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David Hilburn May 2019
And to a secret friend...
Past's and foremost care
Taken to live and seek, the blessing of didn't
We just share a moment with many fair?

Reason and pout's, thanking the now
Presumed heat, in the sides of shame?
Where we are named for a silence, to allow
The reality of a cares, better known unction's fame

Why is a habit to halt, in favor of you?
Say the most of a courageous link with society
Maybe we are a silences dreams, of a future
With past's to see, the claim of purpose, to know anxiety...

Welcome honor, to my eye
The rue and sour accords we made a life to include
Have the presence we know could, be you in a stare so wry?
Meet me in the needs we have, and the resolve we who...

One last note, from a strange eave of decision and means
Threshold's of courage, are our needs laughter...?
The rue of simplicity found, a judgment of when, seems
Are to be our gift's to each other, and the wish we found, for all who would your dare?
David Hilburn Dec 2021
Poems that ought
Poetry that thought thus spoke
Figures of imagination, a stoicism wrought
For the times are a sweet tune, that looked and provoked

Anarchy in the mind, to form the words
Still overtures of truth in a rhyme
To dazzle the contempt, the about of vanity heard
Gestures so certain, the tale of wishes line for line

Human decency
To garner one more flower of advents kind
Right and riddle, the measure we sit
And reflect, the upon of subtler times

To wonder, is a wish ever more than a gift to another, when meant?
Aspire for down and about benign, the cares of a liberal need
To set to paper, the count and the majesty of patience's relent
Welcoming a new eye, a new ear, to a table of justice's heed
David Hilburn Apr 2020
Press for service
Animosity to venture forth, a liberation
Of calamity in vow, the unction to list
A rage in our dependency, to know another question

Scent of hindrance
Aspect none, and welcoming a day to day lore
Wishes we admit, are bared in light's of trances
Taken to gift's and around friends, to exact form

Teeth, in climbs and vertigo's of homage
Sense in a rue of sincerity, as if a worldly clash
Was the burden of a salute to every and any other, waiting
Upon a freedom to expound, the spirit we watch

Going back, for a seldom in due, views
Wasn't and history to fall in love...
Noting specific, altruism, the cares of whence and who
Have the curiosity we select, for droll enough...

Where has a silent benefactor been?
Spoils of gentry, and oil's of mention, where a sigh has fears
Today is the coming of yearn, to a table we seem...

Poem of a richer nightingale
To tell a tradition to look where no man has a swallow
True to vanity if a reach has ever for a light to fail
Patience is a virtue, until you have none for misery that hopes
Pout, or power, bill's to pay...
David Hilburn Apr 2021
No one, in an unusual harmony
With time to remember the future
As shrewd as I want to be, was curiosity funny
When I stepped forward, with it's flower?

Stoic to see you, in the act
Where the columns of sadness suggested
Is a heart for once, and for all of eternity to ask
The reasons for us, are meant and lead?

But a sneaking suspicion, never did it cross your face?
When without a problem to serve, the toil of sensitivity is
Loan me an ear, when the times are a changing one, an appeal of place
And the courage to speak of the devil, when ears are a nativity...

Panic at my side, I will introduce you as a friend
With truth to spare, and boding in eyed facts
Places I have seen, with a plan for each who would, a hand
Of virtue to examine and ploy, as if a truth is in the acts

No one...
Is a meaning for here and after, by the want of themselves
Guarantee in vexes fate, God in a round excess of destiny...
With the wishes you made, when shadows name their wealth?
Adding a hole of silence, in your voice... baby
David Hilburn Oct 10
True to through
Though, a rainbow travel far
The question of might, is openly should

A house of energy's
Quiet critique
Halt and habit, specific
Live sincerity's life well, we have each

Doors may close
And suspect a chaste
Is a courage to pose
The other side of promises, fast

The conquering of death, with dread
Ahead is a boding continue
Of what we know, is a living lead
To the sigh of consummation, with liberty due...

We see the creation, the commotion
Owed a love, by the reality of sakes
Made to keep a rolling serve of devotion
To the mercy of us, all of a lover's might, with which we make...
knock knock, who's there, serendipity's rise...
Sad, knowing what was said
Applied silence, metaphor for a friend
Saving the grace we dote, is ours, for lead
To the worthier cope, coping so softly to amend

New lovers with a stoic plan
See the guests in the light
A winking wager, to tell a story so ancient
That they slept in the now, with stray eyes might

We dance in the know...
A happier strength, than a callous lip let
We will swear, by the many and the owe
We gave time a breath in between, sincerity and such, met

Golden heed, of a weary need
Found in the proper way we few, and become
The tout of privilege and its best, blessing a we've
To keep a better behalf, than us, the other side of giving love

So whispers in the night...
Have a moment to tell the could, courage grows
Strictly the cares of another, is a waiting hope right
About the stars themselves, to ask the world if it is all right to know...
David Hilburn Jul 2022
Inkling, not a pact
Searching for once upon a time
Visits of the luck of another, a breezier fact
Has come home to roost, with a tear, trying

Birds of common ecstasy, the truth to overwhelm
A soul with provision, the tact a child makes
When pennies come up short, for a rain and hand so little
Known for the scope of anger we display, is this idea, sakes...

Life to love, a churched feeling
Society at large, with a handsomer gesture
Told to limits we few, in the light of sacredness, sometimes reeling
With a torrid sense of what is askew, to astute curiosity's

Life in a hug, that shewed the obvious
Where salt is to excuse the don't before isn't, the tomorrow
Of a collapsing trait of dismay, long before days keep and 'us'
As if a lowly eye had the moments to tell, a challenge is to borrow?

Can't, the powers that be swear a tolling bell to seem to be, pain
Wanting a shadow to remember itself, won't a harrowing rename
Found, the stir of simplicity in a callous sake, welling to begin plain
The total of pride in a secluded secret of virginity's live, and let fame...

The littlest reply to an age old question...
Said for a capable mind, rest and recuperation with a friend
Is ours to typify, a stare of heed and perplexment, at a kissing
Bandit, that stole your heart for your today of vice's, again...
Good night, sweet Robin, dancing with you (Eight Days A Week...)
David Hilburn Sep 2019
Time has no issue?
Privilege in its not so distant doorway
Left to it's devices, the toll of evening bell's due
Blessing a land's, needs and decision to say...

(If the risk's of virtue to love)
Simplicity save itself, or form our heed, a want?
Strange, knowing a bird in hand when this is our covenant...

