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Sep 2019 · 163
Jasmine dryer Sep 2019
I'm back
finally at last
i look around me
dull faces once more
"join us"
now i have to run away
Feb 2019 · 276
Jasmine dryer Feb 2019
Let my sins
Be gone with the wind
Let my time end
I'm sorry
It's time to go friend
Jan 2019 · 252
Porcelain doll
Jasmine dryer Jan 2019
Where should I begin
Our love was a twisted story
Of a doll
And a toymaker
Your painted tears divine
Oh how you always cried
And fall to ground and wine
Till there was cracks in your skin
But at least you were mine
But our love ran out of time
As much I tried
Oh where do I begin
Jan 2019 · 344
Oh dear...
Jasmine dryer Jan 2019
dearie dearie
please inquiry
what happened to the porcelain doll

dearie dearie
send your best sincerely
for his glass skins been broken since the fall

dearie dearie
please remain cheery
for your toymaker skills are exceeding


dearie dearie
please remain weary
for his glass skin
leaks poison

dearie dearie
run as fast as you can
for porcelain doll
is a broken man
Dec 2018 · 117
Jasmine dryer Dec 2018
Slicing and dicing at your cold meat
Slicing into it feels so sweet
Out of all this blood and Gore
I must say, I only want more
Dumping the bodies aren't a chore
if it means room for more
This feeling shakes me to the core
Makes feel sick
All the way down
Far so deep
Where all my morals sleep
This was made to de Erie. Might delete
Dec 2018 · 2.1k
smell of mint
Jasmine dryer Dec 2018
the smell of mint fills the air
brother is here
been gone for a year
mother is crying
hugs are shared

kids opening gifts
the sound of they're laughter is bliss
as mother gives the youngest a little kiss

sitting around the fire
were all together
with the smell of mint
cold and sweet in the air
Dec 2018 · 720
Late night, Feel the vibe
Jasmine dryer Dec 2018
late night
again with this vibe
and feel the inner tension rise
my own demise
written in the sands of time
of what we were
lets go back
journey through guilt
its almost as if i feel a tilt
maybe acknowledge what i did
but you forgave you say
but i'll never forgive
so now my mirrors covered
and here i lay
its late night
i deserve to feel this vibe
Dec 2018 · 176
Jasmine dryer Dec 2018
your painful
you hurt me
oh your just like cotton candy
sweet to rot my teeth
like a poison
slowly suffering
your terrible
the divine type of pain
that i would beg for
i live for the pain
Dec 2018 · 169
I'm aiming for the CROWN
Jasmine dryer Dec 2018
you cant hold me down
i'm aiming toward the crown
where bloods been spilled
and many fail to heal
i'm aiming for that crown
but i'm pulling myself down
its like i'm a chain
attached to my brain
but i'm aiming for the crown
i wont back down
i need justice
i need faith
i'm aiming for my will to live
Dec 2018 · 314
Sewer drain
Jasmine dryer Dec 2018
i've have been deprived of my need for love
and out of room to store the pain
out of people to make me sane
so here i lie
in a shower
of tears
out in the rain
watching whatever was left of me
seep through a sewer drain
Jasmine dryer Dec 2018
i'm sorry darling but i seem to be melting
well lets not forget
your the one that put the pressure
to bring the "heat" as you call it
well we appear to be melting in our own toxicity
well, isn't that a shame darling
we built our own demise
by the ones we tried pushing onto each other
but hence not forget

I don't mind melting darling, really
as long as we do it together
the pain of taking you down with me
Dec 2018 · 107
why you shouldn't be glass
Jasmine dryer Dec 2018
she said she could break so easily
that she was sensitive
like a glass statue
but you got to remember
broken glass cuts
do you want to risk it?
Jasmine dryer Dec 2018
oh its you
well welcome back i guess
i see that your actually willing to put my sanity to the test
well before you start
you should know this job will be a whole mess
my name?
well you just get straight to it!
call me
what you think i am
however you would wish to personify me
sit down over on that chair
its understandable if your scared
but you must be built for this stuff aren't you?
not many people can walk into a psychopath room,
i mean from what i assume
well don't just sit there!
show me a chart
ask us a question
oh? i'm sorry i meant me
ask me a question
or leave to my padded cell
because unless your going to help
might as well let the voices drag me down to hell
i'm exploring with a more narrative series
Dec 2018 · 131
Crazies: C h a r t
Jasmine dryer Dec 2018
look at the chart
what do you see
not just glance
pretend that you care
that you have a chance

