What you soweth you too shall reap,
a meal ticket and punching bag is
what you very much aimed to keep.
The streets are where you chose to constantly be,
never desiring to be at home like a loving mommy.
You thought it was acceptable to take and to use,
You had it under control through daily abuse.
Threat after threat and strike after strike,
beating him down and crushing his spirit
was as easy for you as simply riding a bike.
Kick, Hit, Bite, Claw, Scratch, Punch, Slap and Slug.
You acted as if it was as easy as smashing a bug.
For years you committed these acts with no remorse,
Now you want to be angry and vindictive because your
pathetic evil has finally run it's course?
No longer will you neglect, abuse or harm him again.
I pray a Judge of Intelligence is the one to hear the case,
Seeing through your deception and allowing them home.
They deserve someone who gives them daily, a loving embrace.
It is appalling how one could see them as a constant bother,
Not having the natural instincts or understanding the gift
of becoming a mother.
He was the one who always had to act as mother and father.
Come home clean, wash laundry and cook their dinner after
standing all day because he was the only one willing to be the
bread winner.
I told you years ago that these sick games were not going to last forever.
To mark my words, he will grow tired one day & pull the release lever.
There is no man who can brave a life of lies, infidelity or stormy weather.
Even if a human is fooled by your demonic heart filled with evil,
It is not an earthly individual who will bring down the final gavel,
The Creator of the Heavens and Earth is to whom you'll unravel.
Lopez ©reationz 2014
Written for my baby and his babies... Chris, Aiden and Logan.