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Lefa Mzondi May 2017
I told you this would last forever
But I lied
I said things will never change
But I lied
I told you you were beatiful, even though I can't explain beauty
So I lied
I told you Red was a beatiful color
but who and what describes beauty?
For they say the beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder
I say it's mostly directly proportional to how you feel about a person
Excuse my mathematical jargon because I'm no Mathematician
Don't they say in the Bible that King Solom wore Purple, the color of beauty, the color of wisdom
But who am I to tell it different so, I lied
I said your skin was as smooth as silk and as beautiful as vanilla but, was it?  Was it really? I know I couldn't tell the truth so, I lied

I told you your eyes are beatiful, your eyes are big, twinkly
Maybe I lied, it was just your pupil dialating when it saw my light
I told you I could give you the world,
But the world was not mine to give to begin with, but baby its what you wanted so, I lied
I also told you the sky was green, the sea was blue, and you believed every word, I'm sorry

Maybe I lie a bit too much, or maybe just enough, or maybe that's also a lie
It's mostly to protect you

Remeber that day at the park?
I held you in my arms
The world didn't seeze to exist but us
We swore to be together for life, was it a lie
You said you're mine forever and I'm yours too, or was it also a lie?
Can't keep with the lies no more

It's lie after lie because that's all what you seem to believe
Because truth to you, seems too good to be true
I remember the day you held my hand, looked me in the eye and said, "do you still love me? "
I know I used to answer that everyday with no doubt in my mind, but that day,
The answer remained the same,
As I said proudly, "I still do babe"
Guess what?...
Poetictunes Jan 2016
Brown maple sugar,
Cinnamon toast complexion.
Hershey chocolate chip.
Carmel Hazel brown eyes,
Red sugarcane lips.
Your curvy curvaceous thighs.
With enough melanin color blended so perfectly together, bronzing the brownish shade of your muscles.
Natural ethnic hair.
Thick, coarse or silky.
It is perfectly acceptable by me.
***** so big it needs to have its own legs to stand on.
Your blackness is ****.
And it **** sure is beatiful.
I'm black and beautiful.
Nis Jun 2018
Standing at the Rijksmuseum
we find ourselves part of a lesson,
a lesson by a master in his craft.
Our company seven men
some look at us some look away
while Dr. Tulp, our eighth man
digs into the elefant in the room.

The cool body lies bare
like light were coming out of it
reflecting on the faces of the more curious,
leaving in shadows the uninterested ones.
The dead arm opened wide,
some lesson on tendons or bones.
Three hundred and fifty years
mute the master's words so clear
make the master's brushes so loud.

It was a time of studied ignorance,
of white collars on shallow knowledge
when my favourite of the Old Masters was born.

Step back into our reality
observe the beatiful museum
for we are before one of its finest pieces.
But it's hard.
It ***** you in.
Something about the crepuscular glow of the body
makes you get stuck in it.

Observe the perfect composition,
the diverse faces.
It's like a photograph taken at a random instant
yet so deliberate,
so randomly deliberate,
so deliberatly random.
But step back,
look at the whole thing,
it's just
You could say it's just 3D
masterfully represented in 2D
but it is not,
there's something more to it.
Something you could call extradimensional.
It's like if the artist knew the algorithms our mind follows
and knew the exact input needed for the desired output,
even shock.

Let's move on to the next painting,
but don't let this image fade away,
let it rest,
let it click,
and let it grow
in you.
Partially inspired by Nightwatch by King Crimson, in my opinion one of their most underapreciated songs, this is me trying to pass to you the wonderful sensation I felt when looking at Anatomy lesson by Rembrandt, in my opinion one of the best paintings by one of the best paintors ever.
Poetictunes Aug 2016
I'm just waiting on the catastrophe of my personality to be seen as a beautiful mysterious masterpeice.
Hanna Kelley Aug 2015
Everything you do revolves around the word

