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Sometimes I'm allowed to eat and it not mean anything.
It can just be food,
Not a definition of unhealthy, healthy, too much, too little.
There doesn't have to be laughing voices
Around the corner of my brain.
I can surely watch the TV without feeling guilty.
Not everything needs to be labelled:
Food can simply be consumed without questioning if it is right;
If it's a bad habit, if I should put up a fight; stop right now; or if regret should take the foods empty place on the plate.
Because it can be okay,
Not questioning is supposed to be positive normality
And if it strays, then it will still be all right to realise that whatever has happened is fine.
It slowly creeps in all day,
Just thinking of excuses
So that I don't have to do it.
But is it real or am I really just excusing nothing?
All I know right now is that:
I don't want to do it.
Going is too social for me,
Repeating a message is too much,
And asking for cover contradicts the last one,
Not showing up will be noticed,
There might even be consequences.
It's not as bad as it has been,
But I still don't want to do it so
What can I do?
I don't even want this all to be happening,
I wish life would just stop,
Because everything is stressful enough,
Anxiety levels are heightening,
So do I just get out of it by not talking to anyone?
Maybe I can avoid everything by just staying here,
And doing nothing,
Just pretend not to be noticed even more,
Maybe then all of the things I get wrong
Won't matter anymore.

But I know when I get there it might be fine.
I'd be missing out on the classroom banter
That I will never be a part of.
Missing things I could be, should be doing as a sixth form student,
Because she's too scared it will be bad
And she won't be able to escape.
No one cares about that,
Because you're not a little girl stuck in a nightmare
And, the world won't wait for you to be ready.
It's just I'm tired because I've been chasing it for years,
To keep my head above the water even though I can't swim and I'm no good at running either.

Now I'm not even sure how I got here,
The anxiousness started yesterday,
But can I remember why?
I'm pretty sure I was just stressed with life so I thought about avoidance,
But this is one of my easier days;
So it doesn't make sense.
If I get out of this I'll be upset with myself:
For not doing normal things like everyone else,
But I never wanted to do it in the first place,
Which gets me to thinking
Did I work myself up into this state?
All on my own, without the so called "social anxiety" monster trying to catch me again?
Avoiding will mean questions asked,
Which means socialising
And probably ending up going,
Because if they're doing it I'll feel bad because they're in a worse place than me,
I'm just nothing.
This is why I want to just
d i s a p p e a r
Avoid all this fear
Why is that not possible?
Why can I not just stop it all.
I'll have to email to get the work anyway.
Existing causes so much hassle,
It's like attempting to live normally is an endless battle.
I know I swapped what person I was writing in but it was intentional because when thinking about something making you seem small it can be like imagining someone younger feeling how you do, also that may be easier to imagine by displacing your emotions from yourself and that's kind of how I felt when I wrote it I guess. Even though you may think it's stupid and I'll probably curse myself over and over for being annoying and doing it, this is why I kept it like that.
Sep 2017 · 172
Untitled 30/9/17
I'd like to be normal please,
Not having to wonder about what will happen when I leave
Thinking I'll feel trapped again,
Where I won't even be able to do anything.
Nostalgia always envelopes me and mixes with what I want the future to be
But it hurts me and I just have to stop and think,
Because I'm not sure that's attainable anymore.

Then I think I need comfort,
I imagine what could have been
Which is painful too,
But what else can I do?
I try a lot but often I'm too scared to,
Instead I just sit there.
I feel like I don't want to do anything again,
Then I have to move and carry on with the rest of the world.
I seem just fine,
I look the same as I've always been.
It's easy to be overlooked when you never get a second glance,
And if I do then I just look happy,
When really on my own I'm not coping.
I've tried to explain but I can never express all of it,
No one could understand anything
Because it's everything together
When what I have on the inside feels a bit like nothing.
I know I won't get as angry I want to be,
And I'll regret me,
Because I'm never able to do it;
She always changes something,
Somehow it always gets better for her,
But it just gets worse for me.
I just become more guilty,
Even only by listening.

I feel like I can never really express my feelings,
Yet I still seem to do it too much,
Then I still fall.
So many things are happening,
This always repeats;
It has horrible timing.
If ignorance is a good thing,
Why is it so hard to actually
Keep it?

And I keep picturing loads of the same things.
When I'm not sure what I feel,
Maybe I hide from it.
I peak and when I see
I can no longer believe
So I just wait to weep.
I've no clue what to say,
Without any more delay,
I'll race through the page,
Give it all a way
In factual content:
I'll probably seem fine.
But it's not that way at all.
Sep 2017 · 390
Do/Don't Leave
You only had to leave me alone.
Leave me alone,
Just go!
I don't want you to go.
I just want you to really be here with me,
Except you can't be.
And that means you should leave me.
Don't go...
Sep 2017 · 170
Untitled 25/9/17
There is nothing now.
Nothing is anymore,
But that happened before.
Sep 2017 · 144
Untitled 2/7/17
Dead inside
Just close your eyes
One day you will wake up
Everything will be fine
Sep 2017 · 199
Untitled 14/9/17
Yesterday I took two.
Today I took one
I still ate too much,
I never learn.
I did though once,
It's just it's harder when you know you could get caught.
I told myself that it's okay,
Because I need it
Not because some people do it to get thin.
I did, I think I might be doing it again.
I briefly thought about messaging you
To ask you what exactly it is you want
Because it can't be a daughter,
It can't be something I am not.
What exactly will knowing do for you?
What do you want from me?
Are you going to rip me apart,
And watch me deal with it too?
Sep 2017 · 159
Has it been over, is it still?
Do I hear the consciously made whispers of myself?
It's not a problem,
I can't explain it because it's not real
And in between things don't get taken seriously
And I don't want anyone to know.
I've been convincing myself not to tell,
Anyway, I'm not doing anything at all.
I just want to go to sleep
And not bother anymore.
Simple things scare me,
But not enough for it to class as severe.
I think everything I feel multiplied and blended together
So now I don't know what's what,
I only know it hurts a lot.
I'm trying to stop
Although kind of, I'm not.
I might want to feel okay today,
Reliving through ways,
It's not harmful they say.
Hiding in your mind until it's okay to come outside
Just for a few seconds at a time,
Yeah I'm sure you think that's fine.

