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Apr 2021 · 775
Trip to Nostalgia
Svetoslav Apr 2021
I stand in the place where I stood before
Thinking of the time that is long gone
I remember how I laughed and cried here
Dreaming for this time to reach the dawn again

I look at the place of my former house
Seeing how fast time went by
I am grabbing myself a handful of dirt
Letting my emotions take over me

This house has been ruined by time
Angering me to take an immediate action
Only dust has left from the place of my lifetime
I throw the dust there to fill the abstraction
Svetoslav Apr 2021
I tried to forget you, but memories of you still float in my head.
Dreams of you give me no rest, a bird without a nest.

I remember when we first met, how we laughed together and what feelings we had, I don't think it should have ever ended.
Real love is not just an emotion, but also a devotion.

When you left me, I felt like I fall from a waterfall, cloudy sky in the background and acid rain washing away my wounded heart.

You should know that you bring me inspiration.
You are my flower, my four-leaf clover and everlasting lover.
Many years had passed, but I could never forget the way I feel
when you're near me, my lovely.
Apr 2021 · 1.6k
Apricot Flavour
Svetoslav Apr 2021
Holding her hands ignited flames,
kissing her lips felt like an apricot.
A delicate spark turns into fire
as attachment gave us a purple vision.
Svetoslav Apr 2021
Kids starting to think that wearing a mask is normal
and the people will start to riot
The country leaders act as if they are abnormal
continuing to make the people riot

Nature has tried to warn all of us
but no one was there to listen or work for us
The way things continue to go on and on
will make our lives worth nothing at all
Apr 2021 · 861
Sunshine in Winter
Svetoslav Apr 2021
The seasons and temperatures change,
but it shines on.
As the cold breath of north steals the heat
the sunshine there gives us an everlasting light
while it lights on.
Shining from afar the sun is still here to stay.

Our christmas stockings filled with presents
near the fireplaces are cheering us up,
removing all thoughts about our working places
as I am drinking a cup full of wine.

Let the change come
commence a winter full of smiles
and let us stay calm and let the happiness begin.
Apr 2021 · 637
A Battlecry
Svetoslav Apr 2021
Here our soldiers stand.
Waiting in a line to hear the battle cry
She is ready to lead her warriors to victory.
Sounds of warcries fill the air in the icy Northrend.
From distant lands, lots of new races are there to ally
This is the place where they will make history.
A history for new generations to remember
An ember in the ashes of dark ages
The time is finally here.

Thousands of undead flow upon her army
She doesn't flinch, while rallying the human flag.
"Freedom is here! It is in our heads and our hearts, Raise your hands for victory is near." She said.
****** battle took place, as the undead warriors decreased faster than her warriors

At the next moment they won, it was a small step for them,
but a giant leap for mankind
Everyone was celebrating...
Then, out of nowhere a traitor stabbed her in the back. She sadly couldn't make it, and she embraced the black. Her sacrifice brought a new page in the history of the kingdom of Agerron.
21 lines, 177 words
If you are curious, know that Northrend is a continent in Warcraft 3, and the undead a race there. Also the kingdom of Agerron is made by me and my friend for the game.
Apr 2021 · 836
A Poem for Montana
Svetoslav Apr 2021
Come to take you around in Montana, my friend!
From the waters of Ogosta dam
to the waves of the fountain
and the fabulous nights in Monteto.
Nowhere on earth or the Balkans you will find a city like that,
even at sea for it's the quietest and most pleasant city in Bulgaria.

A city with an ancient history,
dating back to before the coming of Christ,
telling of the intransigence of the people
and their hunger for knowledge.
A city with good people who deserve respect and esteem,
people who believe in a better future and
the progress of their young spirit.

They pass this faith and knowledge on to future generations
about the energy and loyalty to our city.
From the dazzling and beautiful Chiprovtsi carpets
to the countless and charming summers and winters.
A poem about my hometown of Montana.
Translated from Bulgarian
Svetoslav Mar 2021
Forbidden to speak out their minds,
people walk around with muzzles.
They don't want to get no fines.
so they got solved like puzzles.

The government doesn't care for their children.
They only wish to make money from the pandemic.
at the cost of ruining the life of their grandchildren.
Apocalypse is honored like a something totemic.

