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May 2019 · 1.7k
The ties
Hurricanebabe May 2019
Some people like being *******.
Being ******* scarred me.
Being ******* unable to stop the torture, was disturbing.
Some people will never understand this torture.

He said it was the goodbye to our relationship.
This was a goodbye no one wants.
People thought it was consensual with the marks on my neck.
They were wrong this wasn't consensual, it took my self esteem.

The ties were broken after that night.
When the ties were broken, he didn't like that.
He made different media accounts under different names to see me.
I'm proud to say I survived the ties but not many do.
May 2019 · 346
The search
Hurricanebabe May 2019
I am searching for a love I yet to receive.
I am looking for someone to care about me.
I am searching for someone who loves me as me.
I am looking for my better half.
May 2019 · 435
Hurricanebabe May 2019
The desire to be next to another warm body.
The desire to be naked, and be on top of another one.
Your lips on my lips, your tongue in my mouth.
This is the highlight of my night, being given the proper love.

Have a goodnight, sweet dreams.
May 2019 · 575
It's you
Hurricanebabe May 2019
It's you the one I see across the room.
It's you the one I wanna I want to be with.
It's you the one I want to be in a dark room.
It's you the one I want to cuddle with.
It's all you!
May 2019 · 273
Fake Smiles
Hurricanebabe May 2019
They tell me smile
How can I smile when the world feels like it's ending
I smile though fake as can be
Cause happiness is something I yet to receive
Apr 2019 · 612
Hurricanebabe Apr 2019
He reminds me of a cool breeze of air
He makes me smile
This scares me
I love this new experience

I hope he doesn’t **** me over
I hope he doesn’t take advantage of me
I hope he loves me for me
Apr 2019 · 620
Hurricanebabe Apr 2019
I blink and I am standing
I blink again and I am on the floor
I blink again and people are all around me
Is this life?

Are we always blinking thinking something good will happen?
And then when nothing good happens we get sad and discouraged?
I blinked three different times and I saw totally different situations.
Is this the bad or good of life?
Apr 2019 · 230
Love and Happiness
Hurricanebabe Apr 2019
They say when you’re in love your happy.
What happens if your not?
Apr 2019 · 999
This is Me
Hurricanebabe Apr 2019
I’m 5’1
I have blonde red hair
I wake up every morning and pray thanks
I do things everyday that I’m scared to do
I fight everyday against Anorexia Nervosa
I remind myself everyday my happiness is first

This is Me
Apr 2019 · 971
Devil or Angel
Hurricanebabe Apr 2019
Pink hair she stands in front of me
She looks back smiles at me
Tells me how pretty I am
Not even half a minute later
I put earbuds in and she tells her friend
What a freak.

Blondish Brown hair sits near me
Tells me how glad she is we are friends
I think wow I’m so glad too
Life without her would be so dull
She’s my rock and gets me to do fun things.

The scary part is these people are the exact same people just a year difference in time.
Hurricanebabe Apr 2019
I desire a love like no other
I desire the attention I deserve
I desire hugs
I desire the butterflies in my stomach
I desire the cuddles I endlessly need

I deserve to be respected
I deserve to be a priority
I deserve to be ability to smile for no reason
I deserve the ability to love who I want
I deserve the honest truth
Apr 2019 · 1.0k
The Drive
Hurricanebabe Apr 2019
It's a warm sunny day
Windows rolled down
Hood of the jeep down
Smiling thinking what a wonderful day

The sun is always present even when it's cloudy
I wish I was the sun was like my happiness
The darkness I experience is always cloudy
They say it will end I’m wondering when it will.
Apr 2019 · 965
With You
Hurricanebabe Apr 2019
I could see your smile
For a single

I realized there are
A thousand little things
I would never change
About you

— The End —