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6.2k · Apr 2015
We are all equal
Barnaby Harrison Apr 2015
We are all equal
Our bodies may differ
As may our minds
And some may be more complicated
Than the creation of the universe alone
But let me say this
You too are different
So is the next man or woman
All with individual faults
All with secrets as big as yours
And all following their own path
For difference unites us
Difference move us on
And though it may be hard to accept
The next annoying being who crosses your path
Just think
Who do you annoy?
For that makes you equal
To that person who pokes you
To the person who is immature
To the person who you think the worst
We are all equal...
4.3k · Feb 2015
Barnaby Harrison Feb 2015
I'm standing
The winds of time swirl
Around my body
Soon to be a corpse
My cackle awakes me
And as I turn to face
Your hate
I'm grabbed
Put upon the stake
Tied with the human's weapon
And that's it...
And whilst the oak wood burns
I conjure my thoughts
Breathe in
And burn..............
2.8k · Mar 2015
Tales of the abused
Barnaby Harrison Mar 2015
I try to escape, I try to fly
But you pull me down, you love my cries
It gives you strength to carry on
Not right from what is wrong

I try to run, I try to go
But you catch me back and stop my flow
You beat me down and stop my life
You make the days fill with strife

I try to tell, I try to speak
My future looks oh so bleak
This is not how I want to die
But you hold me back each time I try
2.0k · May 2015
You understand
Barnaby Harrison May 2015
When no-one knows just what I feel
By my side you come to kneel
You talk it through and help me think
You find what's wrong, you find the link

When I am hurt and feel so down
In my ear comes a soothing sound
You whisper with care, you whisper what's right
You help me get through the dreaded night

When I am red with anger and hate
You are there, you wait and wait
And when I need to talk it away
You are there with me to stay

Wherever I am, whatever I need
Whether I'm pained, whether I bleed
You will cross across the land
You are here to understand
1.8k · Mar 2015
We made flames
Barnaby Harrison Mar 2015
My souls burns up bright tonight
As you, my angel, light it
And as the rain falls down
Care we not
As senses are numbed
By true love's power
And as I taste your love
I know
That eternal we are
Until our ashes are scattered
Across this same field
Upon which
We made flames
Barnaby Harrison May 2015
Upon this rainy day
I stand on a boggy bed
Alone, untouched, unscathed
All to clear my head

For if I return I am hurt
And if I run I am without
This day of wet and murk
Is the best without a doubt

My thoughts are washed away
Onto this muddy plinth
I want to run and play
But I'm cursed, stuck and skint

And now I must return
And recall the deep, dark blue
I cannot help but burn
For I cannot escape from you
1.3k · Feb 2016
The mould
Barnaby Harrison Feb 2016
A classic way of how to talk
The criticism on how you walk
The words you use everyday
Moulded like a piece of clay

What you wear and where you reside
When you laugh, when you cry
Whether you're rich or ever so poor
Whether you play and whether you score

Perfection is a concept made to scare
Made to question those that dare
Dare to do not what their told
Dare to break the dreaded mould...
I hate being someone that I'm not!
1.3k · Mar 2015
Barnaby Harrison Mar 2015
My thoughts rain down
Upon my victim
The many months go
All at once
And by anguish is loose
But not for long
And as I open my eyes
I breathe out
And he starts again
I curl back into my shell
My neck strains with control
The control of emotions
My many moons of hatred return
Again to reign my mind
My cycle repeats again and again
Until no more can be taken
Until a loop is found
A loop to place my neck...
1.1k · May 2015
The sea of love
Barnaby Harrison May 2015
Today I crossed the sea of love
Guided by a albino dove
I rode the my raft quite a way
'Till I ran aground upon your bay

Today I rode the sea of hell
Caught underneath your witch-like spell
I rode the waves 'Till I saw land
And off I got onto burning sand

Today I rode the sea of death
Watching you breath less and less
Then as you passed off up above
I cursed the dreaded sea of love...
1.0k · Nov 2014
I Love you through conflict
Barnaby Harrison Nov 2014
Careful tread thy yonder sons
Through conflict mines you go
Let not your faith go, but let yourself free
Don't change for others
And don't hate others for being themselves
And although the life of time will separate us
I wish to say, now while I can
I Love You
1000 · Mar 2015
Wish away my doings
Barnaby Harrison Mar 2015
Oh subtle sounds why do you taunt
My frail mind of guilt?
Yes far I went, too far
'Till your eyes no longer glinted
In the pale moonlight
And you lay stiller
Than the garden statue
Now of which has the engraved characters
And yes sorry I am thy heart of sweet
But provocation you purged me with
And cope I couldn't
Now pray I shall that found your not
Pray and pray I will
I wish you peace
But most of all
I wish away my doings
934 · Nov 2014
Moonlit night
Barnaby Harrison Nov 2014
The cloudy skies on this dark night
Light up wiht dove white light
Penetrating near and far
Just like an albino star

The shadows jump amongst the trees
I'm consumed in my white marquee
A tender breeze to cool to touch
What god created such?

