Call in the beauty and grace of the universe as I AM
It is assured.

What if you BELIEVED me?
Author's Notes/Comments:
I dare you to think better on purpose  call out the **** you dont need and cast it off  whats stopping you from trying? What ever it is conmand it to leace and replace it with patience kindness and appreciation. Fear is for the oppressed.
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