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JJ Hutton Jan 2012
Lipstick cigarettes and the empty soul of modern rock n' roll
laid in ruin amongst my collection of black soul addictions and sultry benedictions.
MIDI saxophones and an ex-girlfriend on the telephone
directing me to find my home, to rebuild the comb, to banish the bartender and the Reverend ******.

Alamo idiot stand and a neon Jesus
waving newcomers into the whitewashed port town known as "Cuba North".
At the Caged Gorilla, Linda, the waitress,
laughs through yellowed teeth, while my bloodshot eyes crawl up her red gums.
Binge'd and my brain keeps parallel with the ceiling fan
while a plain clothes cop tries to give me the reprimand for nostalgic mischiefs.
Handcuffed and looking for that old fiend, Freedom,
while Miranda spews on the back of my skull, slides down my shoulders, dots the cement.
Out the door and tourists with cameras looking for evil behind my irises,
but I can assure my handshakes feel the same, I'm front pew tame, and I blend with the parade.
Victor Thorn Jan 2013
Deny it; it makes no difference:
the American government pitches its deceitful realtor-reality to the world:
flaunting our flag as the banner of the free, but avoiding
our faults and failures as a country.
“Oh yes! We’re rollin’ in the (borrowed) bucks!
We’re a proud superpower capable of chaos; calamity!”
Well, kudos on your catastrophes: we all know it’s a hollow show.

See, we’re slaves to China, bound by China’s chains
to billions of dollars, the deficit deepening daily.
And who’s to blame?
“Not I!” says the Democrat.
“Not I!” says the Republican.
“Not I” say I, but we
weaved our financial woes together.
It’s not stupidity; if we could see into the future, we’d be shakin’ our money makers.
But have you seen the current fiscal guillotine
whose blade looms low and approaching our throats?
Oh, irony of ironies: the American government isn’t free.
Oh mah gee.
Freak out!
Calm down...
Forbes informs me that federal spending spurs private sector growth.
But when fifty-four thousand buckaroos from you
and you
and you
and me too is just enough
to cover Congress’ **** until the dimwits there do another... (insert something dumb),
it’s time to draw the line.

And time to erase lines previously drawn:
George Washington warned us once before:
“...the common and continual mischiefs of [political] parties are sufficient to make it the... duty of a wise people to discourage... it.”
Yet here we are: the media’s reporting majority wars
that serve only to sail us further offshore from Pristine America
and a time when things really seemed to matter, especially when they did.
Deny it; it doesn’t matter; it doesn’t change
our chances of escaping another Cuban
Crisis. If we waged World
                                            Three, what would we
thing: debate, procrastinate, our fate
a fragile plaything fought over
by infantile, full-grown fanatics who never quite phased out of high school debate.
They never learned to lose, and so they play the inane blame game,
I say quite frankly: gurl. Dat cray-cray.

Dear Democracy, when will my words hold water?
When will the weight of a rainbow OREO or a
monogamous monotone monotheistic chicken sandwich
on my guilty conscience be lifted?
Must I muster a hungry lackluster life in the land of opportunity
to oppose tyranny
and uphold justice? I turned eighteen last December,
but for as long as I can remember
I’ve been voting with the dollar bill, my ballot
traveling through the bloodstream, fueling the body of big business, who fuel the daring charities, who fuel their bills in congress.

Democracy, do you know me?

For this faux-democratic nation where the population waits for the government to lay itself to waste, the Founding Fathers sob, disgraced.
                                                       Oh, God Bless America!
the nation where when faced with any
[man, woman, child, intersex, genderqueer, etc.] who dares defile the status quo,
accept the stigma like a crown of thorns, on top of all the scorn
                                                                    We The People
donate millions to “charities” who dare to speak for
the meek and mild. John chapter eight, verses one through eight:
he drew a
fine line in the
sand, man:
it’s where your rights end and mine begin. Irony, irony: they are as good as
For this faux-democratic nation where the population waits for the government to lay itself to waste, the Founding Fathers sob, disgraced.
I have days.
Bb Maria Klara Jan 2015
A thousand what ifs, a thousand one years.
A thousand beliefs, a thousand one fears.
A thousand what ifs, to thousands of ears.
A thousand mischiefs, to the heart waiting here.

People know darkest is before sunrise.
But with these what ifs, it's darker than dark.
A thousand what ifs and a thousand one sighs.
What if my hoped flame was merely a spark.

A thousand what ifs, should I try to listen
And think and ponder and even consider,
A thousand more chances in my eyes glisten
A withering hope or a shot of wonder.

And thousands of ways, I could hope to die,
Or live, or feel, or end or begin.
And thousands of times, maybe I'd lie
To think that it's real or too good a sin.

A thousand and more, should the truth be told,
I've thought of and given too much my thoughts.
A thousand less more, it was never gold,
Maybe I never knew what I wanted sought.