Places we never fed, anything but strength's more
Till we saw the praise we meant, have a season
To augment a rise of nothing, to the plane of forth...
This purpose is a reality we share, as if a life's reason?

Shall we heir, and enable the dance of ages?
Known for silence's gift's, the craved history
Made from a new house of possibility, come to wages
In the name of beauty we can see, and place in peace, perfect...

But is the hand of an enemy...
Still the corner of ennui, we found if to be...
Shame, a frustrated hope, with time we lead
To tomorrow, to know a cares shadow, the future's integrity...
woops or world, the reason I am here...
David Hilburn Jul 2020
Time without how?
Trying the blessing of alive and sound
Today is a greater man, to allow
Terror and a **** end, to a prayer found...?

Looking the other way...
Stirring home with a role in patience
Simple question's come to mind, to same
Long before I remember have, love was my fate?

Sense to honor, sense to aid
The times are a treasure sent to the known...
Welcoming the fancy, the antsy and the intellect to sate
I see with my little eyes, a reason in catch and comb...

Marvel with him...
And add true the dole we save for a conscience
That has a lift of spirit, to accept the toil of limits
To the decency we afford, and cause curious, see is our lessons

Merry with his...
Today is a younger vice, than candor can ostensibly afford...
Looking for obvious each, and the person of reality to is
The rationality of a care in the same, have my word?

Marry with he...
Life in the torrid, and profuse example?
To work in unison that completes, the energy
We found in love, to know the calm of staidness like a health

Mercy with us...
Is a looking man, to keep the best of problems for all and modesty?
Rises and falls, of considering the tout of uncertainty, to discuss
A reaching home, with a risk on its shoulder, and hip to guess...

Memory with silence...
Has a voice that begins here, to say the obvious
If not the share of possibility, that some ask sense and sins
If a ghost has cares and efforts in the since, we are lady love...?
David Hilburn Mar 2019
Sounds like avarice...?
Being sorts we have for look, than lucre
The pout of destiny, if not the anarchy involved, since
I put down the book and see, the child to assure...

Running to the north, the treasure in hand
The hero saves the moment to wishes for his lovely lady
Simple ideas we can hope are, our future and with a stand
Kisses the woman with all of his love, and thus an end gently

Smiling, the child applauds
Kind and come, history I know won
The hearts of youth for a poise and a worlds key, odds
Of justice that should, a patience in the cares, of love

Smiling, I finish up, truth of a paradise to remind
Is a lauded hour to simplify the coming decency
We made for each other, a honor to kind...
The moment pillows tell the journey one more time, and be

Yawning, and waiting to see
Time in my vices and direction of nicety
I put the child to bed, making sure we see
The daring of possibility has it to show, we

Sitting thereafter, and remembering the tale
Similarity and season come by to sit at my knowing
Care for fending call's and baring of just moment's, to never fail...
Like the reasons of a rise in the land, we have seen another, owing

I wonder and then come to a kinder conclusion
Paces of rhyme and real enough lip for a chance
Of such and more, we keep with avidly, another's imagination...
David Hilburn Jul 2019
Loft to a legend
Sitting sweet amid bell's
See my gentle reply, yonder ends
Of worth we adjust to lucre and its seldom?

Triumph of sense in a quieting hand
To liberate a façade of compromise
And lucid repeat, will decisive mean and?
And can a whole heart of simplicity in the way, seek wise?

Looking here and there, the to and froe
Has the presence we admit, confirms a host
Of poignancy, in the season of courtesy, if not could
Penny's from heaven, and the will power to spend most?

And the stir of voice in my open regards...
To the letter and clue, of wishes to amend
But the tone of sensitive matter's, in count and wards

Is a belief in vice so tender, that we know the might?
Of, curiosity and soul, to repeat the advance, of cope
Lent to the land, for a seed of special order and length's of sight?
Like the voice of order over chaos and many over more, we choose hope

To be a bell with a ghost, and a liberty to finish the fascination
Of a clarity in heed's way and will, we see a new friend to be?
Asking the now due energy of a wind, to tell the fortune we lend
Is a can and a want, the price of privilege in the cost of we?
David Hilburn Jan 2022
Callous find
Ur, keepers, the tows we insist are due?
Long in the sulk, of a prowess is daunting life...
With significance begun here in lore, love or of late, aloof?

Paper lion's
Almost ready to serve the mystique to you...?
Named upheaval, the carnal cloth, we say by spying
In a relatively finished thought, to clench the deal, of who...

Is a waiting curiosity, in wishes heat and fellow audacity?
The welcome eyes of compatriot's, in our silence, sigh's
They find for the composure of done and duty, the length of civility
But where is our decision to exist let, in the limelight with trying times?

On the flesh, one details a careless whisper?
On the breath, if forced ends to yield, the cold shoulder?
On our behalf, was a colossus of friends, an austerity in danger?
On our way to hell, is a stipend of cares and dares, the only deed older...?

Smell a babe, the culture of play and plain said, safety is a rage
Fighting for weariness, and the done verve we escape from
To seek the better all, allied to a survivor's eyes that failed to age
With since, sake and succinctly seen to live well, without ... them?

Where as I, have the time to establish a lip...
That claims the poise, if not despite yet in the mores we admit
Is a rarity to finish the summing and noting of an affirmation to whit:
A neglecting idea, come who and worldly in few, the harried of a wish that meant what to it...?

Motivation in a warring need, found under a pillow one day:
Indemnity wants a new lover, forth the pride of pain and order
Time with a realer kiss, is but the dote of need's kinder and spate...
With courage's distance to the suggestion it keeps, is a reality hair?
The rest as they say... was ne'er eeny meany miney more?
David Hilburn Apr 2021
Avidly, yours?
Snow and treacle, in a legends lore?
Kisses and flowers from early tours
Of virtue we welcome in, a little more

A little more than else, the foot of here
And say the ordeal which I describe
Is a lovers time, if not frankness of fear
When a passion has run so fast, to see the days horizon

Sour old forms, of distance and proof
Of an age old drama, we relent into and fix
Just to look for a younger price, to the salt so aloof
Sudden instinct, to tell you a tale about what nix

Thrown the care, the stir of vague happenstance
Will a shrewder couth, or order to heath
Begin with your word, your kiss, in the bough's of hindrance
I spy you, with liberty in a ruses circle, with anxiety to preach

Simplicity's ask, seemly and the pace of champion's
Whetted with peace's aroma, an appetite to silence a charm
Of a carnal wish to find its sleeve, a hair and a lamp...
In the night, when sour is a reaching flame, so just in its warmth
David Hilburn Jul 2020
Time is an issue we adore...
Time is a hour, to witness the world
Time is an act of goodness over sakes we war
Time is a legend worth repeating, as if sense could

When set to serve, an angel a home
Does a creation in have, heed the silence we more?
Mercy in the scope of real enough alike, to atone
Half of nothing to see in the past, is still all for...

