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Shreekant Dhuri Apr 2016
The days are long.
The roads are steep.
Have mountains to climb.
No time for sleep.

The weather is harsh.
The world is cruel.
Today, Tomorrow,
Everyday's a duel.

Be wary traveler
Misguide lurks on every turn.
Follow your heart,
The compass to one's yearn.

Now grab your shoes.
We have dreams to chase.
Adventure has a headstart
And there's no time to waste!
Life's an adventure worth having.
Jake Conner Dec 2013
I think you should know how broken I feel
How incomplete my life is.
And it seems no matter how hard I try
I never feel like I’m trying at all. I will never be good enough.


No! Not good enough. I wonder if I’ll ever find happiness in love. I think that I’ll never be handsome enough for the man of my dreams, I wonder just what it is everybody sees in me, I try my hardest to be how everybody pictures me in their dreams, but I feel like it will never be enough.


No! Not good enough. I try to escape my reality into a world of fiction and imaginary deadlines, I feel like I’m leading a limitless life but constantly stopped by the walls of reality which for some reason I just can’t seem to see, the consequences of undermanaged ADD, a fictional disease according to leading scientists in my family but out of my control, honestly. However, that excuse will never be good enough.


No! Not good enough. I dance and spin and toss and weave, I exert myself desperately, but these things require bones and muscles, concentration and hustle, these things take time and patience, and I’m trying my best to cover my bases but I’m working off my basic skills, refusing to build atop the talents I was born with, and I know it’s impressive but I’m too stubborn to discover my potential. I know in my heart that I’ll always be stuck at a headstart, and I know in my mind that physical exertion is a waste of time, and I tell myself it simply isn’t enough.


No! Not good enough. I stride through practiced steps of one, two, three-and-four, dance instructors always wanting something more, feet on the floor, girl in the air, handle with care, stay in line, always keep time, careful with your dips, and Jake, please don’t dance with your hips. But…my hips don’t lie. So I try and pry at this art, a release torn apart through structure which wasn’t part of the plan, see, I must be a man, though sometimes I stray THAT’S… strictly for play, see, I have to be strong, have to be leaned on, have to be a base, have to stay in place, and that’s something I will never be able to do good enough.


No! Not good enough. I tentatively go where no man has gone before, if that’s even what I am, for it simply seems it wasn’t adventurous enough for me to be gay, but I had to stray from what was just seeming normal and find a new definition from what I considered to be formal, but there’s something alluring to the concept of twirling in floor length dress, or the beautiful strain of a high heels caress, and sometimes make-up can be more than skin deep, because the feeling of seeing what I’ve always wanted to see is… incredibly heart meltingly fascinating. But society sneers, and leers, and jeers, and I’ll never really hear the cheers for the men who wear skirts and the boys who get hurt because of they’re choices in life, it all ends in strife when a man gets curious, because to society, those choices are never good enough.


No! Not goo-
This was original a duet piece, and the asterisks are where my partner would intervene, and she also wrote the conclusion. Unfortunately, I am no longer in possession of the second half of this poem
Katherine Smith Aug 2017
When I was young, I would steal the old cassette tapes my parents never listened to and record messages for the stars. At night, I would sneak into the yard and play the recording back, hoping someone was up there, listening. It was a silly thing, really, wishing the stars a good night as though they could hear.

After you died I thought that maybe the messages had been for you all along. It takes years, after all, for things to travel between earth and the heavens. Perhaps I was getting a headstart on missing you.

Now, I know the truth. That I was a kid with nowhere to turn to. That space is a soundless vacuum. That you are gone, reachable only in the moments I press rewind.
sapphic girl Jul 2017
i think a lot
about the me before this all

i think a lot
about the rocky start
about the headstart the Universe gave
about the time i ghosted for 6 months straight
about how i ended up back in square one
about the space you occupied in my mind
about how you evaded my senses
about a chinese-esque boy

i think a lot about the Universe
about premonitions and gut feelings
about beliefs and signs
about how maybe we were supposed to be
about how we finally we became one
about how it seems that you were a gift a day before my birthday

