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Lucas Ennis Feb 2019
We transgenders are not *****,
nor *******.
We transgenders are not tools,
nor autistic or *******.
It is not funny to spit at us.
Or stick notes on our back.
It is not funny to misgender us,
or harass and assault.
It is like we are a fish out of water.
Watching everyone swim.
As we suffocate and die.
See, we transgenders are just like you.
And you see,
We all speak it.
The truth.
Just a lil poem~
We are who we are
We love who love us
We love who hate us
We love our Gender

Call us Girls
Call us women
Call us Ladies
We are TransWomen

Stop being confused
Stop being surprised
Stop calling us He or It
We hate that pronoun

We are females we as others
We deserve our rights like others
We deserve love and affection
We deserve Respect like others

We are tired of your nicknames
"Is a he or a she", "what is this?"
It hurts please stop stop stop!
We are fine ladies! Full stop !

You scared our fellow ladies
They are crying in closet
They are lonely in families
Because we are Transgenders!

Stop abusing my brothers
They men and so proud to be
Don't be confused by what you see
A transMan is a powerful Man!

Respect them now and forever
Stop calling them ladies or things
They are men **** and classy
They are men always and forever

See us slaying down town
We are lovely and attractive
We know who we are friends
You can't change us Sit down!

Don't be confused by Breast
That the **** chest of our brother!
He is strong enough to be proud
We love our bodies and gender

We won't hide because you hate us
The more you see us feeling proud
The better you understand us
We are Proud Transgenders!

We ladies need our Freedom
Government think about us
All women are equal in the country
We need all care and attentions!

Stop calling us Monsters
We are human beings
We deserve our Rights
We are citizens like others!

This ain't western culture
This ain't Sodoma and Gomollah
This is the  gender of Us
We are Proud Transgender people!

Pastors stop that hate preach
That hell you need us to go in
That Sodoma you always sing
All were from Those Bibles

If you accuse all LGBTI people
To bring back ***** or Gomollah
First remember that bible you read
Was brought by Evangelists

We had gods and goddesses
Africa knew no White God
We had Love and respect
Read , reread and Rereread!

Love wins and will win
You are taking us nowhere
We are here to stay and slay
Ourselves Genger our Pride

We are done by your hate
Is our time to shine bright!
You gonna hate us today
And you will love us later!

TransWomen are women
TransMen are Strong men
Transgender is a Gender
Respect us we hurt no one!

"Transgender Right is Human right
TransWomen are women too
TransMen are men as well
We claim no war but our Freedom
We claim no hate but our Respect"

