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3.8k · Aug 2018
Pray for us
Jasmin jazz Aug 2018
Pray for my state..
Heavy rain and flood..
Many lost their home..
Many are starving for food..

Your prayers will help us ...
This is the only thing I can do
3.6k · Sep 2018
Jasmin jazz Sep 2018
Life is like a drama or play..
There will be viewers; they enjoys
There will be leader to guide..
Somebody as judges for judgement

We may not have a complete role
But we have some parts,
That is needed for support;
That is to be done well.

Viewers or the judges or the others
doesn't know the sufferings of the artist.
Still he enters to the stage with a smile.
And finally he wins with a great applause....

And at last there is a smile that kills everything....
I wrote this poem for my mom. She has so many problems in her life. She suffers a lot but still she maintains to smile in front of others. She tries to solve other's problem... I saw her tears only in her prayers.She is a wonder women. She is my hero
Thank u lord 4 my supermom
3.1k · Aug 2018
My Love♡
Jasmin jazz Aug 2018
My love is a true one.
But now I'm alone
He is not gone
Now we are one

He gave me promises
That I'll be his missis
I love to have his kisses
But I always misses

You are at a distance
By saying a sentence
You broke my resistance
And denied my persistence

Those powerful words
Get into my world
"I don't know you
But I Love You..."

I love you too
Now we are not two
We will be one
In front of everyone..
For true love is inexhaustible; the more you give, the more you have. And if you go to draw at the true fountainhead the more water you draw, the more abundant is its flow..
2.8k · Sep 2018
I'm Waiting for You
Jasmin jazz Sep 2018
Life begins at a point
And it is unknown to me
I was little when it began
I don't know how it began

It flows like a river
It flows to one direction
To the final destination
And it never returns

By the way I saw
Different people with
Different cultures and you
are different from others

Your eyes shine like a
Precious stone; diamond
You have some powers
Coz you attracted me

towards you forever
Those words were like
pearls falling from heaven
Finally you stopped on
three words that shake me....

"I Love You"..
Now my hope is You....
My heart is You....
And I'm waiting for You....
Jasmin jazz Aug 2018
Oh! Mamma hear me
please.. I'm the one
crying from your womb;
longing to see you..

I'm so excited to
see you next week.
I'm the one who need
your love and care..

I heard your sweet voice
I felt your touch. I enjoyed
your stories and poems and
all those fairy tales

I love to hear your songs
You are a good singer..
You gave me the things that
I need for my growth..

I know everyone outside
is excited to know
whether I'm a baby boy
or a baby girl...

I'm pleading you to give
me enough care I need
Gender is not the fact...
Thank to the Lord for

giving you a healthy child..
Childrens are the gift of God ,
if you deny that precious
gift, God will not forgive

to your deeds.
Oh! Mamma you are my
angel in this unknown
world.. Care me.. Love me...

