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May 11 · 44
Changing View
David J May 11
I keep a dream in my shoe…
Its tucked in-between my sock
So when I’m feeling blue
And rain begins to talk

I flip my point of view
Then dreams begin to flock
Pick one out, something fun and new
A dream in the head is a path on a walk
Writing for the sake of writing. Found a fun idea and built on it. Might come back to it :)
Edit: came back, I really like the direction of the ending now.
May 7 · 265
Moonlight Halls
David J May 7
In the crooked hallways of my mind
I lean my head to look down at my past
I don't know what I aim to find
Yet, sit at the mirror and reel out my cast

Shelves of sorrow, and records of glee
Though, unsure which I came to see
I peruse and I browse, these times now gone
reflecting, like the moon with light of dawn
But this too shall come past
As life for me now can move so fast
At the end of the day all I can do is reflect
And hope I will learn to give time some respect
Apr 30 · 79
David J Apr 30
Now I close my eyes
While a twilight veil floods over me
I fall through my surroundings
Thinking of where I want to be

Casting, scenes, and wardrobe
I must be entertained
Something new, bright, and upside down
I don't want them tamed

Why dream if its not dreamy
So thats just what I’ll do
When wandering through rooms of thought
Theres always something new
Jan 23 · 721
To my Brother
David J Jan 23
Happy birthday dear Brother,
Is it that time again?
But were broke cause of college,
So I’ll take up my pen

I’ll write of your wits and your charms
How you sit alone
As the peak of humanity,
Go on take your throne

But despite it all,
Theres things you don't see,
The way you make us smile
and how you mean so much to me

Even when you tease and cause me strife
Theres these moments your making
These moments called life

I love you more than you could ever know
And I’m thankful for everything
Everything about you bro

So I hope you have a wonderful day
Annnnd that things go by quick,
So that we can go play

Happy Birthday Brother
He’s the best guy in the world
Dec 2023 · 65
Lights off
David J Dec 2023
When my phone shuts off
Caravans of sounds explode
The thoughts kept away
I need to journal again…
Get back in touch with myself
Dec 2023 · 291
Performers and Portrayers
David J Dec 2023
Dramatic I strike my deep bow
Stage lights warming the back of my neck

      Another show finished
              And time for the next

I change costumes and greet the regular cast
Shaking hands and reading scripts

      Finally… my cue, I exit stage left
              Passing the curtains, Sighing in relief
Nov 2023 · 499
David J Nov 2023
My mind is a forge
Heats and bends words to my will
Striking thoughts to shape
The game of finding the right words is my favorite part. I fish at my minds pond till I catch an idea. Then I let my mind go to work. Theres nothing quite as engaging
Nov 2023 · 424
David J Nov 2023
Like a line in a book, Foreshadowing, glimpsing beyond this chapter

The books pages are so thin,
And so exposed to the elements

I heard the chimes of my grandfather’s clock
And for a moment, took in my surroundings
Time it seems…
is starting to scare me
Sep 2023 · 190
Die Blaue Blume
David J Sep 2023
That blue flower gleams in mind
Its luster stark against the golden sands
Standing boldly amongst the famished land.

The flower’s allure snatches me again
With a rush of unyielding visions
My minds eye replete with bewilderment

Recalling the truth of my selfness,
That blue runs in my veins.
A blue flower (German: Blaue Blume) was a central symbol of inspiration for the Romanticism movement. My favorite period. The freedom of fantasy, and the Self in Nature.
Jul 2023 · 161
David J Jul 2023
A leaf must endure the storm
Lest it be carried astray
Times like these I feel if I loose focus
I’ll just slip away

The wind is picking up and honestly,
That blue sky is turning grey

… but don't worry
                 It’s not today
Nov 2022 · 635
David J Nov 2022
Life is of Motion
Even water itself is healthiest with movement
But Stillness
will always be necessary for reflection
Reflection can’t be done with a busy stream. Happy Thanksgiving, take some moments to slow down.
Nov 2022 · 360
Give Thanks
David J Nov 2022
A bow or a smile
Which ever I pursue
Id go on for a while
To try and thank you
Legit, after for ever of not being so down, i randomly got so down last night. Prayed about it the BOOM God just opened doors for me, got me where I needed to be. God is GOOD
Nov 2022 · 278
Mournful Anger
David J Nov 2022
Marble eyes look out
Peering at the world around
Dismayed at the sorrow
Frustrated for the weary, angry at ourselves.
Jan 2022 · 975
I am a river
David J Jan 2022
I am a river
My family built and maintains me
My parents the water fall
Pouring their love,
giving it to me in abundance
My brother the gravity
Pulling me forward,
Keeping the water moving
My older sister the path
Watching over me, giving guidance
My younger sister the fish
Keeping me company
Perhaps I can lead her to clearer waters
Nov 2021 · 138
That Orange hue fantasy
David J Nov 2021
Some people dream big dreams,
but that's just never been me.