Everything you are is

You may not think you are gorgeous but you are.
You truly are.
You have one of the loveliest smiles I have ever seen.
You think everybody criticises how you look but they just envy it.
Your figure is perfect, and if you still don't think that then just remember how much weight you lost.
Remember when you decided nobody would ever date you.
That you thought you were hideous.
Just think of your boyfriend, and how happy he makes you.
He loves YOU for YOU.
I envy the relationships you have.
You can talk to people that live in a different state and treat them like they live a few blocks away from you.
You don't worry about the "long distance" thing
The "you-don't-really-know-what-they're-doing" thing
That's all I worry about.
You have a best friend that would go to prison for ****** just to see you happy.
She might as well be your sister :p
And if this isn't enough to make you think differently about yourself then think about this:
I love you.
I LOVE you.
I love YOU.
I don't love you for the way you look and neither shoukd anybody else.
You don't need make-up
You don't need to improve yourself
You don't need to worry about what people think about you;
But you do anyways.
You don't see that people love you, because you can't even love yourself.
You let people get to you.
I understand that is easy to do, people are mean and vicious.
They will tear you apart without even noticing it.
And you let them.
They have torn you apart and now you can't see past what they've told you.
I love you soooooo much but you lose me off at times.
Please stop looking at yourself like all those lies are true.
:) you are beatiful and that's all you need to know.
I know this is hypocritical but you need to believe this about youself
Jessica Head Oct 2015
Year 1 - June 30th was the day I fell in love with you. It was rough at first, you were always stealing me away silently like no one knew I exsisted. No one cared about me at the time, you knew that I was bound to be all alone in my life of how I was. I just wished it wasn't you but **** you stole my heart this beatiful  year.
Year 2 - It was young love for the both of us, I taken it rough cause I was so in love with you I loved spending my time with you, even when we drank, you treated me like your girlfriend. But I had those dark days where it bugged me that I loved you most and I spent most of my days with you which I could've did way much better with schooling and all that other stuff but I managed then people really started to care about me but I didn't care about their care about me cause I know I was bound to be alone, after they starting really looking for me and realized that I was with you but they couldn't do anything about it, was too late for that now.
Year 3 - I'm sure it was in the winter, you got into trouble with playing with guns, and jailed for a week, and you couldn't be around the community due to danger to the community for a year. I decided to move to the city where you were staying, I didn't mind the city but at the time I started seeing someone from the community, I missed you but I also missed the community and I couldn't do this anymore babysitting and not being able to get my freedom. you had to go get into more trouble in the city when I left and got more jail time you were gone for a long while.
Year 4 - Things weren't working out for you and me. I know that you really wanted me back. But I was with someone else and he didn't want to let me go, he kept me silent like he was ashamed to have me or just didn't want to show me off. I was starting to become his joke or whatever I can call it. I loved him, he's kept in the dark from his family but accepted by my family. Could say I was with him for like a year, till he really started to see someone from the city. I left him I'm angry cause he was a keeper but man he is dark so I kind of didn't like that, hiding on me whenever he wanted like I was never apart of his life. I got fed up of this and left it hurted but it didn't hurt as much as losing my first love.
Year 5 - We aparted. My second love I left him or we just wanted to apart. I wanted my true lover back I did whatever I wanted to do. All adult and what not and no one can stop me now and no one can do anything too. I pray that I haven't chosed the wrong path. with this guy I'm hoping to be his partners in crime. I'm back with you my love, I did tell you that I love you cause you wanted to hear it and I never said it to you ever till that night. Our birthdays are coming up, I'm looking forward to spending it with you.
Mark Albert Aug 2012
Hope is a Cypress
cracking tendrils
through solid rock.

Churning sustenance from
the barren land
holding tight to the cliff.

Growing, twisted in the wind;
thriving, thrusting branches
growing leaves of redemption.

Defiant and hard
courageous and beatiful
she conquers, she lives, she thrives.
for a new friend who, if I'm lucky, will one day be an old friend. :)
James Rives Jul 2023
her words snap me back to reality,
away from supposition and hypotheticals,
into her arms where I feel safe.

blue eyes that pierce whatever darkness
i thought i had and lied to myself about,
eyes that see me for a who I am and who I want to be.

imagine walking down a darkened path,
content in the streetlights that guided
you home, and spotting something small
and kind. whatever it is you imagine,
it beckons you to hold it and when you do,
you smile, truly and impulsively.

that essence is a woman, and one i admire.
someone beatiful, kind, and funny,
including her incessant snoring on
already sleepless nights because a cat is begging for food but you feeling comfort
in their REM cycle. too little space
to be your own, but enough heart to bridge the gap.

imagine, then, that someone places
your hand on their lap when you drive,
but are equally willing to do the same,
in what feels like an equivalent exchange
of heart and sheer goofiness.

and tell yourself it doesn't feel right
that you were able to find home in them,
effortlessly and happily. you won't
and can't, and neither can i.

