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Try living in paradise

Still recovering from trauma

Thinking about the ones left behind

Feeling sun on brown skin

While buildings burn down

Today was like any other

Enjoying cool ocean waters

While salt washes festering wounds

Fresh flesh like grapefruit is pink

Looking to the distant stars

Trampling on growing daisies

Only to lay in a field of them

Howling loud at worship

While fearing the whites of saved eyes

Lift every voice and sing

To dance and to be joyful

While quakes lulls sleeping babies

When the dust settles what remains
Andrew Feb 24
Fingers press ivory, soft at first,
whispers of something too big for words.
The melody sways between sorrow and longing,
between joy and the things I can’t explain—
but no one ever asks—
it’s just a song, just the keys, just a hobby.

The low notes ground me, steady and sure,
a place to rest when the world is too loud.
The high notes lift me, weightless and free,
each chord a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

They hear music, not meaning.
They hum along, never knowing
that every note is a reason, a refuge,
that the crescendo is my pulse, my purpose,
rising and falling like a heartbeat.

And when the last note lingers,
hanging in the quiet like a final exhale,
I close the lid,
not because I am finished,
but because I know—
the music will always be waiting.
Heidi Franke Dec 2024
My tongue left me lost
Telling stories of jungle and mirth
Vines around my voice
Sounds that were not mine
Leaked out

My mind escaped all my plans
Evading the minstrel of imagination
Symbolically dampening my conceptions
Reluctant troupe performance
A coy castaway

My legs marched without me
Trampled every blade of grass
Concluding I have no where left to run
No path at all
Upright disorderly conduct
On two feet

My heart forbade another beat
Leaving a bowl of dust to swirl
Aimless joys and sorrows
Suddenly freeze dried
Without conduction for lust
Or anger

My life dropping out of sight
Evading the drones
Searching for me
Here I lay in this late hour
Evaporating like the rain puddle
With no where to go
On the hottest day of the year
Dissipating until
I vanish
Growing old challenges. Nothing is what it was before. Seems like a dream. If only I had paid more attention to the moments.
kokoro Nov 2024
I go to the doctors
just for a checkup,
she puts her hand on my chest to feel my heart.
And at that moment i wonder if she can feel how its broken into a million pieces.
I wonder if she can feel with each thump, another piece breaking off.
I wonder if she can feel all the denial, all the workers in my brain trying to mend those pieces together,
but then it all breaking apart again.
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I'm jumping into new with this trampoline pad
I'm hating every poem I wrote because they were too sad
I have passion flowing through all my veins
It twists around the hurts and pains
My passion is like a river, never gonna sit
With any dam in the way, it'll jump over it
I've felt like ash from a fire just extinguished
All dreams I once had had been relinquished
Then after a final heartbreak, it sparked some emotion
A spark in the ashes, a wind now in motion
And with this sole spark, I will use my one chance to fan it
After jumping into the unknown, this time I will land it
I am a phoenix rising from the ashes, no longer defied
My heart is beating once more, but it never really died
I am no longer just a bird flying above
I am an eagle, soaring from self-love
I used to lay at the bottom of the sea, feeling entirely worthless
But now I've remembered to just swim up to the surface
I feel like a rose in a bush, used to being tricked
But for once in my life, I was happy not being picked
And I know that we're no longer looking at the stars and crying
But I'm laying there by myself, eyeing Betelgeuse and Orion
If someone looks into my life, thinking they're so smart
They'll see lots of my friendships are falling apart
I've been gossiped about, lied to, insulted, from the entirety of night to day
But for once it didn't matter, and I simply walked away.
this is my 86th poem, written on 3/10/24
yıldız Sep 2024
In October's grace, the lilies bloom,
A gentle reminder to dispel all gloom.
Each petal whispers of moments so bright,
Embrace every second, let joy take flight.

Life's fleeting dance, a precious embrace,
Too short for sorrow, too brief for disgrace.
With laughter and love, let our spirits soar,
For in every heartbeat, there's so much in store.

So cherish the now, let your worries cease,
Like lilies in autumn, find beauty and peace.
In the tapestry woven with threads of delight,
Live fully each day, from morning to night.
Debra Lea Ryan Sep 2024
I'll take you to Love Street
In a Heart Beat
If you wanna Go
You only need to Know
This is the only Key
To BE with Me
In a Special Place
Where Lovers Embrace

The Thought of YOU Loving Me
Is really EXCITING

© Debra Lea Ryan
To Sing-a-long with Me and the Poetry >
Malia Aug 2024
Heart beat-beat-beats quick
Like a drumbeat-beat-beat—or tick
Of the clock, sent speedily
From my chest cavity to my amygdala.

All neurons alive,
Just like a ******* fire,
I haven’t felt this
In a long, long time.

I thought all the good ones
Had deserted this place.

But here is a good one,
lib Feb 2024
parchment paper moon
stars sprinkled across the sky
laying on your chest
my heartbeat dancing with yours
i wonder if this is love
(i hope it is)
James Rives Jan 2024
poetry is bloodletting
for my aching hands,
brain, heart, soul, whatever.
in maroon, I see a *****,
disconnected features, details,
themes, emotion.
all useless without the right vessel.
the pages may get stained
but the Rorschach means nothing
without rhythm and image and heat
and light.
i deserved it
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