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Bryce Jan 2018
Let’s discuss the things that do not change
Assign an essay to compare/contrast
Take a look at what you know:
The world does not live in iconoclasts

The endless rivers run with dead blood
The timeless mountains reek of blistered soles
To you,
There is no time or place worth holding.

Please tell me how steel will last longer than stone
That man’s words will disappear
Evaporative steam on a bathroom mirror
When it hits your hot-head with the morning glow

One hundred and sixty million years ago
A rock was nudged off its course
Plummeted assiduously through the outer Sol
And struck home with astronomic force.

The firestorm slaughtered the dinosaurs
And let tiny little pitiful things
Pick up the carcasses and make human beings
Out of the ash and amino acid.

I tried to throw a pebble into a pond
Aiming for a single Oxygen atom
And imagined that I killed those fallen beasts
when the ripples broke that watery peace

Flames are eternal,
They hide in our stars and shine bright in our eyes
The heat of life is louder than the pound of the hammer
And burns away the chaff quicker than the sickle

Someone drew a ******* below the overpass,
Crossed it out in a sanguine circle
I thought to myself,
“It is no more!”
Then realized it was already home

draw light, speak in darkness
seek peace, make war.
seek to starve that which you fear,
And only feed it more

Come now, let’s take our thoughts to the battleground
Trample god’s land under our earthen boots
**** each other with chemical bombs
To prove we they are the chosen group

Expedite that famous entropy
Nudging souls out of bodies
Subvert the Earth’s hegemony
So that man may taste that godly fruit
nanda Dec 2017
it is in times like this
when i miss you the most

when i picture
your white christmas
the smell of your misltoe
and the warmth of you fire

things i see through a dream
and nothing more
because you are not here
and you must not be real

but i still hope
and i still sing the songs
inside my head
and alongside with my heart
and my blood
that some day you will be back

though i know
that there is nothing left to do
but cope
with the unsaid truth
that my body seems to forget
with the ugly fact
that you are not coming back

and these holidays
have made me tired
of socializing so much
and giving smiles for fun
i dont spend my christmas like the ones they show you on movies...
for starters, there's no winter here
cait-cait Dec 2017
she sits at her kitchen table,
skin pink and eyes
and looks at the print
of her daughter’s
missing picture on the
side of an empty,

milk container .

pick yourself up ,

daddy never cried like this,

how will you tell him that
you lost yourself
in a bottle of
pills like a note
in a
bottle ,

lost at sea ::

I’m trying to start writing again but things haven’t been as sad. This is based off the mommy medicated toy in the game little inferno. 100% recommend. I have a boyfriend now and things seem ok
Vale Luna Nov 2017
I looked up at the Moon through the hole of a straw
Her dusk, crescent shape
The only thing that I saw
Blocked from my pupil to the darkness around
The rest of the stars
Blazing without sound

Take away the straw, gaze up at the sky
The whole picture I missed
Not seen in my eye
A mess of twinkles shoved into a collage
Starring above
The Moon and Her entourage

The Moon as their chief, keeping the playful tamed
But night rules are fair
Sparks are never contained
Dance around each other, sail kisses through wind
A shooting star zipped passed
Its light never dimmed

Sparkling stars, next to Her, you're an image
Stay close by Her side
To stretch beauty's limits
Litter the earth with a fistful of bright spots
Sing out in space
Leave it gleaming and hot

Shine as their leader and protect the night sky
Yes, Moon, that's your entourage
Stuck in my eye
Being naive, the Moon is all that I saw
So look at the whole
Not through the hole of a straw.
Nobody could possibly remember
That awful horrible thing of the past
But I can recall last year's September
A new girl who dreadfully outcast
She stood way out far away from the crowd
No one around to even speak to her
She would never mutter a word aloud
So her years here went by as such a blurr
I can no longer speak on her behalf
It is her very own story to share
But here I can show you this photograph
Of her and her beautiful golden hair
But I am sure you will not forget
The time she gave you her blue barrette
Vulpes Nov 2017
Fingers dance to unheard song
Of melodies lost for so long
Like amber flowers never grown
A painting that was never drawn
Of hills - of grass - a blooming rose
Riddled with thorns it never chose
To hold back all that you have done
And keep its world of beauty sound
And reach another world of light
Unite these worlds in every night
Carry its beauty through this crack
To paint the dreams in midnight's black
And drown them in the ocean's blue
The sea that every creature knew
Swimming along the stream of time
Downhill thinking that love will thrive
Within this darkest night we're in
That nourishes this paper-thin
Weak hope that every man held dear
And suffocated in his fear
Yet we still find a place to rest
Peacefully like in nature's chest
To close this ring we walk along
And write down all these unheard songs.
These are messy thoughts that were inspired by Nightsung's piano.
Cat Fiske Oct 2017
smile across,
this women's,
brings me,
so much joy!

I play to her,
a picture,
of her face,

A picture,
of this woman's face,
is left inside,
my head,

for she has left,
and I alone,
with a picture of her face,

I can play,
for her still,
for her memory,
never fades,

she is still,
right by my side,
I still have,
a picture of her face.

and though,
she left,
so sudden,
so abrupt,
I remember,
one important thing,
the way she smiled,
the way she laughed,
and how I still have,

I miss,
my love,
so dear,
to me,
in a flash,

only to leave,
a picture of her face,

she only left,
a picture of her face.

my love is gone,
and left so fast,
leaving me here,
to play to,
a picture of her face,

I remember,
her smile,
the way she laugh,
but only stare,
to a picture of her face,

my love is gone,
and left so fast,
leaving me here,
to play to,
a picture of her face,

I remember,
her smile,
the way she laugh,
but only stare,
to a picture of her face,

I still,
play to her,
for she has left,
and I alone,
with a picture of her face,
Scoot Joplin a picture of her face, during the song.
Listen to the song while reading to get the tempo
Kellin Oct 2017
My life rarely fits
The picture I draw up
In my head
I have this idea life perfect life yet it's all just a facade.
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