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Kairosclere Nov 2020
So we lied
To ourselves
All along,
The impostors
In our lives.
/ read about the impostor syndrome and see how it affects lives, especially in relation to misogyny /
Kairosclere Jun 2021
I tremble at the very thought
That knowledge is a vice
As long as its not learnt,
Not imposed upon,
Free thinking individuals
Are a bane to the society
Because they say things
They actually mean
Unlike those that connive
And cheat and con
With their truth-seeming lies
To make the world spin
Just with the weight of their guilt
That nobody ever accepts
The taboo to simple truths
That requires a magnanimous courage
To even comprehend saying it:
They are of no benefit,
Individuals with a mind of their own
Simply because
They never cease to disagree to mediocrity
But aspire to influence
To inspire the heroic in man
Who might as well choose
To abscond the path to their greatness
And instead seek salvation
Without realising that both
Are one and the same.
Kairosclere Jun 2021
I sat down
Trying to write a script-
Something to awe,
Before you decide to draw
This entire joke to a close-
And I think my hands
Moved of their own accord
Some ghost possession, I guess,
Or maybe I just wanted to write about ghosts
Anyway (read twice)
There was this human
Who turned Fae-
Argh no, scratch that,
Too cliche,
This Fae, she turned human!
Ahh see now that the story begins to weave!
I mean, I guess,
I weave the story
Or rather
This ghost guiding my hand.
He seems the same type as Casper, though,
Except with the creative range
Of a twenty year old
In the middle of college,
And lost all his imagination.
Words- WORDS!
Ah woe is me, she cried,
Because in a world where
She was supposed to be immortal,
She was stripped of her pride.
And there the straw ****** dry,
No creative juice these days
The ghost came by.
(Because he was intangible?
And anyway couldn’t consume
All that gave our meat sacks
Ill deserved pleasure?)
I pat the ghost on his head
Like an affectionate pet
And ask him to go on,
Because even though trash,
The only reason I was writing
Was through his pen.
She used to be a goddess in her own realm,
All powerful, all mighty,
Beautiful, very pretty,
(here we both are stuck-
To catch words, flowery,
That they would attract the best of bees,
To pollinate, and pass on the word,
Of this unfinished story),
And we keep the pen down
As an attempt
To at least attract wasps-
But now,
She gave up what she treasured most
For a love
That promised itself until eternity
Into this man
She had looked all from afar
And decided
It was either him or nothing at all.
I turn to him,
Yes, the friendly
Burnt-out college dude,
“Wait, isn’t this the plot
Of every major fantasy?
Or are you just channeling yours’
Through me?
All the time wasted on assignments,
And I become your bard
Guiding through a weird
I don’t get an answer,
Obviously, because,
As I said, he is intangible,
Beyond words, beyond form,
A presence
That might not be here at all.
(I also cannot see him
Shaking his head
As I type word after word, muddled,
As he chews on imaginary bread.)
But somehow the words erase
(I know this because of the
Frantic clicking of the backspace bar
And a cursor
The seems to have forgotten
All that was written
By the predecessor-)
Written over minutes long,
As though my will does not count
Into all that he had planned.
So we begin our charade again:
Him, channeling all his pent up anxiety
Over ghost college-
Ah I think the
Math assignment due
Did everything but spur him on
To finish this poem,
And his lack of creativity
Into this newfound hobby.
She went on to confess
Her undying love
For this man, mortal,
And he looked at her
Long and lost,
And said,
“Who are you?”
Sounding so similar to
All those I had
Tried to speak to-
Ah! The trauma!
Woe is me.
There are shitposts
And there is poetry
The artistic skill required to
Merge them both
Is just treachery
To everyone who possesses a brain.
And when I am just
On the verge of pressing the cross
Not one that will lead to salvation-
But definitely one that will
Liberate the reader’s sensibilities
My mouse moves,
Saves the file,
And mails it to you instead.
If you sat through the previous one, why not another lmaoo
I do love tormenting people.
Kairosclere Dec 2020
Tell me how much privacy you really have.