Water shimmers in the glow
A spotlight on the crowing crow
This magical theatre comes to life
Like Macbeth with a silver knife

But alas here comes the bloodshot skies
As the sun begins to rise
Pushing the moonlight far away
All to return, another day...
918 · Jan 2016
Barnaby Harrison Jan 2016
There was a day so long ago
A day now long forgot
Of fiery land that spat soot coloured rocks
Burning ash rained from the heavens
And people breathed in the stale, burning air
Never again did they breathe.
Perhaps they fled and cried in mercy
Or crouched in an accepting position, their face tightened.
Perhaps some escaped...but who would know?
This land now strewn with ash cast corpses
Lays dormant, forgotten and yet still preached of.

Of course it has to be Pompeii...
A little bit of free verse for you.
854 · Sep 2015
His latest duchess
Barnaby Harrison Sep 2015
I am the last duchess portrayed in colour and mortar
Flirtatious I was and thus the gardens rest now my being. My being
Rather mauled guarded still by an overhead warning to
The outer lands that surround this palace of corrupted souls. Souls that
Dance and feast upon nights such as now; Oblivious to
Reality and the threats that lie within rather than outside as I lay lost
And unheard to the outside world. Wonder I do if âTwas
The dainty hands of Fra Pandolf; Never a gentler soul
Though deceitful he may not seem he is more than the cover of manuscript
May show. Tis this same scroll though encrypted with ancient
Texts of lost love that tells trued stories of misconception in relation to
The floral talents of the master sculptor who, though
Faulted, has the innocent heart that only future beings will come to accept.
For Tis only this beating wonder though now so blackened
With the plague of dark deceit and dismal lies that embraces the heart of thee
And absorbs the greatest of woes. Try I did but shadowed
I was by the reputable artist that was master Pandolf who though so shy
Entered into the family name; his christened title inscribed
So deeply into the now dirt cast flag that before was written âbout by the greatest
Of laureates. These same laureates now bathe in the
Scandalous material so readily provided by a well seduced feminine figure
Who gave away money and a roof for the so seemed
Loving arms of inspiration. I ask now for the forgiveness of thy master:
The same titled being as that who scribed his
Shadow-cast name into my muscular ***** that now no longer pulsates in the
Same rhythmic tempo as the now lost lover
I used to so easily trust, under the false belief of a returned favour I was so
Quickly promised. Maybe Twas the sight
Of thee that provoked this audacious incident that now hangs over the same
Man that I became ignorant towards. Though
An arrogant human, tis him who I vowed my heart to; the same ***** that
Tis now eaten away by the feeders that have
Been placed inside this case I lie in. Many queries I have but say I cannot as
These dreaded feeders have taken away that
Same privilege that I once had. Why tis me that has to hold this great weighted
Burden? Why tis me that fell yet again
For the seductive methods of man? Answers will not be a given though as my pleas
Are not heard; I am the unknown backyard mistake
That has now destroyed the class a family such as my married one had worked
So hard to produce with intention to keep.
Tis this class that has now crashed to the same ground in which I writhe and though
Faulted, I want justice served upon that monster
Whose handsome looks created such a stir in my mental crevasse
I forgot the importance of appreciation:
And swapped all I had for the pleasures of pretentious love, whose creation has now
Caused the greatest of upsets not only for myself,
But for all that are joyed by the presence of the grand towers that overlook the city
In which I used to strut and sleep in:
The same city which is still plagued by the rodent that tis
Fra Pandolf.
Please read Robert Brownings 'My Last Duchess' for the context behind this poem.
844 · Sep 2015
The Bully
Barnaby Harrison Sep 2015
My bruises are hidden and my mind is a mist

When I feel threatened out comes my fist

My home is a hell; my future so bleak

Cared for I'm not so attention I seek

The smells of this world are damp and so dark

My only palace is the swings in the park

Most avoid me and I wish he would too

I would like to speak out but would it seem true?

