Every exhale lets out the past
And I've been known to hold my breath
And though its painful to the last
It seems it's all I have left.
My skin will crawl, my lungs will scream
Fingers twitch and grasp for air
My chest will ache, my eyes will bleed
I could stop it all, if I dare.
Every exhale lets out the past
And I've been known to hold my breath
And though its painful to the last
It seems it's all I have left.
I spend more time in the past than anywhere else. I believe it's in the past that hold's the key to our future. I believe there are key themes inherent to the human condition, e.g. love, hate, lust, greed, hope, et cetera; it's knowing how these themes have shown up over time and how they have been interpreted that will allow us to move forward as human beings in connection with one another. However, I tend to spend too much time dwelling on a personal past of regrets, what ifs, and dear God why did I ever find that haircut appealing. Will I ever let life go on? Time will tell; or will it?