Because, making your account private, deleting your PFP, and restricting or blocking unwanted accounts don't seem to stop the creeps.

Sometimes, I feel violated because of certain comments. And the thing is, I haven't asked anyone to text me nor have I made any advances. I'm here to post poetry, write from my heart and maybe put it out there for you to read, if you'd want to.

That's all. Nothing that would warrant unnecessary DMs.

This hapenned to my cousin. Well, almost to every girl/ woman I know.

Maybe it's our fault posting? Or maybe we shouldn't even have social media accounts.

But my mom had calls to her private number. Tell me, how does one find it? How do s one get rid of these roaches?

I know there's no fault of mine. But I can't help but feel there is some part here.

Maybe being closed off and cold might help, I wonder. It doesn't.

Then what will?
Kairosclere Jun 2020
Maybe we just need something to lean over,
Something to support us.
With loathing contempt,
The needy gravitate towards each other,
All the while
Wanting to be
The kings of their realm.
Kairosclere Jun 2020
No one
Should leave
This house of mine
With a heavy heart
Let me
Fill your soul
With the radiant
That mine can muster
Even if it
Withers down
To its roots.
Kairosclere Jun 2020
They wrote each other little notes all day long
It was their life line, it got them through the day strong
They wrote all the random things that they could possibly think
But the notes seemed short cause they read it in a blink
From chronicles of peaches and jelly
To the things that shouldn't even be silly
Some were really deep and meaningful Some were just so stupid that they became beautiful
Raiding each other's rough notes or diary was a daily thing that they did
These notes were their greatest treasure, to find these, to the ends of the earth you must dig
This whole thing is just something really simple but to them it was beyond special
It was like their little drug of happiness that occasionally made them mental
Not realizing how time got away quickly they now just read back the little notes they wrote to each other
Maybe the universe would be kind enough to let them write these once again as life moves further.
Written with Jennifer Selvan.
Kairosclere Jan 2021
This wouldn't be
Much more of a poem
Than the being
I'm trying to pose as,
But more of a meandering
(For a foolish mind)
Curves of instances
And I was stunned
At a gradual realisation
That I'd not really like
To retrace my steps.
I'd like to have done more but don't have regrets. It's sad many can't say that.
Kairosclere Aug 2021
We are stuck in a loop
Where we are objects ourselves,
Learned to put on a display,
Well sought after prices
And used as the display cases
To flaunt the prowess
Of whoever owns us for this moment.

I yearn for someone
Who sees the person within,
And I know so do you.

Count your blessings, I say,
And ours is time,
Until eternity.
An edgy dialogue from a psychedelic play I wrote. We don't know simplicity here.
*drowns in work*
Kairosclere Apr 2021
Myriad colours and patterns flash before my eyes,
A movie of sorts, fireworks,
And I see happy faces and sad
In the mind's eye
While the real one slowly closed
And my world is darkness.
Let's just assume it's hallucination and not a death wish.
Kairosclere Nov 2020
To write
Or to not.
A melody unsung
Still resides,
Where it should,
In a pocket
Of my soul.
Kairosclere Jun 2020
I am your
Joyous memory
Touched by sadness
The reason
Behind your wry smile.
Kairosclere Oct 2021
If not for the hope
That dreary days will once end,
I couldn't see forward.
Long time no see!
Kairosclere Jan 2021
Knowing full well
Your presence remains
Next to all her desires
Is a cruel
Kind of joke.
Meme 2: ah yes. Me, my wife and her 5 foot tall mareep.
Kairosclere Jan 2021
If reminded of
Your own mortality,
Would you ponder over it
And see it as an inevitable end,
Or would you choose to live
In ignorance?
It is immaterial,
Because the living only matters,
And it's ways;
Knowing the ends
Doesn't grant you knowledge
Of the means.
Seeing bridgerton promoted me to read the books. Idk if I'd recommend it tho.
Kairosclere Nov 2020
Wax melts
Heated and moulded
To a shape
Of your desire
Only to dissolve
Under heat.
Imposed, or fake personas don't last long.
Kairosclere May 2020
I know you’ll just be okay
When you work
Till your whole being shivers
With exhaustion
And your eyes cloud
With salty perspiration
And you push yourself
Into that one last lap
And keep pushing for another-
And yet another.
I know you won’t fall;
That much faith is essential.
And, wherever you trip,
You don’t tread on again.
With all those lessons
You’ve learned on your way,
You know you’ll just be okay.
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Thank you for reading <3
Kairosclere May 2020
We miss out days of our lives
Slipping into oblivion
Of unrequited words
That were better off unsaid,
Screamed our judgement
Every time our eyes met.
Not a word escaped
Through the iron gates.
Our inhibitions,
The castle’s gargoyles.
Holding us back,
Holding us down
Till the world turned ugly,
Bleak and stinking
Of death;
The same as how you lay
In my arms
Unmoving and unfeeling
And now, now,
Those sly words break free
What use are those barriers now,
When you don’t exist anymore?

