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718 · Feb 2017
Pieces don't fit anymore..
Isabelle Feb 2017
Your kiss on my lips
Doesn't fit anymore
The spaces between our fingers
Doesn't complement at all

You caused my heart
To break into pieces
And now that you are trying to stitch it
The pieces don't fit anymore

The pieces won't fit anymore
Or maybe won't be completed at all
(Because parts of me, I already gave to you)

I may be whole again (maybe not)
But never the same
There will be holes and cracks
But I guess, I can still be functional
I hope..
Another raw poem. Just wanted to let my emotions run through my pen or should I say, keyboard. Haha. I'll revise it, or maybe not.
716 · Mar 2017
Time, Death (5-7-5)
Isabelle Mar 2017
Time is an insult
Primogenitor of death
The ultimate thief
Time is the boss.
713 · Jun 2016
All For Him
Isabelle Jun 2016
I can't carry the world
I only have two hands
To hold me and to hold him

I can't cry it all
I only have two eyes
My tears,  I save for him

I can't say it all
I only have a mouth
My words, all for his ears

I can't love you all,
I only have one heart
And it is made for him
All for you my love.. How I wished you will say the same to me..
708 · May 2016
Moonlight (Cinquain)
Isabelle May 2016
Reflects the sun
Lightens the lone dark sky
Which makes the night more bearable
Light up
My third Cinquain. Lunatic.
707 · Jun 2016
We Remain
Isabelle Jun 2016

We remain,
And in WE
It supposed to include you and me

We remain,
-our memories
-our laughters

Yes we remain,
You and Me

But that WE
Doesn't include you and me
We remain,
But not us

We remain,
You and Me
But not together
Instead, away from each other

I love the repetitiveness of this. Sometimes, the "we" doesn't include you and me. We remain, but with our own separate lives to mend.
706 · Jan 2017
This Is How I Found You
Isabelle Jan 2017
I followed the marks of your tears
Until I reached a door of the unknown
I have to overcome my fears
To see someone like my own
Who has demons as peers
Buried in ones deepest dungeon

You wanted an escape
And I was about to run away
You are not a man who wears a cape
And I just want somebody who would stay
Even when I’m not in my perfect shape
And someone who will not sway

Amidst the battle, you hold my hand
The demons we could not fight
So together we make a stand
So much better when someone is on your side
Let us make an unbreakable bond
And in each other’s arm let us hide

And this is how I found you
In my way to break free
Myself, I see in you
So we helped each other flee
In darkness, I will hold you
And one day, through it a flare we will see
Out of randomness. Busy bee. When I feel so exhausted at work, poetry is always to the rescue :)
705 · Sep 2016
Hands of Time
Isabelle Sep 2016
Hands of time, please stop
I want this moment to last
Coz it's worthy of a lifetime
704 · Sep 2017
For you
Isabelle Sep 2017
Not all who comes back
Should be welcomed
Maybe I've been going back too much lately..
699 · Nov 2016
On losing..
Isabelle Nov 2016
Winning makes you slack
     while it is in losing
          that you become strong and stronger
Never be afraid of failure.
698 · Apr 2016
Fitting in the mold?
Isabelle Apr 2016
Again, you are trying to fit in
And I always dreaded that feeling
But then, as they say, change is inevitable
I have to accept it like I don't have a choice at all

So yeah, I will definitely try
Not to fit in the mold
But to keep my shape and smile
Just be myself and be bold
Don't just try to fit,
at least create or build a space for yourself. But still, keep the RESPECT and accept the differences. Written date: 9:16pm, Wednesday, April 27, 2016
697 · May 2016
Please, don't get over me
Isabelle May 2016
She cried and begged,
"Please, don't get over me yet"

But he didn't hear
And it breaks her

She cried and begged
"Please, don't get over me yet"

But he already moved on
And her life didn't go on

"Please, don't get over me yet"
It became her mantra
But it will never bring him back

For he found a new love
And she was left with a broken heart
Nothing else you can do about it. Just let go and move on, no matter how long it will take you..
685 · Dec 2017
Isabelle Dec 2017
who knows how many universe there is
who knows how many creature exists
in this  place where science and faith rules
i am just an insignificant matter who doesn’t truly matters
685 · Aug 2016
Think of Me
Isabelle Aug 2016



Taking a break from writing. Will be gone for another month.
684 · Sep 2017
The difference
Isabelle Sep 2017
The stars were just plain stars
Until one night you sat beside me
And together we watch them dance

A flower was simply a flower
Until the day you gave me one
And put some on my messy hair

