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Missy Beminio Mar 2016
looking out your window
sun kissed hair in my eyes
watching while the wind blows
through the cloudless skies

thinking of our first date
you, in that red plaid shirt
I was so ****** nervous
doesn't mean it wasn't great

the way our legs entwine in bed
there's nothing I want instead
everything feels warm in here
nothing else could ever compare

or that Friday night at the rink
I slipped and scraped my knee
but when I see the scar I smile
because it jogs my memory

walking through the forest all day
sharing with you my happy place
the trees and leaves outside are bare
but not my heart that's yours to take

the way our souls entwine in bed
there's nothing I'll ever want instead
the safest place for me is here
nothing else could ever compare

that Charleston week was when I fell
completely like a southern bell
for the perfect guy I'll ever see
you're everything in this world to me

the fire in your solar eclipse eyes
is something I can't live without
this crazy world is upside down
but all I need is you around

we elevate each other right
the universal beat of life
never felt so high up here
nothing else could ever compare
Matt Sep 2014
Alan Watts said the Hindus
Say get lost man

Get caught up in the beauty of life
The Hindus see life as a great drama

What a fun day I had yesterday

I had steel cut oatmeal for breakfast
Then worked out at the gym

At night I was at the putting green
In the distance I see a man slowly disappearing as he jogs away

To my right A mother soothes and holds a baby

Today I was at two different college campuses
I recorded some of Alan Watts' book on the Tao

So many beautiful women
I walked around campus
And saw such beautiful women

Oh my goodness
I could not believe how short
Some of the women's shorts were
They barely covered their tight bottoms

I'm not complaining
The women really love
To strut their stuff at this Christian University I attended

Tonight I was at old junior college
I took classes there ten years ago

First I walked around
I was smiling as I listened to Kashmir
People smiled at me too
I think they saw what a good time I was having

I had my Australian hat on
It is great because it covers the neck

Then I watched water polo
Referee blows whistle
Swimming back and forth

Then I was walking
And a guy with a Led Zeppelin shirt walked by
I told him I was listening to Kashmir
He said, "awesome" and walked by
What a strange coincidence for that to happen!

I was so content
Lying on grass with back against small rock
I saw a young Indian man
Do a side flip
He is skillful acrobat!
I laughed because it was so amazing
I almost clapped for him but didn't

Tao is wise mother
Tao is everyday consciousness

On way back to car
I looked at home across the street
There was big television on

I came home
And put glass of orange juice in freezer
It became like orange slushee

I am watching youtube tutorials on how
To do sideflips and Kip Ups
Maybe I will try to do a Kip Up
But side flip too hard for me!
Also it looks kind of dangerous

Now I listen
To Heart Sutra
As I type

Every Boddhisatva depends on highest perfect wisdom
Because mind meets no obstacle
Because no obstacle no fear is born

Gone beyond all topsee turvey absolutes
Attain Nirvana
Past Present and Future

Every Buddha depends on highest perfect wisdom
Therefore attain supreme perfect enlightment

Sentient beings are numberless,
I vow to save them,
Desires are inexhaustible,
I vow to put an end to them.
The Dharmas are boundless,
I vow to master them.
The Buddha Way is unsurpassable,
I vow to attain it.  

When I was walking today I felt
Like I was walking on air
Mark Rubilla May 2010
I can see myself hoping for the escape
To turn from the old ways and embrace the white future
it seems like easy to say but if I trust myself
I will surely be face the total wreck

I dont want to be on that stage
Where ruin will be my dress, and my food
Instead, I need to strive to get the fruit and eat it
I need to toil, while my sweat were falling at my shadow

Just for tonight, cleanse this darkness
Make it more productive
Even when he has a second thoughts
Force it until it becomes like cotton soft.