I daydream about living a normal life,
Dramatic yes, but it's what I decide
Even if I don't want it.
I don't want someone I love most to die.
Sometimes I wonder if I can do it,
Stop it.
No don't say that too,
You don't understand it.
If I want something like this falsity I'm immersed in
Then I'll have to live outside of it.

You think it's so easy,
You think it's all right
To keep it
And no I won't give it up -
That's not something that's possible,
It's not something I'm capable truly to fight.
Nothing is ever enough.
I give myself what I want
And what I would hate most:
They are mixed together
But if you wake up in my reality,
Much of that you will not see.
I wrote this because I needed to. I am posting this not only because I have written it but also to raise awareness. Maladaptive Daydreaming is real. It affects me everyday and although there are online forums it is very hard to get substantial help when it is unrecognised. I try to explain it to my counsellor and although she takes me seriously I don't feel like it is enough to substantially comfort me. Some people say this doesn't negatively affect them but if it's truly maladaptive it can be some type of painful. Maladaptive Daydreaming is often called a disorder - which I agree with but some people disagree (it effects me enough to label as such) and if you read this and you could just spend some time researching and passing on helpful awareness that would be very appreciated by myself and many others trying to cope with the same thing!
Sep 2017 · 207
Unable to Explain Myself
I'm not happy at all
And I can't seem to explain it very much for people to see its actuality,
Not enough to understand how much it consumes me
When I don't even know myself.

It's a good job I don't have a father
Because he'd only ever be disappointed in me
Every single second.
I don't even know why it keeps coming back to that;
I find it repulsing because I never used to care
And I never should and it makes me hate everything a little more
Each and every time I fall again.

I hate the way this poem complains
And sounds like a pointless wining child.
It's just like I'm listing complaints,
Which literally I am
How ******* pathetic is that?
I can't even make it go right and now that I've started
I wish I'd stopped.
In just a few seconds I'll post to prove
Just how much I get wrong daily.

Don't think I'm asking for sorrow and praise,
I never do that because I know there won't be any responses.
People complain elsewhere about being taken ill
Some people wonder if it's also for attention,
But if I did that then I wouldn't get a single mention.

All my aggravation is erupting to the surface,
But volcanoes create a more magnificent disaster
Whereas my destruction is purely chaotic,
No one else notices.
I either try to hide it or attempt to subtly admit it
Which I guess no one takes seriously
And I keep thinking it doesn't need to be.
I'm starting to wonder if it will actually become a problem
Because it feels like a lot,
Although as it's me
It's probably not.
(By the way I'm not trying to make volcanic eruptions sound any less destructive -physically and emotionally-, just that they're interesting in the geographical complexity.)
Sep 2017 · 291
Incompetent Malpractice
You're not supposed to whisper to yourself when you're around food.
It's one of the bad signs;
A warning sign flashing in black and white;
Aspiring to the old commitments.
Are you really trying not to be fine?
I guess you're thinking that it's bad enough already,
So you may as well extend it,
No one is even going to notice.
When they do you'll have been through so much
That they are going to applaud you.
That's a sick thought,
That's what you're thinking
But this poem is you addressing yourself.
See, you're aware of what you're doing.
Aug 2017 · 317
Life isn't Even the Same
I feel an urgency to be excited about amazing things
But right now I don't see that happening.
Where I am I only see it darkening
While I remember how great the light was,
But only while it lasted.
Maybe the shadows are getting darker,
Or I'm just getting pathetic.

One of my favourite things is the winter,
But I won't look forward to it
As it will just be ruined again,
Because nothing seems as great as it was.
I'll appreciate it but my state of enjoyment will still be deficient, devastating and dismaying.
Aug 2017 · 175
Can I be a Harsh Mystery?
Can I be a Harsh Mystery?
I feel uncomfortable and I can't breathe here for much longer
Let me leave,
Let me be and I'll run clear of here,
Somewhere no one can find me,
Maybe I'll be me again until
Something I need gets here.
It's not that hard.
You were in the swing of it before,
But then you thought you had done enough to stop.
You reproduced these thoughts;
You could just make them stop;
Make them leave and go away.
You know they're not real,
You brought them here,
But you're fine now:
You don't have to do this anymore.
Maybe it's another way of being a failure,
Because you'll never get it right,
But you tell yourself you do
Every time you trip up and catch yourself.
"That's enough for now" you say.
It proves the point that there's something,
But you don't have the right,
You're not even putting up with it.
Aug 2017 · 174
It's a Social Thing
I like to disappear,
When I go to this place
I will be putting myself there
And I don't know what to wear.
I haven't done this for so long,
When I went to parties then you just wear
Jeans and a t-shirt.
The people invited I see go to parties,
Through pictures formed of pixels on my phone,
The connection to the outside world without leaving my bed;
It's kind of easier I guess.
They wear short dresses
And get way too drunk for their heads.
I'm not sure I have any dress I could wear and fit in with the rest,
Somewhere it takes so much effort to be in.

