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Matt Apr 2015
Trust is like an onion, you have to peel of the layers slowly one by one. If you cut it'll only bring you tears.
Linger Apr 2015
Like a creeping moss
Excitement slowly fills me
I will surely burst
We're about to be together for the first time in over a month! I am so far beyond excited I think I've transcend basic human emotional capabilities xD I love you so much and Friday is going to be awesome!
El Mar 2015
Choking on death
but loving the taste
Tears cloud my eyes
left by a toxic waste
My lungs burn
Like the fire within
But I only say
"One more breath"
My addictive, smoking sin
Isabelle Perla Mar 2015
timid breath of winter
shy and silent
sigh, gasp and shout
the cold at its peak
slowly comes the winter,
slowly comes the grief
as sadness fills the valley
when words are brief
Mary K Feb 2015
it surprises me that all of this was once not thought to pass. with the rising of the tides and the hastening of the wind, and then all life seemed to disappear suddenly. and yet the warning signs were overlooked and everyone continued until the water levels rose slowly enough that they didn't even realize that they were drowning until it was too late.
does this count as a poem?
EME Jan 2015
Siento la cálida piel del deseo, percibo el aroma sutil del recuerdo. Mi cuerpo sobre el tuyo, desplazándonos suavemente por todo el volumen de la habitación. Hipnotizado en la curvatura trazada de tus caderas, las sujeto aferrándome a ellas, las acaricio en ocasiones recorriendo la suavidad de tu fino vientre mientras beso tu cuello lentamente.
Y mientras el mundo se detiene y el tiempo mismo para en el instante que tu blusa cae al piso. La piel tersa de esas curvas que repaso con infinita fascinación me arraigan a un solo deseo incontrolable de tenerte.
La suavidad de tus senos, la perfecta curva de tu abdomen, el lírico contraste de tus nalgas y los dos pequeños hoyuelos en tu la parte trasera de tu espalda, casi a la altura de tu profundo y lacio cabello *****, fluyendo en movimientos ondulantes sobre mi al par que toda esa obra de arte magnificente que llamas cuerpo.
chainedwhore Dec 2014
Wow being sober for such a short time...
and theres so much I want to do and want to try....
and theres no way anyone can change my reasoning to why...

I want to help others who are worse off....or help animals who get abandoned by their owners and are dumped off...
I want to find a job that is world  changing..
to be of service and start alittle piece of the mending...

But I know I can only take small steps and not get over whelmed or it will all fall apart...just take my time and enjoy life and all it has to offer and learn to enjoy things like beautiful art....

its scary but fun ....just seems like life has had to restart.
I know not a poem but just saying words that come to mind.
Just Melz Dec 2014
Barely nowhere,
 Despise hell to
     Swallow frozen shards of glass
           Rainy, cold, dark

        Out of my mind
       Depression incarnate is flowing fast and far
   The waterfall of my soul
          Left a scar
Remember nothing
          Love is dead
     You broke my spirit down
        Don't try to make a sound
    The last
   Pieces of my heart
Will never be found
Yea... You may not get it, but I do.
elouazzani kenza Oct 2014
Of course it was something strong,
The way we used to look at each-other
And laugh at the same time,
Kiss each-other
Slowly, furiously, hungry and angry...
The way i used to lay on his back,
The way he used to hold my hand,
And we keep laughing and laughing
Crying sometimes,
Crying most of the time
And we hug each-other
He dries my tears
I kiss his lips
And we laugh, sing, dance and dream
He gets jealous,
I get mad,
He goes crazy, I go crazy
He holds my hand,
Puts a ring in it
We laugh again
We cry again
It sure wasn't something in vain
The way he used to kiss my lips
the way i used to take off his shirt
And we make love to each-other
Slowly, furiously, hungry and angry...
The way he used to take my pictures
The way i used to love his pictures
The way we imagined the future
For good and bad

Of course it was something strong,
Our promises, our happiness
Our memories,
Our songs, dances and dreams
Our games
Our love..
The way we stared at the stars
The way we contemplated the moon
The way he laughed at my jokes
The way we danced in the dark
And we grab each-other
Slowly, furiously, hungry and angry..

And he's gone
And I'm here
He disappears
But not from my dreams
And life isn't the same without him
My hands are cold
My lips are cold
I cry again
I cry a lot
And all the sad songs were about him
And all the tragic stories were about me
And all it was left for me
Is wishing,
One day he comes back to me..

Of course it was something strong
The way i couldn't finish this poem
The way all the words in the world aren't enough
To express my feelings
Or to tell our story...
Patrick Sugarr Sep 2014
                  you tear me apart
                                                           ­ by every word
                                                            ­                                         you wouldn't say
i just wish you'd say good night back.
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