Put a new lungs inside of me
I wanted to breathe the modern day ozone
Just to refresh myself from my thoughts
Orchestrate me, orchestrate my world
- From Of Asterisk
Those onion dome cupolas,
Sheer Slavic sublimity,
Instructing us:
Perhaps Peter the Near Great--
Rather than picking a pack of pickled peppers--
Decides to provide us a solid reminder
Of just what Greatness implies.
The near great never so
Great as Greatness requires.
According to a foremost authority
On pre-Mongol Russian architecture:
“Whip me up some beet soup, Bubala.”
Mike Myers, of course,
Doing “Coffee Talk with Linda Richmond!”
Yeah, a bowl of borscht and a plate of pirozhki.
Feed the stereotype: Ivan, Boris & Natasha,
All obviously Down’s-Syndrome-Feeble-Minded,
Pre-Mongolian Idiotic, as we once said.
Our weltanschauung—
Our World View--
As Good Neighbors Reinhard or Wolfgang,
See the business of global politics. “The framework of ideas and beliefs forming a global description through which an individual, group or culture watches and interprets the world and interacts with it.”
Thank you, Huns--
Wayne Newton singing:
“Danke schön.”
You always,
Always Hungry Huns.
Danke schön, you Campbell Soup
Man-handler-Hungry Huns,
Fueled on Goethe & Nietzsche,
Zoroaster & ***-ner
Germany:  A Nation of Militarists & Conquistadors,
Just when the Cold War could have been over so quickly,
So prudently averted by asking one simple question:
When have the Russians ever been the
Aggressive party in any conflict?
Be they simple border disputes,
Or true malice aforethought.
Some Napoleonic,
Or Hitlerian.
It was a simple case of HUAC histrionics.
No, decidedly not.
The Near-Great Peter’s was--
If anything--
An Open Door Policy,
A diplomatic Welcome Mat,
A soft squeeze of one’s ball sac,
Pleasant & promising,
“Mi casa es su casa,
Try the Chicken Kiev.”
No Iron Curtain,
If I might, coin a phrase.
But a strong shot of Oswald Spengler,
Pessimistic & carnelian,
Jogs us to Stalin & Khrushchev,
Brezhnev & Putin--
Putin--Vladimir, of that surname--
Perhaps the scariest
Bond villain, yet.
Putin makes a historical first:
Invasion of Crimea.
Invasion of Ukraine.
Maybe those Cold Warrior masterminds,
Actually did us a favor.
(Come out of the closet, J. Edgar.
A retrospective tribute is in the making?
Tom Hanks playing a likable you?)
Tom Clancy & Company
Whipping us up like smoothies,
To fight the good fight,
Noses to the capitalist grindstone,
Building for Divine-Right Nabobs.
New shrines & tombs,
New Coliseums
& Amphitheaters.
New terrible fears of Ivan.
Rapunzoll Jan 2017
sometimes boys will whisper  
i love you's too quickly
and you, anon, will believe them
with your gentle heart, and
capacity to believe in miracles.

sometimes the first guy isn't
the only one,
sometimes you didn't like him
to begin with and that's okay.
i know you wish it was that easy.

people say to look for love
in all places, but love likes to hide
in the nooks of bookcases,
in cars parked under trees,
in his reflection in the rear mirror
as he glances to see you
walk past with your heels too high,
and smile too giddy.

but that wasn't love.
love is mutually shared.

sometimes you fall in love
and it will hurt worse than that time
you broke your wrist.
you will shake with tremors
of madness and you will
remember his name.

it's like hearing a song
you haven't listened to in years.
something jogs your memory
and you still remember the lyrics.
you will list his hobbies,
his favourite colour, with
perfect memory.

anon, you keep finding love,
and you keep losing it,

but be patient, please.
when you are ready
tell love to come another day.
© copyright
fell from her home
Skies of ohio
stumbled from a cloud
Grew her wings on the way down

hellboy in the back pew
cigarettes, blue dress shoes
closed her bible, "I refuse"
She said, "To be a mans property"

honeybee spread your wings
neither bird nor angel,
she flys free.

"I'll take the skills to cook and clean
our sneezes will still sound the same
I'll vist on holidays
but don't you ******* bless me"

"I'll be Domestic for myself
clean home and the best of health
Foster bees
a book to read.
But the bible ain't for me."

Somewhere in the inbetween
apartment on deering st

she met me
at a speakeasy
"if you want me you better find me
Through the bookshelves I'll be waiting"

I turn the pages
Find her wedding ring
kept under the mattress,
not even god as a witness.

Doctor in ireland, she told me

escape in comic books
while he's away.

"Before we start, you have to know
One day I'll leave forever
Let's live a life we won't forget
In the meantime, together."

"I live with no one to respond to.
I live without boundary.
My ride or die resides in ireland
I'd like to love you while he waits for me."

I've never tasted honey so sweet
Honeybee, Come lay with me

A few kisses later
cross legged in an office chair
sipping warm tea
I wake
green eyes watching me sleep
It's these moments
in between

were those mornings just a dream?
Honey bee
Honey bee
you leave

Remember me
in the old and green
you were always free
guiness jogs my memory
The little things
Alexandra C Aug 2017
I am deaf, blind, and mute
Though that's untrue, physically speaking
I still feel it deep within me
Blinding my eyes from truth
From reality
Deafening my ears from hearing others' encouraging words
And their feelings of warmth and love
Muting my replies and true thoughts
From ever springing up
To prevent me from prying my fingers off the cusp of this palpable insanity
Ah, this addiction is overwhelming

I need a moment
Just one second
Of truth to burst in and scream into my ears
Crying and begging me to come to my senses
Reminding me of the past failures
And how I said this time would be different
Just one moment of honest truth
But, you see, I'm deaf
I can't hear anything