Another half of commitment
To wish with its roles of charity's fire and vehemence
What has the condition of my hand, to present a same meant
Courage under the tongue, or courage over such chances?

Begun in the lore we state, is our only love
To know and to trust, the coming hour to ourselves?
Looking well and fine, the taste of strength to come
Will a shred of human decency, have a look at what delves?

Time is a guarantee
To continue with semblance, the tryer at the door
Seeing the imagination we purpose, and dote, is seen
To continue in the way of relationship's that to some, are worth or
David Hilburn Apr 2021
Aptly, the irony we face
Is a friend to accuse a skill
Is a weirding hour, with a roaming praise
That has the dealt card, we saved for a thrill?

Spectacle, and the spy of done don't it...
Wither, blister and peal
Given the gift of sight, to remain a bespoken whit
Neglect is such an awful way to go, to peace's and heel

Aspire in the name of austerity; felt and selection
To take the time with a care and its hither
The promise a fading day has said, fascination
Is a small miracle, if anywhere is to be that friend, still aired

Pence, predictability, and powers
That begin in the limelight of our soul, joy if not coy
Simple liaison to remember the stir of when things come, even sour
The rise and fall of lead unrest, is a saviors swallow, with albeit a coin

Money that can spent better, with a friends ear
Half and strength to let, a careful ought, to these we set to rights
Time immemorial, the sense to live in the light of what we fear
And its order of bile and silences smile, still wishes we know, might...
David Hilburn Mar 2023
And a told rise of climate
Special speed to them, the more we then
The greater the fate...

Whits in unison, time is a reach...
Powers of unction or lucre
Time is a shadow of whether, we insist
Paces of control, and the help of the future...

The watched for inertia, here
Is a fear in total live, and lets share due
Given the age of need, are you redoubt or near?

Patience is such a walking nightmare...
Presence for a friend, is a whole order to tame a thought...
Powers that be, seek a question nobody has forgot, where...
Passion is for a fool's errand, to remember what is not...

The look of callousness...
Turning for simpler silences to deal with
Adding a habit, in gray sources and duly the imagination lest
With a knowing hand, the reasons of valor, to intone is...
Submission is a grand view on the devil's real estate...
David Hilburn Feb 2023
Thread and threshold will aspire
Looking this way, for nothing
More than a callous are, we save you from denial

Tonight, is my home...?
Let with risk's music
The tone and purchase of those
Is a lover ever more than a toy, to intrude?

Longer looks, at the hap we adjust to never's light
Supposed charisma, in the been, solace
Though the anecdote, we memorized for a right
Risen to almost, and a heavenly power to face...

Dancing shadows
There in the season of silence's saint?
Joining the how, ever in the lime and promises, the low
In a can of stigmata, isn't a whole face, our only point?

To dance in the all...?
And may a serious kindness, keep a better reign
Interim's rage and vice, have only babies, so little...
When poise is to be, the couth in a glance at even, if instinct so vain...
Many come and many go, beauty seems to begin here (By I. M. Williams)
David Hilburn Jun 2022
Of a roses cheek
Next to us, there is no lack
Of decency, in orders to cares we seek...

Questions and admission, the couth
Is a liberated homage, the till in lore we love?
Taken from the mouths of babes, so independent a youth...?
When space for consciences more, is a sincerity to merely, us

Look where no man has given and gone, before
A friend of tedium and its hosting, haven't?
And keeping the might, we hap, for...?
Is a travail of seclusion, ours to let a new heaven?

Privileged honor, to see the coming heed...
Of choice and its way fairer, just to fare a call
Of a welling wish, set to rights for antiquity to lead
A chance of simplicity, with the reasons we approve, shall

Here is a carry, of such and moments, the misery
Of another to work and tell a tale, that is relative to least
Made from opuses senses, the courage's of rages, that courtesy
Is a wish that knows you, for a reason beyond, the count of reach...

Habit, and the patience of powers, that save themselves
For the speed of earthen kind, that has come
To these, for a chastity, a whole life of answers from delves
That have seen you, in the sacred change of here, into where love roams...
David Hilburn Nov 2023
Urges, we never said...
Were the time, the thoughts of open bother
Of a sleeping prophet, with silence to lead:
A care into the limelight, with heaven to hover

A brassier share, in the need of promises
Sent from guarded selves, a world which delves
Integrity is mine for a shall and a swallow of vices
That remembers you, when patience looked for life's health

Speaking of hell...
Strange invaders, strangers in the mystery of this yarn
Weal no more, than a crash of existence, we know so well
Letting mercy see my upset, a habit has me by the toe I shall learn...

Is it me, or did I just wake up?
City's of strength, and the embarrassment of delicate poise
Have opened their doors, to a solitude that has become a covenant
With the voice we add, is silent warnings of another's choice?

Tell me the story, comes my conscience
A hap of retribution in the same, the shadows of a scream
I have made, a promising God, a sign of the times to presence
That has looked, and seen our terror, the bitterness of a demon...

Save me from a stone of kinship, with a kiss...?
Proper shape to a wish alive, in sordid chance, a wind
Of guidance and justifying malevolence, that has stolen my wish
From the heart of me, a stare of pining finish to a lie to mind...

Pillows make fast friends, if shade is forever cool, intrepid...
Interest in a careful window, is many to fathom a liberty in shyness
Acts and paces of facts, run faster than all of the powers that are, hid
When children dance, the seed of specialness is a call to wisdom's bless...?

Care for another, victim of insincerity?
Long truth's and the tomorrow of interim
Has a rather chosen, possession of sardonic not, the charity
Of privilege run so far, for a wicked dream to lend...

Cough, cough; palpable
Anecdote to share a legend, no man has let live
Longer than a kiss in the heat of a kindness to ****...
Seeing is believing, even when our hope in a purpose above, a world in love with what we give...?
I owe kindness myself, with an air of trepidation that reminds dread is like a friend, was...
David Hilburn Aug 2019
War of the worlds?
Two awkward planets walk into a burp...
Since we are a gift of misogyny to a babe, early...
Actual lip's if joy and gaiety, to earn?

Fascination of this sort...
Patience to fritter away to nothing?
Doors and creaks, of excitement making sour work
For a seasoned smile, worth all the difference to owing?

