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My personal nightmare,
Every night,
I dream,
A twisting cold passage,
Countless keys,
To countless doors,
Frames of memories,
Of  a happy time.
I run through the corridors,
Forever trying to find the door,
The door that leads to a long time ago.
My mother passed away two years ago when I was fifteen. Almost every night I have these dreams of her, so life like I think she's alive when I wake up. But she's not, and I experience heartbreak over and over again.
You lie next to your pillows in bed and you have trouble sleeping the way the moon does when it’s phasing out. I can see it in your nutty eyes the fear that lingers from the nightmares you still have from that day he took you and did harm like raging fires on the hills of a dried out California.

Unlike anything before you linger in your corner
wondering if you’ll ever be okay,
if this tragedy is something that’ll prevent someone,
or something from loving  you.

It causes havoc in your heart
and I can hear it in your voice
as it shakes from your mind
replaying those burning moments
that have left third-degree marks on your skin.
His hands swept through the surface of your skin
as if you were some prize he won at a county fair.

You pop like a balloon and tears run down your face
you scream for help,
but nothing is heard
you feel alone,
no one believes you
because well,
you asked for it,


Your skin wasn’t asking to be touched by fire,
leaving scars that don’t fade by time itself,
Your body didn’t ask to be taken advantage of like dry grass in a drought.

so now you live in fear,

fear that you aren’t worth being loved,

fear that you have to live for the rest of life reliving those moments of torment

I am here to tell you even the deepest wounds can heal,

It just needs the tender love of someone with a steady hand to hold the pieces in place,
you are a walking miracle as your face is hit by the warm sunlight and your eyes melt like honey.

You are the hero in your story,
you don’t need to be saved by anyone
Most importantly

Don’t Forget to love yourself,
as I have learned to love even the darkest bits of universe.
Like half written symphonies I wait for you.

I wait for you
like an empty house
so you come and build yourself
in me.

I wait for you
like the flowers wait for spring
to bring them
back to life.

I wait for you
like the rush of blood
my head needs
to feel alive.

I wait for you
like the warm earth
needs the kiss
of soft rain.

I wait for you
like the souls
that walk this earth
waiting for release.

I wait for you
like the heart
that needs a score
to play.

Like purity for
true love,
I wait for you.

I wait for you.
 Apr 2014 Turquoise Mist
The past can make it so easy to relapse

not because of the past itself


running away from it

and burying it in the subconscious,

hiding it away and letting it silently

fest fest fest.

Is what causes you to be haunted.



A raging sore, a deep wound, an eternal scar,

just wants to be felt; acknowledged.

So I try not, to ignore it

when I see the marks of the past; knives

digging into the valves of my heart; pain

even when it comes back

strong and hard and fighting

like a hurricane

carrying me away under water

suffocating the freedom in my punctured lungs

I will not let it destroy me.


Its not because I am weak that I struggle with it

but the brain is strong; be aware...

For thoughts can make you a victim of your own mind

though I hope
there will be a time when

healing, that miraculous God-sent healing is at the end.


you stop ignoring the past

and instead start loving those broken pieces, the shame you felt,

the fear that crippled

and realise

it will soon ease, soon melt away, soon diminish

and you’ll remember

**pain has no authority to hurt
He noticed a scorpion on her cheek
crawling up into her hair
She didn't seem to feel it there
and kept speaking, so he sat still
and listened

When she was finished the creature
stopped above her ear
its tail curled in the air
He reached to her and brushed it off
with a silent whisper
I often think that those who mutter,
Behind our backs, about all others,
Have nothing better in their lives,
Than stirring up another's strife,
Sly little eyes don't miss a thing,
Of another persons suffering,
Their ears ***** up, in crowded rooms,
To glory in another's gloom,
Gossip so hot, your ears would burn,
No ones safe, you'll get your turn,
**** they stir in the *** of doom,
They really ought to lick the spoon.
Even after I break and trash every ******* blade, I always find myself running to get more.
Why can't I just be ok for one ******* moment?
Like a spider on *******
I weave dysfunction
in   a      haphazard    way
My web has huge              gaping                         holes
It continues to u
Stops short of beautiful
I begin one segment
then d
         p it to start piecing together another
My web lacks intricate details
that would make it magnificant to others
My web cannot function naturally
the way instinct intended
The holes in my web
cause opportunities to fly right by and through
leaving me hungry, confused and reliant on you
This web is a silky mess
So I'll just leave it be
to end up
on someone's eyelash
as they acquiesce.
Like a spider on *******
I         weave    dysfunction
        in  a     hap-haz-ard      
                                                                ­    way.
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