Edging on this addiction
Knowing I'll fall
And have to start all over
I just need a moment...
A brief time of clarity
To open my eyes
So I can see clearly
That all the excuses I'm spewing out are lies
A memory I can view
Something that jogs my memory
And reminds me of why I wanted to stop in the first place
But you see...
I'm blind
I can't see even this truth that lies right in front me

The addiction is winning
Knocked me out so hard
My head is spinning
I need to convince myself to escape this battle
Its power is so terrifying
And I can't even speak
I choke out pleas
But they are unintelligible
The addiction hears nothing
And nor do I
But I need just a moment...
Of someone's words to recite
To clear my mind
And be who I was before I commited this sin
Please, I beg of you, Me
Speak, speak, speak!
But I am mute
I can't say a single thing...


Oh, what a tragedy
To be deaf, blind, and mute
A poem about addiction and how it clouds your senses.
Old Soul Oct 2014
Deep breaths of autumn air
Sting my lungs but feel so good
I feel relaxed, at peace
Not a care in the world

Police sirens sound in the distance
Cold wind gusts howl
Leaves fall from the tree
A runner jogs by

The neighbors laugh with their children
A truck honks as it drives by
Flags sway in the breeze
A plane overhead waits to land

The sky is a brilliant blue
Clouds as white as ghosts
The smell of barbecue on the grill
Carved pumpkins everywhere

Birds sing in the distance
Dogs down the street bark
The runner jogs by again
As he smiles and waves hello

A caregiver brings the elderly lunch
Motorcyclists race by
Someone leaves for work
The mailman stops by

The sun shines brightly
There's warmth in the light
A nearby tree bares cherries
A squirrel digs for its treasure

I wish I could take a picture
Of all the beauty around me
But a pictures not big enough
So I have put it in words
Rough draft that I will be finishing at a later time. Jotted this down as I sat outside and just realized how beautiful everything around me is. These are all the things I saw or heard or felt as I sat outside on my front steps.
Elizabeth Jan 2013
Once upon a time, sweet soldier, we were everything!

We were shy glances and piercing stares,
bitter coffee and sweet cider,
nervous laughter and easy smiles.

We were all-nighters and painfully early mornings,
utter exhaustion and unexplainable energy,
distracted work days and focused only on each other.

We were photographs and video recordings,
magic tricks and storytelling,
Monty Python and Charlie the Unicorn imitators.
(We were total dorks!)

We were late night jogs and wrestling,
motorcycle rides and beach-walking,
seekers of adventure and last minute decision making.

We were short pecks on the cheek,
and long passionate kisses,
fierce embraces and soft caresses.

We were soul-searchers and wound-healers,
dreamers and risk-takers,
keepers of secrets and whisperers of truth.

We were sanity and craziness,
possibilities and improbabilities,
with everything and yet nothing going for us.

We were in love.
Ady Apr 2014
Because I can't literally run away,
I go for jogs in sun drenched days.
Because tragedy is in my life,
I always turn back around.
Repcin Maker Feb 2014
A water jug keeps water like how a jug should
But a water jug does not jog because if it did
The water jug's water will spill while it jogs

So what do you do with a water jug?
You may jog with a water jug while it has water
And this is useful because
While you are jogging with a water jug
The water in the jug will be useful after jogging
Then you will thank your water jug and maybe give it a hug
I recommend jogging with a water jug
brian carlin Dec 2009
Another heady day blooms and gathers pace
Spring dawns at 5 a.m. with a gargle and spit in the dark

Big rain drops and falls
Soft blood red wet cherry stones of bath salts
Splayed across my ageing face
Autumn showers then walks

The spiderweb of ragged birdsong feathers and
Threads through the branches
Of just November trees
Autumnal hymnal
Singing through the dying darkness, whispering
Don’t capture the light

And walking jogs thought
Factoring rebuke as Information unwanted  
Proof then reproof
The tarmac fields of youth
Tilled by broken hands with
Broken men mending pipes and wires
Time leaves a presage- a butterfly mark
Autumn leaves their signals sending winter’s mark
Beauty colours death
harlon rivers Jun 2018
There’s an ancient duct tape patched
roller suitcase still up in the attic,
scarred by sky miles and undiscerning
indifference;  it came to rest like a final breath
exhaled at the end of the long road ―

In the dusty rafters of silent repose  
the death of an alter-ego comes to life
and jars and jogs the  sleeping dogs 
that lay benign as a pothole riddled road

Holding onto memories buried alive,
hidden away remembered ― 
      sans wings to fly away
laid bare unweighed with the weight
of everything else garnered and saved
      subsisting in a shallow grave;
hoarded and hidden away breathing
locked up with the other baggage borne
       behind tired eyes

