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fustypetals Sep 2021
swollen eyes
keeps shedding tears
flowing down the cheeks
holding back feelings

swollen throat
unspoken words
feel so suffocated
yet, we pretend to be unbothered
fustypetals Feb 2017
besi yang kuat pun dapat berkarat.

fustypetals Jan 2018
i dont know
why your name is still
the prettiest thing to write about.

fustypetals Jun 2019
I stop writing
cause I stopped being sad

but do we need to be sad
to make beautiful words
comes out from our minds?
fustypetals Dec 2020
idk how to express my feelings anymore
it just too—
fustypetals Sep 2024
aku takut jatuh,
terlebih kepada cinta
rasa yang menghanyutkan,
menenggelamkan kesadaran

aku takut jatuh,
terlebih kepada luka
rasa yang menyedihkan,
menenggelamkan harapan
(Indonesian ver.)
fustypetals Nov 2024
guess our meetings
will always lead us,
to an end?

but here it must be said,

you were never something—
that i regret,
or hate afterward

you'll always live forever in me
our love was once growing,
even though, in the end,
it had to stop

i admire you always;
in everything you do,
you always look great,
at least in my eyes

i cherish you always;
in everything you did,
you gave me things,
i didn't know i needed

all these meetings,
were filled with love—it grew within me,
and there will always be
a garden of it inside me
i thank you, thousand times. and i love you, always. :)
fustypetals Jun 2019
is where I can be truly with you.
fustypetals Feb 2018
ku tau ini tak mudah,
kau yg membuat ini sulit
seperti benang yg terlilit

tak ada alasan,
namun kau datang
tak ada penjelasan,
namun kemudian kau pergi

apa harus ku biarkan saja?
ah tidak!
sudah muak rasanya
begini saja terus rasa hatiku

seperti benang,
yang jika dipaksakan untuk ditarik,
akan mati

jika keinginanmu adalah pergi, maka pergilah;
jangan lagi kembali padaku, karena mungkin aku sudah menutup pintu hatiku ini untukmu.
fustypetals Jun 2018
when you already got her,
don't you ever find another "her".
one is enough.
fustypetals Oct 2018
the day they left me
they think that I was the one
who's getting away

then I got no friends to talk
to share
to walk around

I hate my life in that days
feel so alone and lonely
sometimes I can't even feel that I'm alive

but after times passes
I build my confidence
think I don't really need them

why don't I make the new one?
start from saying "hi let's be friend"
now I got all the loves that I need

these power of new friends
makes me feel alive
and now;

I forgot how it feels to be lonely

thank you for all of my friends who always be there for me<3
fustypetals Jan 2023
the more i grow up,
the more i realize that
i hate my surroundings,
i hate being around them

the hatred grows,
within me—
the serenity planted,
within me—

being exiled,
i'm used to it
but not with loneliness—
not when everybody is around
fustypetals May 2020
scratch my fingers
until it turns red
clenched my fist
till it left a crescent mark
hold my words
till my throat hurts

I'm tired,
keeping all this feelings on my own
living in fears
being scared of everything

I just want it to be over.

fustypetals May 2017
I know its not as easy as I imagine it
I know it takes so much time
I know sometimes it can make your heartbeat stops
I know sometimes it can make you hard to breathe
I know you can't take it anymore
I know you want to get over it but you can't
I know you always find ways
I know you tired
but hey, I know you've tried

fustypetals Jan 2018
do you ever think about
how funny we finally got used to it?
you with her,
me with myself​,
and us,
with a high thick wall between us.

but if you asked me
am i ok? probably (not).
fustypetals Jan 12
for years,
i've waited for years,
turns out, the excitement
blinds all the visions

i can't see what is this supposed to mean?
where this thing should go?
where will this feeling lead us to?

it comes to an end
it comes to an end
it comes to an end

and eventually—
it ended here.
fustypetals Jan 2022
but last night—
after two years,
you smiled to me,
waved your hands,
and we both laughed
to each other's stories

the light turns darker—

you took my hand,
slowly lifted it up
right above my head,
make movements
as if you wanted me to spin
as if we were dancing—

and we danced all night,
somewhere only in my dreams.
oh, if only I could control it so I could hold it longer and do the other things I wanna do with you.
fustypetals Sep 2024
i'm afraid of falling,
especially in love
a feeling that pulls me under,
drowning consciousness