You are my warmth and shelter
Yours lovingly..
Your baby child..
From your womb.......
Children are the gift of God from heaven. He appoints an angel on earth to take care of them.
Children call those angels.."MOTHER...."
1.9k · Sep 2018
Jasmin jazz Sep 2018
I can't explain it..!!
Loneliness is so deep..
We'll think about a lot.
May be of future or past.
We may hear so many sounds,
'nd realise it is not real.
It makes us bold; reminds
us that we are not coward.
We spent it with our hobbies.
Being alone is awesome for me.
Coz it's the only time that
I could see the real 'ME'...
I can cry aloud or laugh.
Makes me strong and hard.
It gives better mental training.
If you like to know it; just
sit alone and enjoy the silence...
I love to be alone becoz
I can see 'who I am'!!..
My best friend is my mirror image becoz it cries with me when I cry and it laugh with me when I laugh. We share each other becoz our emotions are the same
1.3k · Oct 2018
Amazing Love♡
Jasmin jazz Oct 2018
I remember the day that
we travelled together.
At first I was very nervous
but I regained myself.
He sat on my left and my
heart began to beat so fast
We locked our hands together.
There was a deep silent(in my mind)
all around in that busy town.
''Speak babe'' he  said
But I kept quite.. He realised
that I'm nervous and he
kissed on my left hand..
I felt a snow fall in my heart..
I smiled.  He gave me a hug
but I didn't noticed it...bcoz
I was nervous.. We sat together
for few minutes.. For me
it was too long bcoz he
was with me.. He asked for
a kiss but I realised that
I reached my home
I wished to give one
but I couldn't.
Now I'm waiting for our
next meeting to give him
the kiss that he deserved.
Now my heart says 'Miss you babe..
See you soon...'
I wish that our love should
never end. ''JE VOUS AIME....''
This incident took place inside a bus. It was after 1 year the lovers meet..
They sat together for the first time in their 3 years of love.. They are amazing lovers.. They rarely contact each other coz their situation was like that... But their love is a true love.. hatsoff lovers♡♡♡
1.2k · Jan 2021
Jasmin jazz Jan 2021
Never pretend all the girls as cat
There is a lion who roars when it is hurt
Don't think all girls are cute
We know how to react when you overact.
And not all girls love pink..
Because I love black.
Being silent doesn't means that she is shy
She is just waiting to tear you apart.
Girl is meant not to cook food and do laundry
She's same as you; a human
She's not a toy to PLAY  with..
There is feelings inside her
One day she'll burst out like a volcano
Then you can't control; she'll
Destroy everything around her
So beware ; be careful think twice before you act
Women have lots of wishes in their heart which they don't reveal if you are reading this just let their dreams come true...❤️ Plz like and follow🥰
1.2k · Aug 2018
Your Love♡ Haunts...
Jasmin jazz Aug 2018
I met you at the church
with bright eyes and smile
at the corner of your lips...
You stood up like a lion
who is coming out of the jungle.
Like the moon that dominate
over the stars in the sky

I felt a heavenly presence
when you come close to me...
I saw your burning eyes
filled with the fire of love..
I suddenly turned pale and weak
when I felt your breath

Love is a magic that
disappears within a moment..
It comes in like a lightening
and flashes into my lonely heart;
like a lamp struggling to glow...
Oh! My love! Why did you
flash into my wandering heart?

You are a thief; you
stole half of my heart !..
You filled it with your
love, like a heavenly fountain...
Now I could realise that
you are the only one
who loved me most...

My lines for you will never end.
It will continue forever and ever
Coz your love haunts me behind.....
Love is like snowfall.. It cools our heart♡♡
☆☆Love is a feeling that I can't explain with these 26 letters.. It is beyond everything...☆☆
966 · May 2021
Nothing but shattered
Jasmin jazz May 2021
She stood there staring at nothing
Thoughts were swirling around
Head was pounding at a thousand speed
All she knew was it had died

IT was born five years back
On a fine sunday afternoon
She cradled IT and took care of IT
Yet it lost its cost because of him

IT was her only hope and her
Only reason to exist in world
Nothing could spare its importance
But IT died because of him

She stared at the dead corpse
She knew IT will never be alive
Her heart weighed ten thousand pounds
Now she's pale and broken because of him

Someone walked in and asked her
"What had happened to you?"
She was so weak to answer
Yet she said "IT died.. five years old"

"Er...Sorry for that.. What's IT's name?"
Her vision blured.. Yet murmured
"Love" she said ".....he lied to me"
Someone walked away with a sigh...
she's    broken
she   was  dumped
she      cried    aloud
no one  did  . care
all     that   left
was dark and
She was happy until then.. She believed him blindly.. Even she closed her eyes to some of his cute naughtiness.. Yet he didn't realised how amazing she was... What a pity!!! He don't deseve her😇
962 · Mar 2019
Jasmin jazz Mar 2019
She loves to be a family...
Her heart longs for it.
But fate doesn't allow her.
She had both mom and dad.
But they threw her away.
Bcoz she is a GIRL.
Tears fill her eyes as
She think of her parents.
She tried to end her life.
But the word 'Amma' stopped her.
Her heart beats for 'Amma'.
She breathes in for Amma's scent.
She yearns for Amma's touch.
But all her searches ends in darkness.
You are the reason for
She is being an orphan.
Why don't you take her home?
Why don't you give her
love,affection,food and shelter?
The word 'Amma' means 'Mother'
855 · Sep 2018
The Clock ticks
Jasmin jazz Sep 2018
1..2.. clock ticks.4..5...
It disturbs me in 5: 00 am
To wake up for my new day
It disturbs at 12:00 noon
For having my lunch at 12:30
Again it disturbs me at 2:55pm
To be 3:00 pm to reach my home
At last I scolds it to be 11:00 pm
To go for a nice sleep
And to welcome the next day....
This is what happens in the life of a student

Life is a cycle for every one same time table.. But some factors makes it different from the rest of the days.