I ask 'come save me?'
But no ones there,
No one can do a thing.

How can you hide in a bathroom,
To practise your breathing,
If you can't even get up and find it?
And how can I be somewhere crying,
If I will never be alone?
Even if I get to a toilet,
Many people will come and go
Especially with all the alcohol.
The more I try to avoid it,
The faster it's here to destroy me.
How can I be enthusiastic and happy
For my best friend
Because it's her birthday
When I can't say or do a thing?

I'll have to do it one day,
I'll have to do it one day,
But I don't have to if I avoid it everyday.
Who says I need to go to parties?
Not me exactly,
But I can already feel what it will be like
When I'm thirty knowing that I wasted all my teenage and young adult years.
I just can't put up with all the fears.

This time I'm obligated,
By myself, she said she won't force me,
Guessed that I wouldn't becoming,
And I told her I will,
How could I not?
The more I think, the harder it gets.
Part of me at some point thought it might be good to try.
Do I really want to fail in front of that many people?
These are the people I hide from at school.
I don't go to the common room because it's full of other people.

I'm sure they think it's weird,
What I'm like, that is.
I used to constantly be asked
If I was alright,
Just because I was silent at these things.
I pulled a smile and said "yeah, why?"
They spoke about me being quiet, not saying anything.
I said that's all it is,
But it's a social thing.
Aug 2017 · 408
Why Not
I could starve
But I eat instead.
That is said to be a good thing;
It's important; it's - I'm (supposed to be) worth it;
I hear some people call it recovery.
Secretly all I'm doing is laughing,
But there are other people to be thought of
Who care about this more than me.
That's one of the reasons why I just shut it up and eat,
Because anyway for me
It's easier to do that
Than starve or purge consistently.

I couldn't ever 'recover' anyway,
I have no problem
Because they told me I only
Have eating problems.
That angered me,
No it's fine, because it still rips at me.
You wanna see me be fine?
I'll show you if I continue,
But I couldn't because people were keeping me,
Good girl Chloe
And I still want to be.
That's why it felt so wrong,
But now it's more like nothing
Although it happens less
As I get less chances.
Aug 2017 · 252
The Mind Can Speak Too
Why don't you not eat?
Why do you dream when you are not asleep?
Why don't you try a little harder,
Because you're not good enough right now?
You always try to run away,
Knowing that you can't leave.
I wonder is it fun to fall back down,
When you trip over your own feet;
Your own mistakes; disasters;
With your vision distorted from tears no one else sees.
The barriers trap you,
You sit and silently scream
But for you it's much less peaceful,
Than it all seems.
You're suffocating fanaticising about being saved,
Most of the things you like about life are all just
Aug 2017 · 248
Untitled 28/7/17
I think I'm quiet
But I think they think I'm too loud
When I think I'm loud
They say I'm so quiet
Aug 2017 · 391
Nothing, No one
You know you can't trust anything,
Or anyone
And I guess I should have learnt by now,
But I guess pain and hurt is never too much.

Everyone needs to find their way,
Through the screams and the cries,
The silence and the goodbyes,
It may seem like I'm talking straight into walls sometimes:
I just need something to lean on,
Something to steady me while I'm still awake.

I try to find comfort in people I've never met,
Things that also can never really help me,
Not physically bad things though,
So people never see my heartache as strong enough,
It's just time to find a willow tree to weep and wallow under.

These things and these people,
I guess I'm naturally inclined to grasp to,
Except in this world nothing is perfect
Because that's reserved for earned peace with God
So here we get things we don't deserve,
Because perfection's what we crave we pretend it exists
In these things, these ways, these people.

But people (and things, methods) they let you down,
And they don't have to be sorry,
Repentance to other human beings doesn't change anything,
Especially when they continue with the same cruel things,
Even though they know they are unforgivable.

You know you can't trust anything,
Or anyone
And I guess I should have learnt by now,
But I guess pain and hurt is never too much.

People can always let you down,
I don't like saying it
Even if you don't quite believe it
But they have let me down,
And still I keep on going,
Letting it happen again,
But people deserve forgiveness
And not to be judged by actions they didn't commit.
One mans sins are not all of his generations.

It's easier to hope that people can change
When you have never been around them,
Yet are still too emotionally connected
To join the others in their march of distaste.
I know I partly agree with them,
But I wouldn't go that far,
I wouldn't wish someone dead
I hope no matter what they've done.

Then there's that someone that you know,
Whose done things that are far more innocent,
But you can't bare to think about it
So you go to what you can handle,
Back to those things that steady you,
Just as you feel you're falling.
Then you sit there as you're crying,
Or maybe not at all but the silence is still painful
And you realise you're left with nothing at all.