I'm afraid of falling,
especially in pain
a feeling that saddens,
drowning hope
(English ver.)
fustypetals May 2017
I miss you
all this day
but I can't show it
by just telling you from a latenight text
or by just saying it in front of you
or doing something for you
because you will not read it, aren't you?
you will not hear it, aren't you?
and you will not assume it, aren't you?

because basically,
you really don't care about my feelings anymore.

fustypetals Apr 2017
it was two years ago,
where I can have you in my arms
it was two years ago,
where I can be so happy everyday

cause I can see you
and you will always be around me
I feel like I will not going to lose you—
but no,
things like this will not happen anymore

now you got your new baby boo
it's time for me to let you go
and its ok if you're not going to be mine anymore
I hope you'll be happier with her

fustypetals Aug 2022
the tippy toes dancing
the whole heart feeling
the wide smile faces
the desire to dance every seconds
the happy humming wherever i go

oh, to be falling in love
i miss having these feelings, but i'm scared to fall in love again.
fustypetals Dec 2023
fingers entwined,
i wrap your arm with mine,
you wrap me with your warmth

stare at each other's eyes,
i fell into how beautiful yours is,
it shines as it tells me—
how do you feel about me
p.s i loved you from the start
fustypetals Apr 2021
I love,
and I still love;
it's never been a right time
as we think
we both not meant to be

I wait,
and i'm still waiting;
as I thought
there might be a hope
for both of us

I stay,
and I still stay;
wherever and how far you'll go
when you came back,
you'll see where I stand
we both know there's still few sparks between us, didn't we? but we just don't wanna show it to each other.
fustypetals Feb 2017
pada akhirnya,
aku tak lagi peduli,
begitu juga dengannya

pada akhirnya,
aku lelah,
dan begitu juga dengannya

pada akhirnya,
tak ada lagi yang akan saling mengingat diantara kita,
kau tak ingat aku,
aku pun juga begitu

pada akhirnya,
tak ada lagi yang akan saling mempertahankan,
kau akan membiarkanku pergi,
dan aku pun juga akan begitu

tapi aku akan membiarkan waktu berjalan,
karena aku percaya,
seiring waktu berjalan,
semuanya akan menjadi baik-baik saja

fustypetals Sep 2024
"they will leave soon anyway,"
said the heart that never belonged to anyone

she knows,
so she never begs anyone to stay
fustypetals Apr 2017
I talked to the moon last night
about what happen between us,
he didn't heard​ me

I asked the stars
trying to find the answers about us,
and they're just give me their little blink

so now you all know,
all I got is just a silence.

fustypetals Sep 2017
this is not goodbye
this is not goodbye
this is not goodbye
this is not goodbye

i dont want it to end, so please please please just stay.
fustypetals Aug 2017
i went to a coffee shop
and bought a cup of latte,
it smells so good as your parfume
its colour was brown as your eyes
and the foam was white as your skin

but then,
as i gulp my latte down,
i realized;
it was bitter as you too.

fustypetals Nov 2024
i read it,
i read it again,
and i keep allowing myself,
as long as i still need to

although re-read
the same chapter leads to
the same ending,
little do they know—
it can also deepen
our understanding
in every book you read, life you live, or circumstances you face, if you find yourself in it all over again, it's okay. sometimes, it happens just so you can discover and truly understand something. and that's the key to moving past from that one chapter :-)
fustypetals Aug 2024
it is one of the things—
that can make you feel alive,
it is also one of the things—
that can take your heart lives.
fustypetals Sep 2024
sit where there are only few people,
the quiet merges as the wind whispers
holding to things yet i can't hear
fustypetals Jun 2018

. fr.
for those empty heart,
I know what it feels
fustypetals Jan 2022
words are stuck
in my throat—
and comes out
as tears.
somehow it's hard to express feelings, but you need to let them out. so, I guess—it's okay to cry it out.
fustypetals Oct 2017
what I'm scared the most is—
to fall in love with a new stranger
that I don't know who he really is.

i guess, i still into u

— The End —