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mythie Jan 2018
What's the difference between an angel and a devil?

Both have powers and are worshipped.
Both have powers unthinkable to mankind.

Both can look illegally beautiful.
Both can have wings.

When you think about it,
Lucifer was just a fallen angel.

Perhaps every "demon" or every "devil."
Is just an angel in disguise.

They didn't want to live constricted.
They lived in a cage that God had built.

Even the scariest demons have some light.
So look inside yourself.

Find redemption.
Adam Robinson Jan 2018
Take the halos from our heads;
Grabbed hold of the burden;
Placed them in our eyes and saw;
That pretty face in pain;
& caught our small souls - so raw,
I could even feel you again.

We needed to set you free;
From angels eyes aglow;
So you are not alone;
But our nature hides from view;
This twilight dream has hailstone,
& battered my heart so blue.

If heaven ever took heed;
from our grey creatures fey;
It would know of fairer things;
& not slay 'twisted' love;
You claw at your doll's heart-strings,
But fawn over the silk glove.
You reach into yourselves,
and find no magic dove.
But there is a answer,
to calm your weathered friends,
Creep into the old stories,
let them be known onto you,
greet them like old siblings,
and they will not smother you.
They lost no war in clouds,
and seek and look with no frowns,
they carry themselves with pride,
not banished or forced to hide,
Listen to their song,
Protect their corroding land,
Look at them softly,
and hold onto their immortal hand.
If iron modernity is too much,
In its boil, steam and hiss,
Listen and know only this -
For the faeries hold more wisdom,
than the banker's unkind system.
Let The Melody Shine
Irina BBota Jan 2018
Give me a one-way ticket to Nowhere,
to be like a solitary, unique flower,
to see thousands of morning stars,
to be the longing's sweet desire.

Give me a one-way ticket to Anywhere,
my wings have forgotten how to fly,
for going back to my world in seconds,
the resignation will have to pass me by.

Give me a return ticket Anytime,
to give. Because I forgot to receive.
Am I in the clouds or on the ground?
I have loved and I love now, I believe.

Give me a return ticket Anyway,
I do not ask for me to be understood.
I do not want any self-consumption,
angels wouldn't care, but I would.

Crystal Freda Jan 2018
A snowy midnight moon
glazes over your window.
Ice cold winds try to breeze in
with a rushing flow.

Peaceful dreams encounter you
with an angel's sweet voice
calming you from the brisk winds
and effecting you to rejoice.

Dreams bringing such positivity
and wondrous light
Glorious stars settle in the skies
for this magical night.

Angels sing such amazing songs
floating in your dreams.
Wings ever so heavenly
like radiant, sparkling beams.

Rest is taken softly
on this chilly Christmas night
where angels are flying
with magic ever so bright.
Arcassin B Jan 2018
By Arcassin Burnham

Followed Illusion , Persuade A conclusion,
You don't know what I've Been through.
Juvenile Institutions , Unnecessary Retributions,
Should have had a better virtue.
People stepping over, while ignorance will linger,
trust me I've been through worse.
Heaven shines the most in summer, Collects souls in the winter,
I hope that yours get up there first.
To live for eternity is easy if your born with a good heart
and to the beyonder every time you fall in rock bottom like a
lets hope you skipped the ripples,
don't be the man in the middle.

To have somebody waiting for you is joyous even when you fall so short
in a life unexpected thinking how it could have been if he came down from
his throne to talk to you,
Live life to the fullest man cause you've only got one in such a short amount of time
looking at the past you had,
don't be so sure that time for you is running low,
people are poisonous like Salmonella,
but you just say whatever , look what you've done done done done.
If I only
had one
In the
of time,
I would
to the
moment of
when I had
met him by
and we
spoke of
how the
eyes were
the windows
to the soul,
I saw through
his, as he
within mine,
the robes of
angels of light,
deeper still,
we were
In a language
to our own,
the waves
rolled over,
reality, the
mist of
our teas,
and the
soft clouds
of the sky
all faded
to become
the whispers
of our universe
CE Jan 2018
a 7 day
is the only day
I can get into heaven

46 times a year
(not including the whole of july)
I'm allowed to try

7, 17, 27

lucky numbers

I didn't think I'd make it through 2017
a year of free passes
to let the angels walk me down the aisle
and marry me to the sky

on a 7 day
they- the angels-
will calm my trembling and convulsing body
clean up all of my *****
take out the part of my brain that makes me feel bad
grab hold of my bleeding wrists and bandage them with feathers and love

they hold my hands
lifting me up by the grace of god herself
and 700 eyes emerge
out of every wound and pore in my skin

and I become
my own angel
my own god

I will become
my own holy number 7
suicide by number 7 seems like a wonderful way to go. Maybe thats my autism talking.
mythie Jan 2018
A crumbling god lays in my grasp.
As he lay coated in my tears.
I can't help but hope they heal him.

He said we'd ascend.
We'd leave our flesh vessels.
To watch over them like gods.

Yet, with all the power I've consumed.
Why is the body I'm holding stiff?
I've become a god, all you've ever wanted.

When you said you could join me.
Was that just a lie?
You said we could rid the Earth of filth.

What do I need to do to tell you I love you.
Would it take mere words to bring you back?
Ashes to ashes.

A tall man came today.
Coated head-to-toe in black.
He said he could bring you back.

For one small price.
If I gave up my name, my identity.
For that, you would return.

I accepted.
I await your arrival.
While you rest, I caress you.

I need to rest, I've been awake too long.
You may not remember me.
But that is alright.

For you see, my dear.
As long as you are here.
We can be gods all we'd like.
mythie Dec 2017
You're like me.
We're one and the same.

You can be the moon, I'll be your sun.
When we eclipse we will rule this land.

Take my hand, let us become one.
We shall consume this universe.

Let us watch these puny humans from the stars.
Nobody will ever hurt us, or touch us again.

We have the power to mould this world into whatever we like.
A world with peace, and without filth.

Or maybe just devour the world.
And start it again, brand new.

Hand-in-hand, I find my strength.
My other half.

The Venus to my Mars.
The Eve to my Adam.

We can control these failures under our wrath.
Our reign shall last an eternity.

I will no longer let you be humiliated in a horrific reality.
Take my hand, let us ascend.
Grey Mask Dec 2017
There they wander,
lost, mourning and weeping.

Under a red sun ever-bleeding,
under a sky veiled by smoke,
under a dull moon without luster.
Over everburning cities and thirsty fields,
over blasted mountains and mired seas,
over dark oceans hiding twisted wrecks.

Drifting in burning wind on ashen wings,
over bones long-since become dust,
tears like rain, salting the ruins.

Abandoned angels on a dead world,
guardians with none they could save.
To the poor guardian angels that couldn't save us from ourselves.
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