Maybe just living by the sea
delivering mail as the sun rises to greet me
giving  a big smile to those that I see
my hair dancing in the wind like leaves on a tree
cause there I could be free, my best version I can be
and that's all I need, that orange hue fantasy
I don't feel that greed, just my honest plea
to live somewhere I can truly be Happy
Maybe someday I will find that my Orange hue fantasy isn't a somewhere but a someone. That would be nice wouldn't it :)
Oct 2021 · 3.1k
Emotionlessly Passionate
David J Oct 2021
I used to fear what I could be some day
How I was always locking emotions away
My world view turning darker than gray

Yet, while my heart was encaged
My soul was enraged

Revolted by the world I seen
My spirit raged, fierce and mean
Deserving of judgement, we the unclean

I took everything I had not to Intervene
A dangerous combo. Im glad I was more cold than bold. But honestly I try not to let myself think about us humans I get very upset. I hate the way it feels. That mournful anger
Sep 2021 · 169
Hello Poetry
David J Sep 2021
Hello poetry, such a fitting name
Because despite how long, its always the sane
When I hit that bottom or just feelin low
Its the place I return too, the place that I go
And its always waiting, Just waiting to say:
Thanks for the warm welcome as usual. Always good to be back :)
Mar 2021 · 1.3k
Grey I guess
David J Mar 2021
Ya know.. I had actually forgotten about my darkness.
Or perhaps i had it locked so far back in my head i could just ignore it.
Ive been doin well lately, really well.
But then. I had a dream.
I let myself fall.
I heard people say you wake up when you fall in a dream. Or that you wake up before you hit the ground.
I fell the whole way.
It didnt hurt hitting the ground.
I just sat there thinking
'that didnt help..'
Idk why im writing im not depressed. I, hmm, i just feel flavorless again. Grey i guess. Not sad, not mad, but not happy or peaceful either. Hmmmmm. Idk itll pass. Dreams **** tho haha just leave me be or be normal xD
Sep 2020 · 92
Web Weaver
David J Sep 2020
jazz-tone keys on chords for backup

I wish I had a tounge of silver thread
Creating silky landscapes with every word thats said
Weaving rhymes into smooth glittering bars
While My tone, like an accompaniment of  jazzy guitars
8 fields of vision always seeing whats ahead
Setting up shimmering lines while your being misled
Creep down the bridge gettin ready to pounce
Then drop in with a solo
makin everybody bounce
proced to absolutley shred on sax*