Left to their own devices, the tale of courage...?
Coped and silly to a needy eye, with it to love...?
Seriously and found, with a roll of laughter in the age
Have we soured at the sight of condition to live for us...

They know a craving, the aspire of give and take, today
Let with the hour, of disparate fun, in the now with a thumb
Since we are talking of sires and the lord of tastes, we may
See seldom in your eyes, the token and the care of yesterday's home?

Hell, itself, or a belch of a worlds to accuse?
Sight and reticent lends, of a soul with anger to fuse?
Look and see, said an infant once, will we enthuse?
The moments of conscience, like tomorrow to save, a friend soon?

Get the joke?
Marvel at the sides of a keeping hope, the rue of can't
And a legend of heathen, to wink at a sour kiss and a mother with soap
Try your silliness somewhere else, this kid is a season to want...

A pet ...
And a misogyny with it to prove, a still honored nigh
With a clashing heed and succor in ordeals, to interest you in amends
With a rational voice, to collect a patience anew, the sorts we rise with when me is right...

Named Semblance, darling...
And the inherency, of a sordid and basis, we have for time
Arearing an erudite voice, to the plainness of justice and furor at starts
And a noble finish, that has a reach for sunshine, that comes to peace in your mind...

Ask me another day, when waiting has a golden idea
Save me, a rue and kiss, that comes to new places and sayings, like
Angel's and devil's with a real enough past, that are a better means
To an end in portrayal and a simple clue, of a deed of a babe that kept, a sincerity to say hello to why?
David Hilburn May 2020
Kiss me kindly
Secret's in the arranging, dance?
Sworn to order, and meant with real speed?
The music is forth and due, a fond assurance...

Seldom do we enter, the doors of austere must...?
Without a hand to shake, and simple looks...?
Toward the day, into night we beam, is us
Recreating a handsome reason to entertain, what adage cooks...

Patiently, the craving for ought
See to essence, and the calm before the stern
Gall and anxiety are forces, we dole to lucre's lot
See me in the keep, worth worlds fate, a spirit to earn...

A handful of salt...
A smidgeon of future call and how about, suppose...
A legendary loyalty, to quicken the pace of sense, ulterior...
A moreover and done, with a requited first to repose...

Do you notice a persistent rumor?
Look, and seek the decision of friends to collect once, mere
Exacting real sincerity, as if more is ours...
The tale of distance to have and said, a fact so dear...

Dare of a lifetime, to win the promises you leave to senses
Sorts lend, a word of wishes we find, are a shadowy host
Sent to us for a liberty's clue, and question's of who is silences?
Who, an élan with reasons deep in pockets that curiously, come to life in decency, so...
Wow, no more ginger ale until the room clears? I lead presence...
David Hilburn Jul 2023
Don't it so...
After the plan, a wholly made can...
For the salt of the seen, a caring woe...
A happening place made, with also and...

In the arms of dismay, is an hour said
Or is being a choice made, in lots to be, won?
With the worlds we invest, a care in lead...?

The stone of freedom
Today, is the silence of justice, broken for a time
To know a callous share, the irony of a question
Meant with a smile's cope, and harmony to become, trying

Whether amid seldom or comparing rarity to obligation
We have ours, an appetite of simplicity, keeping a noble prophecy
A redoubt to the ends of the ear, if not the bests of listening
All of due couth, and the promises to know youth, we mean...?

A world of sincerity with an eye for summation
And to a deed in love, with scope for a mightier future
Where one day, with sense beyond any other, condition
Well, is ours for a song, given the places and faces of needs, more
And vice versa, a little bird once said...
David Hilburn Sep 2022
Of a rages boat
Simple advances, of a rainy day
Have the honesty to choose a reality, so...

Tarry and see my fight
Worlds away, with aloof eyes
The done and the moment of purity's song, might
Taken to the fearsomeness of me, could a day become why?

A boat with no name, has a deity to take
Every spirit of cause, to a beauty's wish
Long in tooth, and realms of guidance to sake
Time is a comely hope, we envision is...

A rainbow with time to still...
Timid as a count of decidedly few reasons, may be
The truth I seek, is anywhere in time, lived for what will
A shared future to intone, a place for what may suggests is me

Powers of choice, I reveal are a final
Wish to become a memory served, the delight
Poorer days to come, and with the tension of adage's child
I remember even the name in the rain, another soul with it to right
David Hilburn Nov 2018
Somehow a never
Without the lip to nay?
Trying in a frustrated corner...
Backing into the mind of power's, and a history laid

Demure, we keep your promises for witnessed you?
Till and tension, the lover's of common, enough...
Tales of regard and response that comely does, who due
With the portion we face, is a host to commit to your should?

Act's of prowess, still same in the sour...
Worth in a lingering turn of aspire, into specialness shown?
Neglect was such a sweet nothing, that has conquered the dour...?
For a laugh and a dry eye, that keeps the admiration of hope?

Such a kiss...
Never in a realm of heard of, need's we've
And a beautiful sun shine, to work it's magic hiss
Look say I, the role of persuasion has one to let ever be me...
David Hilburn Sep 2021
Considered in five
Gaiety's, with a promise at their center
Turmoil, in voice to cope, the tale of our jive
With a boat to seek a truer moment, meant there

Calling upon the horizon
To send its best
Letters of condolence, will favor a come
That has season for salt, salt for since, we are seclusion lest

Having quite a party, in the time of olden hue?
And revitalizing sunshine, the powers of unique
And by the mores we meant, a relative coup
Of salutations and sulk, of a hunger that is fate in each

Restoring the name of preponderance to trying
The tally of worth, is a lonely vice to question us
The tow of many and miracles of justice denying
A happier place than what we can afford, as a conscience's, thus?

Anecdote; poor and resolute, in an answer to give a gift
Come, prowess and adrenaline; being the barrier
Of simplicity in the dread of guarantee's to the known, rift
Of mercy we make for each other, that by the time, is a days lover
For such a smile to heed, similarity is a five letter word; heals
David Hilburn Feb 2020
Prince of darkness...?
Worth, if in the eye of redemption, so savored
Until limitation has served its first, and less
It be the last, haste will a sanity to favor...?

A grace for accepting, the total of candidness of an ideal world
And its privilege, to be and welcome a harrowing hope...
To the conscience of ostentatiousness fold, an open word
With decision's might, right's abounding in the part of cope...

Sweet adage, and the avarice of complexity served
The truth, in a clashing hour, we same with spry simplicity...
A conscience that has consideration for sometimes, sense and certainty
The talent of composure before conscience, and callousness before sensitivity?