Many times I feel there's nothing left,
That can make this all go away,
No clean slate,
Sometimes I have thought I'd lost my way,
Then I was shown it again
Except I don't want to follow,
I'd rather just pause,
I may not cry that much
But I don't need to
Just to know that this can really **** hurt.
Jul 2017 · 239
Untitled 17/7/17
I need to stop pretending to have things that I can never have.
So that one day I can't stop,
To freeze my life
So I can - just imagine that.
Jul 2017 · 186
Untitled 11/7/17
Sometimes I feel like I'm doing something wrong
Just by existing.
I'm not sure there's any life
That I really want to be living.
Jul 2017 · 348
My Apology
This is for everyone else,
Because finally I'll get this off my chest,
But it will never be out of my system.
This is my apology;
The pain you may never see;
Just me saying sorry for ever single time.
Everyday the rest of you expect communication,
Except you've stopped attempts to seek it from me,
And although some of you make efforts,
It's still just not the same.
I'm separate from all of you.
This is why I'm telling everyone;
I'm sorry I can't speak with you;
I'm sorry when I walk into a room
That you wish I wasn't there;
I'm sorry when you're paired with me
It's such a problem
-I'm just not as fun as the others,
And it's kind of like I'm not there;
I seem to just get in the way,
But everyone's too nice to show it bothers them.

Now here's my attempt to explain,
Or to try and make you almost understand.
It's not that I don't want to talk to you;
Or that I hate everyone here;
And I'm not trying to eavesdrop without giving anything away.
Instead it's as if,
I just can't work the same way you all do.
Sometimes I try to socialise,
And it just doesn't work.
Mostly it's just that,
Me and the rest of us
Have different takes of what that means.
For me, being social
Can just be showing up.
Humans thrive off social interaction,
So obviously I do too,
But for me this is limited,
Because this can just make my life worse.

I see how now everyone is more like one big group,
Which I am not a part of.
I guess I prefer having a few close friends,
Plus after the last group I'm less confident,
And now the aspect's not that bright,
I became a mess.
You all seem to be happy in company,
And then there's just me standing away from it all:
Literally on the sidelines.
If I was like you lot,
I'd just be able to start talking,
And that would be okay,
And maybe I could even be part of the jokes and fun.
This almost happens in one lesson,
But the thing is, those of you in it,
Would still think I never talk in those moments.

Many of you are kind,
And really try to make me feel...
Spoken to.
Maybe less anxious.
Then I get more socially anxious,
Because I don't do enough,
I can't just start talking to you like all of your friends,
So maybe you don't think I appreciate it.
Though you could literally give me one kind glance,
And I'll be amazed and eternally grateful,
As I expect less than that.

So because I cannot speak enough,
My mind doesn't seem strong enough to cope,
And the rest of you think I'm really shy,
I'm saying it here,
One last time:
I'm sorry I don't participate, communicate and socialise like you want,
But I won't tell you it will change,
Because that's not something easily cured,
And this was my apology.
Jul 2017 · 410
Monsters of My Mind
Sometimes I find
It's like the monsters
Are starting to creep in
Through the windows again

Before they get in
They watch me
So they know exactly when
To come in and attack
But I'm smarter than that

They should know by now
That I've learnt
How to make them go away
Except maybe they know
That I'm questioning
Not chasing them anymore

Perhaps they think
I'm lonely
So they thought I'd
Welcome them back in
Truth be told
I'm not always sure
Which one of us I
Want to win
Jul 2017 · 322
My Last One to You
You used to belong to me,
Life used to be good;
It was like we spent time in another universe.
If you don't realise it was all down to you,
Then I don't know how you manage to be so ignorant.

Now it's as if you don't exist,
And when I catch a glimpse of you it's like I had forgotten,
Disgust reaches throughout my body,
To remind me what has changed.
I hope you're happy now,
Because I'm happier than I would be,
If you still bothered with me.

Back to then,
We were all great,
Maybe just on the surface somewhere,
But for me,
I really felt that the roots were deep down,
Stable safety, that won't be drowned.

Maybe we didn't.
I think we crumbled instead,
I guess you caused an earthquake with your unnecessary everything,
Well it triggered a volcanic eruption,
Because the town of our groups friendship,
Was nothing more than ashes,
That could never be restored.

Nearly two years ago,
You took away your comfort from us hunny,
But I know you're also somehow the damaged party.
At least maybe that's what you think,
I'm not sure I could actually agree,
But I'll humour you,
Because you don't humour me.

And I hope you like your twisted nickname,
Because I'm not one for cute pet names,
But I am for sweet sarcastic revenge,
Maybe now you can feel guilty if I start being even more kind.

I won't dare to link that I felt protected,
Like I finally belonged here,
And now I just feel nothing and everything,
Back into the outside of this cold dark place,
But at least I have someone real to light it up again.

You don't,
So part of me wants to be nice,
Even though it's all your fault,
But then again I also want to,
Slap you in the ******* face.
It's not our job to take care of you anymore;
Keep spare arms open,
When you made sure that you don't deserve them.

I wonder how you're still surrounded by people,
But that's just who you are,
A beautiful excuse of a friendly human being,
It's not true.
You'll show them how ugly you can be in time,
And I remind myself I have to forgive their obliviousness,
Because you hide it the best,
Out of all those disasters I've met.

