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Dec 2024 · 125
Yesterday's dismal
Marty T Ottman Dec 2024
Days bleed into eachother, leaving remnants of a extinct past to surrender like a bygone, along with all expectations gone wrong, while hoping for new propitious beginnings. Time to break every fear inside, what's left of me as died,  and have declined and decreased its hold.  

(Will be continued) ♡
Dec 2024 · 141
Marty T Ottman Dec 2024
Distasteful floods my conscience, as subtle has it replicates.
A monster that was deep inside, the fires in your eyes.
Unlisted heart to confide,  just to surmise the glimmer in those skies.

No end in sight yet, we will be fine.
Verge of a new day's break, wasting daylight. What a beautiful master design as im a held captive upon the confinds of your time.

(Will add on more later)
Been a while since I was active on here. I'm going to Reimpervise my old literature so it's more pleasant and share some of my band stuff I've been conjuring up.
Arcane influenced
Dec 2021 · 503
Heart's hold
Marty T Ottman Dec 2021
Sometime acceptance is key to forget about what took the heart's hold.
May of fold, for everything in front of you that you behold.
Cherish what still may accumulate from this cursed concept of time.
Rehearse this mere delusion as it just another illusion illustrated between bonds you may not be fond of, but it will be fine.
Push through and don't miscue.
Remember the solace in the heart but don't take forgranted it's expression.
As it very much may so be your lesson.
Times ran deary, release the fury that no longer serves you.
Don't let the tension of nerves breaththrough.
Rest in a new awake, and don't forsake a new day's break. -marty.
Jun 2021 · 286
Constraints of love
Marty T Ottman Jun 2021
You know sometimes I need to re-familiarize exactly what was so present i have realized.
Correlating between these eyes.
A delicate beautiful world arises upon a soul you became to adore.
May wield caution with a heart I pour.
Her atmosphere  tends to bewilder you,
Be wary of her fragile nature.
As I construct  this sentence  to construe.
As I trace the portraiture of her.
The subtle silence of her breaths resonates  unspoken words you are face upon.
Its a tragedy of the death of such expressions that belong.
As they seem to lose there authenticity.
Admittedly  i confess she may be just a mystery.
Along with the nights that transmute to day, except  ill never stray.
Time lost in the conjuction ..
Just can't help to notice the foreign Construction of her essence.
As it may appear as a pleasance.
Don't get to entranced.
Cause you just may miss the chance.  
As appealing as her resonation seems.
A composure  to redeem as I drift upon her dream.
Jun 2018 · 715
Marty T Ottman Jun 2018
Where ever you may be let there be solicitude. Clear all other moods my dear. a sensitivity you took for granted. All the ******* you ranted. Still all is forgiven, but not forgotten. As my inner demons want to see you rotting. this battle inst over yet, let compassion fill your heart; before all is to late an ripped apart. you had my sympathy but forget my empathy. Let off the deep end, descend my ill minded friend. i know this is hard to comprehend. quite useless indeed. just heed the warning because we may not see the next morning my friend. peace cease to rest as for your no longer here, just a mirror i broke.  so evoke or choke on this toxic air. as its seems harder to bare.   to everyone who thinks differently or indifferently i wish you all well. as i step through hell watching from the inside out.. endless route. i now walk in solitary, that this wont end through any

promissory i held.  ashes fades to grey.  only to feel betrayal to watch all vanish away.

_ marty  X.x ftw an FML
Jun 2018 · 542
Marty T Ottman Jun 2018
Where ever you may be let there be solicitude. Clear all other moods my dear. a sensitivity you took for granted. All the ******* you ranted. Still all is forgiven, but not forgotten. As my inner demons want to see you rotting. this battle inst over yet, let compassion fill your heart; before all is to late an ripped apart. you had my sympathy but forget my empathy. Let off the deep end, descend my ill minded friend. i know this is hard to comprehend. quite useless indeed. just heed the warning because we may not see the next morning my friend. peace cease to rest as for your no longer here, just a mirror i broke.  so evoke or choke on this toxic air. as its seems harder to bare.   to everyone who thinks differently or indifferently i wish you all well. as i step through hell watching from the inside out.. endless route. i now walk in solitary, that this wont end through any

promissory i held.  ashes fades to grey.  only to feel betrayal to watch all vanish away.

  X.x ftw an FML
Jun 2018 · 470
Marty T Ottman Jun 2018
erase all traces left.
forsaken,  as the world is breaking in.
**** this your gone..
***** strong.
your past is over due
embrace the true. define you, push through or you through?
Weight of the decision we all have anchor us down...
Apr 2018 · 433
Remnants of a soul
Marty T Ottman Apr 2018
When I stare into the stars they remind me of how you illuminated my entire world,  before the sky got so tired cause it's left in the reflection​ you imprinted​ it with. These days grow longer reminding me how all the beauty is precious before taken for granted.   Than it doesn't refuse to break through..  As season may change the reason that mark just  exactly everything in this heart.   Leaving the pluses​ absently  beating in your presence.  The ocean may collide with its heavy blue waves crashing but doesn't quite compare to these eyes that collided with my soul that lit up the darkest depths deep within.   Everything taints in your reflection cause I doesn't surpass the beautiful unique  soul that stood before my eyes..  Even in the most concealing disguise  she will shine ever so bright an that right there was my light..  An  nothing could dim such a twin flame that could never drain..  Even if its ever taken away.  In my heart chained down in your reflection..  The truth that steers my direction
Another hopeless poem x.x
Jan 2018 · 568
Marty T Ottman Jan 2018
Trap in your mirror reflection.
A world Lost through space an time. No rhyme through the disconnection;Of the objection, stabilizing the this infection. You said I'll be one gone well your wrong.