Stare and stare
this just isn't fair
but look they say
just look at it
tell me what you see

theres blotches
of black ink
they want to see
what these blotches
mean to me

oh wait
get away from me
the monsters
the monsters on the page
there telling me things
there filled with rage
i don't want to watch anymore
They hate being locked in a cage
they want to get out

look at the page
pretend that you care
maybe then you'll never again sit in that chair

oh god
they want me
they want us
they want to

shush go to sleep now
you've done your part
you did a good job
staring at the c h a r t
Dec 2018 · 954
Crazies: Little Miss Sally
Jasmine dryer Dec 2018
she had a chance to make us sane
to bad little sally ran away
but its ok
its ok

its not like our minds are falling a
the longer and longer
the doctors make us stare at the
c h a r t
but were smart
the only problem
is that we don't know where to start

we wait for sally
to make us sane
to bad little sally
has ran away

our rooms are soft
sally said like clouds
padded softly
for when the voices get loud

little sally
why so blue?
miss sally
what did we do to you

she had we chance to make us sane
to bad miss sally
has ran away
Dec 2018 · 113
Your thoughts
Jasmine dryer Dec 2018
your thoughts run into me
like a river
i'm unsure of what stories they hold
i cant even stop to process them
they just hit me over and over again
each hit more hard and bold
each hit leaving me feeling more cold
like the life's draining out of me
god i love your words

i've never loved dying this much
Nov 2018 · 118
My punishment
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
i know you'll leave one day
so hearing your voice is like tasting a sweet poison
it hurts
and its hard to cope with
thats why monady
is the last day
I'm here
among other things
but i can't help but hope
and fear
that my punishment will be a never ending loop
of your voice
the perfect boys voice
oh it would hurt
hurt so bad
but it would a divine pain
the type of pain i'd beg for
Nov 2018 · 384
make no mistake
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
make no mistake
i'm in a constant state of mental imprisonment
Nov 2018 · 1.3k
I'm sorry porcelain beauty
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
yes i'm sorry
all I wanted was to fix you
to fix you
but now your more broken then before
I just I wanted was for you to last longer
and be a little stronger
but I failed
I failed
but I will fail you no more
for your porcelain skin is to cracked
and your dress isn't even intact
and when I step back
and place you back on the shelf
I think of all that we've dealt with
and this toymaker
sad as i may be
have put you  away
i'm sorry
my black haired porcelain beauty
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
to whom it may concern,

my name is care
and yes it hurt
yes it burned
my heart felt apart
but thats a different story
i don't want this poem to get gory
after all making this decision
deserves no glory
i don't want people to blame themselves
because my downfall was that i couldn't improve
that i couldn't give everything to you
and like i said
it hurt
so i tried being numb
and looking back on it now
it was so dumb
i popped pills and cried
i needed hope
i didn't want to die
but to whom it may concern
i wont
i'll fight
even though it hurts
even if it burns
hope you liked the insight. don't worry not suicidal. care is someone i will use a lot.. my inbox is open.
Nov 2018 · 376
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
god i want you
Nov 2018 · 298
you and I, the difference
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
you eat while i'm deprived
i'm numb while you thrive

i'm dead while your alive
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
you thought when i opened up i was fearful
i was
not because I don't want to get hurt
but because I didn't want to hurt you

but now your locked in.
Nov 2018 · 140
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
i don't pop pills because its fun
i do it because i wanna feel numb
theres a huge difference world
Nov 2018 · 193
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
i wanna be numb
i'm falling back
so i pop some pills
and wallow in my own self pity
i know its bad
but i do it anyway
i think that the worst part is

