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Poetic T Feb 2018
I could clip the wings of angels.
           but still they would think
that heaven was a place to step upon.

When every god is deceased,
            and fact becomes reality .
                      Some still grasp at straws.

*"We are awoken no longer slumbering  in denial,
Arcassin B Feb 2018
By Arcassin Burnham

My body and my soul is not luxury,
I'm glad to take a loss since I took so many,
I would die for you if you're a friend to me,
The inner parts of my life might end up in an agony,
Does it cost to me?

**** me off and become a pile,
Of rotten flowers on the floor smothered in the nile,
Not a savior or your brother,  not looking for a smile,
Pull a card out of the deck and take me to being a child.
Is it worth while?


In my own element, in unwinding sentiment,
The peace and the life of an uncritically punishment,
Hear no evil,
See no evil,
But hear no one when they're on that *******,
Trying hard,
Not enough,
To not end up in up the devil's pit,
Slaughter house,
Secret society,
They've been plotting on us all,
Trust no one,
Use your sight,
Stay awake,
Hope we don't all fall.
Jessie Schwartz Feb 2018
Heavens Battle… by Jessie 3/05

Long ago Lucifer, was cast away by sin

Heavens door unguarded; Lucifer snuck in

Heaven calm and quite at peace, until evil came to play

Everything it touched turned black and darkened all the days

Panic hit the heavens, Serenity the cost

Fallen Angels everywhere, this war was almost lost

But suddenly, there was a light, bearing down upon the hoard

Arch Angels, in their war attire, sent to battle, by the Lord

Like locusts in a feeding swarm; evils minion stomped and stormed

The Angels drew their battle lines; alliances were formed

Swords clinched with in their fists, slashing at the beast

Pools of blood, horns and wings strewn beneath their feet

The smell of death was in the air; the tide began to change

The Angels force was mightier, than Satan and his gang

Backing up the evil and sending it below

Cries poured out from both sides, with each crushing blow

All four Arch Angels; exhausted from the fight

Circled amongst the fallen, on that apocalyptic night

Gabriel was wounded, Michael much the same

Raphael and Uriel, each taking half the blame

Gabriel’s wing half severed, a **** in Michael’s side

Both continued fighting, finding strength within their pride

Four against the many; brave and pure of heart

Broke right through the enemy’s lines and tore them all apart

Back to back these four fought, ridding heaven of its curse

Knowing had they not succeeded; things would be much worse

Other Angels finely came, to carry off the dead

Cleaning up the heavens floor, stained by blood of red

Tears were shed for fallen friends, which stood against the foe

To this day the numbers, no one seems to know

Then all the Angels sang a song, Angelic and full of grace

About the time when goodness won and drove evil from this place
Jessie Schwartz Feb 2018
Emerald Rain…by Jessie  05/06

Emerald rain from heavens skies; sparkle in the sun.

Millions of them all alike, all except for one.

One drop, unlike the rest; special and stands alone.

Squeezed out from an Angels eyes; greener than the stone.

In the drop, a seed of hope, planted from the fall.

A way to change and rectify, the damage done by all.

From one seed, the world changed.

Hate replaced by love.

Harmonious states of happiness;

Showered down, from up above.

No Angel knows which one of them, sent that single tear.

That switched the course of human life.

For all the coming years.

Once in every thousand years, the Angels gather round.

Look upon the state of man, while faces turn to frowns.

Sadden by the damage; all the Angels cry.

Emerald drops of rain, falling from their eyes.

One Angel carries the sacred tear.
Which saves us from our sins.

That cast away the damage.

And saves us once again.
paige v Feb 2018
rotten apples and roaches
covering the ground
that she sleeps on and dreams
about the day she is found

weighed down by the cement
he’d poured in her veins
that hasn’t yet dried
since it constantly rains

past the ****** skies
beyond the apple tree
the girl with the heavy heart
calls out to me

i can’t help but watch her
as she struggles to survive
when her body starts to decay
and she’s eaten alive
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