words can't express that she has been
friend, confidant, and a visual marvel,
and someone i envision as a pillar
of my bright existence.
Eager rushing sensations, waiting to escape, finding love and never finding the right words to say. Varied and wondering dreams, restless in all it’s waking threads of time. Rose gardens that house all kinds, like sunflowers for Van Gogh, humming amongst them. The mood helps providing a sense of freedom, though most never follow through. Maybe it’s only peace that I’ve always wanted. Something that isn’t found under a chestnut tree. Poetry a way beyond conversing with oneself, a self portrait for one’s eternal life, opened for viewing, it's something more than wanting street fame. Flashes of knowledge. As pearls. Self-doubt has become normal, something lingering around, it’s tiring in my engagement with it. Clouded mists, dripping over my essence, for I’m guilty for being anxious. Though there’s a-lot of men who stay heated, most of them stay bluffing underneath, hollering at the moon on the roof, passing any yearning for actual love. Because it’s something made out of lust. Now poetry spoils me, maybe it’s too much of a good thing, I’m alone in the world and it’s something I never wanted. For me, it always seems that I end up like this, a darkened world and I’m centered in it. For love, it was all bone and ashes, with poets skills, turned them into something so potent, forming beauty so we all forget about life’s natural wonders. A nightmare for the moment. Thoughts that are vivid, I’m not lost, I’m on a path that’s constructed for me. The only predestined item, in my own existence. Not reluctant. Even when you’re heading towards your fate, it’s still no obligated to provide you all that you ever craved, including the lips of a lover. It’s a sudden and unexpected shock. Sometimes laying a scent of bitterness inside. Yes, it can provide tears. Maybe I’m just impatient. Though in poetry, I take glimpse, into another’s world, another’s experience. I just don’t want to know about love. The experience of it, that's in experience love, far-more illuminating than any poem that anyone can read. It’s a certain grace, a different type of contentment, being in love, maybe a final place for personal progress to stop, rest and let go. Feeling safe in another’s arms. For if the same love is given back. Controlling the movement of the sun with each poem. Salmon sky, starlight, fireflies, providing a sense of romantic aroma, scented poems, kissing, eyes glitters in their flickering. Hands holding, insecurity fades and each lover forgets about them, fear forgotten to the point of it never existed. Love, not belonging to romance art. Violin for symphonies. Some infinities are bigger than others. Changing fates, change paths, I’m a paradox. Whenever I’m glanced at. I’m under no obligation to be the person others are. Like how life is to me. Not out spite. Not to taunt. Just be.The issue of self-awareness, giving me the knowledge to be my own person. Harping in the waltz. Solemn in my own thoughts. Private. Wanting to burst. But I render to myself on my path, dealing with daily struggles. Maybe I’m private in order to keep myself for the one I’m meant to be for. This is all just a prelude to my own enlightenment. This is only a note to a track record. Fire. I look back on times of that self-awareness, what a large lump of weary years. The wanting to live, the desire and dreams, than not having the ability to do so. Till I started the to notice the beauty of life, without knowing the beauty inside, I looked inside and saw a supplication, and produced my own courage, hollowness in others I could always understand, people's wanting to understand, to have friends, to talk, to be noticed, to be helped. To what I didn’t see, original lives, people all just fitting into conformity. Friends and family will believe always in your potential, nauseating in person duality. Always. Without fail. It’s a different story once you want to act on it. Nothing there is spontaneously. Oh frown on that life where it's easier to bleed, than it is to smile. Maybe nothing in life is predestined. And the search to have my own fate come to furitation is all any illusion, a trick to find myself. To create something holy here on earth. And it’s shocking to see how many people want you grounded. Though what do you do, when love turns to hate?For all I know, my own heart isn’t meant to be enclosed. But if you can’t create yourself, if you won’t rebel, stand up for yourself. In order to avoid scars. Beauty won’t belong to you. Not the beauty of the flesh. The kind of beauty that comes from inside.The soul is stronger than the flesh, rendering it more valuable. I’ve noticed the war between Angels and Demons.I could be all wrong. It could just be something of a self-made myth. The smart philosopher will know, the peace is known internally and the externally will never match. There’s few things more pleasurable than *** and revenge. It’s returning to a place of hardship, during success. And no one notices how much doubt affects our own lives. To apply within, to save myself from all those fears and insecurities. For I had meet someone, changing, shifting the patterns inside, I first felt illuminated for the first time. I smiled, encouraged me to stop reading, reading the lives of others, begin to live for myself. He held me hand, caused me to smile, asked me to talk, sat and listened, took an interest, asked for nothing more, than my time and presence, for what we did during that, that was up to me. Putting in time, was the only work required. Projecting ourselves beyond the mundane parts, going forth, passing poetry itself. It was like discovering Mozart’s music for the first time in humanity. We replaced the mocking chants of time’s minutes, moments or angst future to be now, with passion, love, heated exchanges of wanting to dive into one in another. And each lover can remember the first, the last and the only. It’s a brief life. To have it full of something else, like holiness. It’s another thing. Trust me, to be enticed, to be tempted, to be curious. If it’s for true love. Let it happen. It sparked the belief for me, that real love does not live in poetry, paintings, in novels or in some cosmic planet or parallel life. Our soulmates belong in our hands, to have them feel safe to be themselves. It’s funny, I had always wanted a man to come in, storming into my life, to save me. God cannot be everywhere. The most dangerous thinkers are the ones who act on love. For God made lovers, not to be everywhere, for I ended up saving my lover. Poetry only nature's the faith of love, because poems are food for love. But who has not truth in their heart, will not see the beauty of the other. To how I had lost him. It’s on account of the earthly problems. The ego is the ugliest part the human race. As for ignorance. It’s too bad no one can feel pain from it. It was love, at first sight, and everything turned into beauty. It littered this land. Staurating the poets of thoughts of