People say darkest is before sunrise,
For you I decided to live in the dark.
Maybe I like how I lived a lie,
Or truth, whatever, you've made your mark.
This was written sometime last year, I believe. Even I'm surprised by this now. I just told myself "What the hell did I just write?" I loathe how I can be overly sentimental at times.
crybaby911 Sep 2015
Voices, voices is all I hear
They tell me to come over here
I silently say no
Then they turn into crows

Nitpicking on my skin
Leaving marks of my sins
They laugh and laugh
Their laughters turns into wraths

They throw me against the wall
Feeding me pain like its a brawl
But I don't fight back
All my willpower were taken into a sack

The voices are winning
I am losing
Then you whispered into my ears
Saying to stop drowning in your tears

You lend me your hand
And said we'll fight the voices as we firmly stand
They're gone
Whistling to a mortifying song

You too, soon disappear
I start to fear
I try to feel my way out
But there's no way out

You stole the key
Closed me in the darkness
Taunting me, shoving me into the walls
My heart cracks and out he crawls

He lends his hand
I reached for it but it dissolved into sand
He fades away into my past
I'm free at last.
Gitano yawned,
stretching out under
the shrine of Öli.

Here he plotted
and hid a mouthful
of secrets; and the Lord
watched over him
as he slept.

He plotted,
for coyote wisdom
is disguised by folly
and cunning
and guile.

All about, the vermilion
stain of Mars. The coyote
chuckled mischievously,
dreaming at the feet
of the Master and Judge.

a ziggurat raised
to the Goddess.

Two great black eagles
circled in a sky
of dry roses and lilacs.

La Santisima Muerte
stood at a distance,
yet bore Gitano
in Her *****.

His mischiefs were scribed
upon a cartouche
to amuse gods
and teach men;

Yet men are not
so easily taught
as gods are amused;

For men have not yet
learned to believe
what makes them laugh.

And so Gitano sleeps,
and talks while he sleeps;
wherefore the Ways
of mischief and trickery
were laid bare.

The secret is to teach
at the expense
of innocence.

Certain illusions persist;
they must be shattered,
but their thrall
can only be broken
by design.

Whether bitterness
takes root in the wake
of the shattering
is not Gitano's concern.

Because sometimes
realization can only come
through being made a fool,
revealed to ourselves
as absurd.

Angry at our own foolishness,
we blame the one
who denudes it.
The coyote, too, is a Fool.

A Fool can learn,
shaping destiny
by taking responsibility.
Through death a Fool
becomes wise,
seeing the joke.

The burden of karma
is left to those
who cannot laugh.

Man grits his teeth,
his brow furrowed.
He despairs.

Gitano chuckles,
Gitano is a familiar spirit in the form of a coyote.
The first time I saw you
You have eyes that were so innocent,
Hair that perfectly frames your face,
And a smile gives of an aura
Endlessly making me linger
To your being.

However i doubted that
Not all people can be like you
So a rainy day came
And so does your frown
I observed you passively
Hoping something changes

You were so busy on things
With your hand flicking along
I assumed you were consumed
By the world and its people
I approached to help you and asked
"Are you okay?"
You gave a gesture
Seemingly making it so

Confused by these thoughts
I got tangled unknowingly
You were putting me under
Like i was in a case of plunder
With the whys and hows coming
How can i be so stupid to realize.

All this time i fell
By the time i laid
My desperate eyes on you
Thinking it was me all along
Fooling myself that
You needed help
From all these whelp

In the end of all
It was me who needed it
A help from you
From the world itself
By all the traits you have
To keep me going,
Breathing and

That someone like you would save someone like me
In a world that is full of mischiefs and illusions
mads May 2013
Death is the disintegration of the body,
Life is the death of the mind.
Evaporating from shackles
The jester is here on time.
Mischiefs taken from the book.
You do it so well
That only time will tell.
Another age old being
Left to be forgotten.
You forgot again jester
And the sand timer
Has been smashed.
Take the clocks hand
It's the only applause you'll get.
Breathe them in jester
They'll never be whole
Within themselves.
Take a chance jester.
You're already dead
Mohit mishra Jul 2016
The devotion that you had in your heart for me
the tune that you had on your lips for me
the surrender of your heart was a lie!
all your tears were a lie!
however, please return to me, beloved,
my heart calls out to you

Silvery, sweet, streams of talk
those dreamlike nights of sweet slumber
the way your eyes hypnotized was a lie!
all those dreams were a lie!
however, please return to me, beloved,
my heart calls out to you

The kiss that our lips shared
your love filled embraces
the innocence of your fair face was a lie!
all those promises were a lie!
however, please return to me, beloved,
my heart calls out to you

You were the budding flower of spring
that bloomed in intoxicating laughter
but your smiles were a lie!
all those scenes were a lie!
however, please return to me, beloved,
my heart calls out to you

Those promises in the Ganges of love
how you adorned yourself with my name
your bedecking was a lie!
all your those small signs, were a lie!
however, please return to me, beloved,
my heart calls out to you