i think a lot about Us
about how it was fleeting and fun
about how it all felt brand-new
about how it was to be in love
about how emotional i got
about how tumultuous it got
about how rocky it became

i think a lot about Abuse
about how it traumatizes you
about how it ingrains into your survival tactics
about how it invades you as a whole
about how it takes a dove and crush its feathers into limestone
about how i will corrode through and through people's soul
about how i got an epiphany
about how i shouldn't be emotionally abusing you
about how i want to become a better person
about how that even though i'm better now
you have been significantly affected by that abuse

i think a lot about the Me all before
about how a silent storm i was
about how guarded and angry i was
about how unpure and unwholesome
about how malevolent and whipped my mean streak
about how independant and unemotional
about how numb i was

i think a lot about the Me now
about how silent after the storm i am
about how guarded yet softened by your touch
about how i'm semi-pure and wholesome to you
about how i sheath out my mean streak when hurt
about how dependent and emotional
about how i feel all at once

i think a lot about the in-betweens
about our 4th to 6th months
about how we were happy content
about how we still bickered and slept it  out
about how good it was
about how much of a happy spot our relationship was
about our development together
about how maybe we were destined to be even more better in the future

i think a lot about Now
about how it feels like a void
about how there's a force so strong
about how it's separating us
about how we keep hurting each other
about how we keep stressing out
about how we keep breaking down
about how it doesn't feel like we're happy here
about how i wake up crying and still fall asleep at night crying
about how our differences keep pushing us apart
about how much i disregard your frequent drinking
about how you go to drink because your relationship has gone to ****
about how our-used-to-be-happy place is causing us so much pain
about how it doesn't feel the same anymore

i think a lot about the Future
about what we're supposed to do now
about how lost we both are
about how i need to find myself again
about how i need to rebuild myself
about how we both new a clean slate
about how we need each other so much more than before

i think a lot about You
about a Chinese boy
about a friendly, sweet and caring boy
about how reliable he is at work
about how witty and smart he can get
about how mentally stimulating he is
about how plain and dull he can be
about how unemotional he is
about how he is a man of few words
about how he shows his love
about how lousy of a texter he is
about how sweet he is
about how mad he can get when provoked
about how i always forget that he cares even though he doesn't show it
about how he always seems so wild and energetic when he drinks
about how he feels a buzz in alcohol that is pretty unhealthy in the long run
about how much potential he has in his art
about how he can scale higher feats
about how i want to watch him grow
about how much of a workaholic he is
about how distant he gets when he's working
about how sometimes i need you during your busy periods
about how much he loves dogs
about how much i'm not really an animal person
about how much he loves kids
about how much he wants to be a dad
about how much i hate kids
about how homophobic he gets
about how he understands me
about how he can read into my soul but doesn't do it often
about how sometimes it feels like he isn't putting effort because he's busy
about how sometimes i want to be validated and showered opnely and be treated like a Goddess
about how i know he wants me to smile more
about how i know sometimes he can't understand my depression but still puts in effort to calm me down
about how for the past 8 months i know every single inch of him
about how for the past 8 months he knows every single inch of me

i think a lot about Love
about how much i love you
about how my love for you can start up it's own universe
about how love is what keeping me with you
about how we both have our needs and wants in a relationship
about how we should be compromising with our differences
about how we should listen and respect each other
about how we should be kind and giving and freeing
about how we should always try and try and put in effort
about how we should always be there for each other
about how we should always support each other unless it raises concerns
about how we should always understand and put ourselves in each other's shoes
about how we should think before we speak
about how we knows each others flaws and cope with it
about how we will be better as a couple in the near future.

i just think a lot
Terry Jordan Nov 2016
Once Sadie O’Leary’s dementia
Brought her to ‘Whispering Pines’
A nursing home at the edge of the woods
Where she played in earlier times

Her loving son bought her Nikes
For Sadie was sturdy and strong
Her sneakers got quite a work-out
Whenever the door alarms bonged

That happened almost daily
Sadie escaped out that back door
Into the woods she scampered
As I raced to fetch her once more

A good headstart down the timeworn path
Now overgrown and winding
While I just turned 30- so winded
Sadie’s ahead at 90

Sadie O’Leary kept going
So wiry and wiley was she
I heard the alarm bells ringing
Far away from Sadie and me

Sadie, wait!  Where are you going?
She was determined like no other
Her nostrils flared when she declared,
“I’m going to have lunch with my mother!”