Sometimes I may still feel alone,
But I know I'm really not,
As I have the girl you lunged for:
My actual best friend,
My sister until the end,
Without your temporary false sanity.

Then there's you,
With people to talk to
For all the times I'm silent,
But I don't think they're real though.
Are they willing to sit with you in the dark?
How long for then?
Or should I ask how long it will be until you show them how you escape?

You always said you were made to be alone,
But we thought we'd show you that's not true,
You proved us wrong by showing us the reason,
It's because you're not true,
Even if a slight section of my heart still wants to wonder.

As I said, I'll be kind,
Even if I don't wholly want to,
But I'll say it just for now,
That I don't hate you.
I say it a lot and I'll keep going,
Honestly though, it still isn't true.

I really feel the burn of my hatred sometimes,
But there's somewhere that it doesn't meet,
And I'll never fall to your feet,
Though at the end of this life,
I'll be forced to admit that I don't really accept hating.

Lately I've been realising,
Forgiveness is important,
Then I thought about you:
The person I'm not sure I can apply it to,
The only thing is that I loved you once,
So if anyone were able to see deep inside,
They find I actually don't hate anyone any longer,
Because I'm too strong to be weak in that one place.

Don't worry though,
You still have no way of coming back.
While I'm confessing this I still feel like screaming,
About how much I really hate you.

It is partly true but not to the full extent,
No I don't have 100% hatred to offer you,
I've figured out not to keep bothering,
Too much with your type of evil.
This is because occasionally I still remember,
The illusion I thought was you.

I hope you have fun,
When your apparent friends for now cease,
Because I'm sure they just have to wait,
For you to do more of the same forbidden things,
Because no one else will enjoy it.
Isn't this supposed to be your sick entertainment?
Because I don't know why else you would do it.
Jul 2017 · 432
Please Don't Save Me Again
Come and take me,
My misery's attacking me,
You don't have to save it,
Just destroy it so it's gone.
I look at myself and think,
I should just purposely ***** up more.
If it's easy for life to **** me up,
Then surely I get to go further.

Nothing's okay,
There's just always a facade,
To satisfy the rules,
Because the world will keep turning either way.
Of course I'm not going to sit and complain,
Vocally every second of the day.
When I'm socially active around others,
What they see is normal,
For me at least,
Even if in the background I hear screaming,
Of my thoughts never sorting themselves out,
So instead I welcome more:
Everything that eventually "left me",
Why don't you come back for some more?
If destruction's where life is taking me,
Then why shouldn't I join in,
Just another bad habit,
Won't bring the end that closer,
If anything it will make myself see,
How much I know this is getting,
Too tough for me to be.

I know how I'm acting,
Even if you do not,
I know I contradict myself,
I can't just tell you the truth,
I need to do what it is I want to prove,
Although that disproves what I assure you,
By about a thousand degrees,
From before I hear my own last screams,
As I once again ignore my very own beliefs.

Never going back,
They're so sure that's the truth,
Most of the time I have been too,
I know how to convince,
After I finally gained trust back.
The issues are almost irrelevant to me,
Because I've taken to just concentrating,
On exactly what I'm doing now,
Because I gave up the effort of relying on the aftermath.
I know the next time,
That this comes to light,
It will probably just be even worse,
Maybe it's half why I need my secrets,
To pretend they don't happen,
That they don't matter,
Because I'm back to believing that's true.

Don't save it,
Just take it.
I'm finished with trying to preserve it,
I've found there's no use,
While looking for something else without a clue,
Because everything's just impossible,
And I don't want to have to,
Get to where I cannot reach,
Maybe other people do see things in me,
Although I'm often self-positive,
In general terms,
I still don't see the point in being,
When I show up places,
It's not like I have a choice,
I've just always mostly been obedient,
If you dismiss the scratches I have made,
They won't forget the indentations,
Because they felt it too,
They felt me drop, crack, break and watched me,
Pick myself back up again,
So going back downstairs is silent,
Avoiding the inevitable from happening a second time:
Prolonging my pain,
Deafening this angry silence from them,
To lengthen out the disappointment,
They must one day receive.

As soon as it leaves it returns,
The wishes,
The yearning,
With the pain of wanting.

Somehow I want to make someone proud,
But I've never met them,
I'm sure I never will,
They have no clue how hard I'm trying,
Just to make myself heard,
While desperately making sure I
Seep into the background.

Deep down I know I can do many things,
Or maybe lately that reaches the surface,
Until it drowns again,
Then somehow survives,
Resuscitates itself from nothing.
It's called my motivation,
My effort to succeed.

But out of all these things,
I will not allow one to be trying to please someone,
Who has:
Never been pleased with me;
Doesn't own the right to be proud;
Or have the chance to find me;
Convince themselves they can make amends.
I believe in second chances,
Just not for people who never even started.

Next I see someone else,
Whose only in my dreams.
He makes me worthwhile,
For a little bit,
And I'm able to smile.
He keeps me safe,
Gives me enough love to take,
And let's me breathe again.