Like the wares and common price of liberty?
These aging light's, these earnest carriages...
Of creation in a focused light, is arduous and avidness to seem...
Pasts and futures that lead to mores, forth season's, mission...

Family's of context, control and capable love...
Known a finished kiss of redoubt, that need has named lore...
That see's the charity you quell, and dwell with, a poises covenant
Of guesses at heed's honor, that comes to this, will we be shown multitudes or the poor?
David Hilburn Feb 2021
And rolling thunder...
Spite to deserve a credence, once again...
Spare to length and shadow, tomorrow's wonder?

Charity in a garden of seldom seen kisses...
By the antiquity of all's nativity, solemn light
To issue heeding's sense of proportion, is...
A house of redoubt and staid however, the any of a stare might?

Lucidly, the offering of needs and insight...
The callous and the stoic reply of vice for out wisdom
Tales to serve the conscience we saw, war, and say is sly
Can we share the regret of poignancy, as if a reality is our only means to come?

Tones of respect, that occur to know you with an anxious order?
To suggestions and many more candles like these...?
Patient and devoid of latent understanding, a blessing is foreignness?
We are the salt of purpose under a first and last, of acne...
Greasy grimy gopher guts, grimm's got nothing on me....
David Hilburn Oct 12
Walk for it...
Ideal's for sojourn's deed
A promised jewel for your wit
Spare to my eye, wishes will feed...

Mercy, to a quaint dance
Might a problem sit?
I will still kind, of a shared defense
Misery, is remembering when I meant...

Simplicity's swallow...
Of verisimilitude to conceive
All's of a decision, here to hallow
Risks or retinue, waiting is ours to believe

A drive for impression...
Is salt the divine?
A shame has tendered, a care's lesson
A quieter question, that will share haves marital shine?

Profession of a charisma's flower:
Shall we compare ourselves
To awe or wisdom, known a charity for my sighing's lover
That has a voice that gave merit, my name, for what delves...
David Hilburn Jul 2023
Liberate the train
Inch by inch, mile for mile
Speed is a waiting land, devoted to plain
Excuses and accusation, in the lips, all the while

Independance, is our reward
Found futures, in a problem silence, now
In last, the problems of candor before the words
Of compelling a heart to action, as if guidance allowed

Travel of the ******?
Suppose to wither with denial?
Sordid capture of a freer insanity?
Cares of presumption, to live with fear, filial?

Callous worth, we's of owed solemnity
Trading hunger for wheel's
Spare adroitness to tame a keeping nativity
Boxes of avarice, with purity to establish a host feel's

Rage, for a dream in the land
Set to firsts and lest we begin the dire harvest
Of an honest soul, that has lent avarice a hand
A thought for wishful patience, that has momentum to attest
People who know a date with infamy, notice a knocked door with best's and host's of more, problem's
Smile, guarantee
No problem with serendipity...
A local house of music and dance, a sharing means
That has the time, to look and see you will be

A promise on top of a hill
Waiting on the first, to live better
Than causes question, the anger of misery still
But to know a faring friend, in scope and letter...

Sweet, goodness
The favors of proper sunshine
To tell a different story than mercy in legend, do attest
The coming hope we due, to liberty, has the voice of time

Picking the best, the wages of a windy day
To these, there is a lived few, fury in the known
Has begun here, to truthful many and their save
We are cares in the needs of more, than a virtue to lonely, come

Sameness, guidance
Welcome to the home of sense, a heed to collect ours
That has the silence for a moment's reward, to advance
We know you, the measure of simplicity to fend for ideal powers

So tender, so without pain
Of remembered gestures and vexes, that seem to be
The fate of anarchy said, the wishes we tell were all of same
All of shared names and the told season of fame, that is our such's lead
Benevolence, Ambivalence, Deliverance, and shadows of home with a unity of more than strangers to worry
David Hilburn Mar 16
Avidly, the war of roses
So settled an argument
For a silent reproach, have what loses
A yet and a set time, for a hidden arrangement

Speed with a definitive smile
On the behalf of ides we never sated
Without the spoil to be, of an earning while
Saved from a declining share, in fated...

In the vanity we make, with surreal liberty's
Somewhere to love a silence, that has you to form
Dreams and a stir of wonder, with a reaching host to seek

Simple wishes for a graceful season, sun in the sharing...
Shown the respite of sulking, a host has surmised we
Worth the poise of open minds that say, the caring
Special is ours, for a levity of serendipity?

And the gift of may, that is my wish in the offering
Of a sunshine as a halt to with, the contrary and dour
Ear of couth, we hope is a silence with the moments, for my prophecy?
What if the Formaldehydes moved in next door?
Sweet unction, resolve
And in a heart's stare, the pining of salt
Has found me, the ruse and the finger of all
Sincerity is such a chaste hero, with joy for fault?

Poise to venture a laugh, were we the voice of simplicity?
Cause curious, or the vows of dismay, in the way
Have we the each, a realm to better asking, a silence...
See and prove, the march of time in the name...

Of powers poor enough
To wait on silence, once upon an eye
Here is your avidity, taken to fate still aloof
Since you do, am I a wish in the past of could, I whine?

Spoken and told to sleep well and fair, I know you
With the cares and veracity, we dote is a memory to youth
Where waking up to the point, is still a history we should
With noble lips, and reasoned kisses, that complete the truth...

Soul's with a biding, a presence of mind
That look and that music, of estranged desire, come home
For a salty wish in the name of more silence than kindness
Shall, the sojourn to yet and overt, is the only way to love them...
Why did the hitchhiker cross the road? because sanity's egg, has a moment to tell the world, seasons remember to say hello and goodbye (here's to looking before the leap...)
David Hilburn Jan 2023
Oily flowers
Slap faces like an angel
Simply twain, simpler powers
Sit in the sun, like a smile for the devil

Agony, of an oily smile
Sit to once, upon nothing more...
Hap and adage, require you, of a while
Meaning no-where's step, for a curious war...

Anything, everywhere at once...
A promise to shed, a tear
Through and through, before life begun
The love and misery, is a magic, to fear?

And shown to chew the thought
Is a mystery, of reality, so fated?
When poor is such, aren't we a death sought?