Poet : Skylar G Peter

Poem: we Are Proud Transgender people
Skylar is a 23yo transwoman originally from Rwanda but had recently fled to Uganda. Both countries are very transphobic and homophobic so I can only imagine how much she is struggling especially with her own safety. I would be most grateful if you can at least share this poem as much as you can to raise awareness. Thankyou
Corvus Jul 2017
You're willing to die for a country
That will exclude you from being able to serve.
You're willing to **** for a country
That still thinks a Bible is a valid argument.
You're willing to contribute to a conflict
That isn't as big a threat to your life
As the people you've vowed to protect the liberty of.
And you do it again and again
With a fraction of the respect patriots demand veterans are entitled to.
Because you've decided to put the needs of the complacent
Above your own human rights.
And you'll get no thanks from them,
Because they can't sleep easily at night
Unless they can rip off your clothing and see what's in your pants.
And if it doesn't add up to their image?
You can sacrifice your life for theirs and they'll still call you a freak.
I don't know why people are still so willing to die for a country that hates them so much, but the idea that the land of the 'free' wants to ban people from doing so and use such moronic excuses to do it has made me angry.
all your life people has been telling you not to talk to this person or that person but who knew the transgender girl was going to be your best friend. and she was going to be the only person that would stand up for you when you were a little kid god was your best friend you talked to him every night before you went to bed who knew you was going to grow up and wonder if he was real. when you were little you heard your parents say that gays or transgenders were going to hell but who knew you were going to grow up and be gay?? I guess my story started in 7th grade because I wanted to explore but I was scared because I knew that my parents would hate me who knew that know it doesn't even phase me when they say something about it because I am who I am you heard your parents yell and scream about gays or transgenders untill they were red in the face. they never gave them a chance they never put their selves in there position I looked up to my dad he was racist against black people and mexicans he hated gays and transgenders, thats how I grew up but I chose my lifestyle and I chose a diffrent path i accept everyone i remember when I was little their was a show on about transgenders i was six I was interested in it because I didnt understand so I had to sneak to watch it. what was the big deal if he wanted to be a girl it doest matter who you fall in love with. love is love
Im getting tired of my parents judging me for who I am I broke up with my ex boyfriend and went with my best friend everytime someone talk about gays my dad and mom critisizes automatically ignore th ecomments and be you do what you want not what they want:*
America the great?
No, America is hate.
Divided by supremacy
yet, we're called "United" States.
The unfortunate reality
but, I still have faith
that we'll get through this together,
that we'll make it through these days.
Through all these mixed emotions
I just want to say,
this is what it's come to
To all my people who are hurting,
I feel you & your pain.
This is "America" & it's a ******* disgrace.
To Mexican & African Americans & gays,
lesbians, bisexuals, transgenders,
I pray.
Muslims, queers, intersexuals,
stay safe.
Asexuals, low income, & women,
have strength.
To all the disabled and victims of ****
& to those that suffer from constant dismay,
I feel for you,
I feel your pain.
Through love and unity
our strength shall remain.
Jayce Childress Apr 2015
Every day I'm looked upon for being different
Today I was told that transgenders need to learn to be comfortable in their own body and get over it
But as I look upon myself I wonder why I couldnt make my parents happy be the little girl they wanted
Am I different or the same just a different body?
Zyanneh Frazier Sep 2015
**** yourself…
Is what they say
To the hopeless girl
With the scars scattered across her skin
And tears going down her cheeks
**** yourself…
Is what they say
To the frightened boy
With glasses pushed upon his nose
And school books just ready to learn
**** yourself…
Is what they say
To the independent girl
With a very unique flow and attitude
And male clothing covering from head to toe
**** yourself…
Is what they say
To the insecure boy
With his lips all glossed up with lip-gloss
And his hand clutched tightly between another boys’
**** yourself…
Is what they say
To the outcasts
The Self-harmers,
As if they aren’t already considering it!
To the Nerds,
As if they aren’t already being made fun of!
To the Transgenders,
As if they aren’t already been judged enough!
To the Homosexuals,
As if they haven’t heard it once before!
**** yourself…
Is what they say
To the Gays
The Straights
The Geeks,
And the Weirdoes
**** yourself…
Is what they say
To the ones who are misunderstood
And who are scared to even express themselves…

By Zyanneh Frazier
jeffrey robin Jul 2015


                                                       ( let us not be judgemental )


She's sad !

( she wants to die )                                                      


                                         Let us not be judgemental



I just read a poem about accepting others


it was quite lovely


( and hence ---- this poem )


let the sweet juices flow

( she's looking for a guy /// actually

As per the above --- it could be a girl ///

By guy fits into the rhymme scheme better

So we' ll stick with guy )


Let the sweet juices flow

She's lookin for a guy

That is all she sees

It's all she thinks she needs

Just another boy


She's looking to create

A ****** -like fantasy


An ****** - like fantasy

( just like you and me )


It's a special kind of beauty

Seeing a young girl cry


Titillates our senses

( drops of blood a rollin cross our minds )


The innocent ****

Walks down the street

I watch you watch

I see what you see

I see what you are trying to create


( but

I'm not judgemental  ! )


Though I'm not sure who is the ****

The girl or the rest of us watching



All are innocent

For we mustn't be judgemental
Kay Anderson Aug 2018
Sorry losers and haters but my IQ is one of the highest
Somehow I dont quite believe that but I am pretty biased
See I think you're a ***** Donald Trump I really do
Because what intelligent person would think the following is true
Muslims should be denied entry into the great United States
Surley by doing this you will go down in history as one of the greats?
Or by telling transgenders they can't serve in the forces
And doctors should be punished by administering abortions
How's that great big wall of yours currently going?
Have the Mexicans offered to pay for it or are you still not knowing?
Now I have to say I think your face is one big publicity stunt
So I'm just going to go ahead and be brutally blunt
Donald Trump I think your a
Lanox Jul 2015
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

I have a friend, a transgender woman.
Let’s call her Miss Portugal.
She looks more womanly than me, acts more appropriate to our gender.
Every time we walk together, people would look at her first.
She was more attractive.
I would be thinking, “I wonder if they know she is not a real woman.”