Feeling the ache of blood stained knees
falling down sullied at the side of the road
Hindsight and a roll of duct taped memories
linger;   stuck to the  grey bandage scars,
second guessing should have thrown out
with the permanently temporary
fading plasticized luggage name-tags
back when I was still close enough to care;
too many miles to reconsider  ago

Some say: "it's the journey not the destination"                                    .
Some day when its too late we'll know
Some day it will be too late to make amends
        for everything i could not be ...

           harlon rivers ... 07  06  2018
apologies for the inconsistent reading, posts and replies.  Internet access comes and goes up here off the grid

To anyone interested, this is a piece from a collection from the summer called TRAVELOGUE:
JJ Hutton Jun 2012
In the waking, in the wrong,
I stumble -- spitting synonyms for love
daring the scattershot night to take control
to steer me into the early morning bedroom
of anyone other than my own,
and over the phone breaking, over with biting
the mimicking face of former promise ring holders
and front pew sitters I ask the sun to emerge gently,
to kiss my forehead, scramble up eggs--
wearing my oversized t-shirt, cotton underwear, and
an apron left behind by the sun's mother,
but as night turns and walks away,
no bright sun replaces--
instead it is that grey, it is that gaunt
overcast haze that never shows teeth,
only hisses, "How's the routine going?"

In the waking, in the wrong,
hands pull denim and throat itches for shouting rebuttal,
but a man never won against the eternity of the sky,
so I lower my eyes, spin madly into why why whys,
a beautiful woman between pavement and sky jogs past
and I see myself drinking coffee with her and grinning
at what our elderly parents don't know,
but before the words fall from lips,
her feet, legs, and hips wisp
into the early morning mist,
the overcast sky whispers to the meadowlark
above my head,
I open the door to my home as the meadowlark begins to laugh.
DP Younginger Nov 2014
How many Someone’s lay planked on their waist and stare aimlessly at the candle’s flame?

Who of You is daring enough to close Your eyes and in space alone, simply drive- drive away?

The same Someone’s and Who’s-of-Who’s, on occasion holler at the moon with expectation of a bark back; or is God but a prestige to fools that We allow to wear Normal on Their crummy ******* name tags?

Sometime around Christmas there is a salivating peace, sifting downward on ordinary people, whom really don’t feel like being cold, you know?

This is me, rotting away on the carpet, a blanket’s blanky for the floor, just staring through the shutters on the vent below my brow; in the reality of it, I should probably schedule a spring cleaning…not for the vent folks.

You see- and I’m trying to be as casual as I can- I’m about to ******* pass out, you know what I’m saying?

This is that incredible moment where I’m the Bob Feller of dozing off, 9 innings of shut-eye talent, but at 2 or 3 in the morning…it looks as though I’m bringing in Mariano Rivera to close it out,

I can almost smell the scraps of mowed grass, kicking up from his cleats as he jogs closer to where home is; I never really find out if he makes it to the mound…
Nat Lipstadt Nov 2023
Hey Yalie, Diurnal Rituals Yield the Best Poetry

A Yalie jogs before dawn, her senses being exercised,
semi-aware there’s layered poetry out there and it must
be retrieved, for the eyes observe the diurnal arousing of the day,
and this too, must be recorded, part of the ordered duties of living, as the skin cells shed sweat droplets and
words of living, parcels of breathing, a diary of notations,
to educate the brain in ways and things that
professors cannot teach…

every sense operative, interactive, sound off neurotic synapses,
are acrackling, as you lay out the day ahead, calendar and
assignment checks, but the senses don’t care
about that
trivial minutiae of living

the words are now coming fast and you hope your best that
you will retain, retrain the memory to savor save, those
combos of images encapsulated in new word combinations,
that are yours alone, unique, proving to no one but
yourself, that education, science et. al. is a seeded embryo &
you the valedictorian of birth commencement ceremony

so put them trainers on,
and by dawning daylight you are awondering,
now becoming a pondering, and the
question never spoke aloud but oft posed,
is this, this is,
this is why I exist,
my identity?

I am an institution in my own right,
in my own write.

Saturday Nov 4
martin Mar 2013
When the words don't seem to fit                                                     
When the spot they just don't hit 
I re-visit my friend                                              
Shake him again                            
Good old Mr Limerick                                       

There is a young woman from Dunbar                     
Who jogs but never too far
She carries a snickers                                                   
Insid­e her knickers                                                        
­And a mars bar in her bra                                            

-Stretch limo-
So much length it had gained                                      
To drive it was really a pain                                        
So they put on the wheels                                            
Tyres of steel                                                            ­                               
And turned it into a train                                             

Mesmerised for a while
By those eyes which so beguile
The men she meets
Fall at her feet
But why such sadness in her smile?