Finally able to reach her
Grasping onto both of her hands
Remember she died years ago?
Your mother’s house no longer stands!

"Don’t you think I know that?!”
Glaring into my eyes brightly
Turning round to go back
Sadie gripped my hand so tightly

A comfortable symbiosis
Her foundation by the stream
Tomorrow we'll go together
Who am I to spoil her dream?
True story, fictitious name, but close...She taught me that no one is demented all the time-even the most psychotic person has lucid moments sometimes.
Anais Vionet Apr 13
Peter (my bf) and I were in Paris, about three weeks ago (I was on Spring break, he was on vacation from work).
‘Headstart for Happiness,’ by ‘the Style Council,’ was playing low somewhere.
“This is the kind of starry winter night that guy from the Netherlands used to paint,” I observed.
“If you were writing about it,” he asked, “how would you describe it?”
“Imagine a deep, still blue, hosting a field of luminescent light scatter, and a bashful moon, low in the sky, as if it were hiding in the trees.” I guessed.
“It’ll moonset soon,” he said “within the hour.” he added.
“I never think of moonsets.” I said, looking at the sky like it was new.
“The moon follows the line of the ecliptic,” he said, as if that meant something, “more or less,” he qualified.
“To think I grew up under an undifferentiated sky,” I marveled.

When I’m with him, I can relax, I don’t have to be-on, he’s smart enough.
Of course, I’d come in handy if he went into cardiac arrest or started choking on something.

We were sitting side by side, outside ‘Le Café du Marché,’ a bistro near the Eiffel Tower. Our waiter,  Léo, had just refilled our coffee. It was 9:30 PM and we’d been at this table for about two hours.

We’d reduced the tarte-tatin to a few crumbs forty minutes ago, but Léo knows me and although they're thirty tourists in line for tables, he won’t rush us.

Like puppets dance, we often mimic lines - I don’t know why.
“I was stalking you,” I confided, running a finger along his long-sleeve shirt-cuff.
“I was stalking you,” He said. Our eyes were fixed on each other.
“No, seriously,” I said, moving in much closer, to be serious.
“No, seriously,” He deadpanned back.
“Then I caught you,” I went on, and I was very close now, our lips maybe two inches apart.
“No, I caught you,” he said, smiling as I got very close. “It was ****** Jujitsu,” he softly bragged.
“Wax on, wax off,” I said before I stole a quick kiss.

Peter was shocked, a scooch, by French teens.
If French teens have a crush, especially in Paris, it’s a ‘drop what you’re doing,’ snog-fest - between classes in the hall, on-the-metro, in a coffee shop or grocery store they go-all-in, because love must be stormy, urgent, tinchy.
Here’s a secret. Peter says, “You **** my face, like no one ever has.” It must be the French in me. Ha!

Of course, I learned all I know about love from Taylor Swift.
Let’s see, first, I must be willing to let down my guard - because love can happen at any time.
Love, at its best, is overwhelming, mistake prone, meaningful and powerful - but I can’t assume it’ll last, because my lover may have ulterior motives. I could be hurt or changed by the experience - but I’ll have the memories. Eventually though, I’ll heal enough to try again - with a new set of expectations.

Maybe I’ll even write a song or a poem about it.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Ulterior: motives kept hidden to achieve a particular result.

tarte-tatin  = an apple **** with caramelized apples on the bottom, flaky pastry on top. YUM
scooch = a little
stormy = extremely passionate
tinchy = twitchy, reflexive
GaryFairy Jan 2015
Waiting for the bright lights of a dim train
this station is littered with dead hearts
wheels are turning toward thin pains
nothing stops the locomotion of a headstart

waiting for the screeching of steel wheels
one way ticket to cough and grasp
I wonder if this track still feels
derailed passengers of the lost and passed
Shubham Solanki May 2018
Write about love i implore myself
Like a little boy's plea to his father
About the thrills of a plane journey
Neither of them ever had