When all your mischiefs were a lie
when your innocence was a lie
when your laughter, your smiles, were lies
why were all our quarrels - truth?
however, please return to me, beloved,
my heart calls out to you

तुम्हारे मन मे जो अनुराग था मेरा,
तुम्हारे अधरों पे जो राग था मेरा,
वो समर्पण तेरे अंतर का झुठा,
थे झुठे अश्रु तुम्हारे ।
पर लौट के आजा प्रिये
तुमको मेरा उर पुकारे-2

सुमधुर सरस सलील वो बातें,
मीठे निदों की स्वपनिल वो रातें,
सम्मोहन तेरे नौनों का झुठा,
थे झुठे वो ख्वाब सारे।
पर लौट के आजा प्रिये
तुमको मेरा उर पुकारे-2

अधरों से अधरों का चुंबन,
प्रेमवस तेरा अालींगन,
धवल चेहरे की मासुमीयत झुठी,
थे झुठे वो वादे प्यारे।
पर लौट के आजा प्रिये
तुमको मेरा उर पुकारे-2

तुम बसंत की कुशुम कली थीं,
हो मदमस्त हँस के खिली थीं,
पर तेरी वो मुस्कान झुठी,
थे झुठे तेरे नजारे ।
पर लौट के आजा प्रिये
तुमको मेरा उर पुकारे-2

कशम जो प्रेम गंगा में लिया था,
मेरे नाम का जो श्रृंगार किया था,
तेरा वो संवरना था झुठा,
थे झुठे तेरे इशारे ।
पर लौट के आजा प्रिये
तुमको मेरा उर पुकारे-2

जब थी झुठी शैतानीयाँ तेरी,
जब झुठी थी नादानीयाँ तेरी,
जब झुठा हुआ हँसना मुस्कुराना,
तो सच्चे क्यों हुए झगडे सारे ।
पर लौट के आजा प्रिये
तुमको मेरा उर पुकारे-2

The translation is given by karisma ji
Thanks sis for it
Faerie Plague Oct 2018
Her friends made an accord
To bring her cariad
They met
They embraced
with blissful laughter
The day carried on
They went to the portal's entrance
He was preoccupied
By the device he held
She met another compatriots
Who played their mischiefs
With slippery liquids
They caused chaos
And an accident happened
With a child
Who fell
The girl came to rescue
And held the kid until
The pain was gone
She looked at her cariad
Waiting for something
Something or someone
She looked at her
And they urged her
To enter the amphitheater
With her platonic frater
So she went
And waited outside
She faced the fragile glass
Facing her own reflection
Tucked her hair
Behind her ear
And called her cariad to go with her
In a place she felt home
And then
Through the looking glass
Waiting for him
She saw
The way he waved
An urgent
So she went outside
And saw
Her cariad
With a fair woman
She knew
She was the Eros
While she, the frater
Platonic, should be Platonic
But what's with that look?
A look of regret
A look of pity
A look of apology
On her cariad's face
As she approached and saw them
Her heart heavy
Falling in the pitch blackness
Of Oblivion
Where self deprecating
Self loathing
Self pitying
So she closed the distance
Greeted the fair woman
Who bothered only with a side glance
At her
And so they went
And she
With them
In a brief walk
Before they went away
They parted ways
With her
well this is made because of a sad dream
Pauvel Jétha Jun 2013
In a village overlooking the sea,
so beautiful and so serene,
with fine cottages and finer folk,
there is,as in any other place,
A Memorial Park housing the dead and beloved.

I stand in a corner of the Yard,
upon my plinth frozen forever.
I,the stony likeness of a fairy
long gone and forgotten;
A cold guardian of the cold beds.

Like to a fair girl with sweet smile I am
tender hands clasped gently,
resting against my flowing silver dress.
A blue bow adorns my tresses,
A pair of graceful wings,my frame.

Many a person I saw buried here
and many a eulogy I've heard.
Many regrets and tears.
Cries of loneliness and fear.
Year after year after year.

At my feet lie two graves,
Of a man and of his wife.
Young they departed life,
Parted from their darling child,
giving her their memories to live by.

The girl used to sit on the turf
beside their tombs
gazing out over the sea at the sunset,
Me keeping her company
and the Wind wiping her tears.

Every day of every season
she used to come and see them.
To sit by them and talk to them.
To tell them everything in her life.
And I used to listen to her.

I listened to her speak of her friends.
Of their many mischiefs
and adventures in the village,
of their jokes and laughs.
And I used to laugh with her.

She spoke to them of her being alone
amidst all these joys.
Of her fears and toils.
Her wish to have them both back.
And I used to pity her.

New graves were dug,
New tenants came,
And new tombs were built.
Still the girl came
Never missing a day.

She talked to me,the only thing there
with a semblance of life.
"Oh,you are so beautiful!"
she used to tell me,
And I wanted to tell her the same.

"If only I'd wings like yours",she said,
"I would fly over the fields
gliding lightly over the grass.
I would fly above the trees,
chasing the happy birds.

