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Sep 2018 · 455
Jasmine Marie Sep 2018
So fickle is a heart that’s unsure of a love that is not receptive
It ponder if it should stay or go
Fight or surrender
Give it all or become selfish
It waits for a sign so small like a smile
Then it returns devoted to fight
But then the sudden sign of a cold shoulder
Dips the heart into a downpour of insecurities
It’s back to square one
A never ending cycle
A broken heart attempting to repair its damages
Returning to the person who disassembled it
Sep 2018 · 407
Jasmine Marie Sep 2018
Every moment not spent with you is a moment I regret
To not be able to hold you close to me and feel your lips on mine
Brings a pain so deep, I don’t feel like I can continue to endure
The space between us seems to grow the more time you spend away
I am grasping the emptiness keeping it small so that it no longer grows
I continue to keep the memories and contemplate that one day you will return
That the fire we once had burning, engulfing our souls with flames of passion that entangled our lives into one
And that when you return your eyes would still let me know that your love has not changed
That the fire you still hold within is blazing
But until that day arrives here I will be keeping a blaze the fire in my veins
Sep 2018 · 539
Jasmine Marie Sep 2018
Voices echoing in my head I don’t listen
I distract myself from letting them get to me
I have fought so hard to get to a place of peace
No more cutting; no more bleeding; no more tears
But the voices miss the rush of the crimson colored drops rolling down my arm
They remind me how the world would stop as I breathed in the sensation of the pain
How I would feel alive like I was reborn
It took me away from the pain and for a minute I felt safe
There are days where I am so close to craving the smell of blood the adrenaline rush my body feels
But I know better half the battle is fighting these temptations
So another day I ignore the screams of my voices and maybe one day it will stop
Sep 2018 · 357
Advise i should give myself
Jasmine Marie Sep 2018
How could you love someone so much that you tolerate the endless mistakes they do?
How you cover each wound with a band aid and look the other away when he pulls that band aid and digs deeper into that cut
Can you continue to look yourself in the mirror and live with the person you have become?
Is it fair that you sit by waiting leading with false hope and pretenses while he lives his best life and doesn’t give you a second thought?
When will it end? When will you realize that this he was never good for you?
You are worth more than what you sell yourself for
May 2018 · 301
Jasmine Marie May 2018
Give me A specific reason
Why you came around
In a time where my heart is guarded
By someone else
When all my hope is invested
Into laying in someone else's arms
How when i look at you
You make my world stop
When it shouldn't
You sneaked your way
Into my domain
And now I'm at a loss for words
Hoping i don't make a mistake
Holding on to him
But hoping for you
Trying to chase a miracle
While cementing my feelings for you
How do i choose between familiarity and the unknown
The willing and the hopeless
What seems to be right is now clouded
By a love that has bloomed in a heart so crowded
May 2018 · 464
Jasmine Marie May 2018
There's no fight left
No light
No use of the tears that i cried
The sun's trying to come in
Though i fight the urge to let it seep through
Curiosity hits me and i want to feel it's rays
Don't remember the last time
The sun's been able to brighten my day
I hold on to the darkness I've grown comfort in
So afraid to let go thinking i will miss the burden
Of the thoughts of you and what could have been
But the sun is persistent
The rays are dancing
The darkness is leaving without me asking
I begin to bask in the sun's light
Finally im free
Feb 2018 · 341
I love you
Jasmine Marie Feb 2018
Though u said all those things
That killed me inside
I still miss you
Your intent was to only hurt me
But i still love you
Broken hearted but the pieces still call your name
A love i was so invested in became my down fall
So many tears stain my pillow
Nights i lay awake replaying the memories
Hoping that they are enough to keep me alive
Anxiety filling my soul as i have to realize that you were never good for me
Trying to convince my body to forget your touch and the way your hand made my adrenaline rush
How i have to succumbed to the fact this was all a lie
Yet all of me loves you
And i just don't know why...
Feb 2018 · 346
Jasmine Marie Feb 2018
Crack a smile laugh show those pearly whites,
Pull your sleeves down hide yesterdays sorrows
You gotta pretend like you're okay
Your world didn't fall down just tilted
Keep telling yourself you're okay
At some point you will believe it
Don't show the world just how messed up you really are
And how you lay in bed at night
With the razor on the floor blood stained t-shirt
Praying that this time you were closer to death than before..
Brave that smile
Make the world think that somehow you got this all under control..
Oct 2017 · 302
Jasmine Marie Oct 2017
What do you do when you are no longer the belle to his beast
The muse he used to indulge in
When you no longer give him the feelings you still feel
Do you stay and fight
Or do you give up
What do you do when you can't sleep
Hoping he's alone but knowing his heart belongs to someone else
So you sit and cry yourself to sleep
Contemplating if this is a fight that's worth the pain
Or do you save yourself from feeling even more pain and move on
When you're stuck against a wall and a rock
With nowhere to turn
Do you give it all you've got
Or do you raise the white flag
And let it go..
Oct 2017 · 364
Get away
Jasmine Marie Oct 2017
Running away
From you
Till my lungs collapse and my legs get weak
You're the nightmare in my dreams
The monster in my closet
The reason why i scream
I'll keep running till the blood dries up
The adrenaline disappears and there's nothing left but dust
Till you give up and find your next victim
I'll keep moving just to get away..
Oct 2017 · 398
Jasmine Marie Oct 2017
The light is no longer on
Your memories are no longer welcomed
The stairs we used to sit and speak about the future
Will stain and rotten as time goes by and it will be a grim reminder of the lies that unfolded
My windchimes will blow gentle cries into the air
A reminder of when you first kissed me in that cold January night
When my heart skipped a beat
Clueless to the pain it would entail
But as the porch rottens so will my memories
Till one day they will cease to exist and like the porch it will crumble.
Oct 2017 · 416
Jasmine Marie Oct 2017
These tears you will never see
This heart you will never see break
I'll pretend that i don't feel a thing
I no longer trust your intentions
You came to hurt me
Now the less i love you
The less i cry
The more strength i gain
The more heartless i feel..
Oct 2017 · 498
Jasmine Marie Oct 2017
Whisper sweet nothings into my ear
Though i know they mean nothing
Sweep me off my feet then in mid air trip me so i fall flat on my face
Break my heart tear me down to my core
It's what you do best
Make excuses so what i see doesn't hurt as much
Pretend you love me so you can lure me in
Misery loves company
And I'm your savior
Oct 2017 · 363
Jasmine Marie Oct 2017
Clocks falling
Hours minutes seconds
Recalling the time you said good bye
Broken glass on the floor
Echoing of my heart breaking through the walls
But you don't hear it you've gone deaf from the pain i caused
I can't love you say
You're right
But i tried
Never was enough
Clocks broken times up
With bleeding hands i collect the broken glass
Luck's never on our side
Oct 2017 · 281
Jasmine Marie Oct 2017
Unsure you leave broken walls
You take my soul and keep walking
In a path of fire consuming all that i am
Leaving ashes for miles to be blown by the wind
Intertwined with whispered sorrows
Screaming in pain you walk through me with no regrets
Ashes staining your face as you smile
To you i meant nothing

— The End —