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Tony Tweedy Dec 2019
Awake or asleep I do not remember my dreams.
Like you I once did dream.
Long since did my dreams abandon me.
Though I know I once dreamt.
I vaguely recall nightmares and I sense I have lived them.
I know the shadows they left and the darkness now, where once dream was possible.
Perhaps it was that I imagined dreams, for my memories recall once believing I was happy.
Or perhaps that is just my dreams reminding me of their death.
I ponder if my dreams... like my memories... are all of my past.
Are they still dreams and is it still dreaming if they are but memories?
Dreams and hopes... is there a future and can there be happiness if all you have is reality? Do we not need dreams in order to lay foundation for our future memories?
Dylan McFadden Dec 2019
Some of life's
Sweetest joys
Are intermingled with
Bitter sorrows,

Reminding me that

My hope lies
Above the horizon,
And my fears
Lag long behind

Khai Dec 2019
Sunset may be stunning,
But darkness sets in after it
Roses may be alluring
But their thorns could cut a finger tip.
Butterflies may signify beauty,
But their lives wither like a whirlwind.

But stars shine brighter when darkness comes,
Roses have petals where you could lay your thumbs.
And a butterfly's short life is where it truly lived.

Life gives us these tasks,
To find beauty beneath the frightening mask.
To anticipate the dawn after a gloomy dusk.
To wander and wonder, to seek and to ask.
Tony Tweedy Dec 2019
Why is it that I can still not look forward when those who left me have never even glanced back?
I feel I am standing at a Pole and searching for East or West.
TV McCarthy Dec 2019
Staring at the vast expanse above
The faint glows of stars peppered across an infinite darkness
I feel so knowledgeable yet know so little
But a grain of sand on a limitless beach
My imagination floats off...

Could I visit there one day
A pioneer exploring it
Could I one day walk amongst those mere specks of light
Discover the wonders of nature so far away
As I gaze at the stars is there someone gazing back?

Yet I barely know the ground in which I stand on
The place that I call home
Will I ever witness the local wonders
Megacities spawned from a dream decades back
Or even the wonders of my own home.

I switch my gaze to my hand
Millions of microorganisms swarming me
Do they dream of exploring the universe
Are they even aware of existence outside of me
Maybe we aren’t so different.

Until I snap out of it
My dream fizzles out like a flame
I remember I share this planet
And our dreams and wishes are the same
What’s the point in dreaming
When my existence has no purpose
Is there a presence up above scheming
Or will my existence end still worthless.
Furry beast; perched on my bed,
I ask him, why do you rush,
Why do you hurry as if your days are numbered?
He turns his head to me,
And with a heavy voice he speaks:
"Human, you are eternal,
But my pawprints will only live as long as I dare tread them."
A poem I wrote about my cat.
Jacob Pitcher Dec 2019
We all get lost sometimes,
trying to follow a stream of lightbulbs
flickering on in our heads
that lead to a place where you can unlock your heart.
Kelsey Dec 2019
Did I see a shooting star?
I shot up from my bed,
There was a white glowing dot racing through the sky.
Bigger than your average star
Faster, more elagant than a plane.
It soared diagnally across the sky.
I was in a daze.
A trail of sparkles and twinkle dust dispersed from its tail.
It went behind the trees, but I could still see for a moment.
Then it disappeared, into thin air.
No where to be found.
Not through the cracks of tree branches or by a gleam in the sky.
It was gone.
No destination or proper exit.
It left as mysteriously as it came.
I made my wish quick just in case it was meant for me,
"Please, I wish to be a great author"
Was that a shooting star?
Or a falling star?
Was it a star at all?
I wonder.
This just happened to me and I felt compelled to write about it. Magic appears when you least expect it. This meant a lot to me.
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