I'd race the dolphins in the sea,
Skim over the fluffy clouds in the sky,
Touch the stars in the night
And reach my parents in the Light.
And I would be free."

The cemetery knew no familiar voice but hers.
The path,no familiar step but hers.
She used to walk among the tombs,
laying wreaths upon those forgotten
And praying for those who forgot them.

She used to say to me,
"How sad it is for them
Who are forgotten and have
None to remember them
And nothing to be remembered by!"

Then came a day when I didn't see her.
And another day went by.
Now I see a grave being dug
By the side of her parents' and I knew,
That she has gotten her wings at last.

I see them carrying her hither,
No faithful friend to weep for her.
No heart breaking to see her
go in her death to where
she used to be in life.

If only I had tears,
I would have shed them.
Shed them for all her pain.
For all the fears she went through.
For all the loneliness she had to endure.

If only my heart weren't frozen,
I would have wanted it to beat,
To feel heavy with sorrow.
For her,I want to come to life,
If only to lament her death and freeze again.

They fill her grave with dirt.
They build a tomb on it and leave.
No wreaths wasted upon it..
No wreaths will there be.
No familiar voice or step.

New graves are dug,
New tenants have come,
And new tombs are built.
Still I stand here over her's...
It is not sad,for I will remember her.
Sabbathius Aug 2015
I'm here to set all matters right!
For years and years I'll keep this fight!
To bring this city’s **** to light!
To strike them down with righteous might!

These parasites who live concealed
Shall never see their dreams fulfilled!
Shall dig them out, the hand of God!
Shall punish them, the holy rod!

Impending wrath will swiftly fall!
Undo mischiefs of those who crawl!
Defilers of the sacred code,
Are those who I completely loathe!

It is not late, although, to turn
To save yourselves from certain burn!
Receive the blessing of Our Lord
And He’ll put down His fiery sword

From now until the very end
To all of you, my help I’ll lend
The city walls I shall defend!
Be sure! They will forever stand!

*The High Fanatic Speaks... by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
This is merely a work of fiction. I am an atheist myself, and it is not at all my goal to turn someone to any group of beliefs.

I have a made a contest out of this poem in another community. In case you are interested:
Pauvel Jétha Jul 2013
As little Ben lay down to sleep,
sinking into his soft bed,
The night air brought with it
a sweet fragrance on it's wings
to lull him into sweet dreams.

His father coming to tuck him in,
Said Ben:"Daddy,why is it
that the sweet Night with
the pretty Moon and little Stars
does not last long?"

Replied his dad:"Because Ben,
then the Day would be sad.
And the Sun would pout.
And the Night only comes to help
the Nature prepare for Tomorrow"

Thinking about it,said Ben:
"But what if Day gets sick?
And the Sun takes a holiday?
What would happen then,
If Tomorrow never comes?"

Ponderously,said his dad:
"If Tomorrow comes,
there would be no end
to the Dark and his secrets,
No stopping Cold's mischiefs.

The Moon will walk away,
and Stars may be shrouded,
No more will there be Light
to show us the way
and drive away the fears.

No more will the Mist flee
but will snare us into her net,
to get us lost in her depths.
No end to the bad dreams,
No more warm rays of comfort.

No more Dew's pearls on leaves,
No more the sweet chirping
of the silly birds in the trees.
No Sun for the flowers to greet,
No Dawn to make them sing.

No more the frenzy of the bees,
No more the races of butterflies.
Nor the games of the rabbits.
No more prancing of the does.
Only the hooting of the owls.

Never again will the rain seem fiery,
Or the rivers golden.
No more rainbows in the sky.
No more the dancing of colours.
No beauty in the Nature to see.

No Joy to look forward to,
No Hope to wake up to,
Relinquishing hold on our dreams,
Desires and wishes unfulfilled,
We will slip into Death's slumber."

Realising Ben had fallen asleep,
his father got up from the bed,
turned off the light
and silently went to his room,
thinking all the way.

Unaware of the grave thoughts
his question aroused in his father,
Little Ben slept on,dreaming:
"If Tomorrow never comes,
There won't be no school no more."
Hana Mar 2013
Would it **** if you agreed?
That we’re no more than just greed
Would it raise up the stake; if
you had fessed up all your mistakes ?
I shall love you not!
For everything you are not
But given that we have shared
The sorrows and mischiefs we beard
I learned that you are a riddle
Waiting for someone to fiddle
Through the devious games you played
I went along, with no reason to fade
Perhaps it was not your game
You’re not the one to blame
Your words.. were they true?
The effects of them, do you have any clue?
Remember the interests we had?
Of Sophie and Howl, how sad.
It has come to this,
Where I want to hit you with my fist
Remember how you strived to impress
Should I start to repress than address?
Of how hollow your promises were
Pretend all you wish, that’s how I’d refer
Perhaps you considered it just a fling
To me we were not anything
Not through the things we told
At nights I felt so cold
For at least I state faithfully
That you were the one who embraced me fully.
Vivek Raj May 2024
Your little eyes,
Little nose,
Little cheeks,
Little smile,
And, your adorable babbling,
Will forever be rewards of love...