grandeur. Free to be wild. Locked in the heart to be tamed and own, for me, shivering in my frame, providing aesthetic to reality. Burning the sky, dnce all crazy, eyes on fire, we got them in a trance and impending doom of death, drips and melts away. Pulling in dramatic tension towards us, melodramatic and meticulous in our love for one another, ourselves dripped and personally forgotten in the presence of the other. We had broken the fuse of life, it’s living spark, to any predestined wants of it, created our own, anywhere we went, turned to romantic pilgrimage, and finally for the first time, any flaws of life, any poverty, burden or burning want, left, as we shrugged our shoulders, smiling at one another. We have and are, fully absent of any muse that we had once, prior to meeting thee and used for earthly wants and values. Like Milton said, do not think about morals, for they the ability to think about themselves. And our souls, larger than Rome, stronger than any empire. This isn’t a result of dreams, we had lived in reality and said no-more. Because it didn’t watch the throne. What do you do when the willingness to live, turns into something of no more? We just replaced the reality of life and created our own. For the mind is in a place of its own, to what comes into fruition, tangible and touchable. I’ll wonder deeper. Awake and rise. For this isn’t to copy. Something to leave behind. Perhaps this adds charm, shade to the stillness parts of life, colour to the darkness. A feeling of perfection to anything that may of so seemingly born lifeless. And ever since I’ve been left alone, I’ve come to grips in solitude. Out of truth, until this day, I have no idea how to articulate true love, I tell myself, something so beautiful can’t be express in poetry. And if it isn’t true love. I don’t want to know. It’s allowing to continue to believe in love, remaining here under its spell and that we all have a soulmate here, waiting to be discovered. My heart will ache until I find thee. Yes, I’ve heard it’s dangerous to romanticize one’s own past, have it brew to the surface of old sensations, from the secret depths of my own soul, alluring our attention to it and placing a veil to the future, maybe why we romanticize the past, is a simple reminder that life isn’t so bad. Perhaps I’m just a foolish romantic, an expression-mirage of hope. As the thoughts of love, keep coming, I’ll continue to walk, if it’s in exile, alone, parting from everything that I had become accustomed to, let it be. But at least I don’t refuse the potential of life’s fruits and to what I can bear with my own hands.  When it’s in love, anyone can farewell to hope and fear, for the very last time. In heartbreak moments, its singing of torment and personal chaos, collapsing of my private world. To which I deemed valuable on any night meant for you and I to share love. **** and full of fashion. Of how much pain the heart can stand, imagine the experience of tightening strings to crack like glass to the point of no-return. Miserable in the infinity. Just to devour anything worthy of oneself. Huddling together with the darkness and whisper between ourselves. Than by force, burden humanity. And a good poem is the blood for any romantic, but it’s forgotten when love is currently being enjoyed. To the unbearable doubt, I’ll not fall victim to, poetic, I’m fraile inside, like we all are. They’ll be no heros if our inner-worlds weren’t such soft touches of complete tenderness. Mingling glories. Kiss me now. I’ll smile for you than. What is it mean that someone is clingy? Perhaps there is nothing for them. Maybe they had just saw for what I’m worth and saw nothing but beauty. For that, there is nothing else for them, besides to infuse romance. Just wanting to leave me breathless. Tenor for rose beds, shepherd to anything the world made of beautiful, touch it, it will multiple. The breath of life. Hollering at moon on the roof. For the reminds me, of what he thought of me, when he first saw me. But I always answer in response, ‘what about now’. Lowering his head, resting on his arm, hiding his smiling. To which reminds me, it’s always getting better. Like the revolving poems. In spontaneous overflow of something we can’t control. What is the paramount goal between lovers? To self discover? To know another? Be poetic in one’s actions? Oh musing poetry, how can we know how to love thee? How to live? How to write poetry for thee? Now I see the value of peering into the arts made from any romantic period. But what does it mean to pass those poems by? Losing all value of life. It's just passing moments, threading together, stuck to the forefront of my mind, I’m unable to forget. So I lose sense of time and daily obligation. Smoking magic. Spellbound. I’m fully alive and aware now. Constant. There is no change. I’m unable to forget. Though let me breathe in that breathe, an intoxicating perfume. Extravagance. Blunt in twilight. Pierce through obscurity. Temptation to praises. Holding lovers hand under sunlight and moonlight. Pitchy. Eyes convicted of seeing the endgame of beauty, never to look away. Containing fairy tales in dreams, the ability to stain the earth with it. Got to be carefully not to let the evil of this life and earth trap thy. And all I wanted to say to my lover, before I told him, that his voice is my favourite sound, is to say simple words like I love you. So when you see me, our dreams will flicker like the stars of the night, never to fade and when the sun rises, the golden dawn between us, will expand the sun’s glory. In clarity of mixed feelings, we had lived dormant and a calm temperament, contempt to achieve earthly success, to which our heart could never be satisfy with. Drowning in oceans of filling hearts by love, produced by one another. When you’re in love, the world is yours and it spins around. But when one’s heartbreaks, nothing but numbness and you’re alone. Late night, bright lights, lust and lies, everyone with their hands out, no one is giving, but I cannot blame people for trying to get what they can. Loving seeing your lovers smile. Anything goes under this shared sky, who knows what you’ll find. I’m just distilled in poetry. Needing one single kiss and I’ll open my arms, present myself so proudly. As for the naturally wonder, they’ll blink, display itself for everyone, jealous as we walk away. But when your heat breaks, everything is gone and nothing ever seems to matter, plucked into forever. And all wanted, nothing within poetry, is to love. Can one ever get blamed for that? It’s as natural as being born and to die. To my doubt, that no matter how I live, do not engage with me, on how I’m supposed to be. Cello symphonies, tenors. Can I survive a misspirit? Oh for what I’m I really waiting for? For when you open your heart, look how they try to play me, write a couple a poems, now they wave at me. I’ve had my heartbroken, to lovers smiles. From a romantic in desituition, to someone's love. Experience in musings. And to every step I take. Just want to tread over romance and