I listen for help; from the crack in my wall

But no-one comes; they know nothing at all

I oppress others as a release of my hate

I am alone and there is no escape

Everyone else has a hand to hold

This world is so dark, so sad and so cold

Why do I have to live with anger and strife?

I am a bully and this is my life...
Bullies can really be the softest of souls but because of their life they become the darkest of hearts.
842 · Mar 2015
Breathing your love away
Barnaby Harrison Mar 2015
Count to ten and close my eyes
Open up to see the skies
Cry a tear, two or three
Shut away the memories

Discard the thoughts of anguish and pain
All these pictures, all these frames
Burn the clothes, release a scream
Throw away this two way team

Traipse inside and shut the door
Try to cope a little more
Rock away the words you gave
And all the time I tried to save

Approach the bed, redo the sheets
Place carefully the things I keep
Fall asleep another day
Breathe another love away...
819 · Feb 2016
Saving a lost soul...
Barnaby Harrison Feb 2016
To save your soul I'd cross the seas
I'd steal a boat and sail the breeze
I'd live life upon the run
Staring down many a guns.

To save your sould I'd search the caves
That lie across our childhood bay
I'd speak to god in a moment so mad
Praying in selfish thoughts so sad

To save your soul I'd go so deep
Into the alley where the homeless sleep
I'd pay a dealer for his woes
And once again off I'd go

To save your soul I'd break the law
Not even I know what I'd do it for
But once thing I know is what I would do
And who I would hurt just to save you...
744 · Mar 2016
The blackened landscape
Barnaby Harrison Mar 2016
Let my leaves unfurl
Let me blossom in your light
A thousand years from now
The world will bathe in my shadow
Taking solace from the ever growing heat
That falls in rays
Trapped within our land
By a thick, dense cloud of smog
The only calls are those of the extremophiles
Birds, fish, whatever they may be
All living on the edge of extinction
All adapting to the ever growing forest of fern
But not the green, luscious fern that grows today
A yellowed
A plant that can no longer take the perilous heat
A plant that will no longer grow
A plant that might
Death is already here for the plant
And is just around the corner from us…
I'm not an environmentalist but I do care for our future...
695 · Mar 2015
Lost to the weather
Barnaby Harrison Mar 2015
My life is like winter storming
Blizzard conditions without a warning
Round and round, it consumes my being
No-one cares, no-one seeing

My life is like the acid rain
Burning down, giving pain
Flooding my life with yet more hate
And making my mind a stagnant lake

My life is yours and yours alone
I cannot escape, no matter where I go
Doomed now and forever
My life is lost to the weather
The pain of life
694 · May 2016
The referendum
Barnaby Harrison May 2016
We were equal
Our opinions appreciated
Our views unchallenged
Our life peaceful
But we were foolish
We accused our neighbours
We waged political war
And now we must decide
A nation once united
A nation once certain
A nation that could part from peace
Just perhaps
There won’t be strife
There won’t be war
There won’t be anger
The bitter taste of loss
Won’t plague our mouths
We might be graced with good fortune
Graced with untold pleasures
That can only be found
Through a simple referendum
But is it right…
my opinion...
681 · Mar 2016
Barnaby Harrison Mar 2016
Scarred by days so painful
A history almost made folly
By actions around you
Actions that bruised
Bruised the blanc skin
That protected you just enough
You watched the cherry blossom fall
From the cracks in your cage
A cage lit only by glimmers of light
Falling through the veins that lined the ceiling
Water veins from days gone by
Tis those same
Almost forgotten days
That have burned their mark
In places no-one ever thought to look
And now in the moonlight
You sit on the pontoon
Conjuring courage
Conjuring magic to rid you of your scars...
657 · Nov 2014
Barnaby Harrison Nov 2014
In the summer of 94
A policman knocked on my suburban door
He told a tale of death and lie
And told me to come and indentify

I cried the tears of sorrow and sad
I swore revenge upon the bad
And as the sun rose in 95
I knew that I would make someone die

I travelled the world far and near
Contained with the mindset of my father dear
I saw a man bragging about hat and death
I took my knife and stabbed him in the chest

So came along 99
I knew that I had served my time
I had rid of all the bad
And avenged my loving dad
655 · Feb 2015
I want to be free
Barnaby Harrison Feb 2015
I want to be free from all your hate
Served in my infested, stagnant lake
A mindset of insanity
All I want is to be free

