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Zywa Jan 2020
That sense of yellowing and falling
to an adornment around my feet
the richness of what was, what wasn't

missing, I know that well
but I'm not looking at it
the way my friends do

Only for a while do they join me
down in my beauty and gratitude
and then they quickly stand back

aside again
looking into the pit
in which I am budding

That sense of hard work
on the balance beam and whoopee
I live, io vivo, I know that well

I do not fall, I plus up
and subtract, step by step
I go further than they do
For Maria Godschalk #12

The abbreviation of io (hi, hurray) was i, but for clarity, it was turned upside down to !

The international student song "Io vivat" originated in Leiden during the Batavian Republic (1795-1801)

Collection “On living on”
Zywa Jul 2020
Sometimes you look up, listening
whether there is anyone, then I don't fall
into your arms, we are not so
intimate with each other
regardless how much I love you

I get as close as possible
I whiten my shadows, bath me
in the scents of your home
and sneak around like a ghost
without a sheet

Sometimes something creaks
then you look up for a moment
without seeing where I am
and I answer your thoughts
with Chance

and the feeling of being alone
peacefully alone at home
there is no kissing
no sleeping together
and no one is missed
Covid-19 pandemic, Social distancing

Dule si (Temple of Solitary Joy, in Tianjin, dedicated to Guanyin, built in 984)

Collection “Different times"
Zywa Jul 2020
We are close together
without touching each other
we do that underground

in the airy worm bed
far from the chattering magpies
on our arms, the arrows

of the squeaky parakeets
with the news of the day
and the screaming gulls

We do it in the dark
licking each other's juices
and we intertwine

Ants, we don't tolerate
nowhere on our skin
they have to go elsewhere

where the parties are
fungi and lice galore
not here
Covid-19 pandemic, Social distancing

Collection "Different times"
Zywa Jun 2020
Hey, there you are again
What a coincidence. I am here again
Well, we both are, like yesterday
Are those rolling motion shoes?

Oh, that's a birthmark
here, you mean, you point
right here? no
don't come any closer!

.....You're already scorching me! ignite my imagination starts to burn
.....the smoke clouds me

.....and I like to blaze splendidly
.....until nothing is left of me
.....and then arise again, jump
.....again, into the fire

.....of desire in the flames
.....glow together forever
.....Where shall we meet?

.....I'd like to get to know you
.....although I wonder:
.....does fire know the bodies which it jumps?
Covid-19 pandemic, Social distancing

Collection "Different times"
Zywa Jul 2020
We swarm across the border
where the threshold was a wall
the guards are large-sighted
the farmers plow on

We push our way out of the cold
through the roses on the right, the lilies on the left
red and white the leaves
swirling behind us

We are many
more tomorrow
thunder rolls through the clouds
the children become restless

the parents get them home
on the way, they still glow
with freedom, at home
they close the doors

with infected hands
there is not enough soap
and not enough stock
to keep us at bay

We escape time and time again
nail open new houses
dive inside
and unleash a flood
Covid-19 pandemic, Social distancing

The virion enters the cell with an S-spike glycoprotein (spike-shaped protrusion)

Collection "Different times"
Zywa Mar 2021
A baby doesn't talk,

yet you do understand him –

better than adults.
Collection "I am"
Zywa Aug 2021
A bang, the IC

devices are still working --

The sheets must be changed.
Intestinal gas (Health Care Centre of Our Lady, location East, ICU, August 26th, 2019)

Collection "On living on"
Zywa Sep 2020
A beast is pushing

to freedom, under my skin –

and it makes me dance.
“De danser” (“The dancer”, 1924, Martinus Nijhoff)

Collection "Passage Passion"
Zywa Dec 2018
This in between the operations
is, in my opinion, what it is about
Your right words from time to time
in a bed of soft energy
in which I feel safe:

you are allowed to know
everything about me
but for now
it is too complicated
a beautiful mystery

you call me
My father is great
but he does not see me
I have to make me small
roll up in myself

Say something
do something
but don't touch me
the eyes in your hands
may not read me now

because what you think
is not right, too beautiful
is your image of me
as if I am someone else
even if that is true
For Amira Shamdy (February 2000)

Collection “Once more”
Zywa Dec 2021
A big party, we

laugh and sing, louder, wilder,

and more and more -- free.
"Bella la vita" ("How beautiful is life", 2020, Roderik de Man), played on mechanical ***** (musix box) The Busy Drone (December 1st, 2021) and on spinet (Ere Lievonen, December 2nd, 2021)

Collection "org anp ark" #185
Zywa Aug 2022
A black word is quick;

it strikes irrevocably --

and right in the heart.
"Unaufhaltsam" ("Unstoppable", 1962, Hilde Domin)

Collection "Inwardings"
Zywa Dec 2020
A bolt: once again

I sit in the sand, painting –

with moddymuddy.
“Thunderstorm silence” (1995, May Ayim)

