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2.1k · May 2016
I still care for you
Jacco krom May 2016
Caring is a treacherous thing;
Everytime i do, i hurt even more.

Though still i keep on caring for you;
It's leaving my heart all broken and sore.

Am i really such a fool?
i keep making these same mistakes.

Untill she leaves this foolish me;
And my heart once again breaks.

How can i fix what we had,
Make up for the mistakes i made.

Because after all i still care for you,
And that's just the thing i hate...
1.0k · Sep 2018
Jacco krom Sep 2018
I dont have a ******* clue,
What am I supposed to do?
I guess im just ******,
So I keep on hurting you.

A fool, an *******, a psychopath,
Is that what I am?
Is that what I 'll be?
Don't want any of this,
Don't want to be me.

Thought **** was well,
Thought **** was good.
**** wasn't well,
**** wasn't good.

Only fooled myself,
Pretended to be happy
Acted as if it was fine.
All was ruined in time.
Ruined..... ruined...
This messed up mind of mine.
985 · Apr 2016
Jacco krom Apr 2016
“Who am i?” thinking about myself,
questioning the things i feel.
Trying to figure out who i’ve become,
and what is real.

I can feel it fading,
the person that i used to be.
Slowly losing all the memories,
that once defined me.

How can i be certain?,
of the things i think.
This unstable boat i’m on called life,
already starting to sink.

No one there to help me,
my forgotten despicable self.
Like an old dusty book,
thrown away on the unreachable top shelf.
872 · May 2016
Jacco krom May 2016
Your reality, when does it become an illusion?
An illusion, when does it become your reality?

Questioning reality;
Slowly losing my sanity.

Repeating the same question over and over again;
Expecting a different answer to finally come with time.

The definition of insanity;
Eating away my dreadful mind in the form of a pretty rhyme.
699 · Jun 2016
Jacco krom Jun 2016
A beautiful field of flowers,
full of colours; red, yellow, green and blue;

seeing this…
it brings me happiness,
it reminds me of you.

it makes me think…
happiness, is it something we find?
or something that we create?

but then again…
maybe we don’t have control over it,
maybe it’s just fate.
631 · Jun 2016
Broken mind
Jacco krom Jun 2016
I feel so caged.

It's like I have to mind my every word, because if I don't I might make you angry or sad.

I feel so chained.

It's like my feelings won't let go, holding me down everywhere I go.

I feel so trapped.

Stuck in the same endeless circle of mistakes, hurting me more than ever.
575 · May 2016
Jacco krom May 2016
They tell me the world is full of colors,  making everything so lively and bright.

Yet all i see is somberness and pain, hearts filled with colors dark as the night.
542 · Mar 2017
Winter time
Jacco krom Mar 2017
Flowers wither and water goes cold,
as we tend to young, weak and old.

Being together, loving & helping all,
Waiting for the snow to fall.
483 · Jun 2019
Jacco krom Jun 2019
like seasons come, they must go;
You have changed, don't you know?

A broken boat out in the open sea;
Perfect eyes but she refuses to see.

It's time to let it drift away;
It doesn't matter anymore.

Isn't that what you used to say?
456 · May 2016
Jacco krom May 2016
A feeling of regret, creeping up in my mind.
Eating away my joy, yet still i act like i'm fine.

Doubting, will it ever go away?
This feeling of regret, is it here to stay?
440 · May 2016
Jacco krom May 2016
Time, A scary thing isn't it?
Watching the leaves decay, from the chair in wich i sit.

The once so green leaves,
One by one falling down.
Abandoning their lively color of green, for a sad tint of brown.

A child is born, it's life passes by.
It lives, untill time decides it has to die.

Time, it's our beginning and our end.
Our enemy, yet also our friend.
429 · Oct 2017
For my first true love.
Jacco krom Oct 2017
The most amazing girl I had ever met;
yet I was too stupid to see.

I regret what I did;
I'm sorry for the way I used to be.
It's not who I am anymore;
That monster wasn't really me.

How was I able to treat you like this...
While I felt so good during our first kiss..

I broke your heart...
Even though you loved me from the start...

Now I'm laying here crying my heart out;
Thinking, will you ever forget?
Will you forever feel pain and regret?

I don't want to lose you;
Let me make up for all the ****.
I truly never wanted to hurt you like this,
Yet I did an even now I still unwillingly do.