transition into poetry. Smile for me now. From a trembling throb, shaking hands, strengthening of heart, it’s enough for me to know that I exist, not to be contained in any single moment. Do we really know life? I just want love. For poetry, I’m happy to hand out freely. To be beautiful, it’s when one glares at you, to be valued, is for when one knows you. For that, lover? Maybe? Otherwise, it’s not the purpose of existence to be either beatiful or valued for the outside. To which, I can easily do either. A free woman in this unfree world, would be a woman dreams never dared to speak to. A daughter of muses. Dreaming about the romance world. My mind goes boom! For me in the world of romance. To doubt should be a sin. Not to be brave enough to follow through, a sin. Refusing faith that we’re all meant to be for another as a soulmate. A unique miracle for another’s life. For a romantic, a day without love is like no salt on the road for the saint. Ever since adolescence, calling out for my soulmate, until he returns, it’s all eyes on me. I desire, so therefore, I exist in something of an aura, taking in this world’s pressure, without a sound, I slide, I’m unbreakable. It’s not that I can’t make it on my own. I’ve tasted love and earth or this life, cannot provide and other contentment, melting over in illumination. It’s incarnate and inherent. I’ve measured my own worth and dream of someone better. And if they’re less, better go to work to match my eyes. Stars on our door, stars in our eyes, stars exploding in the bits of our brains were the common sense should have been, where anticipation of love making sessions isn’t our greatest pleasures. Unstained by fulfillment for what we can do for each other. When I was younger, my hunger was to let loose in exile, catch me if you can, I giggle at those more vulnerable and impression years. Demand in the present, higher status in the future. Narration of poetry in soft whispers. So fairy tales, folk tales, stories from the oral tradition, are all of them the most vital connection we have with the imaginations of the ordinary men and women whose labor created our world. As for me. I created a love no other human can ever attain, so I’ve replaced every muse that had ever existed. No longer to question my own existence. The lover yet not conceptualize in my hands, is just another unexplored land of flesh and character. Waking each day, a little more, living, movements under the eyes, flicker of light. I gasp and breathe in. Somnolent gestures, it’s a little more urgent and intense, somethings different. More raw and upfront. I’ve loathed and now no more. Piano keys pressed. Heat rises, rains felt colder. Die another day. I huffed and puffed. I came to grips for the life I had live. Parted from it. Moving fingers to wave goodbye. I smiled. For love is funny. It’s comes out of nowhere, at the silliest times, from the most random people, like a fluke. Flutes and melody, along piano keys. Love, hitting me hard, never to leave. Asking in cliches, ‘where have you been my whole life?’ Finally, without effort, a man to understand, even from the smallest glimpses of glance, a single touch, a soft spoken word. Loving each other, not knowing how, but we do. In balance, obliges his self-care, never to allow me to struggle in my own wants of life. Understanding in instant flutters of fury and still yearning for more.  And each stroke of his tongue ripped off skin after successive skin, all the skins of a life in the world, and left behind a nascent patina of shining hairs. My earrings turned back to water and trickled down my shoulders; I shrugged the drops off my beautiful fur. I see him as a series of marvellous shapes formed at random in the kaleidoscope of desire. Filling out my meaning in his living action. To each look, it’s like the first time, in the last few moments, glancing at me, like it his final outlook on life. Our love, devoted to life, but we couldn’t accept life and it’s demands, so, we devoted ourselves, to one another, and it wasn't enough, so, we committed ourselves to holy love and rose above anything that had once been considered as limitations. Dripped off the sides, in alluring colours to the cosmos, left, in supernova fashions and drifted into mythological fame. As we should. Love hits hard, it hits fast and in unexpected times from the most unexpected people. Most of all, it was horrifying at first, made only for the brave, for those who have never tasted love. It’s like, seeing eternity, mastering it and got all the time in forever to stand and glare out to the immense sky. Careful in one’s manner, so no one will notice, eyes opened wide, never to shut, like if I have found creation more than I could explain. The sting of a poem. Why so often my thoughts flustered. Once went everywhere, unrecognised. Time slows. Instead of a mocking face. I regretted nothing in past loves. I am happy that I had an effort. Are the ones too concerned with these earthly concerns. I doubt would ever be themselves, let alone be in love. Don’t ****** me. Now it’s time to be a ghost. For the devil greatest magic, to have the faith that he doesn’t exist. Filtered through my demonic mouth, this is the end and I know how cultures die. This beautiful sigh. A firefly kingdom. Will it be like this, when I cross over to another place? Grief at lost love, when I’m capable of loving now. I’m the romantic, leaning against poetry, filled with love, whisper it’s tone with meaning. Wet summer in low times. Lover without love. Paralysed at my core. Those who glimpsed inside, know of senseless violence. Eyes that not dare no more to meet mine. Pendlum swinging, more selmn than the sfiting emotions. Do not come close to me. Deliberate gestures in the dark. Behaving like the gloom of failure. I know how the world ends. Artists, raise images as homage to death. Is it like this, on the other side, trembling with sobs. No prays to be heard. Valley of dead bodies, steaming ash, sizzling skin to bones. They never talk. Lifeless. Spasm in Zion. rapture over earth, screams from the religious, who pledged their lives to their dogma, slapped in the face. Shadows. Life is short. Between the desire and the action, I’m there, existing. I’m the essence of your desires. I’m breeding new kingdoms. Whimper in public, no-one will hear. For Zion has forgotten you. For I know how the world ends.  
(knowledge variable)
Danny Adams Oct 2013
I don't know what to do with my life right now
I am an abstract thought fleeting from my mind
And every aspect of me is running away faster and faster each minute
Each second each hour each ******* day
I can feel myself slipping away
When you're a kid
You don't think about this type of ****
You just live
Life is life
C'est la vie
The French have a word for every ******* feeling
I swear it
If only I could speak French maybe
it'd make writing poetry a bit easier
But it will never get easier
Because poetry is life
And with each word you extend yourself
You extend the years to come with this poem
A single poem
A single stansa
A single