A pretty young thing from Milan
Had a beautiful tan
She enticed married men
Into loving again
And then the **** hit the fan

She used to be happy, fulfilled and carefree
As wild as white horses out on the sea
Now she's no fun
What has become
Of the girl she used to be
How May 2011
They say home is where the heart is:
Mine is currently in a car doing one-sixty in a fifty
Beats per minute zone traveling smoothly
As I dance from lane to lane.

This place will never leave me
As I scuttle, plain and simply.
Trying best to crash before I make it to my meeting
In a zone that's not the same.

This town changed long ago
And yet, I remained indifferent:
Idiocy could see right through me
And stupidity would hit a brick wall after I would.

I'm undeserving running through a desert made of wet sand
Whilst everyone else jogs onwards as if it's asphalt.
I am a lost soul:
Save yourself and treat me as a warning.
Cheryl Mukherji Sep 2014
Unruly crayon marks,
ketchup stains
and ***** handprints
held an affinity for
the newly painted white walls.
Half-chewed nails dug into the soil,
tender feet splashed into puddles of joy.
Laughter echoed through the hallway
and the sweat on the forehead
was a sign of happy times.
The hardest decision of the day was
to find a place away from mother’s prying eyes;
torture was confined to the glass of milk
that she forcefully tried to make me drink.

Speaking of which,
I remember her screaming at me,
over her shoulder, as the milk boiled
to spread on the kitchen slab and turned to vapour,
“You are a mess”
and I always wondered what the word really meant.

There was a corner in my house
that I called my own- a bench for two,
often occupied by one,
unless ‘Baba’- what I knew my father as,
would come over, hiding,
what he called “magic”,
the same glass of milk that I had been avoiding.
I would cover my mouth
with my little hands
as he would begin to sew a thread of words into rhyme,
I often found myself lost,
weaving a meaning,
after I was done licking my milk-mustache,
it was magic, indeed, I thought to myself.

His biceps always were the right size of pillow,
the songs he hummed was
all I that I needed for a good night’s sleep;
the tickle in his fingertips as
he pulled my cheeks
was an affirmation that I was his favourite one
and how firmly I believed that I was prettiest of all,
even with the shabbiest of the braids
he managed to tie that morning.

Even on lazy Sunday mornings,
my mother, out of habit,
would draw open the curtains
for the blazing sunlight to disturb my sleep.
It was continued by irritable faces and whines,
lectures about management of time,
when Baba would somehow convince
mother that it was important for me to dream.
On regular weekday evenings,
I would sit by the attic window,
stare at the front gate,
wait for him to return from work.

He walked me to school,
locking his little finger with mine
and waited for me at 1.25 pm sharp
outside the school gate,
a balloon in his hand
and a glint in his eyes.
For hours together,
he made me repeat my mathematic tables-
5 times 3 is 15,
5 times 4 is 20,
5 times 5 is 25
a million times.

I was sixteen
when it first “skipped his mind”
to pick me up from school.
That didn’t change anything between us
until the night he called me up
to ask me the way back home
from his office because he was “too stressed”
to remember it on his own.
I remember him
entering the house at 2.06 am,
asking me who all were home, then
and also,
that I giggled at that question of his.

From then on,
for months together,
I woke up to my father
screaming at my mother
for not arranging his socks in pairs,
for being disorganized and careless
even when the third drawer from the right,
in his cupboard was the place where
he would end up finding all his belongings.

I was coming to terms
with the fact that my father
was too much under the pressure
of work
because that pretty much explained
why he stammered
before recalling his “to-do-list”,
had difficulty in meeting deadlines
and skipped family time.

I am 21 years old,
my father doesn’t seem to get any get younger day by day.
Last month,
on a sunny day during awkward monsoons,
I saw him sitting by the window,
tracing droplets of rain race
down the glass for hours.
He left the room without
saying a word when I asked him
if he wanted to play football beyond the bars.
“Gaah, he must have been preoccupied”, I still convince myself.
Around the same time,
we were invited
to his best friend’s marriage anniversary-
he was thrilled
so he narrated the story
about how they first met
thirty two and the third time;
introduced himself to my boyfriend
twelve more times, that same night.
“Fathers”, I just rolled my eyes.

Some time back,
one afternoon, at 3.16pm,
I saw him flip through sheets
of a calendar dated 1985.
When I asked him
to fill his details in a form,
he, without second thoughts,
scribbled “8” in the box
that enquired about his age.
The same night, mother
must have called out his name
eight times to join us
for dinner but,
he didn’t respond to a single one
nor did he come out of his room,
his excuse being that
he couldn’t move.