I want to be free from all this death
The saying goodbyes, the last of breaths
Wake up one morning, a happy me
All I want is to be free

I want to be free so please stand back
It matters not of white nor black
So go away, leave me be
All I want is to be free...
thank you for reading
652 · May 2016
Losing you
Barnaby Harrison May 2016
Fractals of pictures past
Run round my mind
Seeking solace in your arms
I weep, the salty taste of tears
Fills my mouth
The sound of subtle shushing
Soothes me
The darkness I see
Through scrunched eyes
Satiates me…calms me
But you know my pain
You know my anguish
You know what it is like
To lose a mother….
I love her more than ever; my maternal figure
585 · Mar 2016
The place that fell
Barnaby Harrison Mar 2016
Frail I am in this windswept and wave battered shack;
Forsooth this be thy home next to the pebbled track
Which runs alongside the barren lands of this bay.
Time sweeps past like the wind whispering with dismay,
Telling of the malignant humans, all but possessed,
I used to walk with those humans, all well dressed
And now set in the stones that line their graves.
I wish, oh I wish thy could have helped and saved
The fragile bodies that now lie skeletal along the sands
That used to ring with cries of joy like the musical bands
Playing so nearby in the bandstands of our city.
More a village twas but still such a song filled and pretty;
The same village now plagued with the deathly sights
Of darkened, dismal days and dank, musty nights
Truth be told I want to return to that heavenly place
But tis this shack that is my pen, my metal cell
Lying next to what is left of the place that fell.
577 · Mar 2015
Not complete
Barnaby Harrison Mar 2015
If words could describe the love you give
Then superior would be the humans that live
And if I could utter oh such verse
I would be god upon this earth

For your soul is fine, your heart is pure
No matter what you may endure
And without your love the sun won't rise
And let truth be told I do not lie

But speak I cannot, my words are stuck
But hope I shall for a change of luck
As you give me my final piece
Yes without you I'm not complete...
567 · Mar 2015
I dreamed
Barnaby Harrison Mar 2015
Once I dreamed of a land
With rolling hills and a marching band
With birds that chirp such joyful tunes
And a beach with delicate, sandy dunes

Once I dreamed of true love
Under the watch of a peaceful dove
With no more fights and no more pain
Sunny skies and lack of rain

Once I dreamed of being here
Under mistletoe with you my dear
Once I dreamed of having you
Now my dreams have come so true...
551 · Mar 2015
A fighter and his future
Barnaby Harrison Mar 2015
My soul is free this winters night
Upon this street with drunken fights
And all the world awaits the dawn
And Await the sight of a snowy lawn

But I'm not here, no-one knows
Upon my grave the flowers grow
And under the roof my children cry
As only one year has passed them by

And my eyes are filled with salty tears
And my mind is filled with you my dear
For sorry I am that there I'm not
These memories won't be forgot

So thank you war for taking life
This Afghan fighter was hit by strife
And no-one now is here to see
All that I was going to be...
550 · Feb 2015
My Mortality
Barnaby Harrison Feb 2015
I am alive but not forever
The demons of destiny follow me
And fate beckons me
And my mortality

I am content but not forever
My mind set of invincibility
Makes my emotions churn
And my mortality

The clouds of death cross my head
And create a thunderstorm of health
And down it takes me
And my mortality
544 · Feb 2015
Titanic Mind
Barnaby Harrison Feb 2015
A heart of stone as it is put
A foggy land of blackened soot
Conflicted thoughts, a complex life
Confusion, hatred, fights of strife

Day one was cursed, a millennium day
I didn't even have a say
The hive of thought began to stir
A high pitched scream all at first

From pictures of good, to the thoughts of bad
To comments that sting and make me sad
The therapists, a flicker book
A bad impression with just one look

But is this who I want to be?
Is this horror really me?
Why do the doves no longer land?
Can I conquer this complex land?

But I will try I will not fall
You throw me down but I'll stand tall
No devil's lair for afterlife
No poisoned mind of stabbing knives

So goodbye you and hello me
Let me work, leave me be
Let the gods throw the rocks
Let this Titanic leave it's dock...
534 · Mar 2016
Barnaby Harrison Mar 2016
Come closer so that I can breathe
The fresh smell of strong mints
The warm air you radiate
Come closer so that I can feel
The wise touch of years gone by
The soothing sound of your beating heart
Come closer so that I can know
You will always be here
You will always make everything better
You will always love me...
R.I.P to my grandmother. Many years have passed since you passed away and yet I have only just come to realise how much I needed you.