/written at the loss of a love unsaid/
What is your interpretation of my poem?
How does it make you feel?

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Thank you for reading <3
Kairosclere Jul 2021
A man died under my care today.
Several do, tears swirled,
Such is the state of the world
Drowning in dismay.
He held my hands,
The grip of a newborn holding on
To dear life, Will his weapon.
I look at the thin bands
Of his fingers against mine
And see flashes of several before
Which held on with the same fervor
Inevitably falling limp, then their ashes in brine.
There is no structure or integrity
In a mind not allowed to dwell
On circumstances that make your heart swell.
I still look down in brevity.
Since long I have been detached
Lest my heart give out, hiding,
Behind an illusion of my tidings
And clothe myself in denial unmatched.
Kairosclere Jun 2020
It’s just
To write about 
Because while most people
Are monotonous
Objects at least
Have variety.
Kairosclere Feb 2021
An eye for an eye
Makes this a world
Of cyclopi,
And two,
Society goes back to
Being blind.
Morbid enough? Well. Things are worse.
Kairosclere Jun 2020
There are times when things don't go the way you want them to. There are times when things happen exactly as you wanted them to, but they didn't turn out that great. And there are those rare wonderful days, the ones you try so hard to never let go.
I've maybe said this a lot but with each person comes a different perspective. Hell, it might not suit you, might get you into misunderstandings and fights and the like, but when you're ready to hear and understand, maybe the other side too had a few patches of rot among the green grass.
I come attached with all my flaws and insecurities, those that make me toss and turn in my sleep when I most needed it, those that made me sleep for years on end, deceiving myself. But just as a smudge on an intricate painting, maybe we can hide our mistakes too. Or, show them to the world with so much pride and confidence, that your scars no longer define you, but your being does.
These few years have taught me many things. Yes, I have way too much to learn, too many things left to experience, but I am who I am because of the people around me.
But I don't imply everyone you meet turns out hiding a knife behind their backs to stab you in yours, but they're all lessons.
As in a book, you have chapters, and though you might want some to stretch on until forever, though you may want some things torn off of the book, and a few more even buried deep beneath the brown or burnt until unrecognisable, what happens has to happen, and trust me, things might just turn out to be pretty great for you. Watch, listen and learn from the things around you.
There are lessons and there are fairytale endings, there are chapters long and short, and there are too many genres than you can count. Here's what I have learnt, and here's what I have to say. To you, reading this, things will be okay. I'm here for you.
And so are these very lessons, to mould you into the beautiful being that you are, no matter the blemishes.
Maybe this story, these events do not completely belong to me. They're every bit yours, and may everything turn into an adventure!
So here I am, to bare my soul, and narrate the story of hurt, hope and healing <3
Kairosclere May 2021
I sift through years of work
To find a bright enough poem
That lights rather than puts out
The carefully cultivated theme
Of a place of comfort, though
Only a semblance.