He doesn’t talk much to us, anymore-
just blurts out vague and irrelevant
words like Screws, Notes, Coffee and News
at irregular gaps.
mother understands it all
and chooses not to discuss the facts.

Few weeks back,
on a lazy Sunday,
he entered my room,
squinted his eyes at the curtains
that were drawn open and
flexed his arms to draw them close.
He left without saying a word.
When I asked him about it,
he replied, “No talk strangers”
and kept quiet for the rest of the day.
He walks to places,
jogs back home
with a balloon tied to his little finger, sometimes.
And when he is not asleep,
he repeats mathematical tables
from 2 to 13
in a monotone for hours together.

The good side of it
Is that Baba and mother
do not fight
over lost pairs of socks or belt and wallet;
Baba just calls them “Things” generally,
and fiddles through all the drawers in the house.
And he proudly says “Stuff”
when mother asks him about
what he would like to eat.

Doctors say,
Baba has been suffering from Alzheimer’s.
I believe he is not.
ahmo Aug 2016
status binds us and we are
cutting off limbs with
flat head screwdrivers.

do you hide under the covers like i do?
does the Vicodin block the heat like your air

billiards and midnight jogs do
not swim like professionals do,
but they keep my memory from defaulting
to all the chairs you placed jeans or
or a hope for a swift removal of pain
inside of a safe with
fingertips stronger than narcotics.

a pass code for purpose is a pig in flight;

we have maps but we will not ever understand how to read them.
MereCat Nov 2014
04:14 and the shadows are long
A boy pressed into a rail-side bench
Raises his arms to shelter himself
From the cloudless sky
He ticks off seconds with the twitch of his left knee
And the jump of his unhinging jaw
He falls
He falls nowhere
But flat, back, motionless in his seat
Hands cocooning head like a heavy day’s work
And then digging up and pressing down
Trying to rid himself of the sounds
Which splice him like glass shards
Or screaming shrapnel
And mutilate
His view of a pretty English station
And a blue steam engine
Beaming like the moon for which it was named
04:18 and he sets himself straight
Like ***** shoelaces
Or cards on the mantelpiece
Winds a bit of string
Around his wedding finger
And croons
As a man inside a toddler
Re-wired refrains
Lick his lips like soup stains
       Pack up your troubles…
                Long way to Tipperary…
        In your old kit bag…
                                 I wonder who’s…
                My heart’s right there…
                                 Kissing her now…
         Smile, smile, smile…

And from my compartment
I watch him fade like
An ink blot from a pillow case
While a boy who looks a lot like him
Turns with purposeful avoidance
And takes the opposite view
Of a pretty English station
He soothes the angry creases
Of his forehead
Of his uniform
And smiles
And mutters to himself
And they said it would be over by Christmas
04:14 and the shadows are long
A boy pressed into a rail-side bench
Jogs his knees
With the obligatory poppy
His mum pushed into the zip of his winter coat
Drooping like a hangnail
He is busied and hassled
By the phone in his palm
It plays an odd kind of game
Where those who die
Are allowed to come back
And press *Retry
JP Mar 2016
sitting on park bench
she jogs
a smile
a burn in my brain
a strong breathe
little giddiness
took doctor appointment
he appreciated
for burning so much energy
why people sit on....
mark john junor Dec 2013
he slow jogs on the white sand
parody of a boxer
dose little dance steps as if to avoid blows
the sweat from the fierce sun scatters like rain as he doges
side to side
his hands held at his chest
head held at low angle
were that he was a prize fighter
his life is the beach
with its own world that never sleeps
from lovers entwined in sand at three am
to the devoted worshippers following the sun
in her daily trek across the unblemished roof of the world
he touches pavement as dawn touches sky
and spends his day dancing the waves of sand
the tourists stop and stare
the natives frown
at night he sits under the
monotony noise of an antique fan
its fast ticking is soothing
in his aquamarine blue room
a chicken *** pie and the game on transistor radio
aint life grand he thinks to himself
he's one of the lucky ones
he is complete in his little world
the beach and its teeming life is his world
and he's happy there
i see him sunburned to a golden brown
dance jogging and boxing the air
unburdened by the weight of the world
happy in his blissful unawares
under the watchful gaze of miami beach highrises
to live with even a fraction of his inner peace
one would live a better life
Butch Decatoria Jan 2016

Death defying lunch
life in a trapeze show gasp!
fights for ringmaster


Child's play tricks we played
like pigpen we ***** love,
flights of red baron.


Samoan in jeans,
bids me a good morning smirk
chews gum as he jogs.
Gracen Wolf Jul 2013
Sometimes people have urges.
To get rid of everyone in their life.
Sometimes those people deserve this.
And sometimes it isn't quite right.
The fact is you can not escape.
Every time something jogs your memory,
You want to jog away.
Hypocrisy murdered us.