A coffee is just a mere coffee
Until one fine morning
You made one for me

The night, the morning
The summer, the spring
It’s all different

The cold, the rainy days
The oceans, the places
It’s all different

Everything, yes everything
Everything is different
Everything is so so so so much different
When it’s you I’m with :)
Or shall I say, better? :)
5 minute poem on my way home
682 · Apr 2016
Isabelle Apr 2016
Our relationship, long done and gone,
Please don't come back like you weren't gone
I know nothing of love.
682 · Apr 2016
Pick up your own Shit
Isabelle Apr 2016
When you stumble and fall
lose the brawl
and needs to crawl
Just look at the mirror
and you will see a savior

When you cry in pain
because they're all feign
and vain
Just look at the mirror
and you will see a savior

When you are alone at night
because they fight
and you wanted to plight
Just look at the mirror
and you will see a savior

Learn to be brave
and go with the wave
because in the end
they'll all gonna leave
so pick up your own ****
An old poem of mine. Yeah, I have learnt to save myself.
679 · Jun 2019
fortune teller eyes
Isabelle Jun 2019
her fortune teller eyes
they cried
i bet she saw
there ain’t no
forever with
the one she loves
i hope she lies
Isabelle May 2016
No bottle of pain reliever,
Can cure the pain I feel.

This jaded soul of mine,
Even therapy cannot heal.

And no medicine
can ever cure,
This broken heart I carry
each exhausting long mile.

My only pain reliever
is found within your smile.

My only therapy
is your company,
My only healer is your love.

Your existence
I truly do cherish,
It fits me like a glove.

The only antidote
to counteract
this lonely endless pain,

Is the love & joy
you shower me with,
Each raindrop full of hope,
A love-filled pouring rain.
A Collaboration
By Fallen One & R.F ©2016
This piece is a collaboration by Fallen One and Lady R.F
Thank you Fallen One, it was a pleasure to share my ink with you! ***

Thank you so much Lady R for this collab, a pleasure working with you  ;)
676 · Apr 2016
NBSB (5-7-5)
Isabelle Apr 2016
No boyfriend since birth
is it a good or bad thing,
at age twenty-two?
Yippy. My new colleagues asked me if I had a bf, i told them i never had one. They were so shocked upon hearing me. Am I missing something?? Haha! Well, not a big deal for me, it's my choice after all. Written date: 7:03pm. Thursday, April 28, 2016
675 · Oct 2016
Dreams Die..
Isabelle Oct 2016
She is always afraid of waking up
Because her dreams die when she does
Her dreams fade away,
fades away into reality..
Her dreams die when she wakes up..
674 · May 2017
Isabelle May 2017
The metered verses I draft
The soulful songs I sing
The seductive poems I write
The adorable words I spill
All these, are no longer for you

But I am not selfish
I am leaving some for you
Some pretty
pretty bad words..

… Curses …

The curses are for you
So yeah. B*llsh*t
I just need it.
670 · Nov 2016
Come to Me...
Isabelle Nov 2016
Come to me my love
When your smile dies
When the sun hides
Come to me
I’ll make you laugh
I’ll keep you warm

Come to me my love
When the rain falls hard
When the thunder is loud
Come to me
Let’s dance in the rain
Let’s sing like we’re insane

Come to me my love
When nobody hears you scream
When you wake up from a bad dream
Come to me
I’ll scream my lungs out with you
I’ll build the best dreams with you

Come to me my love
When your hair turns gray
When you start to forget each day
Come to me
Let’s dye our hair together
Let’s forget then remember

Come to me my love
When your knees are weak
When you get sick
Come to me
I’ll roll the wheelchair for you
I’ll take care of you

Come to me, come to me my love
Forever I laid out for you
Forever I laid out for you..
666 · May 2018
Isabelle May 2018

twinkle twinkle pretty eyes
stop whining crying every night
you don’t deserve his useless lies
you should see he’s not right

twinkle twinkle pretty eyes
i wish to see you finally smile
twinkle twinkle beautiful eyes
oh how i wish you are mine
665 · Oct 2019
Isabelle Oct 2019
addicted to your lips
and the poetry it speaks
and every time we kiss
oh darling im in bliss
661 · Apr 2016
Isabelle Apr 2016
Tell me how two people find each other, in a world full of strangers?   ~Got to Believe in Magic*

Is it the heart that does the recognition?
Or is it the soul that finds it's own reflection?
650 · May 2016
To Give..
Isabelle May 2016
"I was always ashamed to take. So I gave. It was not a virtue. It was a disguise"
~Anais Nin*

Some give
because they wanted to be recognize
and to be called kind

Some give
because they have a hidden agenda
and will use you in their propaganda

Some give
so that soon
they have something to take
Admit it, we are all driven by selfishness sometimes. Just a matter of personal motive/intention.
649 · Sep 2016
LOVE #11
Isabelle Sep 2016