My poor old clock.   : )
774 · Jan 2019
Jasmin jazz Jan 2019
It is not a disease,
It is a condition
of loosing immunity..
And results in many disease.
You called it AIDS.
And you isolated them.
You are the culprit.
Accept them and
Be with them...
They are like one of us...
AIDS is not a disease.. Its is just the deficiency of immunity in a human body.
Share our humanity..
761 · Nov 2018
Hold my Hands Forever..
Jasmin jazz Nov 2018
You are the one who loves me most.
You are my heart and my heart beat.
You are the soul whom I loved most.
You are the one who won my heart.
Babe I'm gonna stop everything.
Bcoz I'm not satisfied.
But I'll begin on another.
May be this is my last poem or
The last day of my creative life.
I can't continue anymore.
I'm depressed
Baby hold my hands forever.
Bcoz I don't wanna loose you
Hold me. I don't wanna miss you...
Mad Jazzz....!!!!!!
Jasmin jazz Nov 2018
It begins from the red gem.
It was created by the glittering stone.
The stone turns yellow, orange, sometimes red.
Color changed by the force of wind.
The stone breathes so hardly.
It breathes out black air.
It was dying and was having last breath.
Stone's expiration was much slower, thick white air.
The housewife forced it to glow.
But it was its last effort.
It was its maximum.
The red gem gave its life to
the one next to it and
Finally the images became blured...
And the stone closed its eyes.
The last breath of the burning coal;
the smoke, began to rise in the air
Its hands were longing to touch the sky
As the wind blowed it faded away,
May be melted, in the air
and it vanished away like a ghost.
It is difficult to understand.
How many of you realised that I wrote about a dying coal and of smoke?
657 · Dec 2018
The Last Journey
Jasmin jazz Dec 2018
I reached here an hour ago.
I am waiting in the queue to reach the door.
I wished to see what had happened to me.
Requested to the angel; to watch my death.
I was startled to see my wife.
I never expected this, ever in my life.
Everyone had left my house.
I stared at my lonely spouse.
My funeral was greatly over.
I saw it from my new bower.
Suddenly she(alone)washed her face.
with a bottle of water, of ice.
She took her phone and made a call.
Slanting to the pillow near the wall.
She said,'' All that was a success'',
smiling; I realised my death was a process.
She poisoned me, in the bread.
A silent attack, poison all spread.
It was she a wise lass..
I'm the poor, innocent ***.
I was her best teacher,
She is my one and only traitor.
And that was her brave move.
I watched her so keenly
And she is cheating me cleanly.
Now she is with her secret lover
All the mystery is now over.
It was too late to understand her.
Time is out, to be judged
The images of her dodged.
I will not go to get her.
I almost forgot her
I'm no more a husband. Now
Her soul is sinking into new
True lovers, in this world are few.
An imagination.. Got inspired for a story written by my friend.
Door refers to the door for judgement in heaven.
(Alone) - The wife is alone in the room.
Dodged- the images that he was seeing was fading away
544 · Aug 2018
Helping Hands....
Jasmin jazz Aug 2018
I was taken out from my mother's womb by a doctor's hands.
I was taken to my mother for the first milk by a nurse's hands.
I was welcomed to my family with a rejoice by my grandma's hands.
I was cared; when I cry ;by my mother's  mighty hands.
I took my firststep with the support of my father's hands
When I went to school I hold tightly on my sister's hands.
In my college days my hands were in my lover's hands.
After my marriage I hold on my husband's hands
When I become a mother I searched for my childern's hands
As I grew old and weak I walk by holding my daughter's hands.
I was fed my daily meals by my son's hands.
The coffin that I am now is made by a carpenter's hands.
The bouquet which is laying on my chest is made by some other's hands.
So many hands helped me to complete my life..
So many hands are needed to get buried..
I'm waiting for a heavenly hand which could raise me to eternal life...
523 · Sep 2020
Farewell to me
Jasmin jazz Sep 2020
On that day you will shed your tears...
And'll give me a farewell...
Without a hope you'll cry out my name..
From far away from the sky...I'll smile as a twinkling star....bcz
I missed your care so much...
Never get sad for it
