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957 · May 2019
Gazing at the snow
Lights are glazing, full of a glow.
Shining upon the cold winters snow.
Leaving a mark, in the floor cold as ice.
I'm hoping this winter, it will be nice.
Seeing this world with a shiny new haze.
Looking at it through the new world's gaze.
I see the beauty and all of the light, maybe it won't keep me up tonight.
I feel empowered today <3
524 · May 2019
You are like a dream
You are like a dream, your face has a beautiful sheen.
If I were to see you again, I'd love the way you seem.
You look just like a goddess, sent from the skies.
Your love has begun to open my eyes.
My heart will always sink to the bottom of my chest.
I'm glad that with you, I'll never have to guess.
I'll love you til my days are gone, please know that's true.
Baby let me be your love and I will be your knight.
Just let me hold you close and kiss your neck tonight.
Thanks for everyone who has been checking out my poems, I'll try to keep them coming!
420 · May 2019
I see your eyes
I see your eyes and I see your smile.
I see the things that last for a while.
Hoping that someday, life will a new.
Bring me your love, and I will hold you.
I'd be your king and you'd be my queen.
Facing this world, even when it isn't so keen.
Dreaming of flight, like the wings of the plane.
Landing in your arms, that I wish to stay.
I love you all <3
397 · May 2019
Goodnight, sleep tight
Goodnight, sleep tight
I'll love you even after the days light
Dreaming for another embrace
Hoping to see your beautiful face
I'll never leave, I'll stand with you
Over the years, you'll see it's true
I'm yours, I'll try to be like no other
I'll try to make you happy, while I tuck you under the covers
Please, have an amazing night everyone <3
373 · May 2019
In the sleepless night
I must sleep to live tomorrow, but tonight I am filled with sorrow.
I lost my dreams in a field of tears, somewhere far away from here.
Shouldn't it be easy to find?
As easy to find as the warm summer sand, or is it as rare as someone who loves me for who I am?
Sleep fixes the pain in life, but sometimes those dreary gates refuse to open at night.
Insomnia strikes like a backhanded blow, forcing you to not sleep anymore.
I just want to find some peace for this cold stone heart that is in my chest.
Hopefully, I will find somewhere where my head can finally have a good nights rest.
I can't sleep tonight, for I have had so much sadness and loss.
I hope you enjoy the mental recreation of my pain of the night.
357 · May 2019
Wishing to be the wind
The wind is a wild and crazy device.
Pushing the air and it doesn't think twice.
Blowing harder and harder with every blow.
It moves leaves, pedals, and many more.
Blowing past the houses and the sky, moving in this world and we don't ask why.
It blows without worry, concern, or care.
Sometimes I wish I were the wind blowing up there.
Maybe wishing I could be lighter than air.
Nothing is faster and lighter, of course, as it hits my head while I walk a forth.
Thanks for any support you guys are giving me <3 I love you all
351 · Feb 2019
My heart is bleeding
My heart is bleeding, my soul is too, crying for attention.
It is crying for you.
You make me fly, like a bird in the night.
Just to be hidden by the cold daylight.
Let me love you, don't push me away.
I'd always care for you, just tell me to stay.
348 · May 2019
I don't want it
I don't want to live anymore.
I don't want to hurt anymore.
I don't want to waste anymore.
I don't want to cry anymore.
I don't want to think anymore.
I don't want to smell anymore.
I don't want to see anymore.
I don't want to talk anymore.
I don't want to love anymore.
I don't want to care anymore.
I don't want any of it, I want it all to end.
Like a flash in the pan.
The light blinding me then fading into nothing.
Nothing would matter at the moment I die.
It would be the calmness of a thousand night skies.
It would be the love of a million star lights.
It would be the kindness of a thousand moms.
It would be a moment... the one true moment of bliss.
Then it would end.
Just like a rollercoaster,
It is sad but you know you are ok.
The stars will shine brighter at night.
My heart would feel calm and light.
I can't do it anymore,
not in this world.
Nothing can fix me, I'm broken beyond repair.
I need to be replaced but first I must trade in my broken piece.
297 · May 2019
It hurts more then you know
I trusted you with my life.
I wanted to hug you and love you and hold you tight.
You are like a sister to me, kind and fair but so naive.
You listened to the bottles hand, not the one who held you then.
Brother by love not by blood and a sister from a different neighborhood.
Hoping to see you live, laugh, and love instead of falling from far above.
Don't lose your chance to see success.
Don't lose your chance to be the best.
I want you to see the day when everyone shouts hooray to your name.
I want to watch as you hold your cap on graduation day.
You mustn't leave me, not for the glass of death.
Please don't forget me for the last taste that's left.
I will never forgive myself for the days I didn't see, the cries of pain that I feel were for me.
This world wouldn't feel like a home anymore, at least if I never saw you walk through my door.
I'd cry in pain and anger and fright, just please don't forget me after you take your last sip for the night.
Please don't forget me and don't forget yourself.
Please, Cate, please.
I don't want to lose you, I'd never forgive myself.
273 · Feb 2019
Crying in pain
Crying in pain, crying from fright.
The ones you once loved come after you in the night.
You break a cold sweat, you pull out a tear.
Just know your loved ones are all right here.
214 · Feb 2019
Happily, Alone
Alone in this house, never seen a new face.
I'd grace it with a person if I didn't look like paste.
I look beyond bad, I smell like a flue.
Just know that the person entering this house, it just ain't you.
164 · May 2019
My mind is broken
My mind is dead, it has stopped in time.
Thoughts and words don't seem to rhyme.
I can't see straight and I'm feeling blue.
My heart is broken and my mind is too.
I can't speak or see anymore,
I don't know what you have in store.
It twists my brain, my mind is done.
Please help me fix it before I'm gone.
147 · Feb 2019
Be sad, yet strong
Some days just don't feel like they are worth living.
You wish you could just lay down and dream about what you wish the world was.
Other days you just want to try and try but it never turns out right.
Dreaming is stupid, but trying is not.
you can dream but it won't happen if you never work for it.
I wish I could always just sit and cry but not today.
For I will have the strength to listen to my fears.
I will address my thoughts and not let them consume me.
I can't let them be who I am.
You can never let go of your issues, even if you want too.
But never let them be who you are.
They are just the quirks in you, because you know you can do it.
You only dream about being perfect, and dreaming is stupid.
I made this in 20 minutes
134 · Oct 2019
Crying is normal
Crying is normal.
Pain is too.
Pain, we all feel it, sometimes because of you.
It may hurt, or make you squirm, but it will aid in your growing too.
We must hurt one time or another, or we will curl up and die.
Just think of this before you lie.
119 · Oct 2019
Just another breath
Breathing is hard.