And I clearly see why.

Some live full with ideals

that will soon be over fed.

So drink your caffeine, take your pills, and chug your beers.

Smoke your cigarettes, take your shots, and puff your joints.

Turning simple pleasures into ritualistic addiction.

So take your jogs, live in health, and make your money.

Act important, wear your trends, and get lost in your image.

Another ego gone in crowds of more egos.

I'm sorry to say your guilty of your own dismay.

Desires will consume the mind so select your path that you wish to pave.

You stress the mind.

Turning you back to mistakes made in honesty.

Wrongfully discrediting the character of my mind.

When I know to learn from the mishaps that time left behind.

I'm Regurgitating at the thoughts of that

bland existence, that could have been.

Zombily consuming, using, and losing my natural soul.

Almost forgetting who me really is.

I don't want your permanence

I don't need your blind mind.

Our minds do not mesh.

Our existences could not relate.

No stars were their to tell me that we were incomplete.

No sign told me things were not right.

My mind is all I need to know that my time is precious.

Experiences separating.

Taboos dividing.

Stubbornness multiplying.

Splitting your mind into fractions.

Leaving you to need more than a simple arithmetic to solve.

But the solution was obvious.

And we seemed to have solved it.

With a simple goodbye.
Kitty Parson Nov 2013
I hope she body-checks your heart
And leaves you feeling broken
I hope she jogs a jaunty jig
Upon the remnants of your ego
Makes you feel confused and lost
And wondering where you can go
The answer is straight to hell.
Butch Decatoria Mar 2016
Part Four


Sacrificial lamb
motivates the hearts of Men
how a son is raised.


Burning up with hate
like an oil spill on one's soul
heartless mouths pollute.


Samoan in jeans
bids me a good morning smirk
chews gum as he jogs.


homeless on my street
collecting their tin and glass
daily for some green.

Most Deaf in a mood
take cover Shotty in black
not today Chi-raq!
Loud gang sign-language
take cover YOLO fingers
'cuz ****** is mute...
And bullets are blind,
lightning striking down a soul,
Reaper has the hood.


Gang signs, ink, and blood
****** in a low beamer
Cool kissing his gun.


Drink sierra's drought,
summer's heat a microwave,
cook ourselves their meal.


Tears are no longer
loose and quick to disarray
how sight understands.

A metropolis
between glass walls, our formic
art of consumption.
Eyes barren within
like landscapes of the wasteful
dead as dirt highways.
From Central Park bench:
dogs walk folk on jogging trails,
Crumbs and passersby.
Spectres' in dark shades.
Soldier, drone, still hive alone.
Storm of silences.
Window of locusts
in view of our summer fruit:
cosmic flesh so blue.


For that glaucoma
red eye flights in chronic puffs
squinting all your life.

We straight up chillin'
it's not cool to ******* school
streets teach straight "A" G's  


Wussup with all that?
An identity crisis.
Go find peace / of mind.

Wailing at God
At David and faith:
     hollow screams of human pains
  "please deliver us"
"Mon ami tu vais"
your wish in calligraphy
for saints behind bricks.
The self is heavy
     with bone and chaos / need
     leaves no peace of mind.

Monarch lacks her crown
awhile a worm's ugly state,
true beauty (is) within.
Come chrysalis sleep
finest dreams take silken wings
at the time of death.
Imagine rebirth
like feathers upon the wind,
the soul rules supreme.


When broken feels raw
as a throbbing from a cut,
truth must weep as deep.
Dark n Beautiful Jun 2014
Nothing is more beautiful than sipping tea or coffee
While admiring lovely roses as they sprung into view
this beautiful June Morn

Or Even
hanging out on the boardwalk looking out to sea
Thinking of grandmother crockpot beer and beef stew

However, how can it be more memorable?
As old tires buried half way into the front lawn
Suddenly, you find yourself thinking about Dawn
Your classmates ...Cassidy and Tate
who recently passed on

Then you notice stifling weeds babies between the lilies
You bounces back when reality jogs your memory

The stifling **** suffocate the lilies
It’s a life lesson to learn from nature flowers
Unhappy raucous behavior every passing hour
through life little things
The wind winds up and smacks
the back side of a newspaper sheet
as it jogs along the gravel of the projects.
There is a cacophony of sounds
but always discernible is a baby's cry
and a young mother singing, ah, la-la, la-la

an aria.
Crystalline, tentative, sorrowful.
Where did her young man go?
Where do all the young men go?
Third Eye Candy May 2013
behind the hen pecked red paint on the barn door with the squeal; that rests,
not right upon the rail -
but wails and groans whenever opened
in September
when the finch are wheezing in the crystalline
solitude of early morn. and wet eyes parch the dew lips of autumn
with the pale dawn
and a ruby medallion. stuck to the horizon -
like a haunted man made of red haunting.

it jogs the memory;
to tip over the lamp
and just miss it. for no lack of Wanting.
your hands outstretched to a disaster...
and the Light

in your Hands.