*Love is a drug,

That leaves you high and dry

Don't leave me high
Don't leave me dry
(- not sure if this is from radiohead..)
648 · Mar 2017
Isabelle Mar 2017
You keep on hiding the pain
When all I wanted to do is break the chain
You keep on covering the tears
When all I wanted to do is embrace your fears
You keep on saying goodbye
When I know it’s just a lie
Why do you keep on pushing me away
When all I wanted to do is stay?
Walang sagot sa tanong na bakit.
646 · May 2016
Pretending to Work
Isabelle May 2016
Here I sat in my office chair
at the laptop I stare
wailing in despair
counting the time to spare

Meanwhile, when my boss passes by
I act alive and high
put on a smile
and tell him I'm fine

Pretending to work
But in my seat I lurk
An old poem of mine. So hard to pretend. Haha!
643 · Apr 2016
Isabelle Apr 2016
Some wounds don't heal
It don't bleed
But it forever aches

Yet, some wounds may heal
But it will leave a scar
To remind you forever
You are a scar that will forever linger in my skin. The wound you caused me doesn't bleed anymore but it will forever remind me of you..
643 · Apr 2017
Future me?
Isabelle Apr 2017
The future me, my love
Depends on how you treat me now

But then I realized, the future me
Depends on how I allow you to treat me

Going deeper, I realize
The future me, depends on me

Not you, not they
Only me, my choices and ME
Trying hard to catch up with the daily writing.
637 · Mar 2018
roses, roses
Isabelle Mar 2018
roses, roses
lay me down
on bed of roses
i like the white ones
so you’ll see me when i bleed
because of the thorns
or because of our love
633 · Apr 2017
Isabelle Apr 2017
When she answered I am fine
Her voice cracked
But no one noticed
When she said I am okay
She faked a smile
But no one noticed
When she told you I can do this
You didn't noticed
The tears she tried to hide

Is she that good at pretending
Or does anyone really cares?
Day 16 entry.
This is for you, my friend, I see you. Please don't be afraid to show it all, help yourself..
632 · Jul 2019
dreamy haiku
Isabelle Jul 2019
wink and grin and lips
blue sky eyes and sunset dress
you, a dream at sight
630 · Nov 2017
Isabelle Nov 2017
Yeah, I want you
But I can't have you
So I want you more..
and more... and more
Heard from the song Minimize.

Stubborn Love
We chase, we want
What we can't grasp
We hold, we grab
Whatever chance
Even a little attention
Even a little affection
From people we like
But don't like us back
627 · Jun 2016
Isabelle Jun 2016

Stuck on my throat

Left unsaid

**It's killing me
Haunting. Burdensome.
624 · Aug 2017
Dirty Dancing
Isabelle Aug 2017
     the silhouette of the crescent moon
     two hearts on a dim room
     heavy breathing and sweat
     rhythmic, music so sweet
     shadows of the night
     ***** dancing under the moonlight
The moon is watching..
622 · Jun 2016
Tears (Haiku 2x)
Isabelle Jun 2016
You don't need long words
To tell the saddest stories
Tears sometimes are enough

You don't need long words
To describe your happiness
Tears sometimes are enough
No words.. Just tears..
622 · May 2016
Decisions (Personal)
Isabelle May 2016
This thing is bothering me for quite long
I couldn't decide whether to go on
My mind is too tired to analyze
All the possible result of this in my life

It is just a matter of yes or no
But when I say yes
Endless what if's will bombard me
And when I say no
What about the possibilities?

I could not focus on the present
I think too much of the future
I worried too much of the unknown
And I couldn't stop myself

Maybe it is really not a matter of yes or no
Instead I should ask myself
If these decisions, will even matter in the future
And when I try to answer myself
There you go, I'll try to foresee the future again
And the cycle will continue, on and on
The result is, I worry too much. So here I am undecided, confused, lost and wandering about my messed up life. Ughh.
619 · Apr 2016
Change and Constant
Isabelle Apr 2016
They say that change is the only constant thing in the world,

If then,

*Can I be your change?
And you, my constant?
Will you be my constant through it all??
617 · Jul 2019
snowflakes||love haiku
Isabelle Jul 2019
snowflakes on my hair
dissipates into thin air
fleeting like our love
616 · Jun 2016
tired.. (haiku)
Isabelle Jun 2016
Working M to F
Studying during Sat and Sun
Starting to feel tired
I need motivation, inspiration, moral support and HUG right now. It's my choice, but why do i get tired of it??
613 · Apr 2017
Isabelle Apr 2017
You keep on recycling your
"I'm Sorry"
For new mistakes