Ill probably wright more later.
Was feelin like writing, didnt expect a song tho. To tired to finish haha.
I really like how its sounding in my head so far tho.
Feb 2020 · 113
This moment
David J Feb 2020
Hello death...
Ive always thought about you
About this moment
A choice
To Continue or To End
Im sorry death, im so indeceisive
Because my whole past...
It tells me To End
But now in this moment
I have decided that I have wants
I want to take a trip
To take the Camino de Santiago
I want to live in a city
I want to take a midnight walk
to play a game of chess with a stranger
I want to learn many languages
I want to have a daughter
I want to cook and clean for my wife
I want to be known by her
I want to live...
I want to live a life
So I'm sorry Death,
But I choose To Continue
Wow... i said it. We did it. We finnaly did it. Thank you, for staying strong. Let's work towards are goals. Let us live this life. I once took a pledge to live even though at the time I didnt want too. I hearby am glad that I did it.
Thank you
For putting up with the hardships, so that now I can be happy
Jan 2020 · 220
On the 8th Story
David J Jan 2020
In that kind of mood
When ledges look beautiful
One jump, So far down
Looking down, its exhilarating. Heart beating so fast, as if its crying out begging me to hear that im still alive. That I can go on.
Tell me when you jumped, was it everything you imagined. That amazing feeling, of fear, happiness, freedom, release.
Sigh, i just wish I could go back in time
I just want to talk with you.
I miss you
Jan 2020 · 160
Loyaly Yours,
David J Jan 2020
Perhaps if I find a Queen
Through her I can become a King
Still looking for you, I cant wait to meet you :)
If I cant become everything formyself, I can do it for her.
Jan 2020 · 114
David J Jan 2020
What am I to write
when theres nothing on my mind
Guess I'll just improv
For having nothing in mind, look at that haha, not to shabbby. Im having to good a time with this hahaha.
Jan 2020 · 139
Hate and Heart
David J Jan 2020
Anger calls to me
My own blood becoming a toxin
Pushing rage through my entire body
Im a berserker underneath
Always on the edge ready to explode
I want to ****
I want to purge this world
We are disgusting....
Why do I fight this feeling so much
I WANT to let it consume me
... hmm
Its because I know it would be easier
Easier than what . . . hmm
Fighting with love
Saving humanity from themselves.
Its easier to curse us then to love us.
Until I can do that I am weak
I see, no matter what you believe thats why Jesus made such an impact on the world. He was so strong he could fight withought war. Jesus, I will try my best to follow you. Im sure you of all people know how hard what you have done is. Blessed be your name, thank you... thank you for choosing love. We do not deserve it . . .
Jan 2020 · 111
Let's Fly Away
David J Jan 2020
You had the soul of an adventurer
Always wanting to steal me away
As we explore the far reaches of earth
You wanted to drive off into the sunset with no GPS, no plans in mind.
You wanted to show me it all
Because then id realize how beautiful it was.
But I ended up getting stuck on how beautiful you were
I still wish you could steal me off on some adventure... One day I hope I can do it. Just go somewhere and see the world like you could. Ive heard of a path, a walk that people make. Staying nights with strangers, each pilgram on the same path yet so many with diffrent journeys. I bet you woulda loved to go.
Jan 2020 · 159
David J Jan 2020
Thank you,
And im sry if my poems arnt always good.
But this place
This is my place to be selfish.
To veeeeent all i want too
HP is my freedom.
Im honord that your here
Its 4.30 sry if these are a mess. But i want to post tonight, sorry.
Jan 2020 · 37
Always there
David J Jan 2020
Im so sorry my friend.
Oh how do you do it.
Life is too much for me too handle.
Why do you share your story with me.
Its too much to bare.
its a shame that I know it helped you.
Thus I will be there tommorow.
This is my curse
If i choose to be selfish then im worthless
That is my own bottom line
I cant... lose... someone....... again........
Why, why must people be able to know me like this. To know that i will be there for them. It tears me apart. I want to wish that they would keep it to themselves, but how dare I. Why do they trust me with their secrets.
Jan 2020 · 103
Enticing thoughts
David J Jan 2020
my bad habits become an
like a seductress alluring me
to give in
  thoughts so irrestiable

mmhm how I love temptation
This ones a little spicy, hehe I love it.
Dec 2019 · 363
Life and Poetry
David J Dec 2019
Poems can have rules
Theres a system to writing
But life is messy
                                             It will happen
.be opposite of the expected linE

But you know what...
Its growing on me
I enjoyed this one alot. Life is so hard, but its how an action can have 7 diffrent meanings to 7 diffrent people the depth of just the most basic things. How It can be so hard to say whats wrong whats right, how you can feel so conflicted. Hate someone but understand where there coming from. Its life. And i see that all this chaos, its why its soooo spectacularly beautiful when you see and feel love. Enjoy the company of a friend, the love of couples, of family. When people forgive. Idk you probably get it. This worlds insane,dark,horrible,cruel. but i can see now that, even while these may be true... its still beautiful.
Dec 2019 · 276
David J Dec 2019
I can never tell if I'm enjoying
What I'm reading
Or if
Im simply enjoying reading.
I simply love reading, dose'nt have to be anything too intresting haha.
Nov 2019 · 170
To truly love
David J Nov 2019
I want to be so overflowing with kindness
that I could hold a bird
because it couldnt recognise a drop of hostility
I want to grow even kinder, so that every essence of my soul is of love
Nov 2019 · 359
Nine to Five
David J Nov 2019
I work to much
Not to say im over working my job
But that I work excessively in my head
I really am a busy person
I guess im over due for a vacation.
Nov 2019 · 4.0k
To the stranger beside me
David J Nov 2019
Your eyes sang the song of loss
And I recognized the chorus
I was reading a book in a place no normal person would be. When I was accomponied by a lovely gal who had the same plans as me. We never spoke a word to eachother but I've never felt so understood.
David J Oct 2019
But for now she may only exist as a memory in the hearts of those who loved her
Forever reverberating in hearts
Sorrow in resonance
❤ I miss you, you will never be forgotten...
Aug 2019 · 392
Writing with power
David J Aug 2019
I was thinking to myself
What does powerful writing look like

At first i saw a writer focusing all energy into the pen

But I coreected myself, it would look like connecting the energies of the pen with yourself.
Writing as an extention of your own will...
an extension of your soul
I want to learn, devolpe, and grow.
Aug 2019 · 207
A game of go
David J Aug 2019
Wonderfull play, where did you learn it I asked the man
  From the losses of my past he said.