Yes, yes, this poem will be about acts or thoughts of discrimination.
Those coming from me.

We were once invited to a small party, I got there first, and men asked about her.
I answered them matter-of-factly, of where she was and that she would join us shortly.
But I was waiting for the punch line.
As though not believing that they could be interested in meeting her, for real,
knowing that she also has . . . you know.
What they have.

She had a long-time boyfriend she met back in college.
They are not together anymore, but they were together for many years,
since they were freshmen ’til they already had jobs after graduation.
He was as straight as any of my male friends could be,
part of the gang,
with as many antics and tricks up his sleeve as your average kolehiYOLO.
But it was love at first sight for him.
At the common bathroom of their boys' dorm.
He was confused as to why a girl was there.
They became one of those distinguishable couples around campus.
He could be seen riding his bike around school while she sat at the backseat.
Their love story is one I like to tell when I am at a certain level of intoxication and with a certain kind of company.
I would tell it with so much flair, you’d think it was one out of a romantic Korean telenovela.
It was that hard for me to believe that I was a firsthand witness to a real-life gay love story.

I have another friend, a transgender man.
Let’s call him Buttercup.
He is a writer, a brilliant one.
When the friendship was still new, when I had just found out he wrote, after reading some of his works,
there was that familiar envy,
if not for the words he got to first,
then the dark but rich experiences I may never have.
I found myself consoling my half-inspired, half-humbled ego
with the fact that he had more suffering.
As though I knew that just by simply being so,
he was already at a disadvantage by default.

He used to be overweight.
I used to think the, well, heavy transgender men I see intentionally gained weight to lose their curves.
Then BC decided to go on a diet.
I was confused for a moment.
Then finally science came to rescue my logic back and reminded me about the heart stuff.
How dumb of me to have been more concerned of how people like him should appear that I could easily have overlooked my friend’s need to have a healthier lifestyle.
Then his no-rice diet worked.
He began to look better.
I think he felt even better.
There was the envy again.
But I was too lazy to follow his advice,
to follow suit,
so I, again, consoled myself with the thought that he was not considered a woman anyway.
Women become envious when other women lose weight only when they’re straight.
Even beautiful lesbians aren’t a real source of insecurities.
You could be dating the likes of Brandon Boyd, they’d not be able to care less.
Although it is possible the same cannot be said of your boyfriend regarding your two beautiful lesbian friends.

BC had a girlfriend, who was also a friend, still is.
There was a time when we shared a flat.
One time, my Christian preacher of a mother visited.
I introduced BC and his girlfriend as cousins.
I wasn’t ashamed of them.
I just wanted to spare myself from a barrage of questions my mother would have surely aimed at me had I told the truth.
Here I was, perhaps the most open-minded friend they have,
yet just to avoid an uncomfortable conversation,
I was able to easily shove their identities into hiding from the very people closest to me.
I did both sides a form of disrespect.

If I were to draw conclusions, I would begin with,
So shallow people give shallow judgments.
Therefore it would seem the depths I’ve tried to dive into through these years of “freethinking” instead only caused my own prejudice to sink deeper.
Only to become more difficult to recognize.
And here I was trying to “educate” this particular sort of people spewing off ignorant nonsense when I myself am still lacking,
although not in tolerance,
as most of us now are so quick to use as a defense that our treatment of the lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transexuals, transgenders, transvestites, queers, the questioning, the intersexual, the pansexual, the asexual is satisfactory,
but certainly in the acceptance that what they are are, what you are,
is as natural as what I am,
what we are.

Francie Lynch Nov 2023
To begin with,
We have YOU,
And we have Me.
As well, we have:
Gender Binaries
Gender Blenders
Drag Queens
Drag Kings
Gender Dysphoria
Gender fluids
Gender Non-conformists
Gender Queers
Gender Variants
Two-Sprits... and
(Flora and Fauna?)

