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Oct 2023 · 532
I don't know swimming.
Mujen Suraj Oct 2023
this morning I felt like I was emerging from the deep sea,
the sunlight shined on my eyes, and then I breathed.

but I don't know how to swim.
Mar 2023 · 499
Live, hold the moment
Mujen Suraj Mar 2023
hold the moment
make things happen
draw it slow and slower
make it repeat
give this a breath, and so
live in now, live in this moment.

dear, time is elusive wanderer
and often a deciever,
dont be sure to let it elaps
and it's tragic too, you cant embrace it for forever
Mar 2023 · 185
Late days
Mujen Suraj Mar 2023
No letters on the desk
nor the playlist remained to listen
hundreds of time, one more time.
I knotted a muffler an hour ago
and don't want have a walk to the
nearest pole, today too.
I sipped a glass of water
but lots remained in the glass
looked out of the window, it is orange sky.
May be my friend forgot to click,
he must be playing hide and seek and missed the sky.
Yesterday it was raining now,
I made a paper boat, rushed to out
but my window had not a river
then I flew the boat in the sky.
Now I am off to a nap
I put opened book
over my face.
I smell it, and I slept then.
In my entwined dreams
the only thing I remembered was
the rays of the Sun laminating through my palm.
And this was the Sun of last happy December.
डेस्क पर कोई पत्र नहीं
न ही प्लेलिस्ट सुनने के लिए रह गई,
सैकड़ों बार, एक बार और।
मैंने एक घंटे पहले मफलर लगाया था
और टहलने नहीं जाना चाहता
निकटतम खंभा तक, आज भी।
मैंने एक गिलास पानी पिया
लेकिन गिलास में बहुत कुछ रह गया
खिड़की से देखा, नारंगी आसमान है।
हो सकता है मेरा दोस्त क्लिक करना भूल गया हो,
वह लुका-छिपी खेल रहा होगा और आकाश से चूक गया होगा।
कल बारिश हो रही थी अब,
मैंने कागज़ की नाव बनाई, दौड़कर बाहर निकला
लेकिन मेरी खिड़की में नदी नहीं थी
तब मैंने नाव को आकाश में उड़ाया।
अब मैं एक झपकी के लिए रवाना हूँ
मैंने खुली किताब रख दी
मेरे चेहरे पर।
मुझे इसकी गंध आती है, और मैं तब सो गया।
मेरे उलझे हुए सपनों में
केवल एक चीज जो मुझे याद थी वह थी
मेरी हथेली से टकराती सूर्य की किरणें।
और ये था आखिरी खुश दिसंबर का सूरज।
Feb 2023 · 164
My discomfort
Mujen Suraj Feb 2023
I can wear a single pair of socks for more than ten days
It could never let me get discomfort
Neither walking alone at mid of the night in empty roads and lanes
But in group of people
my discomfort comes
It turns my personality into a different pole
And i hate crowd.
May 2021 · 290
Falling with you
Mujen Suraj May 2021
Do you like the sense of falling down
From up above the sky?
While running a music in your ears
and you are light as
you just puffed a cigarette
and put out your lighter back to
I feel so
When you talk late night to me
sitting facing eachother
Murmuring untangled words,
why I love night and you
like watching circles of cigarettes
Hovering in room. Burning unintentionally.
I like that smell of you
Beautiful and seemless.
Crying of darkness outside
doesn't bother you anymore
We can understand it.
I love to keep falling.
Again and again.
Seeing ending with a beginning.
I love the sky and it never falls.
you fall
on my lap but it doesn't save you
from the thunder of the day
You don't sleep there.
You sob there.
My moon you always shine
and you speak madness.

Can you let me fall tonight,
with the music you played late
holding hands tighter
and fall asleep like kid?
We will burn our flowers next time.
Mujen Suraj Apr 2021
I am laying on the bed
as dust settled on the book near my window.
I am breathing.
I woken up by a call from my friend
He is coming.
He is on the way.
He comes to me.
He shares my thoughts.

Last day too he came like the other day.
We were at the window.
Popping out our heads.
While having puffs of our last cigarettes.

He lives not in my world.
It's locked with walls.
He lives in the world of other side of walls.
He is my connect to the external world.

Sometimes he brought me ****.
A book of momentary happiness
And recreation.
And I play songs we like together,
Or he speaks most of the time.