Realisations are often compared to
Impacts, being hit, spontaneous,
And yet this one's nature,
An archaic unaffectedness,
That those old words
Don't seem to be mine anymore.
Here's to healing!
Kairosclere Jun 2020
I was the painting you tore down
Even before you started.
Kairosclere Nov 2020
Would you still beleive
If I told you of a time
Where we could still talk
Without being stabbed
In the heart
With surprise
At how much love
We could give
At how much we could bend
Without breaking?
Kairosclere Jun 2020
when I was standing under the sun
to get on a bus
that would take me to my
tuition centre,
I saw a pigeon
with a broken leg
across the road
trying to cross it.
All of a sudden
an old man stopped
his vehicle to watch the pigeon.
The pigeon, in its attempt,
almost got crushed
under a bike's wheel.
This man gets down
from his vehicle and
tries to catch the pigeon.
It flies away from him,
it would be better off on its own.
The man refused to give up.
He crossed the road along with it,
cooed to calm the pigeon down,
and lifted it tenderly
with both his arms
and took it home,
to care for it.
Maybe there's humanity still left,
in small acts of kindness,
but I don't think
this pigeon will be
remembered by anyone.
Kairosclere May 2021
Something's brewing
In that mind of yours
The words I yearn
A medley of spices
Off they go into the urn
Bottled and saved
For "future use"
/kindly speak what you think, supression does no favours to anyone/
Kairosclere Nov 2020
Purpose of
Everything that is
Seems fragile compared to
Kairosclere Apr 2021
The fun about puzzles
Is seeing an entire mural
Come alive
One piece after another
Connecting ends
And patterns-
That seem not to work
At first glance.
And maybe life is only all that,
A series of universal coincidences.
I spend too much time talking to someone and bam I have adopted their personality.
Kairosclere Dec 2020
Insert a quote here
Bound to make you smile.

Insert another
That makes you wipe your wet eyes.

That you relate to so well
It's almost as if I see into your soul.

And a quote
To spur you on.

I'll tell you all the things
That you think you want to hear.

And keep my mind silent
Without giving voice
To all those that you should.
Is it better to tell people what they want to hear or what they need to? There's a method and a way of stabbing someone and making them thank you for it.
Kairosclere May 2021
I got your message
Through these winds,
Carrying all the weight of your heart,
And send back a reply.
They are done crying,
Over my shoulder,
So I send them back to you,
In paltry hopes
For correspondence.
Kairosclere Dec 2020
I yearn to be
In all the places
That we cannot reach
And maybe taste that success
That people claim
To be so sweet.
I mean, though, it should be easy xD
Too lazy to actually work, yet I want everything the world has to offer :'
Kairosclere Jun 2020
What can you do that hasn't been done before?
There are but the same words
To churn and repeat
Taking on a new form
With each different pen.
Kairosclere Jan 2021
Souls are said to be connected
With red threads
Forming bonds to last.
Whenever I feel lost
I trace the thread
Connecting me and you
And manage
To find myself again.
I'm really grateful to have you in my life.
Kairosclere Nov 2020
I'm the future
Of my past
And the past
To my future
And neatly wrapped
In the present.
/as you are a great granddaughter, so will you be a great grandmother. Still, you/
Kairosclere Jan 2021
Who's the richest-
A woman with a full purse,
Or a woman with a full heart?
A woman with a full stomach. Lol.
Kairosclere May 2021
Even fruits
That slowly ripe
Kairosclere Apr 2021
Why should all poetry
Be a search for meaning
Of life, of love, of pain
And paint each, blushing,
Until you can’t peel away
Those emotions, that
Emotionless and inanimate
Entities bring about.
Look at me,
I write awfully lot about
The sun, the moon, the stars
Those which have never uttered a single word,
Let alone shine on us
And magically
I manage to belong.
We breathe in life
Into every word we pen down
And so did they-
In this poem of sorts.
When we look up
Into an unending darkness,
We still see
The same moon,
Don’t we?
Kairosclere Aug 2021
It's a pity, really,
That things bright and gold, subtle,
Cannot simply be caught on camera.
It demands the presence of the observer
Who in their true mind
That cannot conjure up it's radiance,
To watch it personally
With awe.
Tbvh this is a case of blue curtains
Kairosclere Jun 2020
b    r     o    k     e     n
Connect to me
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On Pinterest  @_kairosclere_
On hello poetry at
And my blog