Does Genesis have anything right?
Got a brochure outlining the above and saw a "found poem" in it.
L Jun 2014
At school
    This relationship is one to keep secret when you attend a catholic school. Two women (or men) aren't supposed to be together... but we're together. She's made me smile and cry and love like I never have before. People at school started to notice -- they started saying that I was a lesbian. When someone first told me that, I laughed. Laughed. Why were people spreading rumors like that? About me, a nobody? But then I realized that I can't always cover my heart with a sweater bearing the school crest. My heart is open, bleeding and spilling blood down my sleeve. It blends in with the crimson material. People are not blind.

2. Around our friends
     We didn't keep it a secret for long. I told my two best friends because I knew they'd accept me, no matter who I'm with. I was right. They welcomed our relationship with open arms. It was easier to love her then. We could hold hands and gaze at each other openly. With them, it feels like I'm home.

3. Around my family
     My family is tricky. My mom is accepting of gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, transgenders...  
But I wonder if she's accept me.
     My dad is a homophobe. If you're gay, stay away! The stubborn man wouldn't even touch you with a stick... But what would he think if it were me?
     My brother is ok.
     My sister is... indecisive towards us, After all, I'm in love with her best friend. And I didn't even get to tell her myself.
     Hiding it amongst my family members has become rather difficult. Not being able to hold her hand is a stab to my heart. Not being able to flaunt her everything to them is maddening...
"Leigh, how do you not have a boyfriend?"
"Well um er..."
Do they notice the way I act around her?

4. Around her family
    The most difficult task of all. They're so unaccepting of who she really is, that she hides herself away. It pains me to see the hurt in her eyes when they poke fun at gay people. I've seen it happen. Anger wells up in my chest and fills a cavity long forgotten. I long to scream "Look. Your daughter/sister/aunt/cousin's heart currently belongs to me. Yeah, me. Another girl."
I wonder what they'd say to that.

5. In public
     Today, you never know what a person's views on homosexuals are. They could be completely disgusted or humbly accepting. You just don't know. So I (we) have to be especially careful. Someone could explode on us, saying that two women loving each other is wrong or sinful or damning. I'm afraid of that. She closes up when I don't hold her hand or reciprocate her advances in public... I'm just afraid. Sometimes I'll face my fears and I'll grab her hand. Other times, I'll sneak a kiss. Most of the time, I steal a glance and then cannot tear my eyes from her beauty. Do people see the love we have for each other? Do they understand? Do they accept? Do they believe that all love is beautiful? Probably not... But I'll love her anyway.
For R, who I love wholeheartedly.

Cedric McClester Sep 2016
By: Cedric McClester,

Today everything
Is *******
There’s no subtlety
It’s all overstated
Some love it
While others hate it
Others yet
Like to debate it

Is it heaven
Or is it hell
It’s hard to tell
Under Shaytan’s spell
It’s very clear
All isn’t well

Some celebrate
While others disparage
The mere notion of
Gay marriage
They just want
What you and me
Take for granted
Don’t you see

Is it heaven
Or is it hell
It’s hard to tell
Under Shaytan’s spell
It’s very clear
All isn’t well

Now transgenders
Have made the call
For the right to go
Into any stall
Some tend to stumble
While others fall
They find the issue
An order too tall

Is it heaven
Or is it hell
It’s hard to tell
Under Shaytan’s spell
It’s very clear
All isn’t well

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2016.  All rights reserved.
Debanjana Saha Apr 2018
I was duped last night
By the Transgenders beggers
Most of the time I ignore them
As if I never saw them
But last night
I was a little scared
As I knew I had money in my wallet
For no reason I stopped
And they forwarded towards me
Asking me for money
I somehow thought that poor people
They have no place in the society
So they beg
Not fair that people neglect them
So took out little money and gave them
To my shock, they wanted to see how much more money I had
They kept saying they would just keep a coin
Took out the whole bunch of money
And I kept saying No,
Don't take
Don't take.
I have no more money
But 3 of them in agressive voices
Kept telling me
They will keep the money back
Swearing in the name of God
I was not leaving the money
Until I saw them being more agressive towards me
I left the money
And they took and kept again
Obviously I knew half the money won't be there
But I was scared
As everyone was just a mere audience
I had to save myself
Money I can get back
But thought if they attack me
That might be more tragic.
They folded the Money and kept back and questioning me in more agressive voices-
Why don't you trust us?
Why don't you trust us?

They left after that
And I left the opposite side
Checking my wallet
They took more than half the money
And left little money for me.