My room is smaller than my mind.
My friend is not smarter than me.
I have safe place for our mischievous.

He will be here in moment
Lemme get up and wait up for him at our window.
My friend from other side of the walls
is coming.
Jun 2020 · 241
Destitute destiny of Us
Mujen Suraj Jun 2020
We both had different vision
and never able to
match our eyes.
You didn't see
what I wanted to show you.
I lost the chance, for what
you desired to convey me.
Jun 2020 · 222
Will and consequences
Mujen Suraj Jun 2020
In compassion with the sea
he jumped into it.
Aware of truth
he can not swim.
But with the belief that he can float.
When willingly we fall in something we are unaware that what to do next or how to survive with the situation but have hope that we will somehow have the potential to survive.
Jun 2020 · 254
The sky of us
Mujen Suraj Jun 2020
I look at up
I find,
The Sky is everywhere
open and vast.

And then I want to fly,
Like a cloud ready to rain.

So I can move to your town,
find you sitting at the window.

Lost in deep thoughts, I am unaware about.
And I will fall in your front yard,
make your thoughts wet.

And, compel you to think more, and more.
Then you look at up the sky.

You will find the same sky.
And you will wish to be a wind, wandering and come to my town.

You find me, with arms spread wide to the sky.
I am in the open field, waiting for the wind to come and caress my hair. Touch me and make me happy.
Jun 2020 · 193
I hate when
Mujen Suraj Jun 2020
You came late tonight
and you missed the dinner,
prepared as per your taste.
You also missed our favorite
TV show, I watched lonely.
And I won't tell you, why
John left Carol!
Jun 2020 · 176
in that evening
Mujen Suraj Jun 2020
the setting sun and the rain
far on the horizon.
here on the other side of the window
cappuccino and chocolate.

no wonder it was melted and diluted
at the wrong time but contrasting
the rainbow.

then you spoke your weirdness,
in response,
I uttered my madness,
looking into your eyes.

for the moment, silence
was here, but then subdued
by patter outside.

and you continued to your chocolate
and I got back to my cappuccino.
It happened many times but not in real time
Jun 2020 · 190
Mujen Suraj Jun 2020
आज तुम्हारे शहर में बारिश  है,
और पहली बार उसी वक़्त मेरे शहर में भी,
इस बारिश का जादू कुछ इस क़दर हुआ,
मानो दोनों शहर अब एक ही हैं.
ना दूरी की , ना वक़्त का फ़ासला रहा.

पर दो मकानों के दो कमरों  में सिमटे
हम दो लोग.
भीगे इस बारिश की बूंदों में
जो अब तक खिड़की के  बाहर थी,
अलग अलग शहरों की.

उस तड़प का, उस विलाप का
यह कोई उपाय तो नहीं,
पर एक जैसे एहसास का उमड़ना
काफ़ी  है.
एक सी मिट्टी की महक़, और बारिश का  शोर.

अब जैसे मैं अनायास ही  तुमसे कहता हूँ, की
फिर जब  मैं तुमसे मिलूं
तुम बारिश लेके आना.
May 2020 · 170
Mujen Suraj May 2020
You are like a deep ocean
and want me to dive in.


I don't know how to swim.
May 2020 · 178
Mujen Suraj May 2020
twisted and tangled dreams,
I found better than the broken ones.

always makes me, curious for coming turns.

and it amazes me at each point.
Apr 2020 · 247
How close?
Mujen Suraj Apr 2020
I still remember
your odor.

You don't agree, but

That close
you were to me.
Mar 2020 · 167
Cigarette and the night
Mujen Suraj Mar 2020
Surrounded here,
with smoke of your
my love.
Do you see the other side
of smoke?
I left my eyes opened!

With each inhale
you are burning
the sorrow of my heart,
I am staring
the far side of window.

The city is sleeping.
And, we are still awake
and silent.
Mar 2020 · 239
Woods beneath her eyes
Mujen Suraj Mar 2020
When she close her eyes
the world shrinks,
and with the bee buzz she fall in the woods.
The woods beneath her eyes.

She find herself in mystic and safe place,
and settles there like an unborn soul.
Free of all dreams and bounds.

She doesn't afraid of howling dark clouds, which never let the sky blue.
neither of gigantic trees,
which let realize her exiguity.

She hids there sometimes,
willingly, to provide her calmness.
She creates the puzzle of thoughts,
an keep in her pocket.