Your little hands,
Little feet,
Little walk,
Little mischiefs,
And, your cheerful embrace,
Will forever be a boon of life.
coffeemantra Feb 2014
In my life I’ve learned that it is possible to love two—three things at the same time with the same intensity, such as I love coffee as much as I love books as I love cigarettes in the morning.
That my vices and mischiefs are who I am, both the most beautiful and sad parts of me.

I’ve learned that just like people are happy they are sad, and just as people live they die.

That happiness and love are for everyone, but I’ve also learned that this world, and its horrors isn’t.

I’ve learned that society isn’t a norm, and that human absolutism is not a thing.

That you have to **** up to learn, as no one has ever fallen in love without being a little brave.
I’ve learned that depression ***** you left and right, that it’s a real illness and that taking antidepressants doesn’t make me any less of a person.

I’ve learned that embracing who you are is what makes you exquisite and endlessly fascinating.

That life is an absurd infinity for all this togetherness and otherness.
It was as fast as the northern leaves falling
Along with the winter breeze
The window was at a high altitude
And I can smell the crispiness of the coffee bean.

It was another strange coffee break
At first, I thought the clouds hindered me
From seeing you
But they're so soft and smooth to the touch --
Touched by the very eyes of fierce look.

I saw green pastures everywhere
As if it has never experienced any famine
As if the clouds are always present
To boast out their shades
And there I knew, that we were almost there.

There were no drops that lingered on the waters
Like debris or ashes of the ones who first got their defaults
It was a loss to their existence
That they rathered ****** themselves
And there was the loss of words
As they shuttered their doors and windows.

I foresee the upcoming thought
That this iron barrier shall set me free
From any fear that arises from within
Whenever I think that I'm about to fall
But to sail was never a choice to be made
In these lateral movements that were never in shell
He that rescuing the cry,
The hunger has died
And death itself was known to its end.

I felt my feet having wrinkles from waiting
And my ears heard murmurs of tiredness of being
My mouth was shut, never devoured by any words
Nor any mischiefs
For once I thought,
I was there
But I'm ready to leave with no second thought.
topaz oreilly Oct 2012
Alchemy beckons
I once saw him scribing pollen on bat's wings.
having long strolled the  flattened earth
to capture mischiefs wonder,
wading through patented spell books
he obsessed on Death Cap Mushrooms as a panacea.
Once he levitated a Friesian
for no greater nocturnal purpose
than to mock the knowing Moon.
I had long sensed it was in his power to grief
stranger's dreams
but his ensconce was that of an Artist
rather than the Master of  Misrule.
CC May 2014
Here I am breathing
Heart beating
I wish you were doing the same
It's not fair
It happened anyway
It happen to me
To my mum
To the world
Your features are beginning to fade
So I cling tighter on to fragment memories  
I am told of your love
When thoughts of you turn into sadness
When the void you left behind aches reminding me that it cannot be filled by another
I pray that you too know of my love
We laugh your true love and I at
your beautiful mischiefs  
You are missed
Every morning and every night
You were missed at every parents evening
You will be missed by my side when I walk down the aisle
I am told that you would be proud of me
I hope with every fibre of my being
That you are
Proud of me
The breath of the wind blows gently
shushing me, calming me
easing away the  pains
that are soon forgotten

I long to see the invisible wind
to touch it, to pull it
take it to unknown places
in my vivid mind
my imagination
that is soon embellished

The breath of the wind blows softly
soothing me, calming me
taking away mischiefs
that were once forbidden

Grab onto the wind as it passes by
hold it if just for a second
know its direction, its destiny
that is soon changed once again

The breath of the wind blows gently
shushing me, calming me
easing away the pains
that are soon forgotten
Susan Jacob Dec 2016
Noel never comes hot,
this old codger knows his shot,
he covers everything in white
even the hairs of the slight.

He comes with a whoosh,
spreading his glittery mush
this mushy mass melts too quickly,
like a candle that melts faithfully.

Noel knows everything,
he knows what they think;
He follows them on tip - toes,
eavesdropping like the evil moles.

He lives throughout the last month,
saves his mischiefs for the first month.
That mischievousness in all innocence,
this hag he never lagged in patience.

A cold cold codger,
he accepts every lodger,
with hands too cold
and eyes that behold.

He swirls across the curling Earth,
and tints it like his own hearth.
He circles around round  in rounds,
like a flake he bounds.

Wreaths and garlands round his neck,
he approaches me for a peck on the neck.
He stalks the stockings
to gasp each longing.

He pecks the pecked things away,
and,sits all night thinking of a way,
to please me with his gifts
and, feliz me with his bits.