When will this madness end and we begin to live normal lives?
Calm lives where all of us get the truth without lies.
Mar 2021 · 513
Svetoslav Mar 2021
Why are they laughing at me?
I'm normal as they are
Who else could I be?
wishing only to remain somewhere far

Will they ever leave me be?
healing scar is rare as a falling star
Can I ever be free?
reachimg my life's goal like a formula one car

Wet blue velvet jacket in a cold winter night,
it freezes under the blue light of the moon
close to the watery eyes of the grieving knight

Dry fallen leaf gone in the howling wind,
carried around and unable to go elsewhere
under the fiery autumn sky in our minds
Mar 2021 · 304
The Color of Freedom
Svetoslav Mar 2021
Flowers blooming up with a free will
The color of white contains every color in the world.
If you look closely, you may see the humility and innocence

A flower circle portraying the infinity it holds inside
Sunlight, reaching it out to hold it and warm it
Moonlight, reaching out to calm it, make it sleep and not feel lonely

Some people think that in fact they do not have life or emotions.
They actually breathe and live as free as a bird in the wind.
A smell so charming that bees cannot hold it, but to unfold it
Mar 2021 · 905
A Daylight Star
Svetoslav Mar 2021
it Is your turn
    write in the skies
      make the fireflies burn

      in a sparkling daylight
    the fireflies land on jaded plantations
igniting them for starlight's doom

      smoky grasses breathe in the tree leaves
        suffocating it and blinding it out of danger

      a daylight star
    in a whirlwind rotates
      and the journey makes
    with a will of passion
      flowing from lava lakes

      now a dark and gloomy night
              makes the fear of darkness go bright
      as their flames turn into light

              our minds void lead to the mystical path
      separated into three different directions
              towards gates of relaxing, fright or depression

            wherever you walk you will regret
      and think you've chosen the wrong path
Mar 2021 · 557
Svetoslav Mar 2021
black cats hunting mice
on a concrete alley --
   night sight revealed
Mar 2021 · 1.1k
Svetoslav Mar 2021
crystals stuck in fields
people believing the things
they wish were real
Mar 2021 · 354
Happiness is close to you
Svetoslav Mar 2021
His life felt like a roller coaster.
Full of ups and downs
Then one day...
He found gratitude outside.
A kitten living, smiling for him
Mar 2021 · 780
Svetoslav Mar 2021
shaking tulips kiss
amber sunrise is waking
quaking aspen trees
Mar 2021 · 2.2k
Svetoslav Mar 2021
Her breath is a cinnamon fragrance
eyes are like glowing emeralds
lips are caramel
she fills me

Her kiss puts my lethargy away
time remembers only what is real
for our bliss freezes this special moment

devotion is our journey
life - our destination
awakening to the senses
love's culmination
everything sparks when she's near
Mar 2021 · 242
The Drug of Oblivion
Svetoslav Mar 2021
Morning's mist
fills my eyes with contradiction
my skin peels
by the purity of the silk.

The rainbow above painted my clothes
as my hunger got relieved
just by drinking milk.
Pain dropped
I started to feel like a blooming rose
with no worries.

Sadly, this was just a one meaningless fiction.
This is a little bit uncomfortable for me,
although this dream
began to heal my drug addiction:

''Purity could change my looks for the better
for the peeling skin symbolized
the removal of my old way of living.
I could finally stop being a go-getter.

Drinking milk showed me
that you can live your life,
and be sated
without being addicted to pain-soothers."
Mar 2021 · 1.1k
To Blind the Sun
Svetoslav Mar 2021
blinding aether sun
burnt grasses and branches cry
as ashen giants flight
Mar 2021 · 504
A Poem for FC Montana
Svetoslav Mar 2021
The waves of the dam
near Ogosta Stadium are raging,
and the opponent of the Glory
is insecure and afraid.

Powerful choruses
the hosts sing
because the moment is coming
for a convincing win.

This is FC Montana.
Club with heart and a century of history,
with ups and downs flooded
always striving for the top and a better change.

With a school springboard for talent,
the only one that is free.
Coaches who believe in children
and in their future glorious successes.
The traditional colors are blue, white and red -
gathering people in a sacred union.

Blue hearts tremble in a fast rhythm,
expecting the match to conquer.
Small and big fans
with songs they strive,
the loyalty for their team to sustain
and give the necessary support.

Every day they long
for the strong emotions,
they share for the future.
This is a poem for my favorite football club and is translated to English language.
Mar 2021 · 803
Svetoslav Mar 2021
Flowers are melting
hands grasping snowflakes
dry wet life from sand.
Snow turns into sand
Mar 2021 · 1.2k
Welcome, my Spring
Svetoslav Mar 2021
Pink sunset caress gently pink dogwoods and lilacs.
They're guests at the arousing
of spring's bloomy breath.
I give you my sensual loving embrace
as the blossoms show my gratitude for you.