The woods beneath her eyes.
Mar 2020 · 205
Don't look, just let it go
Mujen Suraj Mar 2020
let go your love
take back and slow down your steps
you no need to blame
it ran out of dream

there will be a Dawn
the night won't be long
dare to hold your heart
just take it like a man

don't look back
into the the blank face of love
don't cry, dont call it back
Mar 2020 · 194
And I ask to me
Mujen Suraj Mar 2020
Do you still believe
I love you
after all this time?

Did you forget
you said you are not ready yet?

When everything faded
you came and ask me now!
and you are same old one.
Mar 2020 · 334
Wind, Rain and Us?
Mujen Suraj Mar 2020
Can you listen to it?
The cry of the wind,
Its is calling for you, to break the bars
to feel the freedom, to do the wish.

Have you ever attempted?
To see what do you want,
To say what you like,
with no burden of words.
To find yourself in other's eyes.
And hold your heart, out of the cage.

What, do you think?
Would you come with me, to head towards
the unexplored, unto the new Sun.
to the land of daffodils and wilds of pine.
Where you can be you,
the wind is you and the rain is me.
Feb 2020 · 220
A New Day
Mujen Suraj Feb 2020
I broke the window,
this morning, that barred me from the sun,
The quilts of yesterday's dim, finally thrown aside.
I looked around,
The last remenant of candle was, still alive in the corner of my room,
But who cares.
I burned my favorite book.
The broken window swept all I didn't want to keep.
Sometimes wake up in the morning is good to move ahead with leaving yesterday behind. The Sun always welcomes you and gives a shine to get rejuvenated.
Jan 2020 · 207
.....of you and 'bout you.
Mujen Suraj Jan 2020
Just yesterday,
I sat with the Sun
He shared his stories,
of far above
and about the sky
and the wind.
And I talked about you,
and just the smell of you.
Jan 2020 · 158
We, and our choices
Mujen Suraj Jan 2020

You choose tea,
I go for coffee.

We accept our choices,
then we sit together.
we share similarities,
no other has.
Sometimes there are differences between two individuals in their preferences, choices, and beliefs, but still, they care more about the similarities they hold more than the differences.
They seek for the blank spaces.
Jan 2020 · 250
In this Fall
Mujen Suraj Jan 2020
We met
We talked
We dated
We roamed
We explored
We clicked
We cared
We caressed
We kissed
We embraced
We made out
We loved
We fought
We ignored
We did that all

In this Fall
We fell in love
We have seen ourselves
We came and gone.
Jan 2020 · 149
Between Us
Mujen Suraj Jan 2020
There is some tension,
There is some fight,
Some wrestle,
And then make out.
Mujen Suraj Jan 2020
After a long time
they decided to meet,
after the sunset
as usual.
No display of affection
but with gentle etiquette
as usual.

But today the sky had gathered grey clouds,
and was raining outside.

They waved hands to each other and
secured their places to sit.
Adjusted themselves to the depth of comfort.

The conversation began
with the warmth of desperation.
They talked,
some romance.
They talked,
some friends.
At that moment the ambiance around got as blurred as lost.
And the time was flying.

that in-depth conversation,
They noticed,
they didn't look into eyes,
although nobody was hiding anything.
But still why?

The redolence of coffee and tea
represents them quietly.
They are different but together.

It was raining when they met
and decided to leave when it stops.

"The rain is stopped, and it’s time to..." you said.

"But the wind is still strong," I interrupted.
Jul 2019 · 564
The silence they grow
Mujen Suraj Jul 2019
They helped eachother
to carry on
the silence
between them.
They used to be
intimate souls.
Jun 2019 · 415
An abandoned book
Mujen Suraj Jun 2019
Between those two pages
of an abandoned book,
over my messed up table.
a moment is kept,
pious and complete.

A memoir of
younghood and innocence,
and emotions of being worthy,
with you.
It is safe within those pages.

A long journey
Since then, but
all passed, in a moment.
while we stayed awake.

May be some day,
it would be opened
to see and cherish.
what we had,
and what could have been hold.
Mujen Suraj Feb 2019
अब भी में खुली हवा में साँस लेता हूँ,
और सोख़ लेता हूँ सूरज की गर्म धुप को,
पतंग को मांझे से बांध निकल जाता हूँ.