Spreads like some ******* plague.
Colors dancing with me tonight.
As your words turn vague.
Something seem so outright.
You valued your light while I remained your opposite within one with the dark.

Piercing eyes to dish threw the *******.
fierce as the mixture of toxins in your bloodstream couldn't you admit.

Trying to find an urge to resist but **** it barley feels I exist. Run astray, warped in the present.
Make it alive. Make it alive.
Or... Real.
Jan 2018 · 505
Marty T Ottman Jan 2018
yeah im unobtrusive.
say it went from extrovert to introverted
i find it quite exclusive. just amusive.
just as others are to divert from being alert.
quite abusive huh, here something you can dissect.
pull your mind out onto the table to find your motives,
to disconnect all you infect.
to notice, an focus.
lesson in disguise.
dont follow your own lies
just some midnight deep thought. plus i haven't posted in a while hope you enjoy this ***** complex mind
Marty T Ottman Jul 2017
Maybe two minds never come close to thinking alike,  feels like my heart has gone on strike.  Do i even cross your mind when time consumes you.   sitting here feeling like less.  Just some pathetic mess, my head is saying let it go. Chest already dropped to low.   You've done it this time. Forget about the rhyme. Clear your mind.  just like the rest, just  to put you up to the test.  Lovely adoring but the games an simple things you forget will all add up in the end.    This poem is just mixed feeling, but i resist to  heal.  Rather lower my head until  the day I'm dead. Happiness is just an illusion to me. Just something i can no longer see.  Be the last of my words written down.  Time to let this drown.    Made your bed, so get  out of my head.  Cuz all they do is haunt it until i fall.

" sometimes things just shouldn't phase  us but when you rethink of them twice they seem to pour through your walls
Jul 2017 · 224
Marty T Ottman Jul 2017
You have your ways to invade my deepest slumber.
Leaving me there to wonder..  
The imprints of your reflection an traces.
As the reflection through resurrection shows the past perfection id thought were erased.  
Two Soul's departure but trying to ignore the torture but id amit its getting harder...
Depart. Lonesome.  Second guessing.  Logic pain.  Refusal
Jun 2017 · 414
Marty T Ottman Jun 2017
My heart is left vacant.
Wait... Am I mistaken.  
You left a impact here..  
Just to abstract...  I fear.  
So you wish to know what haunt the horrors inside my dear.  
Inside here  we look what been tainted.
How I been intoxicated drowning and faded I been awaiting for your voice.  
That could isolate any noise.
I know you know how to save the heart but where it rest lies upon your command and that where everything else stands..
Marty T Ottman Jun 2017
Something  doesn't seem right..  Maybe im hopeless..  Oh well goodnight.   Miserable  intensely to the point you wish you never felt. My problem is what surrounds me drowns Me. Maybe the person I met than doesn't quite exist there now.   Here in the moment when im looking..  In your heart.   Looking to see if there quite any parts to put together.  Bu im afraid not.  Is is worth it. Or to turn an let what really means everything any literature  or   emotion can Stand for fade with the rest. From the start we stray from the heart but when you find you way back it to late with everything torn apart.  Honesty these days drag on..  They say its a new begining but where do we pick of from were we left off...  Honestly I know should be equal blame an mutual understanding  but doesn't seem like you nor anyone of the sort understands truly from within what it means to be without.   Rebuild to destroy..  Heal what it may..  But honestly if this is what your feel comfortable with.  Than acceptance will be my absence.  I just believed everything you said an I guess its all in my head. -marty
Jun 2017 · 357
Distance confusion
Marty T Ottman Jun 2017
Thought we were close.
When everything I enjoyed you propose but I assume you oppose.  
Maybe your dangerous.  
Nature  that once was.
***** it guess I open all there is.  
No bliss.  
No fairy tail ending.  
Guess​ there nothing exactly  im defending​

