Tie my shoes up tight
Taking my time
I'm in for a long night
Warm up on sidelines
Scoping it out
A fresh ball in my hip pocket
I be feeling stout
Drill it to **** it bout 3000 times
Never stepping outside the black painted lines
Of the lane
I was inside
Perfecting the stroke
The release
But I'm in the waiting room
The lobby that is Court Two
Court 1 is where the men boom
And bang bodies and shoot
And if a man is there for long enough
And the ten go down a few
A few of the crew
Over on Court Two
Get called on to fill and finish the game up
My wind isn't great
My footwork is dodgy
My stroke is quite streaky
Go to the bank?
I'm wishy-washy
Can't box out for ****
My handles are average
But my defense is good
So I have some leverage
And on this particular evening
My shot felt real good
And I got a nod over
And played how I should
A pester on defense
I was covering two
To free up a big man in post
In the zoo
A transition pit stop on fast break
I pushed the ball up the court
The seven footer hits me in the corner
Shooting 100% from the floor
Then the men started to heat up
'250 bulldozer' in the lane
'Lights out on the arc'er outsider
I didn't touch the ball much
I'd basically given up
They played there often with chemistry
And I, just a pup
Got one pass at the end
That I wasn't expecting
I fumbled the friend
The rock had been misdirecting
3/3 ~ 7 pts ~ 3 rbd ~ 1 blk ~ 2 stl ~ 2 ast ~ 2 to
And we take those
Pick up basketball at University