कुछ अलग नहीं लगता अब,
आस पास
अब तुम्हारा ना होना, तुम्हारा चले जाना.

सोचा था, बहुत मुश्किल होगा,
कैसे तुम्हारे बिना खुद को सुनूंगा
और कैसे खुद को पाउँगा,
तुम्हारे बिना.

पर, अब अंधेरो में मशालें
रात भर जलतीं हैं.
पैमाने अब भी बनते है.

सोचा था, तुम्हारा जाना,
एक वक़्त का अंत होगा,
किसी शुरुआत के बिना,
और मानो किसी के मरजाने जैसा.  

पर, अब भी तो सुबह होती है,
में जागता हूँ, रात होती है तो,
चाँद निकलता है.
राहें तो राहगीरों से भरा है.
मंज़िलों के मुसाफिर,
अब भी थके नहीं है.

तुम्हारा ना होना
अब एक सुख सा है.
हरेक गुजरता पल अब
प्रेरणा है.
Jan 2019 · 483
To feel alive
Mujen Suraj Jan 2019
In a day,  with bright Sun,  
Shines in the painted blue sky,
I rush to the room,
pick my backpack and thermos.
I  pulled some books with, a pair of shoe,
and a pack of cigarettes and some sweets too.

I leave,

And an escape has planned,
Anonymous and directionless.
I ran, I escaped.
Not a vacation, I can’t.

Maybe in some wilderness,
Or in seclusion, I lay. I Think.
far from each, in the east.
Where I count the leaves of trees
touch the breeze of the north,
and inhale the bright Sun,
Shall make me alive!
These are the thoughts grow in my mind, at my young age, now too ;) to plan an escape from the daily monotonous life. I feel just to leave the concrete set up and head to the wilderness.

Lay in the grass makes me establish a connection with nature, feel more closure to the roots with minimum needs.
Mujen Suraj Jan 2019
रात को  जाने दो
धीरे से  इसे बीत  जाने दो
अँधेरे में हर बात को खो जाने दो।  

बह जाने दो हर अहसासों  को
लम्हे दर लम्हों  के तह
लग जाने दो।  
जो कुछ जाहिर  है, दबा लेने दो
इस रात को जाने दो।

कुछ इस कोने , कुछ उस कोने
वक़्त को गुजर जाने दो,
जेब से निकल उस ख़त  को पढ़ लेने दो।  
अगर बाढ़ को आँखों में समाय हो,
आज बांध को टूट जाने दो।

रात को जाने दो।
Mujen Suraj Jan 2019
I twisted my fingers
On my black and tangled hair
And there was moisture
Which are remains
of last rain.

I sat aside lost in dream
I set myself
In a front seat of
Car, that's just moving
Ahead with its usual speed
Crossed thousands of people with

I am dry, although it's raining
Blurring the windshield
Making it hard to drive
Killing each sense
and paralyzing me.
The sky is falling

But I am dry
My eyes too
Body, clothes, and books
All. I am leaving behind
Each thing went wet.
I am dry

Gently, I removed
My hands from
My black and tangled hair
It still has moisture.
Remains of last rain.
Mujen Suraj Jan 2019
With the sleeping silence of moth
He walks, in this dead morning,
like a winner of the yesterday.
steps up from the sinking hills
drags his heavy shoulder,
carries the soul of today.

The gloomy sunlight of dawn,
shines for him. He witnessed a flood of
the last moon,
In dark night.
With the dogs' howl, face is staring to up.
He doesn't look back,
far back, the villages of ghosts,
He crossed.

The festival of blood ends.
with the red moon.
The flower of wind of east
bruises wounds of his now.
He, immersed from the sweats in many moons.

He sang the songs of tomorrow,
red and silky. He harvests the flower
of sand.
In his hand, kept a treasure,
the dust of last wood.

The cold face is rising now,
with the disappearance of the last firefly.
Like the winner of yesterday,
He swipes sweats, seeks for Eli.
The compassion and vengeance
holds in the grail.

In the dream, He kissed the illusion.
swam in the sea of Milkyway.
He solemnly pierced the flower of the hurricane,
in his blue heart.
And claimed the meaning of nothing.

In the foreign land, He emptied the bag
of the voyage.
The footstep in the snowy path, cracking
the silence of manhood.
Then, he loved the selfishness of
his lover,
He is brave to not to return.

— The End —