Don't worry
I will carry on.
506 · Nov 2014
Perhaps you think
Barnaby Harrison Nov 2014
Perhaps you think not what you did
Nor of bad or good
Not of the shells that hit the ground
Nor the stands we stood

Perhaps you think not of the hearts
The ones that loved a marriage
Nor of the ones that didn't fit
Like a horse without it's carriage

Perhaps you think of blood lust people
As your killing henchman
Or maybe of the ones that died
Helping in the trenches

Perhaps you think is what we ask
Day in, day out, all day
Perhaps you think not what you did
Nor the price we paid
war is terrible
496 · Nov 2014
There was a time
Barnaby Harrison Nov 2014
There was a time when men were great
When I was in a sensible state
When man would walk and talk so well
People would ask not always tell

There was a time when we lost it all
When man sat upon the impoverished wall
When starvation held an awful grasp
And held the world in a stop start clasp

There was a time when few thought big
Where women were merely the dump of the stig
There was a thought of another day
There was a time where man gave way

There was a time for a scripted life
Where people fought in battles of strife
There was a time of much change
There was a time of the deranged

There was a time where we were free
Where there was a place for you and me
There was a time long ago
There was a time that we don’t know…
I hope you enjoy
479 · Nov 2014
Christmas Life
Barnaby Harrison Nov 2014
Albino frost upon the floor
Lips are chapped and hands are sore
A Christmas spirit arises above
People embrace Christmas love

A time for play and toys galore
Wrapping paper ruined, torn
The familiar thought of Santa’s elves
Stacking gifts upon the shelves

But darkness leaps from up top
Putting some spirits to a stop
Bringing some close to tears
And showing them their worst fears

Death counts his heavy toll
And ventures through the deathly cold
Claiming victims in the night
And filling injured with pale fright

But should we fret or should we excite
Should we go dark or go light
Neither is the simple word
We should give to human and bird

We should help the ones that cry
We should love before we die
And we shall make the world unite
And spread the warming Christmas light

So now farewell, ciao, goodbye
Remember those who live and cry
So off you go, all from here
Merry Christmas and happy New Year
I hope you enjoy
459 · Nov 2014
Child in the moonlight
Barnaby Harrison Nov 2014
There's a child in the moonlight
Dancing on the pond
With a thousand people's shadows
From world's way off beyond

She dances along her moonlit path
Puffing out her chest
For today is her full moon night
And she's looking at her best

She comes from a land of shadows
Where all are dressed in dark
She lives in a house of blackness
Where darkness makes a mark

But now dawn is rising
And I'm afraid she'll have to go
There's a child in the moonlight
Dancing on her own...
Hope you Enjoy
437 · Mar 2016
Barnaby Harrison Mar 2016
Take a chance to breathe
Fall into my outstretched arms
Take a chance to look and see
That there is no-one here for you to harm

Take a chance to grow your stalks
Bloom out into the heat
Take a chance and start to talk
Fall down and I'll lift you to your feet

Take a chance to learn and grow
I'll follow you all the way
And once you've learnt all I know
It'll be a better day
Learning may be a non-stop process but the important things are learnt during the youngest of our years
421 · Mar 2015
Religious powers
Barnaby Harrison Mar 2015
Oh how long will this one last?
Will it end just like my past?
With un-foreseen doom and ice cold death
A statue of skin, a last of breaths

Could you tell me just one tale
Will I win, will I fail?
Your almighty powers of what's to go
Pick me up from an abyss so low

For love's a game or so it shows
One a friend, one a foe
And pray I must under this night
That you my lord will make things right...
417 · Mar 2015
Saving a criminal
Barnaby Harrison Mar 2015
Must I save you?
Must I try?
Through pitches wider than Omah
I traipse
The mud thicker than my thoughts
That tonight expose me
To an outer horror
The horror of me, you, them
All of us the same
And now I reach the realisation
Of why I am saving
Not my sanity can stop me
As brothers do not go
Ever ...
And now I must reach you
And your grave
Tonight I must save you
Save you from who you were
And what you have become...
407 · Nov 2014
Dead of the war
Barnaby Harrison Nov 2014
The dead of the war stand in gloom
A scarlet tinge for the muted room
People beaten by tools of war
Stand together, forgotten in law