And within that word a thought can sprout
But with water and time that thought can become work
And with work and effort you give birth
To a beatiful ******* poem
Filled to the brim with emotion
and strength
and power
and fear
and loss
and hope
and dreams
and pride
and envy
every sin in the **** book
written onto a blank white page
You dissected yourself before a crowd
And you open and pull your guts out to only have them shoved back in
by ungrateful
flesh eaters
because thoughts are the flesh of your brain
the meat
and the words are the substance
the minerals of this poem
the good
And they may taste bitter and they may come out hard
but when they sit in the stomach of your reader
and digest
and crumble and decay
and die again
and again
and again
you live
you become the eternal worm
you become the everlasting fruit
you become the demon that your parents and your pastors
and your lovers and your friends and your family
and your pets and your dreams and your ******* thoughts warned you about
because knowledge is power
and power corrupts
and thinking is evil
so be a villain in the most beautiful sense of the phrase
and live and please
please live
longer than this poem ever will
L Dec 2013
why do you do the things you do?
your body says,
"Come hither."
but your eyes say
"Why bother?"

so which is it, boy?
if you didn't want me in the slightest,
you would have left me years ago...
just like the others.

yet here you stand,
as beautiful as ever.

I call you Beatiful Boy...
but those are just
do you believe you are beautiful?

your hazel eyes full of insecurity say
they are full of memories and
taunts from bullies of the past...
but they aren't here anymore, Beauitful Boy.
they're long gone.
the only one that remains is me.

can you see me?
Hello Too Sep 2015
love can touch
love can hear
love can see
Everytime you're here

love is wonderful
so beautiful
you're so beatiful
so wonderful

love is kind
love can't hide
love is when you're here by my side

love is there
love is here
love is when you are near

love is wonderful
so beautiful
you're so beatiful
so wonderful
billy phang Oct 2014
Oooh beatiful  girl ma diamond  ..u a my wifi  coz i feel connections between me ad u...u a very extra hot like a hot  Nandos peri peri chicken tht  i hv  8tn.<3:-);-) i see u evn u are not thr.u make me  feel so high tht i could talk to rain ............,,,,,,,,,but i will make sure tht if u  dnt acept me i will tell ma parents
#she fainted
Leah May 2018
Right before she broke my heart I said to her
“You know, there is beauty to be found in gloom and despair. It's just a different type of beautiful”

There is something beautiful in the pain we feel
There is something magnificent in heartbreak
And something glorious in grief

There is beauty in the departure of beauty
The absence is its own beautiful
It leaves like a strong gust of wind through the moors
Wiping away the color as it passes

There is beauty in transition
The realization as a woman's face drops
When she hears the news of her husband's death
You can see the color, and the hope flush out
as she realizes this new reality

There is beauty in the real
There is no such thing as perfection
To be the most perfect, there must be pain
And all pain leads to love

There is beauty in rebirth
The tree that drops her seeds
Not only to die
But to grow a new beautiful
Sprouting from the ashes of the destroyed hearts before it
Erin Lewis Jul 2012
Are you  crying little angel?
While the day turns to night.
Are you sighing little angel?
As the stars begin to light

Is your heart broken little angel?
Because love left you behind
Is your heart looking little angel?
For the love you want to find

Are you bleeding little angel?
From the cut that cut too deep
Are you weeping little angel?
When you fall to eternal sleep

Is he waiting little angel?
When you get to the golden gates
Is he smiling little angel?
When you look upon his face

Are you happy little angel?
When you get your silver wings
You are free little angel
When your soul finally sings

Is it beatiful little angel?
In that paradise above
You have found it little angel
That everlasting love
Written originally for my ex who wanted to leave this world. I always called her my little angel. But I hope it will touch someone else the way it still does when I read it
Nicole Pierson Jul 2013
Like a bird with lost wings I need music to help me sing
Teach me to f l y
To run away
And I promise to return one day
I need you to untangle me
Free me of these rusty chains
Let the wind b l o w
And through the clouds we will g o
Flying away from are troubles
And out running time
Flying faster, and faster
Intill we can't go on
And again s o a r i n g toward dawn
Basking in the beatiful sunrise
I'm finally free
My dear
you have untangled me.
a nice young
golden dog,
i think it's

following confusion:
vigil nights,
unstructured rhytms.
the timing of

everytime, searching.
everything, nothing.

emotions in
no reaction.
close coming
determined full moon.
a journey

what am i expecting to
the same i give away
with my foolish

(cannot remember
my dreams)

why is always
such a mess

(dreaming is

endless red
sky. filling
concrete with
tired, golden

eyes moving,
veins full of

is that

a beatiful warm
Eleven Dec 2018
This is the end, the end is near
The time has come so loud and clear
I saw this girl shedding her tears
In silent of words we cannot hear
Like a fading sunset or her smile
Only she will last for a while
I dare not to touch nor to pick
The beautiful flower gloom and sick
So I sit in deathly silence, and admire the view
Something so timeless as I look at you
I'm glad I witnessed something so beautiful
But the glimps of heaven how pitiful
She stand still then wave a goodbye
The beatiful rope will end the cry.

Read it backwards.
Inspired by The Universe.
Corinne Kahi Oct 2014
She curves marks into her flesh like tattoos,
only with a blade in her hand,and her other hand holding her mouth so no one can hear the screams from within her,
see beauty is pain,and she wanted to feel beautiful so she cuts,
slits her wrists till the blood rushes down her dark skin to the ground,
as if to make a blood covenant with the earth that one day she would look into the mirror and think,
I am beatiful
Shawn D Smith Feb 2016
I see your courage, to push though and persevere no matter what difficulties you may face. I see your great sense of humor and how it makes people laugh beyond comprehension.. I  see your intelligence  it builds your understanding and appreciation for life. I see your spontaneous nature it is what takes away your fear for the uncertainty and destroys your doubt. I see your strength it sends chills down my spine and brings me to my knees in awe..I see your energy it replenishes your very soul and opens up your mind to possibilities.I see your faith and confidence it guides you though obstacles that you would never be able to face alone. I see your intuition its keen to deception which keeps you out of trouble! I see your smile it can illuminate the dark world we live in and makes life worth living.. I see your heart, is it my home where I feel safe and comfortable. I see your beauty, you are the most beatiful creation in the world to me...Its not only my eyes that see you its my heart and mind.. Its every atom that makes me Shawn that sees every atom that makes you Bethany
Its a poem I wrote about someone who will never read it.
I'm not a millionaire....
but when I'm surrounded by a beatiful wife
and loving kids, I sure do feel like one....
natalie Mar 2012
i used to say:

"i will not inflate my own expectations.
i will not get my hopes up high.
i will expect to receive only nothing.
if something beautiful happens, then
i will simply be pleasantly suprised and
i will enjoy every last fleeting second.
if something too ugly happens, then
i will treat it with little more emotional
diress than the loss of a toothbrush.
if i do not set my heart on any one thing,
then i will never be heartbroken.