ShamusDeyo Feb 2015
She was only a kid, her
Sleeves always Rolled down
Its seems like a long time
Since her Dads been around

Moms drunk at her boyfriends,
showing up half the week
When she's home. she's always
screaming, her drunk Breath Reeks

She's afraid on the Pavement,
while she jogs down the street
With thugs selling crack on every
Corner, afraid who she'd meet

With all this Pain and Desolation
seem, to be on every side,
And her Life outta Control
Makes her wonder if she died

So she gets out the Razor Blade
and Rolls up a sleeve
And see's the map of her past
when the Hurt wouldn't Leave

The Blade Pierces the skin, And
the Red Snake proves she can bleed
Feeling the Pain is the only way
she knows she's Alive...

The Salvation she finds comes
from a Sharp Steel Knive
In this deep black whole,
its her only way to control

What a shame that its all
for this poor young Soul
All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
Edmund black May 2018
          With  the airlines
Mid-air  Snacks ?

          It always
Of  the girl
Next door

In early morning
Where all the young
Hearts around the
Neighborhood knows

Exactly time
She would be
Coming out
For her morning jogs

             Like a hawk
In the sky awaits
        Its pray

Like the bumblebees
      Waiting for spring

   Like the black bears
her sweet seducing lips
                      I bet
             Taste just like honey

    Like that *******
        I once had
     Dreaming of exploring
   Her seductive body

          In my inappropriate

I can almost taste

   Desperately in need
       Conquering her heart
          And rumple her sheets
            can almost guarantee
                  To be a lot more
              Delicious than her
             Favorite candies
Butterfl­ies in the
Couldn’t dream
          Of any
        Other girls
            To help Bring
The animal out of me

I was always there
      To capture the moment
                Yoga pants
Embrace her body
     So perfectly delicious
Where all curves
Screaming out loud
For attention

A doubt
           She never disappoints
few hours later
       Just to be picked up
              By that fine looking
        College boy
drop top Benz

that moment
    Painfully, we all knew
     There wasn’t
One threaded chance
          Of  Us
Feeding the beast

a freaking tease
A bag of chips
and a soda
     Reminds me
of the girl next door

Enough to get
me exited
But Never
To completely satisfy
            My hunger.
RLG Sep 2016
Pollen scented halos
float on tin music
played from under
pop-up gazebos
(providing insurance
against dark clouds
blotting the horizon).
Light dims and glares
as the sun plays peek-a-boo
with infants running
to no end.

Pram junkyards,
picnic islands;
the territories of the
green and daisy-dotted land.
***** thumped with bass notes
in wrong directions;
dads run after toe-poked
spheres into the road.
Trees watch from the edges;
a shallow forest leading
to suburbia, where the *****,
gazebos, children are stored.

Dogs. Oh, the dogs.
This is their land, of course.
They make the rules
and pull their clothed
owners like staggering drunks
into the deep of the park.

A man jogs past.
A bike rings it's bell.
A laugh wins the
battle of decibels.
A plastic bag rustles
in the exhaling wind.
The daisies vibrate
and reach to leave their
grassy bed.
But they are part of the park.
May they never leave.
May England remain this
way in memories forever.
Chris T Jun 2013
comes again
in strides
of heat
and the Sun
the concrete
the passing
while the oak
leafs grow
darkest green
and darkest
a boy drops
on every
porch and
an old man
in purple
beaten robes
picks it up,
a lady jogs
the morning
and more cars
pass by
on the corner
brother, sister,
set their
lemonade stand,
little business
the heat is tough
and a fan
grumbles inside
our home
I type away
the laptop
perspiring badly,
wishing to
turn on the A/C
but we can't
afford a
electric bill,
I need a drink,
or a nice
breeze at
the very least,
Summer breeze.
2013. Just wrote this one.
Austin Bauer Nov 2016
If I were a painter,
I'd paint you the hundreds
of marigold leaves
hanging on the branches
of our one-lane street.

I'd color the canvas
with the image of myself
blowing air on the flames
of our Sunday-night fire,
watching it dance to life.

If I were able to
mix the oils just right,
I could shine a flashlight
through the fence to find
the deer as it rustled in the bushes.

If I had the finest Parisian brushes,
I'd seal our memories forever,
hanging them in rustic frames
on the walls of our home
where they could be

remembered daily
rather than just
when the campfire smoke
finally jogs our memory.

— The End —