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I walk among the sunshine when morning comes, but when you see me you go away from it.
Indonesia, 17th March 2021
Arif Aditya Abyan Nugroho
Guy H Fisher III Mar 2021
With her broken eyes staring back at me,
my heart whispered,
"She can fix Us."
Eric Mar 2021
Ive diagnosed myself with psychosis . Which means I  believe that I  believe in another reality . That my nightmares weren't just dreams when I close my eyes . I woke up to a whole different but same reality . Multiple times has it been destroyed in front of my eyes before the wave of pain takes over and I close my eyes to see no more . But yet to wake up again in another body , not of my own . Waiting for the moment  where this body meets it's end .
Amy Perry Mar 2021
I’ve never felt
More luxurious
Than when
I was on a newly
Prescribed drug
With a total body high,
Coming down from mania,
Still exuberant,
But in a private space,
In my bathroom
In the ward,
In a bathtub
That does not fill up.
So I put on the shower
And I let the water hit my skin
And I took bite after bite
Of crisp and juicy apple slices.
I was at the mental hospital
Marilyn Monroe stayed in.
I imagined her here in the same bath
Also feeling luxurious and all sorts
Of ****** up like me.
Seth Milliman Feb 2021
Give me a moment and I will make a lifetime,
Give me a lifetime and I will make something beyond recognition.
Beyond recognition is a desire aflame,
Aflame, born of dreams forward.
Yet dreams do not push beyond their scope,
A recognition held back by reality.
But reality is a dream in wait to come true,
To come true and be reality.
So what do you wish?
What is your desired reality?
In truth, maybe not much,
In truth, maybe it is.
Only you can weave the dreams of wanted reality to form,
And then, only then, will you create it.
luciana Feb 2021
there's no comfort at this time
stuck in shattered hopes
my body cold
no more of these love rhymes

Before when I was a little lad I used to say in the future I'd achieve everythang I ever dreamt of becoming everythang I desired shall come for me.
But age made me realized that I been dwelling in the future,
Every moment
is a future, explore the adventure (s)

There's no future but moment, therefore cherish each and every moment of life, spending time on positive vibes which mothered a prosperous life of elation."
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