Milky-white trees flow
in the light waves of wind.
Cherry branches swing calmly and sing,
close to amusing forsythias and golden sands.
In the morning cityscape, I say "welcome, my spring".

Strawberry rivers in daylight cross my path
and hearts of crimson pomegranates
kiss its surface with passion.
Crunchy coffee's aroma lead my way
to thy enchanting love fit to stop our time.

Nature awakes for giving birth
to the colorful children of mother Earth.
We gather together in devotion
adoring our love by notes of symphony
and vibes of emphatic emotion.

Crunchy chocolate melts,
the sun has arrived to warm us.
Rain droplets drown it in a stream of unity
as we ought for a new beginning in our souls.
Let your ears open their senses to the musical goals.
Mar 2021 · 962
Blinding the Sun
Svetoslav Mar 2021
sunburnt grasses cry
branches, blinding aether sun
as ashen giants flight
Mar 2021 · 1.7k
The Black Book
Svetoslav Mar 2021
souls encrypted in
nighttime sun now revealing
black pages that burned
Traditional haiku
Mar 2021 · 567
Svetoslav Mar 2021
lots of tasty foods
colorful seasons changing
as Black Sea shivers
This haiku poem is for my country ''Bulgaria'' and the City of Montana
Mar 2021 · 348
Come one
Svetoslav Mar 2021
When the moon starts to glow, we go to sleep.
As the sun begins to shine, we rise from slumber.
It is the cycle of life; one cannot cope without the other.

There are animals and plants in a forest that decrease in numbers, everything else is becoming objects and lumber.
Animals breathe what our nature exudes.
Plants feed from the rain and the sun.
All that lives is in balance and holiness
that defies imbalance and loneliness.

Some people don't think of what our nature eludes.
They are sticking to lack of emotions for a personal gain.
Their playing with guns goes on and on.
Fun ain't emotionless and it's no and no.

The very balance in our world depends on ourselves
for we should unite as one to withstand tyranny,
thus, the beast in his lair will cease to feast.
Infamies and felonies will turn to clarity and purity.

Come one, come two, it's up to you
and it is not something new we have to do.
Come three, come free.
It is destiny, can't you see?
Come four and come more.
Unite by the destiny's door.
Ode to the people protecting forests and wildlife
Mar 2021 · 783
Svetoslav Mar 2021
crimson sky shivers
sounds of spring water heating
fuming snowy breath 🌷
from the haiku chain Of Changing Seasons
Mar 2021 · 1.3k
The Way of the Butterfly
Svetoslav Mar 2021
Beginning like a little egg, soon to hatch into a butterfly
we search for the way of the butterfly,
starting from the lowest phase slowly reaching the skies.

Butterflies are like us, they cannot see the elegance in their wings,
but everyone else sees their glorious emergence
in the likeness of winter to spring.

Like a bridge connecting two energies,
one is water and the other is fire.
Both form a steam,
two in one are gathered to roam around,
with the sun above drowning them in a stream of unity.

Rainbow arises, butterflies absorb its colors
spreading its waves across in every life,
foaming the surface in flowers.

We search for the way of the butterfly
that reaches the dawn of another day.
by Svetli
Follow Svetli Photography here:
Feb 2021 · 945
Snow in the Mountains
Svetoslav Feb 2021
Walking down a peaceful mountain,
where shiny snowflakes fall beautifully and elegantly.
A nuance of white floats in the air,
painting the ground, coloring our vision.
Each one is unique, but all have the same structures,
yet are pretty similar despite their differences:

They are like you and me.
Some disappear and some appear.
The cycle of life we all center ourselves and move forward.
The new year is there to offer us something different.
We can make the difference like we ended all past years, in inference.
Feb 2021 · 1.0k
Springtime Blues
Svetoslav Feb 2021
winter is leaving
snow melts by the rise of degrees
and the sun beaming

every ice breaks
waters leave the structure
the air batters them down as it wakes

blooming arrives like a ghost
through the walls
spring awakes every plant
from big to small

warm breeze carries musical notes
trees and oats are shaking rhytmically
colorful gardens carry their fragrance whimsically

we receive another chance
to leave a trace in the winds
near the agricultural grange

let us tune our guitars
play our arrangement
and make the changement
by Svetli
Feb 2021 · 387
Of Changing Seasons
Svetoslav Feb 2021
crunchy leaves float
meadows dancing rain
wrapping sun in gray 🍂

brown ❆ branches
break ❉ white ❊ crystals
into ❅ disappearing ❊ pieces ❄️

crimson sky shivers
sounds of spring water heating
fuming snowy breath 🌷

sunburnt black branches
shake calmly in the night's breeze
connecting earth's force 🍃
A haiku chain:                   Syllable count:

1 • Autumn Rain                              4/5/5
2 • Winter Trees                              3/4/8
3 • Spring Waters                           5/7/5              NEW
4 • Summer Trees                          5/7/5

by Svetli
Feb 2021 · 888
Rain in the Autumn
Svetoslav Feb 2021
crunchy leaves float
meadows dancing rain
wrapping sun in gray
by Svetli
Feb 2021 · 459
The Winter Canyon
Svetoslav Feb 2021
Sun rays pass through a red crystal barrier,
creating the stratosphere of mystical glamour.
Silvery barren grass introduces the soil to the carrier,
where carnations perfume searches for a new companion.

No visitor has ever left the canyon,
for this place is occupied by a dark therion.
As the blue moon is aglow with primeval power
blossoms of purple give birth to the grinning flowers.

A fading light draws nuances of a dazzling snow,
when the flowers are eaten by the raucous crows.
This location surpasses the boundaries of the world,
like the outer space you can go back, but not forward.
©by Svetli
Feb 2021 · 1.3k
Nothing matters for poison
Svetoslav Feb 2021
poisonous trash thrown
lives underwater suffer
wide bricks hold them in
Toxic Wastes
It's our responsibility as human beings to protect environment.
Syllable Count: 17 ~ lines 5/7/5 ~ 11 words
by Svetli
Feb 2021 · 635
Svetoslav Feb 2021
Exotic shaped hills
make you feel like a giant,
watching from above.
Birds flying across cottons,
golden plate glowing through them.
by Svetli
Feb 2021 · 438
Ashen Skies
Svetoslav Feb 2021
The white moon glows in the ashen skies
reflecting on the waves of the warmy river,
as green plants shake by the autumn breeze.

All of this motion is stalked by cats eyes
and earth slowly stops to spin and quivers,
now the river seethes by the rise of degrees.

Lime colored beaches tremble at morning
from the schist and rocks that break and fall,
seas and waters, looking like lemonade yellow
make meetings of men, that send the world a warning.

Fear and panic has left the authorities a shake up call,
making them realise the reality
of their actions influenced from below.

Phenomena of roaring thunders
when winter and icy snow falling.
Avalanches, earthquakes and tsunamis
make their rage calling.
by Svetli
Feb 2021 · 1.1k
What is Love?
Svetoslav Feb 2021
Cyan tides meet yellow ashes
red sunset darkens
firm land's flashes.
Syllable Count: 17 ~ lines 8/5/4 ~ 11 words
Feb 2021 · 684
Twilight Park
Svetoslav Feb 2021
Walking down the park
Moon hides behind a cloud
Stars bringing a spark
Silence changes to sound

Fireworks in the distance
The universe is making a vow
Filling the void with existence
Your mind is there to allow

Galaxies beyond measurement
Twilight shines in the dark
Changing my usual temperament
Twinkle my eyes through the park

Grim mood no longer in consistence
Gods are furnishing to endow
An end to perishing is my insistence
To my will countless planets vow
by Svetli
Feb 2021 · 472
My Shadow
Svetoslav Feb 2021
Fountains flow on the edge of midnight
spraying obsidian water.
I see crows fly above me,
cawing as if I'm going to falter.

The night drops like a black veil.
In the distance I hear the song of a nightingale.
Warm wind in the background makes me feel cold
showing that no lost person can stay bold.

I could see you no more.
You turned into a ghost when I lost you,
my door couldn't open for somebody else.

The wild wind becomes mild
and no lust rises from dust.
History changes from a brief moment
as grief shrouds in mystery.

Without any fear it whispered in my ear.
My shadow warned me of a danger drawing near
headed right towards my rear.