Anxiety and anger purge my heart
This beats to the soldier’s steady march
Into battle we must go
Our general shouted, we moaned and groaned

My conscience took me by the hand
Or cowardice I turned and ran
Murdered by our former friends
Comrades' lives, now loose ends

A shell amiss, an ‘honourable death’
The recollection of quickened breaths
The flicker book of Sundays passed
A life that was meant to last

Respect upmost those who fought
Let them occupy your thoughts
I’m not the mean and selfish kind
These people will always fill my mind

I loved my life, I treasured it
Now memories come back in bits
We marched in battle, four by four
We are the dead of the war
406 · Nov 2014
I know a bully
Barnaby Harrison Nov 2014
I know a bully
He’s beaten and kicked
And when he tells others
He’***** with a stick

I know a bully
He’s sad and alone
It gets even worse
When he goes home

I know a bully
He’s locked up at night
He cannot sleep
As he’s filled with fright

I know a bully
He never gets fed
He hates what he’s done
Hates what he’s said

I know a bully
He has no friends
He wants to escape
But he’s going round the bend

I know a bully
He’s filled with red mist
He makes fun of my glasses
And of my lisp

I know a bully
He isn't that bad
It's because of his life
He makes people sad
395 · Nov 2014
Barnaby Harrison Nov 2014
I shed my tears on the autumn day
Let shredded leaves blow in my way
I see the oxbow lake in all its green
This autumnal world is not what is seems

The squirrels collect their cone shaped provisions
Making sure of careful decisions
Leaping from the hand shaped sticks
Like tom jumping over the candlestick

The final sights of winged frog food
The rutting deer begin to woo
A season of sleep preparation
All across the dying nation

So goodbye leaves, I cry you away
Say goodbye to this year’s day
And with the final look that last I steal
I really love the autumnal feel
thanks hope you enjoy
384 · Nov 2014
Our force
Barnaby Harrison Nov 2014
They shed their tears
They bowed their heads
For as each day passed
Ten more were dead

The time was slow
The lice were bad
And as each day passed
There fell another lad

The tabs they had
Were promptly smoked
And as each day passed
At the fire they poked

They quickly advanced
Over the top
And as each day passed
By the ***’s they were shot

But as many were gone
More came through
And as each day passed
Ten did too

And as each day passed
So did the wars
So now we stand in silence
To remember our force…
379 · Feb 2016
Let time run...
Barnaby Harrison Feb 2016
Come hither all
Come stare at death
With his ashen face
And icy breath
With a cast so cracked
And a blackened soul
Reaping lives
Is all he knows
Taketh those who hang at dawn
He shan't cry, he shall not mourn
Taketh the ones who lie asleep
A few days old...not even a week.
He laughs with a gruff yet unknown sound
As yet another soul falls and another one drowns
He opposes the bible, he despises the rules
Yet he himself has godly tools.
So you can run
You can hide
But you can laugh
You can cry
But nothing will stop that deadly force
So let time itself run it's course...
348 · Nov 2014
A sight of love
Barnaby Harrison Nov 2014
The air is filled with all of love
I see an angel from above
The winged being approaches with care
But is soon inside by trapping snare

The closer she comes the more I feel
She the one of which I shall steal
My heart of stone is cracked in two
I'm sure it shall be beating soon

I embrace the kiss and return the favour
This is a moment I shall savour
I have a sight, a sight of love
I have an angel from above...
323 · Nov 2014
Suicide state
Barnaby Harrison Nov 2014
I step towards the oxbow lake
Forget the noose, I will never wake
The life I’ve lived I hate so much
Why did god create me such?

Death will hurt and I know well
But no-one cares, there’s no-one to tell
The flies will eat my rotten soul
And I will count my deadly toll

I’ve killed too many, over time
I love to see them squirm and whine
But I must be punished for killing you
So I will die the same way too

So I apologise for my sad sins
And putting your body in the bin
But a horrible death will rid my hate
I am in a suicide state…
250 · Nov 2014
Love is lost
Barnaby Harrison Nov 2014
She wiped her eyes
She spilled her tears
I stood watching
Waiting for it to clear

She bears no will
She never paid the bills
So I sat here thinking
Why should she complain?

As she started storming
I took it as a warning
I stood there and watched
As she tore herself apart

As she shut the door
I couldn’t cope anymore
Tears fell from my eyes
And hit the wooden floor

And now love is lost
A memory in the past
And now I find the truth
That love will never last.
thanks for reading

— The End —