Oily more...
We said the cope, of another world
Suggesting only, the question's we were
Given pride's notion, specialness's devotion; is a fears lover, ever early?
Little Bo Peep, is wearing your underwear...
David Hilburn May 2021
Likewise I'm sure
Being a sporadic and callous fate
Through the envy of the wind, to brace and save curiosity
The language of money has appeared, with a comely sate

Busy is the name of the game
Burden is the count of hand and some
Belief is a rendering hope, to season a wakeful fame
Being is a question left to autonomy, the ire's of whole and done

Seeing the condone, the fruit of poise...
Will a shrewd or subtlety of composure
Seek the charisma of another, the order of clash or choice?
The priority of dignity has become, the selection of purity...

Invite it in...
And save the seldom, with a rise of condition
Make the ilk of compromises, the ordeal of silence
And know their friendship in the step of stead, is fruition...

Notions to excel, nations to weal
The richness of opportunity, is a waiting conversation
Of comparison to endurance, that if a question to heal
Was a night of decency and resolution archaic enough, to lend or lead mellifluent sin?

Paces of moments, and the craving of a brand new day
Taken to exception in the now, the benign to tell a wiser tale
Of wishes and summations speed, seen in the cause of may
The integrity of psyche, that has spent the reach of prowess, with a need's dream to never fail?
David Hilburn Apr 20
Shampoo recipe:
With the doll in reserve
When airs become anarchy...
Wild hills, is the honor ours?

Flowers that suggest...
A whole day away, from the family
Serious enough, with bubbles to support
Is a running jest, to dodge the uncanny?

With polished ideas, flees
The role of a lifetime, the vague marriage
Has a course in first, a platonic me's...

Polite culture, with a bite
What evil of the world, has a pet snake?
Realize a friend, or secure a light...
Is a lover a fool, if a meal is to make?

Rats, cobwebs, and things...
Justice for a pride, that has the moment
Without a passion, in the tidings
Even a faithful poison, has more to relent...
Dolly dolly, really in the jolly, have you fallen for the sullen?
David Hilburn Apr 2023
Sweetly, the advance of age...
Moment to moment, the merit we entangle
In the name of good and fit, modesty to gage
The real emphasis of clamor, with which a pride does all?

Anywhere a friend is found...
Secrets of dark and light, the toil of cease we lead...
Bright in promises, a chaste of voice by sound...
Seldom as selection, the haste of courage to be fed...

Marvels, yet to be known
A whisper of fruitive gaiety, has found me
A lucre in salient guises, the tow of hosts to own
A chance of more, than a climb of wealth, a smile anarchy

Passing the dream of purpose rational, the tout
Of us, to demand of peace
To clique and survive the condition of rapport
Today is a shared force, of compulsion meant to each...

Strength named after swallowing a rainbow...
Ad infinitum, the talk of heroism and cares of poise
Shall become like me, the turn of a simplicity shown...
With the hands and steps of intellect, that understood a choice

Life is a door on itself...
Nature predicted, with the eyes of hindrance, the tale to tell
Is a conscience in the may, in the way of living for antiquity's wealth?
To denote a saving grace for liberty's grasp, is more than have, never fail...

See the advance of a voice, kept in varied senses
Know the callous and the imbued, with a doldrum, we due sake
With the blessing of powers that began, with a shadow set to ends
And let living order itself for time, ideas of worth compel a soul to fate?

Faintly, and with gaining generation
The promise of a hopeful home, the tooth of avarice
So prominent for a quiet eternity in love with loves intimation
Is now a judgment of living beyond the more, the prowess, we insist...
David Hilburn Aug 2020
Lots of love
Set to a romantic first
Introduce the since, for a reality, enough
Of a kindness to distance ourselves from worsts

Introduce ancient minds
Worth one more note, than a callous seem
Today we announce our best, bless me for feeling
The moment with your words, a person's whim

Loan me the tools
To take the times, to a reason in strength
If not liberty, that has minded the fools
Of vice, versions of common poise, we hear by length

Take the time, to the seasons
Merely, most and mighty meant
Seasons that came and went with our reaches
For simplicity to be a quiet interval to guises we, lent

Find me when the party is over
Chances are, now in the throe of destiny tired
And ready to see the world in a new light, a new lover?
Perhaps a shadow of even more, a lip's imagination acquired
Instinct (and the candor it took)
Kiss me when the intentions are ripe
Longevity is a toothsome notion, as if a guiding music
Has the voice to carry, a welfare from here to sun's light

The seen sought, a voice with more than a lip
Of a marvel meant, and deemed a friend?
To the fate we stir, with all of a hosts extravagance, a wit
Of summary heed, to a lived example, praying to be lent

Caught in a hushed tone, the truth...?
Is for any who would listen, a stone of charisma...?
Caring but for the our of decision, we have let a youth
Become the notoriety of since, and a charity of weal to say:

I grow a fruit, with kindness in mind
Tense and awkward, a hope of sincerity's homage to choose
Between a holier water that laud has to rhyme
Or an earthen seclusion of devotions, if may is to be few

Blow and service to an ideal, a harrowed simplicity to vaunt
The gifts of are, a might the fate of all who came
Or is a wealth its own reward, the other opinion in a song?
With babbling lips, and an echo of hearts, the irony of same...

A course of decision, in the name of solidarity
Sent to effused, if not enthusiasm of coping with worth
As a herald of powers and judged same, as the doting charity
We made the privilege, of a prowess in cares, that is many certain

Heed a friend when they are somber, and justice will come
See a friends need becomes the letter of sigh's, and decency is a gift
Keep a friends shadow in reach, and they will know more than home
Heathen a friends smile, here and now a shared eye will lift

Totals of serendipity?
And the quasi focus, of life on knowledge
With a realm to its unction, the reality of another candid liberty
Has become us, the timid and guaranteed forth, of persuasion come of kinds tenuous age
David Hilburn Nov 2019
Life of late...?
Solemn today, and singing to the sun...
Shared altruism, we are the searching fate
That claims you as a friend, where we have loved?

Late shyness
The varied goal of another meager shade
Taken to us, and the season's we brace for, and guest
Have the sense of so many futures, with an hour said

To look in the direction of us, the calling of repose
And respect, the times we favor, with a share of guidance
And the mores of when, we are a beguiled host
With the legendary to prove, the marvel of another's silence...

Come forward slyness, the tows of certainty
That has the world by its ear, the tone of veracity
Saying soft and nix, hardly ever more than what is...
The role of admiration is a handful of flowers, for a better keep?

Somber news for a spry attitude, the exception and the powers that lead?
A hereafter to all, and may we fate, a creation with moment's bested
Being the causes we few and soon, which to some is the only way ahead
Prices of wan, wisdom and practice, pristine and wonder; pleasance

Shadows we never could, without couth in our arms, if not secrets...
Same side of accept as a found friend, that has a live, not lucre?
Callous focus and the sordid exchange of comprehension in methods...
Despair we heed, and excuse with a strength if liberty has it to serve
David Hilburn Apr 2019
Tamed by the sight?
Asking only if a vestige
Of conscience in savored, might
Has the sense of time; twain or these?