I'll miss you Noel,
you are my  bubbly bauble and bell,
I'll wait for you,
have a holly holiday, Noel.
# Christmas
Francis Coquilla Jun 2018
Let's Follow The Rabbit
Who Worries That He's Late
Down To The Rabbit Hole
Where We Will Change Our Fate

Let's Forget The World
That Once We Were On
And Start A New Life
In This New Place
That Is Far Beyond.

Where Apples Are Poisonous
And Mermaids Are Real
Where Shoes are Made Of Diamonds
Crystal Clear

Where Kisses Are Antidotes
And Dusts Makes You Float
Where You Can Only Have 3 Wishes From A Lamp
And A Goose That Lays Gold

Where Step Mothers Are Evil
And Dwarves Are Good
Where Dragons Exist
So Does Magical Food

Different Kingdoms
Different Story
We Can Create Our Own Adventures
Don't You Worry

Together We Will Create
Our "Happily Ever After"
Together We Will Perform Mischiefs
And Laugh Hard Together

I Offered My Hand To You
Hoping You Will Grab It Too
"Let's Go To The Rabbit Hole Together"
That's What I Said To You

But Suddenly You Chose
Not To Go With Me
Down To The Rabbit Hole
In A Place Full Of Fantasy

You Smiled at Me
And You Told Me "I'm Sorry"
You Ran Away
And Left Me Completely

I Dreamed A
"Happily Ever After" With You
And Then I Realized
There Wasn't Even An "Once Upon a Time"
To Begin With.
Rajib Ahmed Jan 2016
I see a poor fellow
cleaning my office with sad downcast face
A miserable soul - with no hope in his eyes.
Beside him stood my idle students
some gossipping, some drooling
like sick hens
The cleaner doesn't exist for them
his world is far far away from
their high hopes:
good jobs, good money, family and friends.
They don't care.

What am I supposed to teach them?
Do I show them the way
of all the tyrants and mischiefs
of the world who are bent on
piecing up the ***** among themselves
letting go of their self-respect and dignity
or do I preach something different
A less trodden way of
measure, struggle and equality

Are they ready for it
Will they listen to it
Is it worth the it?
Abhisumat Singh Jul 2017
She descends down the ruined stairs
of the moon, and into a lake she vanishes,
increasing its beauty and sowing in love. full with charm, with sensuality,
and with an appealing glitter of face
which arouses the soul.

Her gravity causes the trees to dance,
the water tides to swirl and the clouds,
to loosen their ambrosia on the earth.

She seduces the surroundings with her
coyness, making the creator blush,
and gaze with amusement at what He
had created.

Everyday, everytime she trespasses the
property of my soul....And slowly
with the passage of time, her mischiefs
stole something from me
~ something unseen.
A free-verse based on mood...
Written for a Wattpad book...
Jowlough Mar 2018
Bummed for the joys
Of sunshine and paradise
Lost in the grid
On your visions I bleed

I can't take you places
Being just a rock n' roll kid
I defer to your sight
Flights and mischiefs

The smoke that fills my lungs
Are full of decisions
Withered with thoughts
Failed attempts and secret missions

I am a fool for one
My footprints is your basis
I feel the sun on my spine
I can't take you places

Sored heart bruised arms
Shimmering mind but still a loser
You are the world
And I can't take you places
David Betten Nov 2016
            At home, they say Death takes a female form,
            And in her cave a billion candles burn
            Which mark the dwindling measure of our lives-
            Short stubs for the infirm, fresh spires for babes.
            When our own taper sputters at the base,
            This fickle life winks out.

CORTÉS                                            What said he next?

            “You see our signal fire on the butte,
            Whose dark clouds broadcast swift alarms for war.
            If our old friends push off with crowded sails
            Before those flames to embers smolder low,
            Then shall they safely coast from Mayaland,
            And may God blunt what mischiefs are to come.
            But, if they loiter when this fire is cold,
            We’ll ***** their lingering lives, for at that time
            Shall I raise up my droves of rabid braves
            To course this quarry like the hounds of hell.”

            I wish I’d that false truant in my hands,
            For it will never do to leave him here.

            Those of the breed to grapple their own hearts
            Must own that something in their soul is stirred
            In answer to the awful frankness of these howls,
            And if, by our own shared humanity,
            We may uplift them to civility,
            So might they pull our most self-searching down,
            To dance, to stamp and rage. We, to resist,
            Must be as much a man as they. If not,
            Rebarbarism claims her wayward natures,
            And our prim, mincing minuets may yet
            Yield to innate impulse: leaps, bones and blood.