A lesson learnt, during hard times
Nobody comes to rescue
Rather I have to be extra careful.
I was scared the whole night
I know people would laugh at me
Saying why did I stop there
Or take out my wallet in the first place.
I didn't plan for all these
Just thought may be being helpful might be good.

Duped as I was.
While trusting and helping people, we need to be extra careful. Better to ignore as usual. Helping might not turn out to be good for few cases but also, I know due to their situation they had to forcefully take my money. Safety comes first than money. I am still in trauma and obviously I will give a second thought to it.
Adelaide London Jan 2017
I am society.

And this is me.

I am the narcissistic fool.
Obnoxious beast.
Cruel friend
And cautious acceptor
Fixated on only one thing.

And that thing is you.

I am the controller of your friends.
and the ones that don’t like you
Because of your fat thighs
or thin lips
or crooked teeth.

My full-time job
is being a self-proclaimed hater.
And a two-faced rat,
stabbing you in the back.
If you ever saw me
-you wouldn’t know which side of me to slap first.

I have humans.
Who seem to have
an unnecessary nature of trying to
change me.

First it was with
Black and White
and then, for some reason,
It took me quite a while to allow women to work.
And now it’s with the whole controversy
of transgenders- he or she?

But one day,
-those determined little buggers-
-feisty freedom seekers-
-admirable able workers-
will somehow, magically, improve me.

Because one day,
each and every one of you,
Shall stand where you belong;
If it is one thing,
you are right
and I am wrong.
Am I right, or am I right?
John F McCullagh Sep 2015
An Academic (with too much time) deplores our use of him and her.
“These gendered pronouns give offense; to transgenders, they are a slur.”
“So at our University, “Ze” shall stand for “He” or “she”
And when crowds gather now and then, “Zey” shall now be known as “zhem”.”
“Old style pronouns must not be used when the student body is so confused.”
“Gendered bathrooms, were so unkind, now the doors bear equal signs (=)”
We must not judge or interpose when boys dress up in women’s clothes.
Nor should we act with prejudice if Zey decide to make a switch.
For what you may have been at birth may not be what you had in mind;
Hormonal treatments can, in time, make a drab boy look Divine
Though Ze went to an all girl’s school, Zee’s now packing all the tools
With the surgeon’s skill and care you can lose or grow a pair.
“Though Male and Female He created them, surgically we have updated zhem.”
At the University of Tennessee a language experiment to replace gender pronouns
Elizabeth P Mar 2014
We're called the freaks,
The ones society points out,
We are the emos, the shy, the awkward, the nerds, the transgenders,
The gays and the lesbians,
To name but a few.
We aren't freaks.
We're unique!
Compared to their cookie cutter demeanor.
We make the world go 'round.
We created the formula for gravity.
We make the best music.
A normal person is limited by society.
We are free!
To express ourselves however we feel to.
So "freak,"
Is nothing to fear!
Embrace who you are!
Follow your own values!
Make something out of yourself!
And let the world judge!
Because in the end,
The only opinions that matter
Are yours (and God's)...
Monique May 2016
See sometimes I feel like i'm in a cage , trapped in a cell
I believe in God but whats going on in earth must be hell.
Everyone backstabbing just gain power and money, throwing money at honeys
What goes around comes back around but they think its funny.
The government working against us, thought it was only black
But they don't care about justice a heart they lack.
We suppose to feel safe when cops are around instead we fear because they get away with everything without a sound
Look at the news transgenders and homos has the spotlight
Knowing thats a bunch of bull but everyone acting like its right
See everyone losing sight.
Kids suffering, people dieng of hunger
But whats the story? We don't have much longer
We got a black president allowing residents to manipulate his own race
See I don't need to curse to get my point across, i'm still writing the realest stuff who don't like it its their loss.
Rappers rapping about ****** like they actually **** knowing someone does their ***** work just for a bill.
nah man i'm tired looking around at people playing each other looking down at the real ones they take for clowns
Living in a system where i'm afraid to walk out my house because I'm black
Framing me for crack like i had a sack.
look around do you think anyone really care? We live in a world that's far from fair having everyone living in fear.

The Chav Poet Feb 2019
In the spring of 1945 the allied forces found them,

Thousands of Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and romanians,

Starved, beaten, unrecognizable as human,

With Millions before them gassed, prohibited from breathing.