But how could he **** that zeal
Or dull the shine of those curious eyes
So he spuns a tale with a heart so pale
Reliving his old fantasy as if it were real

Staying put sure is mundane
But not when she's right there
Eyes closed dreaming something insane
Her hair swaying all across her face

Sometimes she would smile
Clutching his pillow tight
Unaware that her Paramour
Is awake and yet asleep by her side

How a gentle kiss on the forehead
Did pacify all his overwhelming emotions
And just one warm hug
comforted her soul ousting fearful notions

When all her silly desires
Were met by words of praise
And all his fears turn into fire
As she whispers "I know you're brave"

How could love be so easy
When life is so **** hard
Truth be told it's selfless and scarred
But In the race for survival
Compadre it's a headstart

At the end of the day
It's up to you what to portray
I say love's like the sun in the snow
But then again how would I know
For I'm just a father doing what's told!
I am a typical girl
An achiever in my own little ways
Not a famous yet not a loser
Not so cool but not a nerd either.

I do what others also do
Like it's some kind of rule to be followed
A girl trying to live a dream
Well---I used to be those things ...

Before a turning point came across my story
Turned my whole world upside down
I fell on darkness but I struggled to come out into the light
But I feel forever stuck in this kind of life.

It's like I'm in a dream
I am running yet I'm not moving
I am screaming
But no one hears me.

So many people trying to drag me down
But I know I'm strong to let myself down
Some people wanted to help me get on my feet
But their kindness seem so humiliating to me.

There's a lot of choices in front of me
And it's driving me crazy
Yet all I need is a headstart
A chapter where I can start a new life...

Krystal Marcelo

*But originally written 06/08/16
A moment of clarity
A moment of peace
A moment of thankfulness
A moment of bliss
Internally and externally all is at rest
I take pride in my insecurities
For they are just as much me than the rest of me
And that makes me smile
Accepting them allows me to work with them
Creating something beautiful from the lump inside (me)
Some people see me as:
Unaware of anything and everything.
But we cannot solve problems unless we are at peace with ourselves
Remove the logs within us before we hunt the spec in society.
We have our whole lives to create, change and evolve
So why not get a headstart?
black space ship and a white space ship
they leave earth
ravaged by environmental racism
they land on a new earth at the same time
as a gift
a thank you
energy transformation
people of white space ship
offer to sacrifice some as slaves
for 350 years
to give people in black space ship headstart
the people of black space ship
refuse kindly
“we are not evil and dissociative."
Morgan Spiers Sep 2018
.1. i know that i didnt give you the best headstart. despite how much i said otherwise, i always secretly hoped things would get easier near the finish line. ive yet to decide if how hard it still is means that was blind optimism or that the burden is bound to be bettered.
2. ive never believed in ghosts because its easier to think you cant reach me rather than know you wont reach me.
3. when i broke my promises, it left only me with the burns and the bruises.
4. when you broke your promises, it left only me with the burns and the bruises.
5. it was then, when the sound of the crickets chirping became a scream too strong to silence, that i knew there would not be a dusk i did not feel alone.
6. i havent cut my hair in years because your sister told me you loved playing with it.
7. when i wake up each morning, before it all comes back, before i remember, before i forget, before ive even the chance to do either- you are there, and i know that i will be, too.
freddi Apr 2019
you and i were running laps
i in blue sneakers, you in red
just a friendly competition
i had a bad limp
i was keeping pace with you
i drew attention to my leg
how i fought not to wince
every time my foot hit the gravel
how i’d been kicked
by someone wearing red sneakers
right before we began
it made you uncomfortable
and you pointed to your leg
showing a similar bruise
from when you’d tripped and fell
earlier that day
  you don’t get it
you said
  you can’t complain
  because i have a limp too
  and the coach accounted for it
  and gave me a headstart
you said
  but i do
i said
  because i started last anyway
  and the coach “didn’t see” my bruise
  and no one ever will
i said
but you had already left
to run with someone less depressing
less sad
less me
but what i hadn’t gotten to tell you
is that you don’t get it
i had a limp from birth
I am trying Camus, really I am.
For a headstart, I got fired
and received a one year ban
here in Dubai
for shouting back to that
Egyptian ****
who is
a poor excuse of a manager
who has no concept of humanity,
but **** humanity and
that job, and that Egyptian.