            Clear out! Our foe’s friend orders we embark,
            With sails puffed by this sometime Spaniard’s threats.
            These titles- “Captain,” “Chief”- these are but breath,
            Yet- backed with tooth- are words which utter death.
            Speed North! At merrier campfires will we rest.                  *All exit.
From my play in verse,
Wedding of words with thoughts
The lovely, timid bride
Born as thought
Comes bedecked
With the choicest of jewels
Her companions
Dancing like nymphs
Of heaven's grace
Is enchanting
The companions of the groom
Born that way
Are moved by this
Graceful swaying
And movement
Of unseen glories
Oh so are the bridesmaids
After all,they are also
Just like the bride
The shehnai of imagination blows
Virtues like determination
Take on the role
Of the priest
Or pastor as you say
But this groom's a bit naughty:-) :-)
His eager eyes
(Eager for beauty,
Seeking something
Just good enough
To express
For so long!)
Flutter to the mates
Of the thought bride
Oh he is also moved
Would he elope
Would he find his
Life's expression
In someone else
Other than this thought?
After all he is known
For his mischiefs
From long ago
(He could not find
A suitable one
For himself
Given me so much pain!)
Today as I jump
In ecstasy
Of this occasion
So holy
I face this danger
I command the priest of determination
To quickly
Complete the rituals
So that I get to see a lovely couple
Bless them for
Fulfilling my heart's desire
For bringing my
Youthful mind
To a standstill
To pen my thoughts
For at least a moment!
Such is the toil
Of the marriages elaborate
Made in a holy
Sterilized wedding hall
Of my brain
And you know
How difficult it is
To maintain
A purity
A sterility
Be it of body,places
Or flickering thoughts!!
An ode to the couple of pen and words
Thoughts and expressions
And other guests
In such holy unions!
South City Lady Nov 2020
we claw through brittle days
       upon calloused hands
hearts chiseled into Celtic swords
                                       yet we hold on-

hunkering down through
       blistering nights,
trudging beneath
               the frosted moon,        
         awakening at mottled dawn, sleep deprived,
       riddled with a profound ache
for distant fairy stories
we will not surrender
      to shrieking banshees,
           to long-stemmed loneliness,
  to prevailing hunger,
                  to our minds' mischiefs fretting
        as shadows in    
                   unforgiving hours

      instead we galvanize as druids,
              extracting golden amber
from faraway dreams
        depositing them as seeds stowed
beneath winter's cloak-    
   lore keepers
                       of pandemic secrets

                                    -until spring
    thaws the frozen river beds
              of our poetic fingers          
    pollinating speech
                     while we spawn
into garnet roses
(blood soaked with piecing stems)

    a reawakening of voracious beauty,
the roaring Aslan,
             unmuzzled prophesier
                                   of breaking dawn
In these dark days, we will persevere until the coming of daybreak.
Bhoomi Mittal Sep 2021
I just want to relive those days again,
When I used to smile genuinely,
Instead of giving a fake tight lipped one.
I want to be the child again,
Who used to get happy,
As if given his favorite cotton candy;
I want to be the mischievous one again,
Who used to give a cheeky- smile & puppy eyes,
On being caught for the little mischiefs';

I want to live my utopia,
Where every thing is just so perfect;
Where Cinderellas' have a happily ever after,
Where a knight in shining armor,
Is waiting for his damsel,
Where Augustus and Hazel become a single soul,
Where partings are never too longing.

I miss my old self,
Who used to believe fairy godmothers are real,
And one day she would meet the seven little dwarfs,
Who would be ready to protect her.

I miss the one little kiddo:
Who would instantly look up at a shooting star,
As if wishing for someone to wake her up,
And take her covertly to meet Olaf,
The one whose banter was enjoyed,
The one whose laugh was contagious.

But now it feels like,
It's all in the past...
*Hazel and Augustus are well known characters from the book "THE FAULT IN OUR STARS" by John Green.
rory Apr 2023
who wants a rewind
of tragedies and mischiefs?
i'd just get heartaches
Sarthak Dash Nov 2018
Every morning he'd come and sit beside me,
A beautiful little thing,
Dancing and singing,
His small lips glued to a flute,
As if in admiration of life itself.

Sometimes he'd talk to me
In a language I couldn't comprehend,
And I'd litsen -
I'd litsen to his eyes,
Trying to get a glimpse of the universe that lay beyond childish mischiefs,
Of a power too vast to be trapped within mother's ropes.

I watched him leave,
His grief shadowed by purpose,
A smile shrouding his conflicts.
Confusion, pain, longing,
He was prepared for love,
Attachment came without warning.
That evening, he sat beside me and cried.
Just like the child he was.

It was autumn when he left,
And the last of my leaf fell with him.
DrabRoses Apr 2020
I've learnt to hone the vast darkness,
The dark fate thrashed into my hands,
Cursed to feel the crowded loneliness,
I've been forced to grow on barren lands.

The dark soul with which I'm cursed to live,
Its cause she gave my heart to the darkest devil
She gave it while it wasn't even hers to give ,
I guess behind that mask was hiding such an evil.

I've learnt to foster this darkness, turning it into hate, Full of fear, yet still clouded with a lust for revenge,
I'll slowly progress towards our dreadful fate ,
And remember this, my heart I will surely avenge.

I've learned never to trust anyone again,
For all they wear is just a resolute mask,
Not knowing behind which the pitiful coward lain,
Who'll do anything even the most resented task

Once so full of light, now trying to look for a way out,
Once so full of love, now finding a person to trust,
Although I'm quiet but trust me I want to shout,
I want to know why, why did our bond ever rust?