Each time it never fails
To remind me,
How I need this,
As much as the air I breathe.
It gives me things,
Things which I need.
Apparently escapism,
Isn't allowed to be reality,
But I'll keep coming back to it,
Just to get through the days,
Even if it shouldn't be keeping me awake.
Jul 2017 · 234
All the Days
If it's the end of the day it doesn't matter anymore.
Fall apart, stand up again,
Even though you're still not all together.
Who cares?
All they notice is that you get through another day,
They don't know what happened to get you there,
How it felt.
What's the point of emotions,
When they carry too much stress?
One day they might just all go away,
Would everything finally be okay,
Or would you just get back to being lost and
Jun 2017 · 452
The Wrong Instructions
All the things we do,
For illness,
To make ourselves worse;
It fuels the pain,
But we know we're just going back again.

What's the use?
Why not lose when there's
Nothing left
To win?
We give in,
Just so that this nothingness can win.

It's fine,
You're going to survive,
But do you completely want to?
Maybe you can't decide,
So instead you hide it inside.

You're told to get better,
But what does that mean?
It means you stop acting,
You get over it eventually.
Maybe if you're careful;
Find a way to fix yourself;
Make sure you don't break again.

Now move forward,
It's been a few years,
That's what everyone thinks.
You're all good now,
Even you believe,
At last you can do anything
-except what you were doing,
That is.
Avoid it like the plague,
To try to stay safe,
Although really you try creeping back,
Just to catch a glimpse of something
You know you shouldn't be looking at.

Then you wonder
About sending yourself back:
To the days in Hell,
The fight for escape,
Waiting for it to be over,
To be left alone.
**** the actions first,
Then learn how to cope
Without what you were destroying yourself with.

You're fine for now,
At least you guess you are,
Only you're surrounded by sorrow,
The misery with bouts of
Alright, just great.
But darkness lurks around the corner,
So will you follow,
Or do what you're supposed to be continuing with?

You want control,
Part of you wants to feel something,
Other than these emotions,
To stop hearing these thoughts,
And press stop on the memories,
Because with the present it hurts you,
Damaging - like what doesn't exist.

One time, go on:
Repeat like you used to,
What's the reason not to
When you just feel like you're lacking
Some of what you need?
And what is that?
The truth, surrender,
A cease to all this,
Someone else to leave?

You know it will push you somewhere,
Into a harsh reality
But one you hope that might be different,
From the one that pains you,
Even if you'll be guilty.
You'll have the satisfaction
Of finally
Doing something.
Again. You said never again,
But that wasn't true,
Did you even mean that?
You wonder as you retake
Your past baleful steps.

It doesn't own the same reasons
This time.
You just want to prove your
Destructive existence to yourself,
Even though you miss your
Dissociation from reality.
Maybe because if you do it,
It means you're not one hundred percent,
Just don't let anyone know,
Why should it harm anyone,
Except you because that's the whole issue?

It's okay though,
You've figured it out,
Like you always knew,
You were only kidding yourself,
You know you'd have to live
With the unhelpful effects,
It doesn't need to be any harder,
Than it already is.
Jun 2017 · 165
Untitled 20/2/17-18/6/17
Knowing that nothing can be fixed,
The damage has already been done,
And you can't get rid of it,
No matter how far you've come;
That's the pain you cannot ease.
FYI: the reason for 2 dates is because I was looking over old things I'd written roughly and I adapted it slightly to make it an actual poem this time.
Jun 2017 · 345
There You Aren't
Sometimes I think I might like to complain
About hardly ever seeing you,
Because not once have I found you.

I've never been the child looking up to you
There's probably one of those now though,
A little girl or boy,
That you tuck into bed at night
With a kiss on the head.
You know they're the one thing that you don't regret.

You can't regret me either you know,
Because you don't know me.
I haven't happened,
Or at least that's what you think.
Surely you'd have known
But I guess that you didn't care,
Did you dad?
Is it okay?
Can I call you that?
No, it's not because you're nothing to me
You never have been.
I wanted you
Maybe I still do.
It hurts sometimes
It screams inside
Is this pain really mine?
It clenches together in my insides
Making me dream, wishing for a better time.
I'll do just fine
That's always my line.
If something's not there
You're supposed to bring yourself to it,
But what can I seek
when whatever I need
ceases to exist out of my mind?
They say my reckless head helps me,
I tell myself I can use it to encourage myself,
But still it hurts me all the same.
You see, I use it to give what I haven't got
It's of no use because it kills with a slightly stronger dose.

I can try to forget
It can't last long,
Nothing's supposed to be pain free.
However there's other things
I just can't be bothered to feel,
And if I almost do I just stop:
Because they're not the most important;
They don't come back day by day,
Just to join me in the night.
I never had a "daddy" to sing a lullaby.
For years I didn't want one,
Half convinced still I wasn't missing out,
Yet now it's starting to hurt
Then I realise I'll never find my soulmate.
The percentage isn't in my favour,
How could it ever be?
How do you find your one person
out of 7.5 billion?
If I can't have a father,
how could I get an eternal partner?
Lacking strengthens my need,
For that perfect guy in my head to love me.
He's not here though,
And he never will be,
Tough as it is, I'll never be away from him.
Lack creates need,
tries to make up for things:
This is how it feels when you can't fill either gap.

Spaces are filled by made up places.
Spaces are areas without meaning,
Places are of meaning or association, unempty.
The space is one half of a non-existing f a m i l y.
My place is where I can have a future boyfriend made of better things.
My reckless head
Is supposed to give hope and safety,
Shelter me from reality.
My reckless head
Don't they know it breaks me,
To dream of things
That can never be?

