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David J May 11
I keep a dream in my shoe…
Its tucked in-between my sock
So when I’m feeling blue
And rain begins to talk

I flip my point of view
Then dreams begin to flock
Pick one out, something fun and new
A dream in the head is a path on a walk
Writing for the sake of writing. Found a fun idea and built on it. Might come back to it :)
Edit: came back, I really like the direction of the ending now.
David J May 7
In the crooked hallways of my mind
I lean my head to look down at my past
I don't know what I aim to find
Yet, sit at the mirror and reel out my cast

Shelves of sorrow, and records of glee
Though, unsure which I came to see
I peruse and I browse, these times now gone
reflecting, like the moon with light of dawn
But this too shall come past
As life for me now can move so fast
At the end of the day all I can do is reflect
And hope I will learn to give time some respect
David J Apr 30
Now I close my eyes
While a twilight veil floods over me
I fall through my surroundings
Thinking of where I want to be

Casting, scenes, and wardrobe
I must be entertained
Something new, bright, and upside down
I don't want them tamed

Why dream if its not dreamy
So thats just what I’ll do
When wandering through rooms of thought
Theres always something new
David J Jan 23
Happy birthday dear Brother,
Is it that time again?
But were broke cause of college,
So I’ll take up my pen

I’ll write of your wits and your charms
How you sit alone
As the peak of humanity,
Go on take your throne

But despite it all,
Theres things you don't see,
The way you make us smile
and how you mean so much to me

Even when you tease and cause me strife
Theres these moments your making
These moments called life

I love you more than you could ever know
And I’m thankful for everything
Everything about you bro

So I hope you have a wonderful day
Annnnd that things go by quick,
So that we can go play

Happy Birthday Brother
He’s the best guy in the world
David J Dec 2023
When my phone shuts off
Caravans of sounds explode
The thoughts kept away
I need to journal again…
Get back in touch with myself
David J Dec 2023
Dramatic I strike my deep bow
Stage lights warming the back of my neck

      Another show finished
              And time for the next

I change costumes and greet the regular cast
Shaking hands and reading scripts

      Finally… my cue, I exit stage left
              Passing the curtains, Sighing in relief
David J Nov 2023
My mind is a forge
Heats and bends words to my will
Striking thoughts to shape
The game of finding the right words is my favorite part. I fish at my minds pond till I catch an idea. Then I let my mind go to work. Theres nothing quite as engaging
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