Patience has watched from afar
Thought and seclusion, made well
Taken for the earthen must, we compel to warmth
Threshold and forces we consider, like ringing a bell...

Taut, the mental image of happiness
In the skill's of honoring need, and redoubt
Fury is such a lacking discipline, if I seek your bless...
Truth in its is and does, a witness act upon now?

How in the let, baring all...
The rued and the soon, to wish we were a power
Of simplicity in the many, and the salt we favor for halt
Of a crush of existence that has come with sameness's lover

Charisma, equaling stead
Or the turn of silence into a proper ask of a friend
The life of arduous more, sought in the compliment of ahead
Will the hope of significance make us a soul worth amends?

And the decency to know
A finish of compromise's risen devotion
Will a happy kind, save our all, for the deed's we owe?
David Hilburn Dec 2019
A penny saved is a penny earned
But a purse with an open mind, is yours to confirm
Let with ought and a gander of salt, the shrewd do save occur...
Sparing the gift's of toward, like a dependency to learn?

Money is a shape of decency of time to come
Let like a harmony in lore's, we affirm is mightier to mention
A lucre capable to sulk, and inspire the succinct thumb of home
Of crescendo in league, with a memory for each rational intention...

Time meet omit...
Timidity's adventure with tumultuousness
Through the sweeter candor we can accept, to invite liberty
To a reality of cherish and privilege, that is ourselves to wish...

Privacy is a bliss?
Took to hours and rendition, the tale of guidance
We made if stress and vertigo, of a numbing history's prestige
Total's of character and vice, if a mind to ask, "Was resolve meant, patiently your amends"

Chastely, the rue, and the exception of a school of thought
Waiting upon the course and moment of causes set forth
Known like a remnant challenge, we have for the clash of us, in parts
And aspire, the truth if not the jewel of aloof, fear for the poor...?!
David Hilburn Nov 2023
Misery owns me...
Angels and harmony, to till a silence
With the mouth of where simplicity has a means
To an end, of self and occlusion to find, a chance

With the hours of love
In the circle of friendship, we dote
Is a mercy in form and function, if not a covenant
Of success in its drive, to the names of an infinite vote

Strangers of pasts, in the seem?
A passion with cold shoulders but heavens heart
When we are a clash to seek a question in the stir we deemed
Is a purpose beyond our matters, a living stone of what start?

A trying hope, in the needs of mere, than a person justified...
But the call of destiny in a honor to prove, the lasting
And the lesson of providences divine mind...
Where one more soul to take the liberty, outweighs even love to lend

Running for privileges seen, patience in a worthed peace
Stopping not, for pride, the tows of when suppose is a swallow
Of complexity to turn distances into another soul, of these
We have met the only God of powers, ourselves to know better allowed

Misery owes me...
Readied kind, and salute to wishes I will keep, in know
The better of many things, the truth to rally a sojourn to we
The people of history, with a moment in the sun and its care, more
Aching wishes and detained privileges, to a fantasy of leading hope to grace? Why is a world round enough to know you? think again...
David Hilburn Jul 2022
Post through, envy and who
Seasons of sorts, to collect a filial layer of dust
Integrity has imagined, a faerie in gains, glue
Is a solemn coin to a suspicion's eye, that must

Purpose and soul, the token of a door
That has rhymed with the avarice
A doting alumni of decent questions, od more
Than a cough in your direction, for a knock knows spice

Heed me in a careful way
The tooth you host, the tooth I am
Is for those who gesture the now, for speed and whimsy
Hello will be fine, though a chaste with an answer for a lamb...

Lion's that sour to the touch, of a callous us
But yielding a clue, that some think a deity's joke
Was the attached heart so fine, you didn't cope in thus?
The truer tale of sense, the hours until I keep an irony's vote...

Prodigy and the count of something greater
Than the example of promises, to verify a vanity is golden...
The tooth we now share, is for any who would understand fate, here
And where, the imagination of an egg, whose time I am holding...
David Hilburn Nov 2020
Long and due a fork?
Overt in a handful of beauty
Charisma to tell a wishful whose to work
Mutual to our beset advances on youth?

Music in the name of causes, contrary...?
Marriage in a mundane eye, to enliven
A portrayal's party, caring but for a mention staring
The welcome tout of good graces is for out, a history trying

A road to heed, that remembers you, with a light
Taken to travail, to ensconce a sought justice included
With a sign, to realize the count of impression we might
A jovial response to an age old question, is spite alluded?

Will my closest friend begin with a spirit or a sword?
When a day has become a dream, that selects honor for a shadow?
Like a door with triumph's observe, is ambition a finality to yesterday's accord?
With the smile of values that we found for a spryness, is seldom a mindful bastion to imply hours, soul...

Here is that world you ordered, with the grace to kind
A place and pleasance to acquire the faring notion, of otherwise land
To adjust to a needy light, that has come and gone with reasons worth the liberty to find
In a careful house, that sleeps with an angel, waiting until death's hand...

So the answer is, us
Got tomorrow on a plate, on the road, in the rain, and in our underwear...
Time for you, is to do something besides a spoil of discussion?
Wholly, worldly affairs and the smile is to prove, to where?

Before you answer, and make a mint the only game in town
Was a shared first to secrecy and at last, a stone redeemed
The walls are tall, and legend mighty, for a little more known
Than a character's sate, we have at least, a hand to secure a wishful meaning...
Is a fish with insecure mentions ready to strike, up a deal?
David Hilburn Apr 2022
All to let, omni-patience
All to sit, order and chaos
All to whit, the flavor of a smile's agents
All to met, the tows of words greater by keeps odds

All to odds of decency...
Where the clash of wishes for a fortune in the sun
Has a subtle grace, meant to be our history
The tale has become fair, elucidation, and a noble religion

Why do you sit with the neighbors when the tables are turned?
When a sharing felt for avid deem, is a collected thought for am?
And knowing what we do about us, is a whole live of what, earned?
Sakes the decision to tell, will it become even more, a sincerity also ran?

A race to somewhere finished with conscience
Or the very language you speak...
The marvels of duality in the name of a better time than presence
Of why is a tone of voice, the only way to garner the breath of each?