It told me to stand and sing
while holding me under its wing
and to never be afraid of the ghost,
for it is only a victim very lost.
The successor of my poems ''Anthem of Shadows'' and ''The Ghost Fountain''
by Svetli
Feb 2021 · 329
Walking by the Stench
Svetoslav Feb 2021
walking near carobs
stench imprisons lilies scent
smoky grasses kiss
a classic 5/7/5 haiku poem

by Svetli
Feb 2021 · 808
Birth of a Bird
Svetoslav Feb 2021
new lives in a shell
soul developing body
opal colors strike
little birds are unfolding
loving mom hugs them warmly
Syllable Count: 31 ~ lines 5/7/5/7/7 ~ 20 words

by Svetli
Feb 2021 · 396
Repulse the Stars
Svetoslav Feb 2021
Walls carved into stone.
The godly shapes repulsing
stars further from sky.
Belogradchik Rocks

Rocks with fantastic shapes, objects of legends. They are frequently named after people or objects of which they remind. The rocks vary in color from primarily red to yellow; some of the rocks reach up to 200 m in height.

Syllable Count: 17 ~ lines 5/7/5 ~ 12 words

by Svetli
Feb 2021 · 705
Planetarial Eclipse
Svetoslav Feb 2021
aqua planet lights
assembly of ghost planets
near crystalline shore
by Svetli
Feb 2021 · 701
Green Castle
Svetoslav Feb 2021
Walls of antiquity covered in green plants,
while hidden treasures are waiting to be found.
Rocky road leads every interested person
to uncover this mystery of history.

That's the Green castle,
sculpted by talented architects
millenniums ago will still remain stunning
in the eyes of the passer by for the rest to come.

With fields of tulips and a golden sunset,
piercing the flags of grass of the sunny gate
and solid foundations clung to the bowels of earth,
the castle changes its shades through the seasons.
Translated from Bulgarian
by Svetli
Feb 2021 · 730
Luquid Sky
Svetoslav Feb 2021
Teal liquid springs
golden plate glows in center
white cotton flows on surface.
Metaphor for Sky

The sky in a sunny day with fluffy clouds.

Syllable Count: 18 ~ lines 4/7/7 ~ 13 words

by Svetli
Feb 2021 · 933
A song for nature's chain
Svetoslav Feb 2021
forged in fires core
surrounded by dirt
prehistoric parents returned

flowers bloom in spring
connect positivity
giving others food

birds fly in air's waves
listening to the winds's guide
watching from world's roof

fishes swim
breathing what we cannot breathe
not knowing what's water
by Svetli
Feb 2021 · 1.0k
Sunrise over Lake
Svetoslav Feb 2021
Pineapple light sparks
flowing life reflecting on
opals deviation
Syllable Count: 17 ~ lines 5/7/5 ~ 9 words ©  Svetoslav Ivanov
Feb 2021 · 1.2k
Forest whispers
Svetoslav Feb 2021
smoke across the trees
jade leaves whisper
swinging from the wind
by Svetli
Feb 2021 · 482
Anthem of Shadows
Svetoslav Feb 2021
It whispers in my ear.
The shadow with no fear
speaking, without shedding a tear.

About a danger coming near,
coming right towards my rear.
Speaking, equipping my holy gear.

It tells me to stand and sing
while it holds me under its wing

"Do not be afraid of the ghost.
It is only a victim so lost."
by Svetoslav Ivanov
Feb 2021 · 260
Outside of our Nest
Svetoslav Feb 2021
Freezing temperature outside of our nest.
We're like birds, inside we will rest.
Being together with you makes me feel blessed.

Words cannot describe our affection.
I am the mistake, and you are my correction.
In a world of imperfections, beautiful is our connection.
You are lovely when you come, twice as lovely when you go.

If you hide, I will search for you everywhere.
Be my guide, I will follow you even in the air.
You'll be by my side, and I will keep thinking of you.
You are something rare and we will stay a pair everywhere.
by Svetoslav Ivanov
Feb 2021 · 682
Svetoslav Feb 2021
Lemon colored hair with a nuance of gold
illuminating my night like sun rays
My heart blooms like a flower ready to unfold

Her eyes are like crystalline lakes flowing warmly
at an oasis near my desert center
They reach out to grab my soul in a loving embrace

Her breath with a scent of blueberries passes
through the crops watering them
Turning them into fields of crimson flowers

Sparks begin to culminate near my darkening sky
increasing the density of colors
Fulfilling my life and continuing the light of my days

Her voice sounds like a symphony to my ears
bringing me vibes of calmness
Notes float in the air waves lifting my spirit

We communicate without speaking any words
for we will always be one whole
Love's culmination makes life sound like a bird song

I feel as if I am following the sun when we are together
endless trip with no destination
Enjoyment comes from the back of every thought we get
by Svetoslav Ivanov

— The End —