i don't care
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
they say we all have a story
but mine feels like someone dipped the pages in a gasoline
threw it into a fire
and watched it burn
burn into nothing
but ash

and then burned that too
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
hey you!
can you hear me?
you can?
oh god finally!
help me!
i'm trapped!
this cell!
its dark!
and cold...
and the eyes!
the eyes are watching meeee
don't back away!
im not inane!
i'm trapped!
i'm trapped in my own mind...
and i don't know how much time i have!
oh no the guards are coming!
wait where are you going?
come back!
don't leave!
Nov 2018 · 169
vent once more
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
i'm bold
i move fast
i'm hard to track
my hearts cold
basically ice
my soul
my face?
cracked and shaded
a smile
a mask
and i hope that one day at last
that i'll simmer
slow down
hang out
love properly
be free
and the glue that hold this monstrosity to my face
forcing me to be fake
will fade
now that would be the day
i am
would be

its nice to dream
but i know it'll end in a nightmare
Nov 2018 · 175
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
sometimes i get the realization
a shift
that life is ok
so i try to take off my mask
so people can see me
and i pull on the mask
i tug
i pull
i scratch at it
but it won't work
thats when i realize
its stuck

i'm stuck
are you stuck as well?
Nov 2018 · 123
hope and fear
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
hope and fear come hand in hand.
one will be non-existent without the other
Nov 2018 · 177
Let there be darkness
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
and he said "let there be light"
while leaving so many in the dark
Nov 2018 · 252
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
some comes from pain
its the red paint of blood you paint with
the red ink that flows through you
when you truly make art

the best art can come from pain
Nov 2018 · 197
silver platter
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
you wanted my head on a silver platter
instead i offered my heart
Nov 2018 · 178
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
did you hear that?
its the sound of hundreds
maybe thousands
silently screaming
im one of them
Nov 2018 · 159
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
to a poet it may just be red ink
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
lately all i do is see you cry
its because of me
darling your eyes don't seem as bright
our love wont see the light
your fading

and i all i want is to see you smile
but i know that means i'll have to leave

and for a moment i pause
thinking of what we could be
or should i say
"could've been"
and it hurts
because i don't want to let go
i really dont

but doll your tears
bring out my worst fear
that your sad
not happy
and i cant stand that
because that just not living

i wont keep you chained any longer

all i want is to see you smile
but i know i'll have to leave
because darling

"your better off without me"
its true, but i wish it was a lie
Nov 2018 · 385
confession {1}
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
i know its wrong but
a part of me loved watching your downfall
Nov 2018 · 154
The words you uttered
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
those words you uttered were
cold and bold
yet they wrapped around me
like a comforting hug
and i could feel the stories that could be told by those simple words
what stories they start
what tales they could end
those words you uttered
loving and warm
have left my heart torn

" i love you"
Nov 2018 · 221
hey guys! (plz read)
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
i just wanted to let you know that my sister sandra dryer is now on this great site! go check her out shes a good writer !
Nov 2018 · 441
we seem to have forgotten
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
I feel sad
for all of us
caught in someones spell
or more accurately  
their curse
we seem to surrounded ourselves with
that person
their are we long for
until it hurts
oh the pains unbearable
we took to many doses
took one to many sips
and never thought that kiss
would be the last time we kissed
we seem to have forgotten
too much of a good thing
is a bad thing
its true though , isn't it?
Jasmine dryer Oct 2018
its a grey wasteland
i can hear the sound
like a frequency
getting louder and louder
i see dresses
tattered and worn
from small pink ones to yellow ones just my size
i look around
i touch one of the small pink dresses
and it tears
its like a cloth turned to paper
not even paper
more like
kinetic sand
sewn together
how odd
but that can't be the oddest thing here
but the questions where is here?
well its all over the place
not so..complete
it feel that if walk into the distance
i might fall over an edge
but i'm curious
so i walk forward