Spaces are there.
Places are put there.
Anyone else there?
Is there a difference that you see?
All my minor sorrows seem the same to me.
May 2017 · 183
Uncertainty of Looking
I'm caught up in the mist that is my mentality.
I lust for the truth,
except it's hard to find.
The clouds fall down
and it's hard to see:
Only falsities can ascend in the darkness.

When you have too much will,
there's no way,
and no place where you can go.

Stuck in my despair of not knowing what to do so,
I give myself a time scale
of learning things I'll never know.

Do I even want the truth,
or will it be worse than the unknown?

I still live in the longingness of finding,
I have no clue where I am even going.

But maybe it's further away.

Can I leave myself behind,
or is this already my decay?

Something always has to break to bits.

Just until it's



Like everything else.
Apr 2017 · 595
A Foe For My Forgetfulness
Maybe I should just forget her,
After all I've been feeling better
When it comes to her,
I've been managing to think of her without complete hatred,
Why should I have to go backwards?

If I forget it all,
Then the things she did might not be here anymore,
I won't have a reason to get upset,
Luckily I know I won't ever see her face again.
Mar 2017 · 556
The Lord Will Send Her Away
I recite the thoughts I pray,
I do so everyday,
Just because I like to think
The others will go away.

I thank the Lord for being healthy,
For my body being capable,
I'm pleased that my system's stable.

This is so the fever of my mind,
Won't persist through till mornings light.

I guess it works every time.
You see I might have caught a glimpse,
Of this girl who was called Mia,
She didn't stay too long though;
They said she was sickness,
And I had to be better.

But sometimes I hear her calling,
Most of the time she's silent,
Although she kindly likes to visit.
She likes to play this game
Of thoughts,
But I know that I'm winning.
She wants me to join her team,
Apparently I can't make up my mind,
Or at least that's as it seems.

I thank the Lord for my good health,
And it's bad to contradict,
When I recite my blessings I remember,
This means I cannot make myself sick.

So next time Mia joins me,
For just a little bit,
I remind her of what I know is right,
Even if she doesn't like it.
I tell myself to remain my state of mind:
That I can't go back there
Not just 'one more time'.

Have you seen this girl called Mia?
If you do, please walk away.
I know that she will beg you,
Tell you she wants to stay.
After a while, you'll have taken the time to see,
That this girl called Mia,
Is not actually all that pretty.
Mar 2017 · 545
It's not like it will hurt.
Calm down.
Nothing will happen to the ones who run away,
We're safe
Because we're already looking the other way.

Keep going if you want to,
But where else would you go
When there's nowhere left to hide?
The truth is one thing,
But it's not ours
We escape down the drains,
Some say we're deranged,
If only they knew
It's what keeps us sane:
We run the hell away.
Feb 2017 · 381
My Hiraeth
I feel so much about so much
I'd like to speak,
But I don't feel like telling a soul.
I don't understand anything anymore,
As if my mind has been overtaken
By somebody else.

I couldn't even tell you
The sensation inside:
It's unexplainable.
I just don't know what to do with it.
Attempting to misplace it,
I just seem to almost drown in it.

Taking things a day at a time,
Because everything else is too scary.
When did life stop being easy?
If I dream you it could save me,
But then you'll go and I'll fall again.

I want to go back to then
So I can change things for myself.
Fix myself and become less broken,
It wasn't my mistakes and I can't go back
All I can do is sit in the chaos.

I make things up for myself
I know my world's not true,
But that doesn't give me the choice to leave it.
They call this coping,
I think it's hurting.

I'm an individual.
What this really means is that
No one will ever get it.
Whatever this emotion is:
Its impressionistic.
And I am all on my own
Surrounded by willing faces,
It still won't suffice.

Please, oh please
Can I dream well tonight?

Sad things haunt me,
They hurt me,
Torture me,
And I can't seem to hide
From it any longer.
There's this little part of me sometimes
Who wants to know her father,
But the real her does not
Because she knows the one she would want
Is the complete opposite of reality.
But you see that's fine, really,
Because she could never find him anyway.
Her mother chases her kids father figures away,
Except just now it seemed their dads
Were coming back for them.
But my father can never come back for me.
You can't miss what you've never had
And I've heard that saying for a very long time,
That man that I don't want to know,
The one I shed tears for as a child,
I doubt knows that I exist.
So he can't come and find me,
But if he could I doubt he would anyway.
So still I will just have to say:
That you can't have what you haven't got.
Feb 2017 · 973
Untitled 29/1/17
Cut me open
Tear out my soul
I can't seem to find the use
Of anything anymore

Everything just hurts

She tells me to allow myself to feel emotions I already feel too much
She tells me to accept what I've long ago accepted
That doesn't mean it hasn't still come to play inside my head
And that does not mean I haven't accepted reality
I accept it and try to get it to *******
It never really does though

And that's just me,
That's just me in my not so subsiding self-pity

You don't really have a clue how much I hurt
How much I feel
Dec 2016 · 368
Untitled 23/12/16
I could momentarily forget
And it would all be fine for a day
But I don't like forgetting
Or pretending I don't feel the way I do
But for the sake of others
It looks like I'll almost always have to
Dec 2016 · 460
A Damaged Daughter
Damage me mother
How hard can it be?
Is it collateral or was this really your plan?
I don't think you care, I don't think you know,
How dare you not realise
The length you have gone.
Maybe you've only ever brought tears to my eyes.