Collection "Shelter"
Zywa Apr 2022
A boss claims to be

caring, but he is a child --

that always wants more.
The concept of 'Boss' --- In reference to: "Circe" (2018, Madeline Miller) --- Collection "Inmost"
Zywa Mar 2020
About green, I know

little: the father is blue –

the mother yellow.
“Groen” (“Green”, 1985, Simon Vinkenoog)

Collection "Glimpsed"
Zywa Aug 2020
Sometimes I look in the mirror
and I see a look
of recognition

that jumps from my body
to my mind, my thoughts
about myself

Sometimes mum says something
about dad that she recognizes in me
and sometimes I like it

but I prefer to be a mix
of traits from mum
dad, the grandmas, and grandads

who must have seen it
but I did not recognize their look
of recognition

Sometimes I firmly say something
and right away doubt springs upon me
while the others are certain

that those words of mine
do say a lot
about me
For Christel Huilmand

Collection “The drama”
Zywa Apr 2019
Above my sadness,

swallows are swiftly winging –

in the laughing winds.
"Donna Donna" (1960, Joan Baez)
Zywa Nov 2020
Above the black fields,

above the young green wheat, hear!

There the skylark sings!
Letter 102 (February 8th, 1877, Vincent van Gogh)

Collection "Home sea"
Zywa Jan 2023
Above the pilgrims

it flies, the large parasol:

a butterfly swarm.
"The Satanic Verses" (1988, Salman Rushdie), VIII. The parting of the Arabian Sea

Collection "Low gear"
Zywa May 2021
Above us, the rust

holes in the roof are sparkling:

the stars of the day.
“Cien años de soledad” (“One Hundred Years of Solitude”, 1967, Gabriel García Márquez)

Collection "After the festivities"
Zywa Jan 2020
Again I come to taste you
in the buzz of the evening

at the Abracadabar, it does
not smell like then, but like you

blossoming above everything
the senses are singing around

they nest in me
until the two of us will remain
and go home together

Eyes, lips, chest, and belly
tears at tough self-mockery
I put everything in the dish

for my company, a man
you could have been

Tonight, the remaining question is
who will join who

in the magic
of his thoughts
Abracadabar: Café artistique in the Avenue Jean Jaurès in Paris (September 3rd, 2006)

Collection "Eyes lips chest and belly"
Zywa Jan 31
Accept, narrow or

broad, the way of love, because --

it never will end.
"Ghazal 73" ("Ode 73", 14th century, Hafez)

Collection "Love Mind and Death"
Zywa Jul 2021
A chimney, hidden

under the smoke: here is fire --

water earth and air.
Collection "It takes a lot of tries to make a début"
Zywa Nov 2021
The sun falls diagonally
along the shadow of the extension
upon the threshold of the house
upon the woman in the door

What did draw her
to this outpost of the old?

where there is no path anymore
to get there
where there is no fence, no border
where everything is open, empty

without a beginning
of going somewhere

There's a ***** in the curtains
her long shirt falls open
and her body senses
a presence

going to happen
"High Noon" (1949, Edward Hopper)

Collection "NightWatch"
Zywa Jan 2022
A circle of pink

petals spreads around the bush --

fully packed with buds.
Collection "Freend"
Zywa Sep 2024
A confused person

still assumes that others know --

what they are doing.
Comical novel "The Black Prince" (1973, Iris Murdoch), A Celebration of Love, part Two

Collection "Unspoken"
Zywa Apr 2024
A cow is a cow,

anywhere in the world she --

looks at you deeply.
Novel "Buiten is het maandag" ("Outside, it's Monday", 2003, J. Bernlef), part 5, chapter 1 --- Collection "SoulSenseSun"
Zywa Nov 2022
She bends over, her buttocks on show
while she puts her shoes away
She never looks through the window

I never can make contact with her
across the street and expose
me and my desire

It is hot, it's blowing so hot
through the city that I would leave
space in between us, caress her

only lightly, not lie against her
and first put out the light
or close the curtains, with a *****

by the window, happy to lie
awake from the heat, next to her
close to her body
Painting "Night windows" (1928, Edward Hopper)

Collection "NightWatch"
Zywa Apr 2019
A crown on her head

and three candles on the cake –

cream around her smile.
Zywa May 2021
Acts of resistance

have to be secret, only –

the victor can tell.
Remembrance of the Dead in the Netherlands, on May 4th

Collection "The Yellow House Museum"
Zywa Sep 2022
A culpable hand

can clean itself by washing --

someone else's hand.
"Grand Hotel Europa" (2018, Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer)

Collection "Palace of the Night"
Zywa Dec 2020
A dark flock of mud

sheep in the evening twilight –

infinite heathland.
Letter 402 (November 2nd, 1883, Vincent van Gogh)

Collection "Home sea"
Zywa Aug 2022
A day without wine,

two glasses of wine at most --

just three large glasses.
"ik heb vandaag gewandeld" ("I went for a walk today", 2008, Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer)

Collection "Palace of the Night"
Zywa Jun 2021
A deep thinker goes

far, he can't help to get lost –

in space and in time.
#90 – “Tom Poes en de Bommellegende” (#90 – “Tom **** and the Bumble Legend”,1960, Marten Toonder)