Humanity's been around for so long
that it has become a world epidemic.

Everyone's full of themselves,
In fact, everyone thinks
they are the perfect example
that everyone should follow.

No one's going to start a war
in this madness,
not when the war is
already inside our heads,
the wrong war mostly.

I believe we are at the
verge of humanity's
stupidity, it needs to end.

It's affecting lives.

Everyone has depression,
you and me,
including the one who
thinks 'memes' are fun;
including the one who
should emphasize himself as
someone who has it to form a sense
of identity.

You can't blame them you see,
hell, you can blame me for being
a poet out of commerce.
You can't blame the hipsters who
gather themselves in a poetry reading night,
I wouldn't go there even if they will
pay me base on how good my poems are
and these poems aren't for sale.
You can't blame the workers
for seeing less of themselves,
slaves to whip,
only now the whipping's mental,
they have families to feed Camus,
that's why they're here, to be
Christ-like and not to oppose.

I don't know Camus,
I really don't.

Are you trying to convince me?
If so, I don't understand the absurdity
of it all, not that I or anyone is able to.

You're probably right, it must be
the sobriety that is causing all of this.

Charles Bukowski, where are you?
He is unbothered, he is stunning
when we talk, i keep grinning
a matter of fate, how this begins
He is good guy within reasons
Secluded like me, antisocial like me
Loneliness in his eyes, I see
Brimming with hope, my heart
Sweet implore, need a headstart
looking out for better opportunity, us both
The tenacity, we soak
let's be little honest, I want to get to be yours
You are unpredictable set, a curious enough force
don't be so caught up in your phone
I don't wish to be forever alone
Of "permanent" Sleep

Abbott, nothing beats the
     immortal heavenly reincarnation
     after mortality odometer
     unexpectedly set to zeros
preparing deceased
     body, mind and spirit,
     as I eternally rest in peace
     asthma terminally ill self pitched

     forever and anon deathly yoyos,
no matter rigor mortis froze
poised position aye chose
with limbs akimbo
     as final seconds didst close
before transcendent
     shimmering light rose,
     this sentient being

     now en route to bro's
and twisted sistah,
     I pleasantly heard angels
     counting black crows,
thus, aye beamed delightfully,
and joyus lee, when innocently
     proudly dashed of this prose
during, what seemed an infinite

    walk to the gallows,
nonetheless, an everlasting
     slumber awaited compared
     to a brief, yet
     temporal quality repose,
now soul to keep
     will join rank and file
     standing straight as arrows

of Harris Hessian brigade,
     (though unusual, untimely,
     and unnatural death,
     I am NOT opposed
     attested by this germane guy),
     much more refreshing
     albeit prolonged dose,

where the corporeal self goes
into permanent deep slumber,
     yet impossible to regale,
     and add depose
(of beatitude), until
     til the end of timed minutes
     after eyes close,
where eyelids shut tight

     like miniature steel trap doors,
     and subconscious self flows
into deepest forever
     rapid eye movement
     from head to toes
sublimating forever into
     vividly profound, albeit
     immediately forgotten dreams

     representing lifetime aiming
     to get deceased expose
zing for all the world to see
     how non wakeful state grows
absent heroic measures
     prolonging awful existence,
     whew did close
subsequently brows

out, asper misguided
     wrongful death sentence, aye
     whole heartedly embraced
at long last NO more
     struggles, aye suppose,
NOR fending off grogginess,
     when living times predominantly
     felt many futile attempts witnessing

     chronically tired state, whar
     this plain being oft times
     took **** NON
     fatal Kamikaze nose
dive finding (not ready
     for after life prime time player
     unpracticed to prolong fatigue pros),
say ick lee, hence physical self

     dove right back dwelling
     amidst sleepy hallows
presently able (I cane)
     cease worrying stave off
     indomitable drowsiness succumbing
     to overwhelming tiredness,
which occasionally (nee daily) warranted
     necessary advantageous measures

     intravenously access
     sing caffeinated jolt
     to get a headstart, jumpstart,
     and kickstart from
     sipping morning "Joe," Blows
i.e. coffee than marveling
     as "FAKE" energy
     noel hunger grows!
ZL Apr 2021
Black or White.
Wrong or Right.
Dark or Light?