Thrown in to ovens.

Their humanity already scorched.

Their dignity already torched.

Their personhood pawned for a system

That fault the world in the thought that the world would be better off without them.

And the holocaust was the logical conclusion

Of centuries of how the European had behaved until then.

Shakespeare spoke of the treatment of Jews and the Moors right before when

Those ships with decks that kept Africans beneath them

Sailed from Africa to America to Britain to the Caribbean —

The slaves had their langauges stolen they were robbed of their being,

And murdered for fleeing,

Nat Turner did nothing wrong — ask what you would do if you were forced to be him.

And for years we all falsely pretended

That this all ceased when slavery finally ended.


Twelve million Africans were then killed by the Dutch,

It doesn’t take much just to look that up

But it remains one of the world’s best kept secrets,

That these African men, women and children

Were murdered by King Leopold because he thought them too subhuman,

Backwards and ape like, so reasoned it was better to just not feed them and (or) **** them —

Like how Churchill viewed the colonized Indian.

How Columbus viewed the Native American,

How black men are viewed by white police men,

Why Malcolm’s militancy was a rhyme to a reason,

Why when the Nation of Islam rose, people believed them,

Why some Jews see slight on Israel as moralist treason,

Why for black men the only way out is as a sportsman or musician.

I admit — I’m white, so at first I was alien to how Kaepernick was feeling.

I admit — I’m straight so when gays told me their feelings, I didn’t believe them.

I admit — I’m poor, so when the right wing said they’ll being back jobs, I found it relieving,

I admit I’m ashamed of it, but I took that me, educated and killed him.

Talk about white genocide and cultural suicide

But it’s just a ****’s way to fantasize of a reality in which they’re victimized

But wait for the drop, the crescendo, the realization

That black men, Jews, gays, transgenders, the poor and lesbians

Are here, and really mean something.

If I was a white nationalist, **** right I’d be worrying,

Because I can feel it, do you hear it? The fire is rising.

Scared of Muslims? Soon you’ll really know what it’s like to be fighting

The people you’ve subjected to your fears, your hate, your propaganda and lying.

Feel the “Bern”, but Sanders ain’t who’ll be the cause of your metaphorical frying

It’s the one’s you’ve oppressed, the one’s you detest,

You’re a wound on society, they’ll be the zest

Of the lemons coming to cleanse you.

We want you broken and smashed, **** trying to bend you,

Or hear you or understand you, I’d much rather politically end you

And send you to the depths of hell.

Punch a ****, bash the fash, I can’t and won’t incite that

But I can and will say it would please me, believe me it wouldn’t displease me to see the movement of white supremacy



To quote Malcolm X: by any means necessary.
Haylin Dec 2018
Sorry losers and haters but my IQ is one of the highest
Somehow I dont quite believe that but I am pretty biased
See I think you're a ***** Donald Trump I really do
Because what intelligent person would think the following is true
Muslims should be denied entry into the great United States
Surley by doing this you will go down in history as one of the greats?
Or by telling transgenders they can't serve in the forces
And doctors should be punished by administering abortions
How's that great big wall of yours currently going?
Have the Mexicans offered to pay for it or are you still not knowing?
Now I have to say I think your face is one big publicity stunt
So I'm just going to go ahead and be brutally blunt
Donald Trump I think your a
Ever since gays have had rights
Look at the resurgence of blight
Day and night morals arent right
Instead they push their fright
Ironic thing is they say there scared
But yet we are the ones they fear
Listen close and hear me clear
**** what the medias trying to push
And agenda transgenders
Becoming Brandon to Brenda
To confuse a newer generation
With gender
Boys becoming girls
Girls becoming boys
Men becoming women
Women becoming men
Let the confusion settle in
Sattle up cuz its going to be a rough ride
They want us in population genocide
Which is a sneaky homicide
Provoking our own suicide
Its no longer whos wrong or right
Its about political correctness on sight
Funny thing is they say speak your mind
But yet imprison your mind
If you try to speak your mind
So how bout this **** this agenda
And there propaganda
Real parents need to stand up
And stop letting them play us
And conform us into a mutual trust
They already got us marked
Since birthday social security
Drivers license
Wake up folks and pay attention
To there *******
Spinning out satans pulpits
Before ya know it
Y'all ******* gone be chipped
Big Virge Jan 2020
Ya Know ...
The System REALLY Is A LOT of Things ... !!!

