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Sep 2015 · 854
wulfhug27 Sep 2015
I love you so much but
I'm not going to change for you sweety
I'm changing for myself
I'm changing at my own pace
And for what I believe
Will be in the greatest interest
of all who I interact with too.

Darling, hush and evaluate yourself
I allow you to respond to my changing
If you cannot be patient you may leave
It's alright.
If you cannot believe
It's alright, its alright

Your loving me doesn't mean you have to stay
Your loving me doesn't mean you have to go
Your loving me. Means you love
yourself first

If you have to stay / If you have to go
To love
Yourself first
Then do so.

I have decided to take my personal journey more seriously.
Random thoughts. Not connected to anything in particular.
Jul 2015 · 550
i might return
wulfhug27 Jul 2015
   oh sweet precious way of grace
you elude me
only because
i elude
Sep 2014 · 303
wulfhug27 Sep 2014
While I know
my dreams
      a staircase
with..             ..shoe-laces.
        .. untied ..
Sep 2014 · 287
wulfhug27 Sep 2014
I feel like a magic spell.
Cast upon hell, cast upon
everything right with this world.
I feel like an angel,
floating in my own head.
Singing words
into threads of melodic chance.

here hope dies.
   but I still live.
what a terrible, wonderful
   nightmare and gift.

Her essence remains,
it leaks into me, but...
only enough to keep in these
thick growing ropes of deceit
of a self
that cannot reside forever

*no one can see my little girl.
    like I can see her.
Sep 2014 · 1.5k
Far Away
wulfhug27 Sep 2014
Take me to a place where I can live.
Far away.
Where I can be, and I can stay.
Where I can relish everyday.
Sep 2014 · 308
wulfhug27 Sep 2014
"He inhales by tilting his thoughts slightly."

*Then; a sigh.
It's like the wind blowing
over and around
a boulder inside.
It does not budge.
A breathy exhale,
does not better the weight
the sick soul carries
... but it tries.
Sep 2014 · 439
wulfhug27 Sep 2014
Does she feel alone?
Cuz her mother is gone
and her greatest achieve me
doesnt feel good at home
Does she feel pain?
Cuz her sons dad is vain
and killing her spirit every day?
Does she feel proud?
Of being so great, and herself, everyday she's herself
never late
Does it hurt her
to raise tones just to say the words that
wont reach her dear children each day
is she simple? perhaps
but still an overlap of chores
and chore for her heart
for her children adored
ah my mother
what strength
what loud, hard insane
a silly young thing
a wise women who sings out her heart
and her soul
loved herself and is bold
and is stubborn
when told
the words no, not too old
to discover her laughter and joys
not to old to try
to understand her teens voice
oh my mother
I'm sorry for being afraid
I'm sorry of dying alone
its a shame.
Sep 2014 · 353
For Karina
wulfhug27 Sep 2014
Dear friend I'm sorry

the *serpents inside
of me
they crawl all over
throughout my body
egged and born early out of fate
out of destiny
triggered like a batting clock
basking in their there-ness
waiting-- to be used
to be struck alive
just hatch-lings of change

they shiver and squirm
find direction within
and then they get hungry
slurping at everything
till they've tasted the honey
and kissed at my pain
knew their game

they eat it away
all my irritant thoughts
****** dry as they burrowed inside me
all day
all my sighing when sighted
they lick up delighted

my plight unknowing, and innocent then
unaware of, yet
they were my friends

they grew
in length, and in strength, and in appetite.
Hissing and Searching
slithering through every part
a presence unfelt
they found my heart
like a thick sack of milk
what a goldmine
what a find
these two serpents big and old
have grounded me
found my touch
attached onto to my soul and mind
all the pain saved for their glory
and doomed for mine.

And I felt them
against my blood they moved like slime
those serpentine lines rolled up my spine
From my heart
through my stomach
to my right brained side
devouring me
and stealing  my time
and they **** me
they **** me
even today.
Even as I'm reaching for **Goodbye
Medium: My First Sketch Book
Time Written: Btwn June and July 2014
Place: Train ride home.
Sep 2014 · 1.0k
wulfhug27 Sep 2014

Wonderful animal,

Poor glorious animal.

Let. Me. Win.

Let me kiss each knuckle,


Rub your palms against the soles of my feet...