Make sure to subscribe to get exclusive pieces.
Thank you for reading <3
Kairosclere Aug 2021
I cried a few times
When the sky did too
And decided
That the sky reflects my mood.
Today, the sky cried,
And I cried with it too,
I took it upon myself
To reflect the sky's mood.
Well, I didn't cry but seemed like a nice thing to write about. Also because I wanna post something nice next lol.
Kairosclere Sep 2021
...tangible, but not yet,
As feelings often aren't,
But feel like a person next to you,
Solid, within reach,)
That putting these thoughts into paper
Becomes a herculean task-
For how can you
Give form to something
That yearns to be formless?
It takes much courage to put your being on display,
Where each word is laced with glass shards, kite ropes,
That can cut and make bleed,
Yet that's what artists do...
Imagine trying to speak but the words seem to cut your throat each time you utter a sound.

You may need to get your tonsils checked.
Kairosclere Nov 2020
Find me,
A bumblebee,
Made not for flight,
You know, bees aren't made to fly, only to hop from one flower to another to collect nectar; their small wings unable to support their weight. They still try. Maybe there's something to learn there.
Kairosclere Jan 2021
I tend to make stories
Out of everything,
Passing glances
From a pair of eyes
Across cars
While standing at the toll.
The crook of a neck
Bent to search
A fallen coin
At the store line
Among impatient taps
Of feet.
Across the sunset
And about the light that travels
Millions of miles
Just to land on
Your hands
Shielding your eyes
From the glare.
Of pain and happiness
I weave stories
Despite meeting none
I wish to add
Vivid words
To match
The vivid lines
In your palms.
I nod at songs
Written ages ago
In sync with another century
Rather than my own.
I don't want to speak
And break this pregnant silence.
So I'll just look into
Those soulful eyes
And craft tales
To satisfy
My need
To romanticise.
Side effects of living inside your own world include having no sense of direction, to the great woe of my dad.
Kairosclere Jun 2020
The sun always shines after a dark night.
Kairosclere Aug 2021
There are millions of stories
Drifting clouds paint
Each day brings
A new sunset.
I saw this take on white woman's Instagram but for Indians and I fit all categories so I think I fit myself into the stereotypes of the societal standards and this is scary.
Kairosclere Jun 2020
As the sun went down
The rays by her solitary window,
A tear did too
Down her cheeks,
Her body felt numb,
The heart made no sound;
The castle of her hopes
Burned to the ground.
Consumed by a void
Engulfing her soul,
The burnt down heart
Let out the only glow,
Gathering the ashes
Of the long lost heart,
She mourned her soul
Now torn apart
The reason, she claims
Was a trust misplaced
With all her woes and shattered dreams
The tearstained pearl was what she reaped

She looked out the window
Now ready to fight,
She'll build a new castle
From the ashes inside.
The eyes that glistened
Now burnt fierce,
She would go down and fight
Against all her fears,
Her heart was broken,
But not her will
The pain was intense
Enough to ****
Yet her oath, was to heal
Lighting the world
With her fiery glow, tamed,
As soft as a mother's embrace
She'd tame her demons,
The healing would take time,
The days will be better
And the sun again will shine.
Collab with Arbaz Khan
Kairosclere Jun 2020
I was afraid
To let go
Of the solace of thorns
Let the
Of soft flowers
Pierce me.
Kairosclere Dec 2020
How easy is it
To lure me in
With whispered promises
Of better futures
Alas in the contract I signed,
I forgot to read the fine print.
Also, the fine print prolly says "life *****. Deal with it. Free depression for sixty years with one time purchase"
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