I am okey for what I've got ....
Its a true fact that happens after
each death
519 · Aug 2018
True Friend
Jasmin jazz Aug 2018
My friend
Always be with us..
Help us in studies..
Find excuses for us..
Shares whatever (s)he gets..
Keeps great secrets for us..
Guides   us  to the  truth..
They   will be next to us..
Never     ever      forgets..
We will never regrets..
True gift from heaven
(S)he will be our
At a very last moment
There is a time
to get separated
Unbearable for us..
We hug each other
And cry aloud and
Whispers on ears."I Love You"
"You are my best friend ever"
《This poem has the shape of a lamp》
Commonly found in Indian villages..
Jasmin jazz Oct 2018
The breeze was blowing strongly
I don't know from where it comes
Or where it goes.
It fades away smoke-wreath like.
At that moment I felt a cold on my feet
And realised that it was the wave.
The sun was dying at the end of the sea.
Sand under my feet rushed into the sea with the wave.
The crowd behind me, began to vanish
like the falling petals of a rose.
But I wished, you were with me
By giving a deep breath, eyes on the sun.
Again a cold wind surrounded me.
I felt his presence and a cold on my shoulders,
Mocked me by hugging and ran away to kiss the sun.
For a moment, was that heavenly presence.
Drops rolled down my eyes..
It kissed my cheek and went down
More drops flowed through that channel.
They rushed down through my cheek neck
and to my chest to touch my heart.
Memories flashed on my mind..
The proposal, love, first kiss
and all the happy days of love.
I wish those days would come again.
No, it will not come back any more.
Even if I wish, they will not
He will not hear me...
He will not come to me..
He is at a distance, miles away...
He is sleeping; an eternal sleep.
And he will not wake up; a fine sleep.
Another wave rushed into my feets
And stole away my good memories..
And hide them under her deep beds..
I love to write love poems coz it has the greatest power to conquer the world.
The true feeling of a lover whose beloved had left her in the earth and flew away to heaven
458 · Sep 2018
Jasmin jazz Sep 2018
1 Sweet dreams..
2 Sour experiences...
3 Bitter words..
4 Silly matters..
All these are mixed in a bowl called 'Life'.
If 2, 3, 4 are less..
Our life'll be happy..
If its amount increases..BE CAREFUL!!!
341 · May 2020
Love endures forever
Jasmin jazz May 2020
Pain ran through the veins.
Hopes were flickered out
Ants are biting the soft skin
It is not good vision to see
The baby squirrel is not moving
Thunderstorm put me inside
My heart pounded as he
was gonna die forever...
Oh! I can't imagine his death
Its too cold outside.. Maybe
he is shivering. Mamma
squirrel is very panicked
I ran out to the tree
took him in my hand and
kept him in shed and wiped
out him with a towel
He opened his cute eyes by
The warmth in my hand
Kept him in the towel so that
He'll be okay. But......
My heart skipped by a shout
I was scolded for getting out.
That's my mother...besides
Getting sad I smiled and remembered
That mom's love is always the same
With no difference whether
it is a squirrel or it is a human...
A sweet short story happened in my life 😊😊
Comment ur opinion whether it is a correction or a compliment🙂
298 · Sep 2020
Like today..
Jasmin jazz Sep 2020
Tomorrow will happen to us
it happens after every today..
But yesterdays will not come back
It's just a memory that happened just a moment ago..
296 · Apr 2019
The Fire of My Heart
Jasmin jazz Apr 2019
I will never promise you
A thousand colors in
Your life. But I can give
You a rose flower that
Melts all the problems
Between us. We were born
In different culture and in
Different surroundings...
Problems may arise.. but
We should conquer it with
The love we share each other.
It said that ''Silence is better
than Politeness''. Let's not fight...
I love to be with you....
You are my best friend, my
Love and my every thing..
I am in you bcoz you lives in me..
Don't shut me out coz I'm
Afraid that you'll be out from me.
You are my soul and the fire that
Ignites me to go forward....
This is dedicated to the one whom I love sooo much❤
292 · Aug 2018
What to write
Jasmin jazz Aug 2018
My mind is hunting for some topic
I don't know how to start
Or to end. Life is confusing like I am now. Still my heart doesn't know
what to write.