And purity bless you creature

Make you rich

With Play and Excellence


Brilliant beast of burden

Die...but grace this planet softly


Be. Go. You lovely piece of wilderness.
Jul 2014 · 434
BlueNoteBook: Emptiness
wulfhug27 Jul 2014
If I extend a paw,
my toes would separate, and I would admire the webs betwinx my pink pads. I would glance at them, with large light green eyes --
moistened and glistening from my tears.
I would be sad.
So feathered down, like a ghost goose whose body was given to flames.
Roasted and seasoned to bless the bellies of hungry children. Selfish, foolish children.
I would not bring my skull to motion
and only twist my heavy living frame.
Simply, stretch this paw of mine farther out.
Giving my body to sensations. To relaxations.
These muscles unaware of their tightness, their knots.
And when all doing so, all senses would fairly appreciate...
granting me with gentle gratuitous pleasure.
Now, out ahead my cold paw remains,
this rugged elongated snout of mine shut.
When my whiskers turn and my nose acknowledges the odor the breeze lends, the sweat being stolen from my now frozen paw, aching to return into the warmer-haven against my chest.
To return and meld
into my fur just like all the rest. I shiver curled against myself, 3 paws touch one another, safe. My entirety lain to one side. One eye to the sky the other to the dust.
The other facing the dusk
that surrounds me, much as time does. And faintly I breath. It is the only thing I notice. A blank mind does not notice much but what is closest.
My life still going.
My lungs still pulling,
heart still beating,
blood pulsing,
fluids slipping down my throat, through my veins.
Function-- normal.
The disarray has left me empty,
tail tucked in time, in space, one that pushes steady forward.
No one has the power to halt it. Nothing has the power to stop
neither this heart nor mind from crying out its faith..
I am blank........... but still still..
Twitching a tail out limp
against the ground it flickers and flags.
Sway against the air it does, swaying for my soul.
Why does it idle? How long has it been? I cannot know any longer,
no-one can.
Just sharing things from my blue leather journal.
I'd written this a few months back. I wasn't going to share it but here. Perhaps I should copyright protect my stuffff. And yes, it implies what you think it implies.
Jul 2014 · 228
Never shut your eyes.
wulfhug27 Jul 2014
Oh no
I have to face tomorrow again
Jul 2014 · 369
It isnt Fair.
wulfhug27 Jul 2014
there Is a pain I feel that cannot be  licked clean by fields of grass or pockets full of money
a Pain that i cannot glean from which way it was fathomed
'fore it strike me
'fore it disgrace my face with twists and hate and liquids
it does so without out grace, and lacking hesitation
but patience
it grows in me
it drinks me up
it tastes me slowly.
i'm Eaten by this pain each and every-wake
will it take for my own wake
for it to go away?

the foreigner has settled
deep within my bones
again, its always in my bones
my bones are somehow home
and seeping up every-while
its drinks upon my soul
like a ******* vampire
and ire grows
it grows right beside the sadness
when will it end?
when will I ever see myself again?
why is everyeone depressed?
it isnt fair.
It isnt fair. Stupid rambling.  My depression is taking away my ability to write poems too... oh no.
Jul 2014 · 403
wulfhug27 Jul 2014
Of course I'm alone.
But who isn't...
maybe if you tell me
I could join them in that paradoxical life.
Even with all my true, real, friends. I am by myself inside.
Even with the fake ones-- I have no one else.
Geez, what to do......
Jun 2014 · 405
Let Me
wulfhug27 Jun 2014
Let me talk about love...
that thing I want in life.
Let me speak about it,
I don't have it,
when I do have it.
Just not that type.
Let me not whisper about it, okay?
Let me just talk, and just listen
don't say.

A word.
I want it so badly.
I want it today.
I want it right now.
And that is okay, because everyone does.
Everyone wants it.
Everyone needs it, as a matter of fact.

And this it that I speak of
is of mutual kind
a mutual deep, crazy,
a one that is rich
is real and is blind.
A love that is lovely beyond all beauties and time
A love that does not factor seconds
into the spaces it lives
no it is timeless
and priceless and

These loves they will tear you to shreds if their gone.
These loves will leave spaces like open black stars.

Time will make its new home in your scar.
And kiss you till death,
till you live to love again.

Let me tell you. My love?
Let me tell you again.