A ... " House of Cards " ...
That Are ... CLEARLY MARKED ... !!!

Because Systemic FARCE ...
Seems To Be UNIVERSAL In This World of Ours ... !!?!!

I've Now Seen HOW ...
Systemic MALFUNCTION Is Linked To CORRUPTION ... !!!
From Those Who Use ... TRUNCHEON ...
To Meat That's Called ... LUNCHEON ...

To Do More Than ... PUNCTURE ...
And RUPTURE Heart Function ... !!!!!

SYSTEMIC Instruction ...
Is USED Like ... BLOOD SUCTION ... !?!

VAMPIRIC Breeds Whose Systemic NEEDS ...
FFED OFF The People So Do EMBRACE EVIL ... !!!

LEECHES With Speeches ...
Whose Words Seem To Deal In ...

Their Philosophies ... HONESTLY ...
NEED A .... " COLOSTOMY " .... !!!!!!!!!!!

Because **** Retention Seems To Be The Direction ...
Systemic INFECTIONS ... Are CURRENTLY Heading ... !!!!!!!

Talk That Is FARCE That They CLAIM To Be SMART ...
KICKS **** Like An *** Who's NOT Had Some Grass ...
To CALM DOWN Their MOOD So DOESN'T Move Cool ... !!!

The System Is SCHOOLED ...
In Breeding NEW FOOLS ... !!!

Bernie Mac' Said it BEST ... !!!

But YET Somehow EXPECT To Get Some RESPECT ...
From A System HELL BENT On Leaving Them SPENT ...
With NO FORCE To Use When The System Makes Moves ...

To Give Them ... HARD LABOUR ...
WITHOUT A ....... " Light Sabre " ......... !!!?!!!

Entertainment TOO ...
Systemically ... " Prunes " ...
The Minds of Our YOUTH And Some Elders Too ... !!!

From Music To Film The System is CHILLED ...
When It Comes To ... EXPOSURE ...
of Art That Is POTENT Like Cancer To Smokers ... !!!

They Deal In ... " DISCLOSURE " ...
But Somehow These P.O.T.U.S. DON'T Seem To Serve NOTICE ...

They Just Deal In ... " QUOTAS " ...
Like ... " Roger Moore Lotus " ... !!!

SPIES Who DENY The Masses GOOD Lives ... !!!
Because THEY FLY HIGH While Poor Folks Survive ... !!!!

The System ... DOES LIE ...
I Think You Will ... FIND ... !!!
And Turns A ... "BLIND EYE" ...

To Those Who They Ply ...
With Trades FIT For SLAVES ... !!!
Who NOW ... DON'T Wear Chains ... !!!

So ... LOOK At Your Life ...
Does The System SUPPLY ...
YOU With The Freedoms ...
of Those With ... SILK Ties ... ?!!!?

Whose SLAVERY Lies ...
In MONEY Plantations ... !!!

Do You Get What I'm SAYING ... !?!

Now I'm NO Anarchist ... !!!
But The System NOW IS ...
BROKE With NO FIX ... ?!?

NEW AGE Genesis ...

Gay Couples Raise Kids As Transgenders WIN ...
Awards And APPLAUSE For Being ... REAL WOMEN ... ?!?

Errrrrr ... Something NEEDS FIXING ... !!!

So Now It Seems WOMEN ...
Face ... Systemic TRIMMING ... !?!

When Men Can Make CLAIMS ...
To Plaudits And Fame And EVEN ACCEPTANCE ...
Because They CHANGE Names And Dress Like A Dame ... !?!

I HOPE FEMINISTS  ARE Looking At ... THIS ... !!!

GOOD SENSE From ................... LOGIC ...
If It FILLS The Pockets of GREED Driven LIARS ...
Who Are NOT ... " Good Friars " ... !!!!!

They're MORE LIKE Deniers of TRUTH And RIGHTS ...
To Minds NOW Resigned To ... "FALLING IN LINE" ... !!!!!!!
Because They DON'T Want To Be .................. OSTRACIZED ... !!!

In Ways NOT CONFINED .............................................