You're as beautiful as cherry blossom drifting trough the air.
I love your deep eyes, your soft lips,
your perfect body and your dark hair.
When I'm with you all I can do is stare.
Stare at your mesmerizing beauty.

I know you will never believe me, but it's true...
You're amazing and I love you.
405 · Mar 2017
Jacco krom Mar 2017
You wonder and wonder, but never discover.
Go find out for yourself, that which this world has to offer.

Oh foolish child, stop being so scared.
Do the things no other before you ever even dared.
396 · Apr 2016
Fake reality
Jacco krom Apr 2016
He stood silently amidst the darkness,
staring at the shimmering light in the distance.
Confined in his own thoughts he wondered about the mysteries of life,
and of his own existence.

He found himself trapped within a fake reality,
one with fake people telling nothing but lies.
Where everyday people would put on meaningless smiles,
trying to hide their hopeless eyes.

He felt all alone,
all alone in this world without hope.
“Worthless” was the only thing he thought of himself,
as he found his life going down a *****.

The man walked towards the light,
dwelling further into his own mind.
Happiness is what he wanted,
but something he could not find.

As the man came closer there was a sudden feeling of warmth,
he saw a girl standing all alone.
Who is she? he asked himself,
this feeling… it was a feeling the man had once known.

he started walking faster towards the girl,
trying to reach the feeling.
The warmth coming from the girl,
it felt so appealing…
340 · Mar 2017
Jacco krom Mar 2017
Hope for the future,
be thankful for the past.
Live in the moment,
cherish these times for as long as they last.
314 · Jun 2019
Jacco krom Jun 2019
I won't let you abuse me any more,
you've hurt me enough.
things aren't like they were before,
it's been way too rough.

you scream, you cry and you hit me,
I won't take this again.
250 · Sep 2018
Jacco krom Sep 2018
All gets ruined in time.
Ruined.. Ruined..
As is this mind of mine.
210 · Jun 2019
Jacco krom Jun 2019
Ik laat je huilen in de regen,
heb geen ***** meer om te geven.
Ooit gaf ik je alles wat ik had,
nu gebruik je mij en breekt het mijn hart.

Waarom is het zo moeilijk om je lost te laten?
Alles wat je doet is om mij te breken en haten.

Ik moet het laten gaan,
in de regen, daar laat ik je staan.
196 · Jun 2019
Jacco krom Jun 2019
Het verdriet van gisteravond leek zo lang,
het geluk van vandaag voelde zo kort.

nu denk ik aan mijzelf,
en is dat waar ik mij op stort.
188 · Oct 2020
Hollow winds
Jacco krom Oct 2020
As I tell the hollow winds my fleeting tale,
my disgraced face looks all too pale.

In the pouring rain,
the bitter tears join;
flowing down the rusty drain.

In futile belief I share my shaken mind,
To the holllow winds that seem so kind.
188 · Feb 2020
Jacco krom Feb 2020
He stood silently amidst the darkness,
staring at the shimmering light in the distance.
Confined in his own thoughts he wondered about the mysteries of life,
and of his own existence.

He found himself trapped within a fake reality,
one with fake people telling nothing but lies.
Where everyday people would put on meaningless smiles,
trying to hide their hopeless eyes.

He felt all alone,
all alone in this world without hope.
“Worthless” was the only thing he thought of himself,
as he found his life going down a *****.
152 · Feb 2020
Evil inside
Jacco krom Feb 2020
Behind the drapes of every day's light,
an unspoken evil hides in the night.
Carrying the fear and doubts of yesteryear; setting ablaze all you hold so dear.
In the deep abyss of my tormented mind,
no place to run, nothing to hide behind.
I ponder all day, and ask myself: "why?"
But the mirror shows the truth,
for the evil am I.
148 · Jan 2020
Jacco krom Jan 2020
Once a sweet young boy,
like the sun he shined.
Always so warm and bright;
he is trying to enjoy,
and find peace of mind.
Searching for his lost light.
It's been a while.
139 · Feb 2020
Jacco krom Feb 2020
The man walked towards the light,
dwelling further into his own mind.
Happiness is what he wanted,
but something he could not find.

As the man came closer there was a sudden feeling of warmth,
he saw a girl standing all alone.
Who is she? he asked himself,
this feeling… it was a feeling the man had once known.

he started walking faster towards the girl,
trying to reach the feeling.
The warmth coming from the girl,
it felt so appealing…

— The End —