"i will live my life through a filter, a veil;
i will live my life behind a solid wall,
and i will bide my time."

now i say:

"i will expect to recieve only nothing, but
i will cup the promise of something
beatiful within my own trembling hands.
i will guard my precious pumping heart,
but i will not put it away behind lock and key.
i will take cautious steps through life, but
i will still walk the path underneath my feet.
i will laugh heartily, and i will cry miserably.
i will end friendships, and begin new ones in their stead.
i will acknowledge every single breath, and
i will count each one as a precious gem.

"i will step from behind my filter, my veil;
i will open my heart to life,
and i will live."
Earvin Estioco Sep 2016
The Sun
He was the sun
Shining brightly, he was blinding
He was the center of your system
And you were constantly drawn towards him

The Earth
You were the Earth
Beatiful yet hurting
You revolved around him
Yet the thoughts and musings, perhaps like humans, inside you ruin you
You haven't realized how much he's been burning you
But even if you have, when has pain stopped the course of nature

The Moon**
I was the moon
Circling around you
I saw and caught every tear from your eyes
I felt every hurt caused by his flares
I admired your courage, your strength but seeing you like this just fills me with rage
Slowly turning me into the lunar lunatic that I am
I wasn't as humongous and important to pull you away from the sun
I, simply, was not enough
You to me
are the most beatiful sight to behold.
A work of art.
A romantic story waiting to be untold.
I see you walking, bare-footed on this white-sand beach,
How i want to kiss you inch by inch.
Your dark brown eyes, reminds me of a hundred year old book-
speaks thousand of emotions,
telling history
of great men,
of war cries,
undying love.

We step
Closer to each other.
Until the only gap between us is our breathing.
My heart thumps in wild skips.
I just pray that before the moon takes over the sun in the sky.
I will be able to ask you,
"Til Forever, will you be mine?"
Just Alex Jan 2019
Poet is the weaver of words
With every verse, a thread
The pen a needle
To craft most beatiful attire a quest
Of songs, poems and hymns

Muscian brings poetry to life
The words dance to the beat of drums
Ears serenated by dulcet tones
That spring forth from a beatiful voice

Warrior is the bringer of war
Weapon in hand, death in his eyes
His foes defeated, the land crimson
His craft is to bring death, until death bites back.

Widow is the one who lost it all
To the neverending tones of wars
The blood shed paid in tears
And the space never to be filled.

Poets gain inspiration
The deeds of conquerors assured
If the lands don´t remember their names
Our poems will forevermore
The muscian take the poem
And turns into song
Their names celebrated in taverns
And cheered all night long
The warrior will follow to drums
The neverending beats of war
To fight for conquerors a endevour most noble
Relish the carnage, bathe in the blood
And widows will be on their knees
Not singing songs or reciting hymns
Tears on her eyes, cursed name on their lips
Wondering how will she feed herself until next spring
Sandile JUNIOUR Jun 2015
that beatiful smile that
you have you would make my day
full with joy everytime i saw you smile
my heart would jump out of joy
my body would feel like dancing
that beautiful smile
that i letted go
but i still keep that beautiful  smile in memory
for it gets me thru tough times and rough times
that beautiful smile that kills me inside when i peep at your profil pics that beautiful smile
that shined brighter then the sun she so bezzar so independent
my thought of that beautiful smile
starts my day
#sj # missing you alot
# beauty in you
Mirela Totić May 2016
When I sit on the edge of hill
Taking the fresh air
Mixed with sea salt
And smell of some foreign lands

I Think in myself
This is all what I need

When I lie on fresh cut grass
Leting my body to connect
To the beginning of my self
And feeling the tickles of other beings

I think in myself
That's all what I need.

When I give my hand to a stranger
Or just a lovley word for his tired soul
Seeing his thankful guard
and smile on his face

I Think in myself
That's all what I need.

I think in myself often
How beatiful this world could be
If everyone could just open
And go back to the place
Where they are free.

M.T. 2016
Laura Feb 2010
I disappeared today,
transparent ambitions
recreated with the gentle tickle of a paint brush
gliding over my skin.
Deft, sure strokes leave no room for argument.
This is you,
I have made you again.
A beatiful piece of art to hang
in some long, echoing hallway.
You may look, but you must never touch.
Hello Daisies Apr 2019
Cotton candy plush
Glossed lips crushed
Yours against mine
Colors redder then wine

Smooth tanned skin
Winter pale with sin
Beatiful mixture
Paints a vintage picture

Italian herbs blended
White roses bedded
Refreshing to the soul
Letting me grow

Foggy afternoons
Blowing up like balloons
I need to see clearly
I need this so very dearly
Ákos Domonyi Jul 2016
I've been meaning to tell you something.
your soul has me drifting on this endless ocean,
on a dingy boat that I fabricated this morning.
Now this boat is filled with memories, I come clean.
They are heavy and like anchors they push as hard as they can.

As this is happening and as I try to keep it afloat,
in another time and place where the pews have been set straight,
two wandering souls find each other and connect with a starry ring.

Back on my watery path, I grow restless and fear the end is close,
for my boat is just a meager traveling companion, silent and helpless.
Your hair, those beatiful locks they aim to mess up my sail, defenseless.
A pair of stunning emerald eyes shine bright on the horizon, another jest,
for my vision is blurred even more, the sun is now a respite for my weary eye.

Their paired souls fly high, carefree and joyful,
Even when their eyes are closed they find their path true.

The waves that I encounter are few but they are strong,
their pattern and their tread is graceful,
they all remind me of my anchors on the boat.
With that I shift my focus on something else,
An answer to this mess that I made for myself.

A serene voice comes to my mind, its yours.
Followed by your laughter and your valuable thoughts.
I remember all that you shared with me, pieces of your soul.
Ideals and views, feelings and dreams, they shine brighter than stars, I see.