Because of The FEAR of ... SYSTEMIC Ears ...
CLAIMING Their Statements To Be ... " ANTIQUATED " ... !!!!!!
These People Are FATED To FIND Themselves BATED ...
Like WORMS On A Line Because They're Inclined ...

... To BLEAT Just Like SHEEP ... !!!!

When SYSTEMIC Sheepdogs Do MORE Than Just Creep ... !!!
It Seems That These Peeps' Are ... Mentally WEAK ... !!!

Should ALWAYS Run FREE .........................................................

Cos' ... "System RESTRICTIONS" ...
May ONE DAY Well REACH ...
A Time Where Our LEADERS ...

CANNOT Be ... " IMPEACHED " ... !!!

From Racists To Sexists To MONEY Indexes ...
And NOW YES It Seems To ... ****** COMPLEXES ... !?!

It's CLEAR That ...  " The System " ...
Stems From FLAWED beginnings ... !!!!!

So THINK What You WILL ...
But THINK About ... THIS ... !!!

When You CHECK How We Live ...
What Do You Now Think ... ?

... " The System Really Is ?!? " ...
Listen Here :
Bob B Nov 2017
"I'm an Alabamian
And proud to be one, too.
Nobody is going to tell me
What to say or do.
So, when it comes to voting,
I have got one rule:
Since I'm a Republican
And no, I'm no one's fool,
And also since the candidates
All have different aims,
I'll vote only for the ones
With R's next to their names.

"I don't care if you’re a cad;
You will toe the line
If your thoughts on God and guns
Correspond to mine.
You can be knocked off the bench
And thumb your nose at laws.
I don't know what you could do
That would give me pause.
Stealing from your charity?
Even that's fair game.
I will vote for you 'cause there's
An R next to your name.

"I don't care what you have done
In your cloudy past.
I don't care how many accu-
Sations you've amassed.
How you've treated women, well,
That is just your style.
I don't even care if you
Were once a *******,
Or if you blasted Muslims or
Transgenders with no shame,
You will get my vote 'cause there's
An R next to your name."

-by Bob B (11-18-17)
Graff1980 Aug 2020
There is no justice today,
when allies say wait.

When they need to get paid
to keep their people saved.
So, the truth coming out
might be a little delayed,
but please just wait.

When fear of violence
keeps white allies silenced,
but they forget
fears where this ****

When I sit back and write
with a hollow sense of pride
but I’m not a ride or die ally.

I am the good man
who says he understands
social justice demands
in facebook posts,
and when I’ve paid
lip service to those
I go back to my
comfortable life.

This time the excuse
that I honestly use
is fear of covid 19,
but the last time
I could’ve helped,
I was writing out my guilt
to help myself.

I haven’t stepped foot in the fray
since 2011
when I was advocating
for the rights of lesbians,
transgenders, and gays.

So, this is my shame,
such a stupid hypocrite
cause better men then me
are on the streets getting hit,
terrorized ,
while I get to wake up
and live a pretty tame life.
Cj Jan 2019
People discriminate against their own species
People discriminate gays
People discriminate lesbians
People discriminate bisexuals
People discriminate transgenders
People discriminate against blacks
People discriminate against whites
People discriminate against themselves
Even though we’re all human
Sketcher May 2020
As I sit and think,
I reach the brink,
Of mental exhaustion,
Not heeding to caution,
All the pain in my head,
I'm reaching the limit,
Of life and death,
And the reality gimmick,
Everything is perfectly placed,
Yet nothing has meaning,
I feel disgraced,
Yet I have no feeling,
When my thoughts grow larger,
The nerve receptors break,
Not tempting to barter,
With whatever makes,
Other portions,
Of consciousness spark,
There's no assortment,
We're just one part,
Floating in the void,
The vast nothingness,
Defined as girls ad boys,
And transgenders bluffing it,
All identities breaking,
Anf omring stronger bonds,
To another unreal self,
Lounging on the lawn,
Sipping a cup,
Of unsweetened tea,
And diving further,
Into reality.
marvin m brato Oct 2018
Life is not perfect
so are those living

People are not perfect
the reason there were wars

Sexuality is not perfect
as there exist transgenders

Whatever life offers
are up for the grab

Take what makes you happy
the actions maybe a taboo
but if you hurt nobody
then maybe it is OK

— The End —