Pierced heart and broken bones,
The pain with which the soul moans,
The body's thought of being a stone,
Melted to ashes and left alone.

The hate and darkness that lurks in deep,
The faith all lost in an eyes blink,
The person she loved is now a creep,
My elegant body now bound to stink.

I guess I'll just retire from the worldly griefs ,
I'll just be patient as to what fate has in store,
I'll forgive your crimes and all your mischiefs,
I guess l really don't want to live anymore.
Yenson Jun 2021
Chris the mother thieve said it
'we'll put nits in your head'
Joanne the baby for welfare money thieve said it
'we and the gang will bug your head'
The blackmailed spouse said it
'they're are going to do your head in'
The West Indian woman said it
'they are hazing your head and your mind'
The ragged louse at the bus stop said it
'we will fill your head with chatter, we are the chattering class'
That hypocrite from down below said it
'they will overload your thoughts to confuse you'
The wittering simpleton girl at the shop said it
'we will plant seeds in your head'
The brown buffoon from the office said it
'when you attack the head continuously the body will start failing'
So what is new under the sun
The uncle said
'you are highly intelligent with an incisive mind'
you mean discerning mind I replied
'That too and more' he responded
'No, I replied, I'm fortunate to keep my own counsel
and own my own mind'
'why should I take on board the ******* of those
who have nothing positive or remotely life-affirming to offer,
much less the inane offering of envious juvenile immature
malicious mischiefs-makers with their psychotic agendas.
anyway, you see them coming a mile off and their imbecilic wittering are not worth  my consideration,'
If it did, would I be here
'Imagine a **** lowlife thief like Chris whose plight has already
indicted her, stating ' we'll put nits in your head'
You want to ask her if its the same nits that turned her and her family into drunken smelly white thieves and house breakers.
Some and their supporters deserve nothing but contempt
There are people who come to England from the remotest villages in Asia five years ago, who are millionaires today
then some home grown white sits on welfare and drink away blaming poverty for being a thief.
Yeah, call me a Tory and go get your woke lying loony Leftist
to come do my head in and cancel me.....
Tom Shields Jun 2020
There's a weight that releases my breath when I awake
an indentation, leaving a chest compression,
not too old, but my body is weak and I ache
to get out of bed is a mountain to climb,
and getting to sleep is the air growing thin
I can't afford to asphyxiate on someone else's dime
I'm living the slow burn of knowing where to begin
it's depression, waning and whining as it runs out of time

There's nothing for as far as I can see, which is a relief
every one foot in front of me, is one bad thing I've done before
put behind, as long as I can stay true to myself, I claim the belief
proudly, that evil won't make you happy, and I don't need a guide anymore
I can face this all, all alone, I'm not afraid to fall and never rise
I don't need an alliance built on reliance, I'll tell myself my own medicating lies
when I need that crutch, and I lean too much, I'll hold on tight to a mirror and look myself in the eyes
reminders of the pain and loss, the damage and the malevolent intentions
that I tore apart my heart by a well oiled machine of abuse, an ouroboros of my own invention
all my mistakes and suffering are acts of self-harm by my own machinations
I have been as sick as it gets, both sadist by proxy and *******
the cure is resilience and dignity, respect and pride; so to myself I raise my fist

I will subtract infinitum
look at me, I don't need them
I will defeat the tendencies and alluring notions
that call to me, echoing papers filing motions
override the system, go and self-destruct
go and hurt and know
everyone you love would be better if you gave up
they all tell you no
while you contort into a loveless malcontent
under the hammer of a conscience, trained never to relent
breaking every part of your character down to a simple formula, your dark mischiefs all represent
Evil makes you Happy
and you lay in a ball on the floor
Evil may make me happy, but it leaves me empty every time
I want to be a good person, but I commit social taboos and crimes
I am weak and depressed, an anxious egocentric insomniac
all my ideals are fantasies
evil may make you happy, intoxicating as escapism from reality
it grips your organs like cancer and leaves you hollow on your knees
with a reputation for begging to be let in once more, you cry please
your pain might be real, but they see alligator tears
and when you hit the bottom, the bottom even falls out
you must face a world of shadows by yourself, the greatest of your fears

With nobody but the memories
I could see my entire life with clarity
and the answer was plain, I'll take away the pain
all I did was act again in vain,
the future looming, I sought redemption
but there is no reformation,
I am seen as I have always been, no goodbyes
only attempts at temptation
I survived a black star day
and only so much later I face myself with only this to say
"Tom you have to take another step away
keep doing well, even when life is hell,
toe the line, progress one toe at a time,
are you ready?"
please read and enjoy
Tapan Mar 2020
Dès Vu

Your candor
Your laughter
Your gentle manners
Your little mischiefs

that innocent forwardness
that carefree dancing
and all that naughty fun
I am not over with them yet

And now
the slow impressions
of a grown up you
a more responsible you

— The End —