Love is your enemy. Love is your friend.
I do not even know.
Jun 2014 · 880
wulfhug27 Jun 2014
I want to write a poem about
the poems I write are personal now.
I want to write a poem about
why this has become so.
I want to write a poem
everywhere my complaining is heard
through my type-work
my mind becomes a big ole ****
and shoots me down.
Ya know, I was once I flying bird.
Who could live outside of herself, while also bringing out the within
That I cannot r e s t, enjoy
the characters
I've created with the beater of my chest
or a song
or a quote
or a word.
Into the paper I come out.
When I cannot seem to
let it go
to let me go
and free my inner me's in pieces and in bits
Instead of dramatic fits, and murders of lines--
virtual ink inclined to think like me and respond
to this tip, tap tying.
I               am               too                 personal
With this bit, and that bit.
Of me.
And no more, do my stories reign
The randomness is replaced with madness or glee
whatever feeling I feel, in the poem
it is therefore connected to me.
I'm connected to every word.
I want to write a poem, that not speaking for me.
I want
             to write a poem.
I want
                    to write
I want
to              not



-sigh- I miss myself.
Jun 2014 · 4.1k
wulfhug27 Jun 2014
Dealing with anger innocently
means we become angry and immature
where you shout and you scream and
you make love to  irrationality
and you make truths
and mice
how do you deal with mature anger?
the type that's repressed and kept
the type that expresses through
clipped words and picked sounds and licked letters
where you hold your tongue
and beat your drum and
sigh loudly.
What now do with this anger.
When neither can answer and each has understood
each has come to know the anger and
which it there stem
so why be it..
the lost remain lost

this "mature" language of anger is obsolete
we must like children
disrupt this planet
erupt amidst the winds
and cry
its 3:30 am can you blame me?
Jun 2014 · 855
Dream Holder
wulfhug27 Jun 2014
I fight....... to keep my dreams
alive alive
but* everyday they seem to
die die
once in a while I'm able to
revive revive
Hold fast to dreams
For is dreams die
Life it a broken bird
that cannot fly.
                    --Langston Hughes
Jun 2014 · 318
public record
wulfhug27 Jun 2014
will* the record of me be a name
in a book.
with the letters of my birth page
or the characters
of my web-stage
or the stand-up cries
of my outrage?

will i
be the one who dares to be....
of living
like a sheep.

and will i say
the very day
when i overcome this dismay
that "I have done it"
i have found what i never knew
i wanted
was needed

i have found the "we"
in me
the "us"
in i
no longer separate
from all of us

all of us
are shifting lies like
ties  around our throats

oh when that comes
when i'll be in may,
at peace and plain;
my name
will i
can we
see the meaning for
this mean less life?

Not the fame, but the heart
will i get it
will i fulfill the tug
of my
oh i don't know
oh i do not know
oh my goodness
i do hope so.
Just rambling. And utilizing no CAPS. Just this once.
Jun 2014 · 849
Am I Missing
wulfhug27 Jun 2014
Where did we run off to
and end in
separate ways of road
I miss you

But who's missing
Me or you.
Why does it feel as if
you've left me
why does it feel as if
my lies are true
I miss you

But I also wish you
the greatest best
of your new found things
but also
I am missing

did you

the "gone-ness" of it all
of me
of us
of we

No more.
Do you miss it?
Did you notice?
Are you too in love
To see the loss
inside of me
that crawls out
and cries for you
my friend
and doesn't leave
just goes back in.

Please miss me too
Please love me too
Please don't forget me
My greatest friend.
Poem inspired by imaginationcollabortators "please miss me" and also by my deepest-friend, who fell in love, and has now here gone astray from her "lovey" I hope she will return.  I know when you fall in love nothing else matters, I am happy for her, but here I am dying inside.
Jun 2014 · 681
Anything. --To a friend.
wulfhug27 Jun 2014
The ginger boy just could not  touch.
For long
he'd been away.
He wasn't sure if to return.
Or if stay
in far display
It hurt him much that he did dine
to ignore
such place
where time
and space
where people meet and spirits lift
and only two can sail the drift,
the tide of

It made no sense his
versed up mess
but he could not
         of anything best
he could not put
his soul to rest
even if there was no test
even though the patience lives
even if the doubting gives
even if he cannot rhyme
every sentence
every line
all he wants to do is give up his apology.