Hard to see.

Imagine breathing just for the feeling of unity.

Breathing to love, breathing for life.

Breathing to see the next morning's light.

It may be hard, it may be tough, but know that one breath just isn't enough.

You may wish to stop the fight, but know this world won't let you leave tonight.
Thanks for reading the useless after comment :)
116 · Oct 2020
The mind of life
The heart in my chest.
The heart in my sky.
The heart of my love.
The heart shall not die.

Protect our heart.
Protect our love.
Protect everything you see above.

Screaming and shrieking.
Crying and pain.
Nothing any of us shall see again.

Time to live.
Time to lie
Time to show this world why.

Towards the end.
Towards the fight.
Life isn't something to just take flight.
It burns and it hurts, it chips and it breaks.
All will be fine, on the warm summer day
89 · Sep 2020
Hearts can open
Hearts can open, hearts can close.
Hearts can be many things, changing right under your nose.
They don't get larger, or smaller, or size about.
They stay the same shape without a single doubt.
That doesn't stop me from saying with glee.
My heart has grown to big to leave it for just me.
I'll share my heart, my mind, my love.
All that I ask is you don't fly away like a dove.
I'll hold you through thick, through thin, and through sorrow.
Just be mine and let our love live long past tomorrow.
86 · Jun 2020
How I've missed you
God how I've missed you, missed that smile on your face.
God how I've missed every warming embrace.
The feel of your sight, beaming upon me.
It's more than I could ask for, can't you see?
I'd love to hold you, all through the night.
I'd love to kiss your lips till the next day's light.
I will protect you, and keep you warm.
Just as long as you stay on my arm.
77 · Jan 2020
Beyond the doors
Beyond the doors of my room,  beyond the thoughts of these walls.
A light starts to grow, it did all along.
It was hard to see it, it was hard to hear.
Beyond the doors, life is right here.
Growing like children, not just happy and glee.
Pain and suffering brought forth by me.
It hurts to live but for all I do, I will continue to suffer.
Suffer for you.
I will keep living, working on life, keeping people happy all throughout life.
I won't give up nor should you, but all that happens, is all not just for you.
Just bored at school

— The End —