Silent surronding.. Crying crickets make this silent night noisy.
I'm sitting here alone others are watching TV. Some stunts are going on

Loneliness make us to think about life, the world around us and about various things.... My lines are incomplete b'coz my mind is BLANK..
283 · May 2019
Jasmin jazz May 2019
She phoned him.
But he was sleepy....
She talked but
He kept silence.
He was late to bed
Busy in something else.
She felt heartbroken.
She wept silently.
Finally he disconnected.
She decided not
To disturb him.
Until his 'busy' was over.
She let him sleep.
A deep sleep..
She sobed with rain
And no one noticed.
As Chaplin said..
Coz rain wiped her face...
Its just a feeling I had when there was rain outside
Tell me if you lyk it...❤
274 · Sep 2020
Yeah..You can...
Jasmin jazz Sep 2020
Yes.. You can
Is the best sentence that you can say
Yes can
Is the beautiful sentence that you wish to hear
240 · Mar 2019
Black & White
Jasmin jazz Mar 2019
I met with a white
With the help of a black.
The white gave me space
to tell everything in my heart.
Black helped me a lot to
talk with the white.
Black turned my thoughts
into beautiful words for white
White heard me with patience
I wonder what would be it
if I don't find them ever in my life.
They are my best buddies
White and black gave life
to my sunken heart.
They are the reason for
my enormous poetic life.
They are not living
They live through my hands...
No's my
white paper and black pen
Tell can I forget them...
I Love my pen and paper
232 · Aug 2019
Jasmin jazz Aug 2019
Those days came again
To hurt all humanity...
Rivers without borders
Lands without fence
Everything is hidden
Under muddy running water
Many lost their beloved
Their home and homeland
Now resting under one shelter
In belief of going back soon
No rich no poor nothing
To praise.. but just prayers.....
Kerala is under water(from Aug8)... Last year too in the same date flood came into destruction
220 · Sep 2019
The Sea kissed the Sky
Jasmin jazz Sep 2019
The sea scolded the sky
The clouds wept in the land
The land stored the tears
The sea felt guilty and sacrificed under the sun
The sun made new clouds
The sun gifted a rainbow wrapped in clouds
The sky became happy
The sea and the sky kissed at the horizon
217 · Apr 2020
Jasmin jazz Apr 2020
My heart always trust everyone
Without judging..
My mind always believes their
Cooked up stories...
They behaves friendly to me
And I too
At last when they cheat me
I realise that they are the
Real lies..
Dedicated to all the cheaters who cheats their bestiess...!!!!!!
(sry I am not a victim)
160 · Sep 2020
When reality hits...
Jasmin jazz Sep 2020
Somehow someday someone will say
The truth that you thought was a lie
Utter to us unconsciously life is a mess
Can't control my conscience; taught to be right.
Breathe out briefly; believe you are the hero
146 · Jun 2020
Rise up
Jasmin jazz Jun 2020
I rose up
When I began to dream
When I was left alone
When the stars winked at me
When I feel I am empty

I grew up
From the black holes
From loneliness
From darkness
To be completed
Give your opinions as comment...
positive and negatives are accepted :)
131 · Jan 2020
New Oath
Jasmin jazz Jan 2020
My friends took new oaths
In this nice new year...
Changed their paths..
Too amazing to hear

But..I remained still
To be strong 'nd bold
That made me fill
And I'm 20 years old...
I'm weak in keeping promises so I try not give any promise to anyone
76 · Jan 2020
Jasmin jazz Jan 2020
Most people asks
''What is love?''....
''Is it a feeling or an emotion?'''s worth something
Love is sweeter than honey
and painful than a slaughter
Once trapped.. You can
Never get rid from it
Yes... it's like a cobweb
Why life has a bitter sweet taste?...........

— The End —