To remind that all was genuine
to ensure that love divine
the ginger did not **** things up
just was turned
by pain and time
they took away his freedom
imprisoned him in his own mind
so when he fell to sorrow
and to longing
for the old times
for his good friend
for the new words
hesitation reigned
and won

All the moments he did try
wishing from his lips to say
lingering his fingers over keys
just type it-- "hey"
what consumed him was this
dramatic and possibly in vain
wanting not to burden bare
a friend so far
and out of hair
a friend unaware.

So he gifted his apology.
And his Promise to return.
His word was only certainty
but when ? no-one could learn.
He hoped to not attain bad feelings.
He hoped to not regret.
But whatever happens, happens
There is hope for this boy yet.
To my dear almost/friend Madeline
Jun 2014 · 345
wulfhug27 Jun 2014
My anger
Loves me.
But I
do not it.
Jun 2014 · 1.0k
Pain like Water
wulfhug27 Jun 2014
Pages and pages and pages of
splatter all over me.
Flitting like harmless leaves in the wild,
splatting like buckets of wet.
Fingers and fingers
nails and a thumb
crinkle and crumble self's shoulders.
And little prepared
are the splinters that's won
from the sharp  transformation of water.
OH give it an end.
Give it an end.
give it an end so we can burn it.
Jun 2014 · 338
Lately, Lately
wulfhug27 Jun 2014
My words have been simple.
Too simple.
Where's the complexity of my heart
Where are the loud crashing dirges of my soul
Where did they go?
Or where did they go?
What is this dribble...
why does everything rhyme
and why does each poem
carry the same tide.
Woe is me
just 17 but
woe I be.
Jun 2014 · 298
wulfhug27 Jun 2014
Oh look. Would you look?
It is 7 again.
It's a few minutes after
Yes. The lights in your city begin to brighten
And you lay on your bed, once more.
And again.
Just like yesterday, and the other day
and that... other day
Where is life? In this bed?
When your walking legs are folded instead
When your flexible spine is healthy and prime
you've been sighing and lying all day?
What a shame.
Where is the day?
And what is your name?
Why do you hurt your self in this way
By the end of the day
You've done nothing.
Like always.
By the end of the day.
You are nothing.
Wow. Much trigger warning. I'm alright though folks, just ramblings of the mind.... I love poetry. It speaks of my state. I just glanced over at the time.
And. Depression hurts.
Jun 2014 · 383
wulfhug27 Jun 2014
Why is it that my deepest loves go to waste.
You remain, burning like always
And greater.
Yet, the others are getting out of my hand.
The others proving me right.
That no-one can love a broken soul for too long
If they see the brokenness to much in the light.
If the doll becomes cruel for a moment of truth
And the friendship bare witness
With strife,
they will drift away from your life
By instinct the safety will howl them away
The deepest and greatest of friendships decay
And the lost remain as lost and the lost they remain.
It is sad.
And it is tragic.
And it is normal
And common
And deal-able
It is acceptable
And readable
And laughable-- years down the line.
But it doesn't mean you can smile.
More from my ramblings of last night.
Jun 2014 · 553
My Lord
wulfhug27 Jun 2014
Tell me, tell me who you are.
My lord.
Let me taste the stars
and soar Betwixt them with you.
Tell my goats to bore their tooth's of gold
and chew right through
And spit
And tell my men to turn to lynx
Filled with pride and warmth and spirit
Tell my soldiers very more
to give me up their lines of heart
And tell the dragon
in my soul
to not
tear me
From Last nights rambling.
Jun 2014 · 320
wulfhug27 Jun 2014
Forever and a day
Does your mind most cruelly play
With the stringlettes of your soul
And the tangents of your bones
To Bend the wrong way.
Ah, but you scarce was told
Such a thing would happen.
Poor boy.
Twisted like a lump of clay
Patched up like a teddy stuffed of hay.
Rely yourself to the temper
And give upon the air your kisses
And place onto my palm your wishes
To be set Free.
More worthless drabble.
Jun 2014 · 258
The mind that Whispers.
wulfhug27 Jun 2014
Hush stupid child
Be a silent as you can be
Don't let them see you
don't let them catch wind your
Worthless cries.
Keep sobbing.
Do not deny that you are yearning,
you are hurting.
Keep crying child.
It will never get better again.
We must leave you... why?
Because we've seen you.
And we do not like it,
What we saw.
Come now.
Keep weeping.
It won't make us come.
It wouldn't give you love like we could,
did, would.
No, child you've lost yourself.
And so we have lost you too
Dead to us.
Yes, but we pretend.
While you pour tears onto your upper lip
We pat and coo
and we pretend
Oh friendship? Silly.
The deepest of them
yet fall into pity and put
you on the rack.
Aye beseech us.
And keep crying.
Just keep on.
Jun 2014 · 576
wulfhug27 Jun 2014
I've told everyone everything.
And they have nothing for me.
I don't wish,
I had said this,
or wish
I said that.
I've said it all.
I look over my mind
and all over my thoughts
and I wonder
what did I miss....
there has to be something....
where is the answer, what I get back is nothing.
I get back some words
and some thoughts and some care
I get back some truths
and some angry or loving stares
I get back opinions and quotes
statements and hopes and advice
but what I get back is nothing.