Sometimes letting goes how you  all you chose...
Even you felt use.  
Thought I found myself in you with control..
But maybe they are apart of the flow.
Proving all they said were lies.  
I can't deny
May lie to myself on my behalf.
While you have the last laugh when  im writing  this paragraph
Jun 2017 · 411
Another restless night
Marty T Ottman Jun 2017
To many thoughts invested with the reflection of It all in sight where I know my affirmation won't reunite..  Tell myself marty what the hell is wrong with this picture...  But with the liquor was the last glimpse  of her,  an now your a ghost in her reflection​. ..  Due to such immature aggression   instead of your true intension..  Now that hands of another will soon behold your entire world while your here to wonder if being strong the only option is exactly worth the time..   Pretending its all fine..  Seeing your whole purpose behind your existence is missing due to your pathetic  excuses..  An mistakes..  Now everything you love forsakes you. The painful truth In whole. . so everyone is else take this advice..     Take her or him to greatest heights. . cause it worth the fight dont do what I did..   Cause there are only so many chances until its all gone. An i buried myself alive until I die.
Just embrace  what means  that most to you
Jan 2017 · 709
inflicted contempt
Marty T Ottman Jan 2017
they say that’s out. No dice. Preposterous. Absurd. Went completely unheard.
That was then; this is now.
Now is sober reflection in direction.
Now is routine. The rest unseen.
Now is habit falling into havoc. Now is empty.. whats your trend? To apprehend ****.
Don't let ignronace be the interference.
Jan 2017 · 1.1k
(the beauty lies within)
Marty T Ottman Jan 2017
They  say I should  smile but it's quite not my style but I have to admit it's been quite the while.  Miserably painted, but not quite tainted.   Precisely  waiting. When the whole scene quit hating on fragile  things as it seems.   The strength to stand, to understand the reason how such events may occur revolving all you thought you embraced, faced. Without a trace you erase the value of what it could be worth deep within.    Beneath the skin. Where a majestically  beautiful world, a universe lies.  Many disguise, other wise to harmonize what shines that intertwines  at the core.  That they ignore, how extraordinary with the things behind the eyes.  My concept may be  in ordinary of what truly lies beneath your surface.   The thing we call purpose instead of a limited burden inside of him.
Many don't see beyond their apprehension.
Jan 2017 · 944
conflicting images
Marty T Ottman Jan 2017
what is it when every time witness your image.. minutes feeling like forever, when i know everything is finished.   reflections may not be as vibrant as they use to be, you know everything seem to  turns translucent.   lucid, but losing what it exactly meant to an extent. lingering  somewhere rather known dwelling deep inside. let alone all i confided just a piece is missing, when it comes to reminiscing. i know it doesn't make any difference. past tense to present.. the  significance lost its value.. its not a coincidence. just dont  misrepresent
Jan 2017 · 335
hollow walls
Marty T Ottman Jan 2017
I try to revive a design i chosen this moment, to stop on my self-erosion. but in this moment that is falling apart i keep thinking.. i wont let the past confine me, Is the path I chose where I should start?I keep sinking further, drowning  in silence.  its timeless.
all is deceiving.
im leaving.
                       others grieving for everything their not        
the weight of my decisions                    are impossible to hold.
                           keep me behind your dead eyes
            your not that disguise,               you externalize
                             all these words played out cold
                     trap me in your          broken mind
                      i know i cant  pretend, i wont find
                              exactly went wrong this time
                                  and i wont ever be the
                                    same again and i
                                      know your pushing
                                to get the upper hand
                      You don't divide, you blur the lines
Destroy yourself and start again    the walls you build kept you in
Dec 2016 · 646
two colliding world.
Marty T Ottman Dec 2016
What if it's took a different course.
Forget all the remorse, pretty lies.
Beauty in disguise, honestly..You don't see me.
Loyalty unfolding into anxiety.
Once these eyes saw beneath the surface.
As a purpose drench in worthless daze .
Running in mazes.. worsen by the condition in illusions of the beat of your heart ... question my ways.. things that portrays that amaze..Guess I should rephrase.
All those pretty words, whole world left unheard .
When it feels like your heart strikes up against your chest, morals to the test.. I's for the best.
Impressions lost.. confessions toss, Colliding  obsession.
Dec 2016 · 1.2k
Marty T Ottman Dec 2016
Man I think I've seen enough of staring death in the eyes, cause couldn't disguise or even come to terms to emphasize  what was before my eyes, I've uncover the lies, made a paved pathway for the condemned to walk upon.
Depraved to stand aside, when we confide what left of us, words of this some wont comprehend.
unlisted.  Missed it.    Before your eyes.
          Harmonize the thought                           To later dismiss it.
     But we all know I'll reminisce it later.
To my twin, or wrath.
No difference of how thick the blood runs if my math is right I step foot right into your path.
Dec 2016 · 525
sight of enlightment
Marty T Ottman Dec 2016
Enlightenment passes beyond the sight.
May seem frightening to ignite your insight.
Comprehension is the key.
While other hides in condescension.
Lacking to understand the actuality of energy.
With our culture we fail to make refinements.
When awareness is thrown around as if it's opinions without any basis of actual facts.
As alignment is left on silent.
Other perceive so careless, selfish, just so contentious..most just collapse any genuine information regarding principles of ones own essence,  unfortunately they resort to a close minded relapse.
So many are so skeptical..
Fill with delusions from "occult" propaganda and manipulation.
Leaving people barely in the eyes of enlightened comprehensible, instead of dimensional.
As many forget the trillion of constellations that are above us, nor explore such inadequate reasons for limitations for inspirations.

— The End —