Say my friend, Isn't it simply amazing, this cycle of learning. Since the game was made so very long ago all unto this moment.
   Yes my friend, it is an honor to have had this match.
What an honor indeed to play this game called life. Do not regret mistakes made, be thankful for the knowledge gained
Aug 2019 · 1.4k
Can't wait to meet you
David J Aug 2019
I wonder to whom I journal
Because when I write
It is always a
Be thankful for your notebooks service!
Aug 2019 · 86
To live
David J Aug 2019
I was given a reason not to die, but im still seaking a reason to live.
Thank you... for making me promise, I'm sure you knew that its the only thing that would keep me alive.
Jul 2019 · 498
Times like these
David J Jul 2019
Its times like these i wish i could just fade away. All the worries of the world just gone. I just blow away like crumbled leaves
I yearn to just fade away, carried nowhere but anywhere.
Jun 2019 · 340
Lost, but still playing...
David J Jun 2019
I am weak
I do not have the strength to beat this cruel world
I am... utterly... and inevitably...
     ...  defeated
The world is depressed
The happy are ignorant
And sin is inevitable
I feel like i failed, but winning wasnt possible, how does one enjoy life. I faked joy and i even thought it was possible. But as soon as i let myself think again I recognize how awful this world is... please pray that Ill one day be happy. I wont give up, even if I curse life the whole way
May 2019 · 348
Welcome Home...
David J May 2019
Its just suprising
How quickly the world can change
From colorfull... to gray
"Back so soon?" my heart says to istself, "yeah, i guess i'm back." I reply "but, it was kinda nice..."
I will return to that emotionless state, but this year... it wasnt so bad, i got hurt but perhaps the high was worth the pain...
Mar 2019 · 334
You know what they say,
David J Mar 2019
they say you die twice
your name spoken the last time
... I'll do my best
... i wont forget you, even if rembering you makes me cry... i'll learn to smile
Mar 2019 · 284
The loss of a friend
David J Mar 2019
death leaves its imprint
you will never be the same
share your pain... it helps
Eventually we all witness death and it will change us... hopefully for the better.
Either way, it hurts
David J Mar 2019
It's not that your weak
I'll carry that weight for you
You've been strong too long
Little tribute to an old friend of mine, also cowboy bebop
Feb 2019 · 552
Oh the places you'll go
David J Feb 2019
Your as endless as they say
Yet, I feel confined
Whoever reads this, have a nice day. Things have been going better lately, so I'm sure you'll be alright.
May 2018 · 312
I was once a robot
David J May 2018
Once upon a time...
He was the happiest person you would have known

Once upon a time...
He realized how sorrow full the world was

Once upon a time...
He noticed how sorrow filled he was

Once upon a time...
He took out his heart, so that he wouldn't feel

Once upon a time...
He forgot about his heart, and was no longer human

Once upon a time...
He became a robot, that wouldn't stop no matter what

Once upon a time...
He fell apart, but he would put himself backtogether even though it would happen soon again

Once upon a time...
He stayed like this, and he dosen't remember how long

Once upon a time...
He fell apart although this time the pieces wouldn't go back together

Once upon a time...
He forgot how to put himself back together

Once upon a time...
He was confused, something was diffrent

Once upon a time...
He felt something in his chest, like a bass drum that played itself

Once upon a time...
He remembered something very dear to him

He rembered he was human
I feel my heart again, but I don't remember emotions, its so new and strange... all the while painful, it seems I still carry what I carried before. But something is diffrent...
Mar 2018 · 261
My Silent Storm
David J Mar 2018
Now he weeps at once.
The silent storm of his grief.
Eyes now grey and dead
Feb 2018 · 212
How are you?
David J Feb 2018
One word to describe,
The way you feel on the inside.
What is your one word?
So I'm moving to Arizona this Summer. So, I thought I would use my address (5815) as syllables for a poem.
Feb 2018 · 390
David J Feb 2018
I am not a fan of breakfast
I'm just never in the mood
Because every thing we have
It just looks like tasteless food
Although I get out some milk
And get out some bland cereal
Yeah trust me I am aware
That its not nutritional
Yet I get out civil-ware
And continue to prepare
Although something just feels off
Oh No, it's my greatest fear
6 a.m. on a weekend
Wait why am I here!
I went through this last Saturday, I wanted to write a poem, so I choose to write about that unfortunate event. Haha!

— The End —