Collection "**** & Lord"
Zywa Jun 2021
A deliberate

error at the end, humble –

pinnacle of pride.
Dagboekroman “Allesverpletterende – Faxen aan Ger” (Diary-novel “All-crushing – Faxes to Ger”, 2019, Nicolien Mizee)

Collection "Out of place"
Zywa Jan 2022
A diet, sports sweat,

and supplements are offered --

health is demanded.
"Tempel" ("Temple", 2020, Ellen Deckwitz)

Collection "May the Might"
Zywa Jul 2020
A ditchwater's sky,

the road, moonlit, with the trees –

silently grown old.
“De stille weg” (“The quiet road”, 1897, Herman Gorter)

Collection "Inwardings"
Zywa Sep 2024
A Divine Spirit,

I can believe in that, but --

God does not need me.
Novel "The Message to the Planet" (1989, Iris Murdoch), part Three

Collection "Unspoken"
Zywa Apr 2021
It happened, he died
I saw him lie in state
leaving his house, many people
joined and whispered

It had not been sorted out yet
but his defense was so slight
it didn't even make the newspaper

The bearers said he was guilty
boys threw paint on his terrace
the bells were ringing, a dog started
barking as hard as he could
Collection “I am”
Zywa May 2021
A dog woofs woofwoof,

and I ask: What do you mean? –

The dog woofs woofwoof.
Koan: Does a dog have Buddha-nature or not? Osho Zhaozhou answers: “Mu” (Zhaozhou = Joshu; Osho = honourable monk, or high priest)

Collection "WoofWoof"
Zywa Jan 2019
In the past you had pictures

of an old crooked man with a stick
like in the riddle, and a white beard

in a long point to the ground, and
next to him was a baby on the threshold

of the new year, the new god:
Lord Adonis, welcome to your home

Bethlehem, the house of spring
flowers, grain, and bread

welcome also in Amsterdam
where we blast without believing

that there are evil spirits to be chased
away – it's an expensive pleasure

to celebrate that we live
hope for happiness and are grateful

wishing that the good continues
in terms of health and daring

to trust in peace – if
we live up to all of this, then

I gladly will put a baby
picture in my book next year
Riddle: given to Oidipous by the Sphinx

In Bethlehem (“House of Bread”) there was a temple of Tammuz (addressed as Adonis = Lord), the annually reborn god of spring, flowers, grain, and bread

Collection "Once more"
Zywa Aug 2023
A door may open,

in any blind wall, it will --

be a door of love.
Novel "The PowerBook" (2000, Jeanette Winterson), chapter "CHOOSER"

Collection "Within the walls"
Zywa Dec 2022
A downpour, open

the door, then we all watch it --

not saying a word.
"Het Bureau - Plankton" ("The Office - Plankton", 1997, Han Voskuil), page 154

Collection "Not too bad [1947-1973]"
Zywa Feb 2022
A downpour: people

run to the ice-cream parlour --

to lick waiting time.
Collection "Between where"
Zywa Jul 2021
A dream, a moan, I

look and see myself lying --

stretched out on the road.
"In droom" ("In dream", 1959, Christiaan van Geel)

Collection "Here &Now&"
Zywa Oct 2024
Adulthood is the

hard skin against feelings of --

gentle compassion.
End of the novella "Een mooie jonge vrouw" (2014, "A beautiful young wife", 2016, Tommy Wieringa) - Anesthesia dolorosa (painful numbness, deafferentation pain)

Collection "Wean Di"
Zywa Jun 2022
A feather over

circles in the town canal --

Domestic wildlife.
Collection "The drama"
Zywa Feb 2021
A few gusts of wind

sweep away my memories –

I'm falling apart.
“Uit het leven van een hond” (“From the life of a dog”, 2019, Sander Kollaard)

Collection "After the festivities"
Zywa Jul 2023
Appearances are an art, a few strokes
form out of paint, an intimate experience
of velvet, skin and sadness

There is no better job
than feeling proximity and depth
shamelessly direct, like in bed

Appearances are deceptive, my insolvency
is just a façade, like a name
given to you in ignorance

I no longer have debts
nor money, I earn nothing
and can work without worries

So let the pious people talk
I take care of Hendrickie
and Titus, everything is theirs
Rembrandt van Rijn (AD 1660)
Zywa Dec 2024
A flowering shrub

at the monastery gate:

butterflies greet me.
Collection "web tissue"
Zywa Mar 2022
Half the world is free, celebrating
peace on earth, but a friend
of my husband has problems

with his wife, he stays with us
for a while (entertaining)

In the evening he tells stories
about the foreigners in our city
where he wouldn't want to live

afraid of the uninvited guests
afraid of losing what he has

his income, his stuff
maybe even his wife
I see that he doesn't dare to give

love, doesn't dare to think
and live great ideas

Only in small gestures
casually from his back pocket
his conscience speaks

of liberty
equality and fraternity
New Year 2019

Collection "The drama"
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