These memories are not anchors, no, they are different and so much more.
I know what to do and this boat is not so hopeless anymore.
I embrace these one by one, and your hair on my sail is now patching up those holes.
Your eyes on the horizon, they show me the way, lead me to land.
And your voice and thoughts now give me reason to look to my past.
Ashanti Brown Aug 2013
The dream a clear picture of wisdom a
life full of excitment a women with a bright smile.
The dream a life that was
taken away at a young age the peace and love
that flow be watched a loving angel flying.
The dream is couragous and out going picture
with she lived for may her  wings spread in god
praise a beatiful dream.
DREX Sep 2010
just walk that way
away from this romeo play
end with change and nothing said
wondering what the thought of me really means inside ur head

sun is bright beatiful days
but filled with fury if I gaze
u fill the void still struck on ur Voice
bitter with ur ugly choice
speak and my time is measured
with trastic choices and from a thoughtless lender

spill the pain untill the pain is locked
speak and find u forever lost
but maybe thats the way of freedom
the trail of u leavin
but the emotion of that healin
is whats keeps the pain in my heart streamin
yanci colon Apr 2012
I'm in between good and evil.
Ill care for you till the very end
And if I could I would seal her
Instead I just let it mend
If its not the same you'll be put in the peeler
lets just let it go let it trancend
I have a beatiful woman and I wish I could feel her
If I could I would make it start over again..
In love and love is what could heal her
Your everything and only thing on I depend
She's an ace that im the only dealer that can deal her,
"TRY IT' 'I will defend"
And if she says she's not around it's because my arms and legs conceal her
we're in the room she has lips to tend
Ill tell you the truth I still a bit fear her
But ill just let it go or let it pend
Im still in youth and when it comes down to it I was the one to steal her
Your the only item I posses that I wouldn't lend
Now were together and I automatically hear her
Any other thoughts just started to bend
All my letters start with dear her
And love at the end
This is not what I appear to her
Im probably another boyfriend
Over it now waiting for good moods to occur
So we can make love all over again
like souple Ill settle you down whrn my love stirs
Lets make sure this becomes a trend
And if you need it Ill scream  It if it needs to be reasured
its not longer me, Its now me and her
the mysitc blend...
the end....
Paige Jun 2014
the problem with this world is that
we are often told what we can not do than what we can do
we often mask who we are  to be something someone wants us to be
we hide from what we are capapble of to display what we have already acomplished

but that is not me
i was not the girl who drew hearts on her notebooks.
i was more the girl who knew she was destined for greatness
never the straight a student but always tried hard to achieve that a+
putting away the skeletons in my closest and opening the door to see the  beatiful human that i am trying to become

being a teenager is hard for everyone.
society has changed we have hard drive instead of a brain
we sit inside and memorize all these words on the lines that i will try our hardest to recall later on that sheet of paper.
but i am trying to expand my mind to not see in black and white but look and see the rainbow.
You see
the world is a beautifulplace  if you stop looking at your glass half empty, and look it as being filled. when its dark look for stars, and when it rains look for a rainbow. just look inside your self you will see you are experienced and capablale to things you are truly meant to be. this is not a poem to make you sad or ruin your day. Just someone telling you, you should be greatful. we all have purpose, and i know i cant realate to your greatest struggles which makes me wordless.

someone once told me  lifes a rollercoaster ande enjoy the ride, i truly hate that quote. because life is more like writting a book, the ending no ones choice but your own. school is not made for me, but i still go. do you understand what im saying, or still no?

ill put it in a way that better understand for those who dont want to expand their brains. WE ARE FORCED TO DO THINGS WE HATE BECAUSE IT WILL MAKE US GREAT. bill gates didnt finish highschool horray, but what he has that we dont is a brain, that sees the colors of all the rainbows  and uses it to paint. this is a poem to brighten up your day
I have question its not that simple. Would you rather be known for something mediocore or unknown one for one of the greatest things in the world genius book? You see more people would say they want to be famous, because they are lazy and shameless. That shouldnt be so
I started this poem and i didnt know what to write, I wanted to make people happy and take a step outside. the most beautiful things are not just what you see and feel, but the things that your brain has yet to revealed.

i watched this video on youtube that was a little boring, this guy told me there are 10 facts to succedding in this this life. in this portal thats a creaton of lies. it made it seem like it was from a movie, reading lines, he himself didnt believe what he was saying.just getting paid from a corrupt system called the board of education. It confused me  i didnt know what i wanted to be, i thought  i was to late i missed the train to get into that good succeed with those 10 facts he gave me. I finished watching and decided to write 10 of my own. 10 always keep your head up. for many of you have ever taken a train, and have missed that train you understand that with one comes another. 9 never compare your self to others. there will be someone with more and less than you.  there will always be someone who wants to be better than you. You are riding your bike and your seven years old and you say to all your friends "Hey look i can ride down this hill all on my own" theres that one boy who must be greater than your greatest achievement. so he climbs even higher and says "hey everyone i can ride down this hill all on my own too" and you look and you watch him and you get so sad so you say "hey look i can do it with out any knee pads" you were excited and ready to be better than him so you did it without thinking of the trouble you could get in.  when you were getting to the bottom you got nervous and you couldnt brake.  when you got off you saw the kid who still has his training wheels on from first grade. 8 never judge others by the way they appear. you are now 10 and you are going on the subway for the first time you see a mother and child and no daddy in sight. you see no shopping bags just tons of ragidy clothes, you assume they are poor with no home. you get off, so do they, at the same stop to be precise. you see the child run into his daddys hands and says "dad the marathon went great". 7 never follow but never lead

So dont get on that rollercoaster it ***** i swear, just start writting a book nd stay faithful

— The End —