Beauty in both
But is there hope?

For us to undo the past?
If not, we won't last.

Actions have a headstart, but Karma is fast!
(any resemblance to the following and
living persons iz purely coincidental)

Family, friends, and
     strangers didst weep
when my brutally
     murdered gagged and
     bound distended corpse
     put to eternal sleep
unbeknownst to homicide deep
pill lore hubble

     killer, said murderer,
     would sow what he did reap
on the deadly war holy jeep
purrs, cow path
     this angry ghost
effortlessly held scented rag
     to choke, a keep
sake squeezing out breath

     from my corporeal flesh
     with maggots didst creep
     still adrip when bled,
to death, now enshrouded
     in black hoodie,
     and scythe leant lee
     cackled with grateful dread
enroute to pay the

     killer man moments ago
     took hoof on
     horse back fled
in hot pursuit destination,
     albeit unknown,
     yet aye twill find
     trumpeting psychopath,
     and quickly dismember

     off with his head,
thus equipped with
     keen bloodhound find
     ding needle in hay
stack instinctive second nature
     vengeance casually,
     I hapt lee ghoul
     lucky did allay

fresh trail scented out lay
boring haphazard way
word ness after gray
beard i.e. yours
     truly he did slay
     no matter wiseacre, may
be goot headstart, said jay
bird haint gonna

     be twittering furlong,
     cuz tell trail (and tail) flay
ming signs, he didst betray
noon the wiser hoo ray
bethought to brush
     meticulously (cover) tracks
     over most likely today
will merely (and merrily delay)

this phantom of neigh (nee)
and dearth all giving away
hideout, now tis
     my turn, I didst inveigh
     asper his final "say"

perhaps with ghost to
     (gusto) hollering as no weigh
to hex press me excitement
     thrusting sword
     into his heart yay!
Just a poetic (souper) side note courtesy chief
wordsmith brother unaware ye experienced grief
diagnosed as walking pneumonia please bull lief
yours me, he doth care and breathes sigh of relief.

Gratis the miracle of modern medicine wife
of Richard McGeehan, he offered succor
during serious bout when ye suffered strife
lovingly tendering lifelong counterpart
spelling finis regarding any galavanting nightlife
nurturing mother of their grown son (Brendan),
who immersed her whole self as housewife.

How aware ill luck of the draw
found thee inexplicably stricken
with serious malady against the law
nearly necessitating travois
(maneuvered by Kit Carson)
to transport thee to medical center.

The above stanza unbeknownst to you
analogous to current reading material
myopic eyes of mine view
historical fiction titled
"A Most Desperate Situation"
authored by Walter Cooper,
I just might maintain as keepsake
among various and sundry other books
lined up like soldiers upon shelved queue.

Courtesy perusing selective material
not so much to become boastful
self pedagogical ace,
but merely to expand knowledge base,
whereby latest erudition
preoccupies mindscape with displace
called realm of imagination
allowing, enabling, and providing me

to travel into hyperspace
only welcoming family members
like thee dear sister into myspace
a beloved sibling
thirteen plus months older
glad ye got begat December 1st, 1959
whereby ye got fifty two plus weeks headstart
to join (chance throw of genetic dice)
entrance into human race.

Though Amelie Beth Harris-McGeehan born
more than three score and three years ago
if series of unfortunate events would befall thee,
this sole brother would certainly mourn
and with futility emasculate and scorn
himself until... his own plaque
designating his buried cremains
in lieu of tombstone worn.
Jonas Mar 21
Yesterday and tomorrow
Always look the same
Months become years
In a flash

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
Another January the first
Pay day, Mayday
There's rent to pay
I always wanted to be able to afford groceries

One day
I'll make it out
I'll break the cicle
Step out

One day
But no today
Today I break down
And go to bed early

Gotta get a headstart on that upcoming exhaustion

— The End —