Say it twice.
What I get back is an empty feelings inside
guilt for the hearts of the listening to decide
what to do
what to say
how to console my powerful
head that wont

I've told you all everything inside me.
Now save me.
Save me.

Not an answer.
Where's the answer?
Depression Hurts.
Feb 2014 · 526
wulfhug27 Feb 2014
I don't have much to write or say
but hm
today is my birthday
I have not much to do
but soon
it will just be
another day.
I'm 17 today. Hooray?
Feb 2014 · 678
wulfhug27 Feb 2014
Is it weird how I remember one of your favorite artists was Frank Sinatra?
That Red you adored.
On your lips, on your nails, clip clopping heels on the floor.
That you were born on the 18th
In one of the J's of summer.
That you eyes were "fat" you called them
and Sad..
and beautiful..
I cannot look at them anymore
they are filled with everything
Is it weird that I remember
how full the face of you
how alluring, proactive, your smile
I remember even, how you hated your nose
It was too wide you said.
How your cheeks were too thick for your taste.
Its weird.
How in class, as we learn about Shakespeare, I still look forward
for that little second
to telling you, showing you what I've learned of what you like.
I miss how I got used to out short
random chit chats.
You'd inspire me to come to love an idol of yours
and not only for you she now lives inside
Marilyn Monroe.
Her beauty you desired, her beauty you longed for and admired
and I to
she only reminds me of you
just of you
I wonder how would that be to know?
How you were the Spain to my Romano
and my Romano to your Spain.
How you made me love Spain, Antonio- Carriedo.
That Tomato ******* head.
How you portrayed him, with your joy
all of you joy and with the underlying of your sadness
was his sadness
made him beautiful.
My heart cherishes your Spain, and cherishes you.
Its odd, how I remember your voice.
The exact tone, and that sometimes I hear it, or want to
and find myself remembering a time when
you spoke the words I love you
always, careful, but openly.
I miss you. I do. I think of you every passing day.
Its as if you were dead, good forbid it, far ahead it will come but for now its all the same.
You are gone from my life.
I'm sorry,
so sorry....
but no more regrets. I miss you my friend.
You were one of the best.
For Jerrica.
Feb 2014 · 333
wulfhug27 Feb 2014
I know I am not in love with her.
But sometimes I feel compelled to say the latter.
Sometimes I feel pressure to choose,
when I ultimatly know for certain
how I feel and how she feels
its just the needy thing inside me
this heart that wants
and mind that lies for it to get
for it to be falsely satisfied
but why
why mess around with such a thing
why make me so so so obsessed with her?
not dangerously so
yet still
I need to talk to her
I must
I need to hear her voice
to calm me down
romance does not need to play the part
romance does not need to paint our story
i crave it and seek it in the wrong places
i wonder how long
how much longer
will I be able to hold back
love me
love me precious fox.
I seem to be falling in love with everyone. My close friends, when I know it is not true. Bleh, I really dislike this feeling.
Feb 2014 · 1.5k
wulfhug27 Feb 2014
I wouldn't dare to kiss her lips
I wouldn't even stare.
It fixes me into something vacant and in constant care
A world is on the couch beside me messing with her hair
and I can't even think
to even breath
without smiling in between
its hard to sit
and not  commit
to tickling her pink with laughter.
This has happened many times
this false thing within
that makes me think there's something more
when there will hardly be
and I don't want there to be
Just our souls are so in tune that
every word does move me, and my heart gets all confused
But I resist knowing that this isn't what it seems
knowing that this is just a fantasy
a Utopia like all the rest ---a Dystopia in the end at best

— The End —