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Amanda Kay Burke Jan 2019
You were the smallest baby when you were born
How could we have guessed you'd be such a thorn?
You put the twinkle in our eye
It reminds me daily when I look at my thigh.

I hate moments we argue, hate when we fight
You have been so wrong but mostly you're right
Can't imagine giving birth to a child
You sacrificed lots to make sure I smiled

I dedicated life to my daughter
Little did I know that would stupidly start some slaughter
Now you go begin life on your own
I stand back watching how much you have grown
Very confident and bold
More valuable than silver or gold

I did not ask to be brought into this world
Hands tiny, innocently curled
So much time has passed since then
Now you're not just my mom, you're my best friend!

Raising you taught me so much
With more ahead in store
Every day that passes I
Love more and more
Me and my mom did this collaboration together i thought it was pretty badass
To play the heartstrings plays a song only we can hear,
To love the artist of words,

Every string you pluck,
Becomes our canvas.
Make us cry,
The world will read.

To love a writer,
Is to publish your deeds.
Laura Jan 2019
I wrote all these poems
Especially for you
And now you're gone
You took my poems
And broke my heart
Leaving nothing
In its place
But tears and grief

I wrote all these poems
Especially for you
To show you just
How much I loved you
The words came naturally
From my heart
To my pen
And now it's just heartbreak
From the hole in my chest
To my pen
Ally Ann Jan 2019
My professor told me,”write every day”. How do I write every day when my body feels like it’s sinking. Two dark moons are pushing in on my skull, and I think it’s okay. My halo was lost long ago and sometimes I can feel the weight of where it used to be. I am a stranger to writing. It was who I was when I was broken, and then again when I was whole, but I’ve landed in purgatory where I am close to nothing. I have found myself without words in my throat, where rivers of thoughts used to occupy my mind. Now I see barren fields of nothingness, where plentiful poems used to grow. “Write every day” as if putting down words were easy, as if getting out of bed were any easier, as if loving myself enough to keep myself sane was something that seemed like it was possible. It’s not and it doesn’t. Writing means hope and hope means finding a way out, and that means feeling enough to hurt, and I don’t know if I’m ready for that. Hurting means I might be okay, so instead, I write only when I’m near breaking, just a little, and definitely not every day.
Shumz Jan 2019
As everything becomes a memory
may your blessings never become a distant one
from being planted in your garden
to drink from the rivers of your love
you prune me as I grow
pour out mercy
in the midst of the storm
I embrace the fruits of your glory
as others enjoy the taste of your love
But just as everything becomes a memory
may your blessings never become a distant one
because all I have and all I am
is all because of You
He writes poetry like it is the air he breathes
he chokes on his own words and trips on his sentences
And stumbles over his paragraphs.
He writes like it is the only thing keeping him sane,
And maybe it is.
He writes like he’s running out of time—
Like he can’t possibly finish everything
He has to write about
In the time he has left—
Like all that mattered was him
And the words that filled up
The pages of his journal messily.
He writes until there is nothing left to write about.
He writes about everything and nothing:
Heartache and happiness,
The waves and the shore . . .
He writes about the things he can never say out loud.
He writes about the worlds he wants to live in.
He writes and he writes and he writes
Until there is nothing left to his life but words and sentences and paragraphs and stories.
But you see, no matter how many universes he creates
Or how many tales he writes about
He can never escape
The gruelling reality
Of his world—
Bleak and gray as it is to him.
He looks to poetry for refuge,
Thinks that maybe words
Were his own personal weapon.
And why not?
His words built up mountains and created castles in the sky,
And he knew the same words were unerring tools of destruction
That could tear apart the strongest mountains with a few
Well-crafted sentences.
He thinks that maybe if he wanted for anything,
He could write it into existence.
So he writes.
Poem after story after poem—
All about her,
Hopefully and naively thinking
That maybe if she read them
She’d know
About the nights he spent writing her name over and over
On the sheets of paper on his desk
Like a personal prayer
Hoping it would be enough to bring her back to him
But he wakes up alone every morning anyway
And learns that words can only do so much.
He knows now that no matter how many passages he repeats
Or how many times he writes his words down over and over
Poetry doesn’t always set things right
But it does add some beauty to the world.
His words do hold some kind of power over something
And that, he thinks, is beautiful.
It is beautiful.
And he thinks maybe this is something he’s meant to do.
So he writes.
i wrote this piece for someone special. in case it wasn’t obvious, he’s a writer haha
Shlomo Jan 2019
So he had a ghostwriter?

What’s next? A freaking ghostliver?

While you’re at it, add to that a ghosteater.

A ghostsleeper.

A ghostthinker.




Just­ bare ghosts.
Amanda Francis Jan 2019
I used to only read factual books.
I gorged on their secrets about this world.
Fiction books only told of secrets in someone else's mind.
A glass door to a lonely fantasy world, forever closed.

But somehow I got caught up in my fantasies of you.
I read your favourite stories to understand your mind.
Now I wonder wistfully through a fictional abyss, longing for you.
And when this story comes to a close, you'll still be a glass door.

Forever closed.
Devin Ortiz Jan 2019
As the writer wore away page after page,
a swelling of maddening frustration grew.
The parchment soaked in the dark ink,
and pockets of hell seeped through each word.
There is desperate power in written verse;
They know this, yet the pen rages onward.
The writer pays this debt in full,
in flesh and blood, as one does.
Stories must be told, the price is high,
but silence cost ever more.
Jenna Jan 2019
i am an architect
though my hand has been guided many a time
i have etched my own path
into a tome of starlight
but it is a path i will walk alone sometimes
and that’s okay

i am a writer
though my heart has been swayed into submission many a time
i will continue to be
the main antagonist of my story
but i bleed ink from my fingertips and i will write my own chapter
and that’s okay

i am a warrior
though i’ve wielded my sword many a time
i have seen many wars
and fought many battles
but it’s still the small victories i celebrate most
and that’s okay

i am a dancer
though i’ve tripped over my two left feet many a time
i have broken many bones
and danced still with a smile
but my feet grow tired and i must rest sometimes
and that’s okay

i am an artist
though my hands have often been stained
my heart is my masterpiece
and i’ve put it at the forefront of my choices
but maybe it isn’t the kind to go in a museum
and that’s okay

i am damaged
i am battered
i am bruised
but i am trying
and i am healing
and that’s okay
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