Am I supposed to move on,
To forgive and forget?
Growing up in the church,
I should have learnt to practice that
Instead of letting my mind wonder.
God, maybe I should have acted stronger;
Made myself see the truth.
I guess I didn't know what to search for,
In fact I didn't realise that there was anything at all.

Maybe it's myself I have to blame.
Should've gotten over it,
But I took the pain on a holiday
Chose to sleep in all the rain.
You're more than a thunder storm.
Never you seem to get caught,
Now you get everything that you want.
Anyone whose path you've crossed
Has to deal with the downpour,
Resurrect themselves from the ashes
Of the fires you have caused.

You could argue some are lucky:
For they manage to escape
Instead I am prone to stay.
I can't find a way to leave you,
Not like you left me
Emotionally and physically,
I was raised without you and with empathy.
Knowing your tactics,
Another reason I can't dare seem to let go from you,
Whenever I'm close to leaving
You come back.
The guilt comes back too.
The only guilty one here
Should really be you.
Dec 2016 · 710
Don't Let Go of Me
I can feel your hold on me
You grasping me so tight that;
I am too afraid to speak.
I submit to the thoughts of you,
Just you.
Because what else am I supposed to do?
You won't let go of me so neither of us are leaving.
Always I am repeating this
Except that you know deep down:
I never mean it.
Dec 2016 · 906
Screams and Cries
She screams and cries
But there's nothing inside.
She won't find what she's looking for,
Because she says that she "just can't anymore".

Her eyes search the floor,
Just to keep her safe,
She wants to keep her distance far away.

She screams, she cries
The nostalgia is building inside.
The girl tries to convalesce from her saudade.

Sometimes she feels big,
But her presence is small.
She screams and cries
That she's burning inside

Only her imagination can put out the flame,
But this only reignites it all over again.

She screams, she cries
She's nothing inside.
Nov 2016 · 404
Untitled 27/11/16
Give me a problem,
Something I can stick with.
Except I don't want to completely lose everything.
Nov 2016 · 375
Will This Happen Again
It is still haunting me
Refusing to leave
Wanting me to give in
Yet I am too proud to do so
Which just tricks me into
Slavery of feeling like I should
Which rabbit hole will I fall down
This time?
What way am I willing to go?
Oct 2016 · 371
Breathe just breathe,
Isn't that what they all say?
Well that's what I'm telling myself anyway.
To take it in steps
And steps in breaths,
Continue to live a bit longer.

These feelings seem to creep up,
From being nonexistent,
Because I don't know where they live
And I don't know why they are here.
Suddenly they're rising from within me,
Making my soul bleed and burn.

So the only way I can think of attempting comfort,
Is to breathe and try to convince.
I convince myself the layout of my day,
So that I know after that it is done.
Then the pain will be gone.
Now if I feel like facing fears
Or because I have no other choice,
I slowly tell myself to just do whatever it is,
Then it can be over
Or escalate much more.

Like when I allow myself
With thoughts to walk through a doorway.
Even if there is succession in that,
The aftermath could be much worse.
I'd be walking into my own nightmare,
So instead I consider just hiding alone.
But nowhere here is always empty.
There's not always somewhere to go.
Oct 2016 · 1.3k
My Antisocial Feelings
It's just so hard to keep existing
Can't keep the walls up,
Because it's hard to do that alone,
And everyone can see
That I'll always be stuck on the outside,
From being too quiet
And too alone.

I know I have to stay,
But I really want to go.
How I "manage" is by finding ways
Of waiting till it's over.
I know I'll have to be trapped in a room,
Full of many others.
Everyone expects me to talk,
Without thinking I will only be distraught.

I don't feel people looking at me,
Unlike I've heard people say,
Instead I just get this harsh feeling of dread
That I can't be there any longer.
My insides feel torn,
Because I just have this feeling I can't explain to you.
All I can say is that I could never feel worse.
I want to escape but this is my curse.

I'd love to be able to talk to you guys,
But I'm afraid I feel I am breaking inside.
So just don't talk to me
And don't look close either,
And if I'm staring into space,
Then I don't want to be here.

If I'm supposed to be social:
Then I don't know what to say,
My heart will feel like it's floating away.
Heart palpitations are not what I seek,
Although I still happen to get them most weeks.
It's hard enough,
To wake up and think:
Today I have to get up
And surround myself with too many people and lost dreams.

I want to be social.
I would wish for it,
And sometimes I do,
But it doesn't seem like it will ever come true.
My longed for ambitions shall never be complete,
For they require social abilities
Which I cannot meet.
When I manage the simplest things,
That no one else has to think about,
I am just completely amazed at myself;
Like someone saying hello to me,
The fact that it happens
And responding back,
However after that one encounter,
I feel as though it's drained me,
Because I had just interacted
With another human being.
Oct 2016 · 1.4k
Untitled #1 10/10/16
I know that I run to hide in my thoughts too much.
In my mind you love me,
In real life not so much.

Dissociation can be my monomania
But instead it's just the made up
Version of you.
Oct 2016 · 476
Sir you see, somehow my insides,
They will never be enough for me.
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