And I keep on recycling
"I forgive you"
My always mistake
It's 1:13 am and I can't sleep, and obviously I'm a mess here
Trying to write anything
Trying to make sense of everything
613 · Mar 2017
Her Name (Repost)
Isabelle Mar 2017
This morning will be a different one, for he will meet a girl
With an auburn eyes, a winsome smile and a hair that is curl
Strange she is, but in a beautiful kind of strange

The boy will stop and stare, will be lost in her haunting sad eyes
She will not notice, and will never knew, that cupid has
shot the boys young heart

The boy found a reason to go out every morning
To see her again, he was hoping
For her smile becomes the sun that brightens his day

He will sit from afar, and with an admiring eyes, just watch her
She paints, she reads, and sometimes plays with her dog's fur
He will silently watch and enjoy the beautiful scenario

It goes for almost a week
"I must be crazy, why do I stalk this chic?"
But he doesn't know the answer

All he know is, the girl brings peace to his heart
Her eyes and smiles are a piece of a pure art
and her laughter is a song to his ears

He could not explain it, watching her makes him happy
and sends a warm chill to his heart, very fancy
"I need to know her name"

The next day, the boy waited in vain
But the girl never came
"I'll wait again tomorrow"

It's been a week, but she never showed up again
In his chest a sadness and pain
Could not accept, she looked for the girl

He found out that the girl loves to paint
But the smell of the chemical will cause her to faint
That's why she sneaks out and do it once in a while

He found out that the girl loves reading
But her eyes failed her, every letters are dancing
That's why she sneaks out and pretends to read

He also found out that her hair was just a wig
And her red lipstick was to hide her pale lips
And finally he found out her name

With a sound of a breaking heart
He reads her name
*On her graveyard
Happy 1 year to this poem :)
613 · Jul 2016
The Magic Word
Isabelle Jul 2016
Just like the movies,
Everything went in a slow motion
Teary eyes and wet cheeks
Unexplained emotions

3 words
He’s about to spill
The air was cold
The room went still

“I love you”
He wishpered

It was the magic word
That changed her world

Never did she expect
To hear those words
For she always thought
That she was never enough

She felt loved
She felt wanted
Yet she was terrified
Yet she was overwhelmed

"I love you"
He repeated

It was the magic word
That changed her world

But the magic word,
didn't work
Silence was her answer
Questions were her answer

For I know nothing of love.
611 · Jun 2018
sid at aya
Isabelle Jun 2018
akala ko ba pera pera lang
yung oras ko lang yung binayaran mo
pero bakit parang pati puso ko?
gago ka ba?
wag naman tayo mag- gaguhan
akala ko ba sugal lang?
oo nga sugal, sugal ng puso
kasi kung hindi daw pag-ibig
mas malaking sugal daw
o ano susugal ka ba? tataya ka ba?
sa gagong pag-ibig na ito?
Minsan akong naging si Sid, minsan rin akong naging si Aya. Minsan akong naging gago at minsan ding ginago
originally posted 05/30/18 @one__belle
610 · Aug 2016
Isabelle Aug 2016
1994- ..

2nd day, August of 1994
Around pm, at four
A girl was born

The sun smiled
Her parents cried
Then, laughters can't be hide


And for a little girl
The world is big
And it’s easy to be lost in it

But soon she will grow
Soon she will glow
Soon she will know

About peace, about fight
About wrong, about right
About love, about life

School, work, friend
Learn how to bend
Explore what’s on the other end

Surely, time always knocks on the door
She, a little girl no more
And now, on the way to the life she longed for

And finally she found her own place
In this world full of maze
Today, I decided to walk away.. Walk away from all the negative thoughts, people and things that surrounds me.. Cheers to change!
609 · Apr 2016
Race to the Top
Isabelle Apr 2016
Everybody is running
it is a race to the top
be careful with the cunning
and be ready for a flop

Because it is a race to the top
You'll be needing a strategy
either a friend or an enemy
that soon you will drop
because of jealousy

Some will pass you by
then stub you in the eye
Some will push you down
then will take your crown
Some will lend a hand
only to drop you and it's planned

The way to the summit
will never be facile
sure there are scummy
do not be fragile

That is the way to the top
Just play the game
clean and *****
it will never be fair
Another old poem of mine. It speaks reality.
607 · May 2016
Love #6
Isabelle May 2016
I always free my time to talk to you, to hear your voice,
But darling, you only talk to me when you have a free time
See the difference??? You can't even make a time for me.
606 · Aug 2018
just this time
Isabelle Aug 2018
let me
just this time
let me walk away first
spare me the heartbreak
of watching you leave
spare me the pain
of setting you free
let me, just this time
let me walk away first
let me feel the pride
of the one leaving
not the pity
of being left behind
let me, just this time
let me leave you first
i’m tired of watching you leave
i’m tired of you ditching me
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