"i love you"
        who said that?
                                                    "please­ don't leave me"
go away
                  " why did you leave me"
                                                             ­                                 you forced me to
                                            "get away from me"
      i promised i would fix you
                                                             ­ "i hate you"
i still love you
                              "i love you"
                                                          i want to break you
           "you belong only to me"
                                                             ­                    your so fun to play with
                       "i love you so much"
                                          my precious little doll
  "you lied to me"
                                                             ­                it was fun while it lasted
                    "i hate you"
i know
i hate me to
but to be honest
i'd do it again
only i'd get permanate results
my wilted rose i miss you
i stare at the pale porcelain doll, as it catches to fire
the cracks in her porcelain skin are more apparent
i knew she was broken
it burns to ashes
ashes as black as that hair of hers
i don't want to believe she's gone

i run
in the haze of it all i run
and as i run
i can hear myself scream
but my mouth is closed

"you could've done better!"
i know thats true

and i turn around just for a split second
to see the doll once more,
only the porcelain skin is perfect and smooth
her hair...that black doll like hair to match those giant brown eyes with those dark purple circles under them
a dark brown

i hate looking at her
she's no longer able to become perfect like i had wished
but at least she isn't just ashes

what a waste
Jasmine dryer Oct 2018
i didn't mind that you were hurt
i didn't mind that you were broken
covered with cracks
on your porcelain skin
it was shiny and beautiful
but just so thin
i didn't mind your demons
i really didn't
in fact
i invited them to try to take me down with you
i wanted to help you
you were close
so close to perfection
but instead i think i tied them into a noose
but darling, which one of us does it hang over?
how odd doll, how odd
Oct 2018 · 595
whats the point of love?
Jasmine dryer Oct 2018
whats the point of love
to give yourself to someone?
in hopes to have them back?
to give them everything?

tell me, you people getting paid to do this?
Oct 2018 · 570
i need a favor
Jasmine dryer Oct 2018
ok i'm not sure how many of you all know this but even though hellopoetry is my main writing outlet because its AMAZING but  i also write stories. one that i'm working on right now is a psychological horror fiction. that goes along the journey of young 7th grader Jamie Magil.

this is going to be somewhat of a real story as well, with reader having to fit pieces together and different websites they'd have to go through.

if you like that sound of this please click his link to keep up with this story which turns from incorrect journal to the diary of a broken lovesick child.****-you-middle-school
i hope you all give this book a shot! it will be worth your time
Oct 2018 · 565
love is...
Jasmine dryer Oct 2018
love is a wonderful thing
it fills our hearts
with a feeling
a warm feeling
cant even describe it...


well on second thought, lets give this another go

love is terrifying
its something many people fail to show
it drives you to do things
irrational things
it can tear us all apart
oh-and it has!
sometimes love is just so sweet
other times its bitter and ****

you must know in order to love someone truly
you must be able to give yourself up to them
and thats hard
because us humans
are selfish
but to the few that do
give themselves up
does your partner do the same?
if not
do you feel that your the one to blame?
for those who don't-
who wont
give themselves up for their
significant other
do you feel guilty?
really think about it

it will make you become at war with yourself
for not being enough for that person
that you love
and you will try so hard to make them happy!

well lets see, raise of hands!

how many of you have you failed to love properly?
got a lil angry while writing this. it was supposed to be happy
Oct 2018 · 161
Sep 2018 · 147
questions and thoughts: 2
Jasmine dryer Sep 2018
when you really think about it
in the modern age
being dead
is the same as being alive
Jasmine dryer Sep 2018
this is what i do
i sit down
away from my happy persona
and yell out my depression?
no its not
its more of a therapy session
a way a part of me can finally feel acceptance 
and show what we think
show what we are
Sep 2018 · 144
how does that work?
Jasmine dryer Sep 2018
i'm screaming to myself that i'm worthless

my mind is being
                      o                     r
apart at the seams
leaving only nightmares and unsettling dreams
and yet i still cradle what little sanity i have left
and whisper to it that is will be ok

how can i be gently screaming?
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