A man once told me earnestly, I was dirt.
And my mind got all unbalanced with distraught.
What’s the worth of dirt?
It was not until lab nine that the comment touched my heart.
“Composting and Soil” hit an emotional spot.
I am dirt. I am the feminine form of Adam, Adamah.
Biblical Hebrew for “Ground” and “earth.”
The chosen medium of the Father’s formation.
Water, Sun and Air
Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Entering me daily to heal me, grow me, thrive
the seeds He is planting to reveal His vine.
In a very figurative and literal sense.
Daughter, wife and mother ground
Purposed for *******.
Saturated in Christ, piercing love and bearing children.
Teach the fruit only the Lord develops
Through Christ, soil once unworthy, is valuable
Such as man’s duty is to cultivate the earth
I am dirt, Cultivate me.