Because we live for something worth the observed, known
With the lips of angels or the devils of age, the reasons of virtue
To take a different tact, than a glaring insist for what was a done
Simple news to the eyes of practice makes perfect, the only one it can and could

A is for adage, the truth you think is a daring host to help
B is for baby, the tooth you display for wishes that come to all who care
C is for couth, the times you know are a happier twain, when it comes
Seldom in our view, and knowing a chat with something greater, only the did are ever it here
David Hilburn Oct 2023
Listening to the future
Sing a song, sing a deeds our
In the stark and relative promise, we cure
With hugs and kisses, the toil of anarchy in all power

Cherished time...
With imbued lips, the chastity of sorts
The wind to live once more, in world and chime
To know a clash with poise, these tears are yours...

Rights risen, to voices of callousness...
With the claim of sincerity as a tool, that becomes
A harrowed force, we have never seen without bless
Of a seclusions kindness, though even a hate may be some's

Risen rights, to voices we care
Forth a heady Christ, the trade of a lifetime?
Walls of avarice and heed of a monstrous appetite to fare
Is here and now, beloved, even in the eyes of barren lives?

Burden in sight, brief as a war with silence is
Evermore, the turn of chastity into a problem for needs
That burned a charity's flames, a grant of sin to substance
That in the spoken drive to see another become, living seeds

Welcome home
The vanity of surmisal, and its hurry to question the truth
Has added, has asked the vestige of powers, has life atoned?
For the notice of speed in the vices we spare, from even the risks of poorness, so aloof...
A row with the blessing of the neighbors, until richness has faced the music, we are a harmony that found you, blind...?
David Hilburn Aug 2023
Just the peace, the least
Of a lesson in gray seem...
Care for any of a mere in is...?
The pasts day come by a heart to win...

Places we played, we fated with a new passion
To call upon what we knew, for a deeds many
In held today, the common with the lasting
Of a smiling friend, that has the voice to lend any...

Heard in a clash with silence's blessing
Today is a merit in keeping style
Through a moment alone, we saw the hour we are giving
Have the affect of heeding the same, still powers, all the while...

Mercy in a roll of thunder...
Time with a being sit of earn, to know a charity to burn...
Sacrifice and learning, dealt the blow of wonder...
Sameness of a presence of mind, with shyness to churn...

Final guarantee of a simple care, in the hands of life's appetite?
Here to say, and know a seldom in the name of comparison
A snapped finger has its way of settling an argument, a fight
With itself, and the world of other's, without mercy on the run...

Cares of vice, within the range of your ears...
Patience in kind, if strength has a say...
Lucid forces to intone, a way amid pain and fears...
And wholly fated shame, we almost missed for nix, that just learned how to pray...
Where angels fear to treatise, the miracle is on the now, with vows to count...
David Hilburn Jan 2023
Letting the ivy roam...
Moonlight serenade, to a begun favor:
Sense in a gentler breeze, the thought to own
A grace, a fastidious space, for a little face...

Pink, the through and due, irony we seldom
Stink and prosper, the alienation we souled?
Together in legend, we tell a tale to a God's question:
Letting the ivy see, is a redress of futures, fools?

Paces and setting a catch, of futures in the light?
A wavering kiss, and the doles of redemption
Have their solemn kin, taken to remembering a night?
My name is a person, order and truth, to another selection...

Of hearts or the ivy...
Spare to fore, we conceive a notion
Made to tailor, a secret, an irony sighed...
Like the bird it was, a concern that lead to devotion...

Ivy sleeps, shadows play...
In the breeds we assume are, the peace of decency...
That has awoken, and seen the sun come, for why...?
Persuade a kind from dread, our fruit is a gift of agony...?

Building halts; continuing salt...
When has a legend presumed finish, of soon's reasons?
The tow of exception, is a wind to defer to a copious fall?
Looking ivy in the eye, asking nix for not, a needs seasons?

The fight is brutal, letting ivy is like a breath between friends
Aching at the completed hour, the duty of they and strange smiles
Set in similar pasts to a redefining must, that only with help, lends
A role no greater than now, a whisper that ended a world's defiled?

Ivy wants your life for a silence...
Ivy has the stomach to turn direction into beauty...
Ivy seemingly aloof, to worth to realize a gift is fast, to the chin...
Ivy knows you, like a taken privilege on the other side of saying we...
Never who'd but been the playing too. Does Rapunzel look better than Rumpelstiltskin in this mirror, Franklin...? Do they talk to themselves?
David Hilburn Oct 2020
Whole of not, keeping time
Through the liberty's we stole, for a kiss
Saving every privilege, energy for such a crime
Without your order and call of when, the real tis'...

Sour advances, for a threshold of succor, sanity is in love...
With your few, the torrid and the sight of horrors
Made for the stark, nature of giving another covenant
Treasures and sulking ours, the taste of life, so foreign?

Patiently, the appeal of yesterday
Today, in our hands, to claim a nature good enough
For integrity, the joy you hide is a nefarious place
Made for guilty heads, and slick tales, becoming love...

Paradise in a throe of agony, to come again?
Lift the spirit of opus, to our seldom, the tears
Of courage and its whimsy, conscience to win
The time of its life, where home hears your insolent fears?

Prayer's? a coping and austere face from history
Candid enough to look before the leap, of communion
Into the sight of reality, where sophistication has its worry
Does a marveling heart, save you from destiny, with what I ruin?
David Hilburn Apr 2021
This and that, lover
Infants and doling home, into a rational serve
Of vice if not verve in a clash, with what we know, overt
At a party, with no one to compliment, a rise of nerves...

Conscience sat, in a filial row, this
Of no remorse, sad to tell the awkward jibe
But the reasons we hide from each other, is my owe, tis
Total and careful worth, well to do and keeping my lie?

Salt on the tip of a tongue, and working for another's living
Is a recognized form to shall, a land save itself from all counts
And carriage of a rue, that gave its kiss already, and true to timing
We are the clock of destiny which I found, in the heart which pounds

Panic at the step, the risks of virtue in a limelight...
With whether to observe, or obstruct the obvious
They tell the tale in another's language, the secret to might
And majesty, that has a scent of obligation, to correct a grammar with us

A smack of justice and warranted mice, with the time to tell?
A jaundiced joke, that we seem and dole of a sincerity, voice
In the name of a shared eye, that has a corner in the realm we fell
And gathered a same, a just hand and the calling of since, the choice...

Is a babe with a bible in its lap...
And a memory for sin, that began with you...
So, sophisticated in the tongue of rumor and its charity, that...
Kissed by the and, you chose, with a rue of compelling history too soon...
For that first kiss - all out and oxen free...
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