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Mitch Prax Jun 2014
In your eyes
A fascinating insight
A window
For a soul of glass
A fragile heart
A delicate mind
Torn apart
One too many times
Mitch Prax Jun 2014
There’s a song
In your heart
It screams for melody
A harmony to tear you apart
A thousand notes
All in one
A heavenly sound
That can't be undone
Mitch Prax Mar 2014
Today I feel happy
But how long will it last
Like boat swept beneath the sea
I feel myself drowning in the past
I’m a prisoner of my own mind
Staring helplessly through the bars
Wanting to escape, to unwind
To a time before I felt these scars
Mitch Prax Jul 2014
Of this sorrow
The heavens fall
Alone in the cosmos
Where only darkness crawls

Of this sorrow
The silence screams
There’s no more afterglow
There’s no more dreams

Of this sorrow
This feeling lingers on
It circles me like a crow
And in one swoop I am gone
Martin Narrod May 2014
we take a breath
I have a smoke
thank you for giving me your cold
you rub the menthol on my chest
I hold the camphor to my breast
sometimes all it takes is just a jacket button to break.

10 minutes on they'll drink champagne
and have their fun with party games
everybody yelling "cheese"
10 minutes from a third-world country
in the shadow of the rock
they don't have anyone that'll help
there isn't garbage on the ground
its the street that makes up the whole town

I know you don't even want to talk
You won't even take my calls}
After three years on and off
I would do anything at all.
Have the child of my blood
Then with blood I'd have enough.
Just a picture fairy tale
For a man with a cold and betrayed.
*Inspired by the aboriginal lives of the indigenous peoples of Ayer's Rock.
Marion Clarke Apr 2014
Paper thin top soil
Cracks seep through
Red dirt.
Bloodless gashes
Simmering summer soil
Baked turf.
Rolled gold haze
Aches as the
Country stretches its skin-
Near breaks
******* teeth
******* itches
Red earth fit-
              To burst in a
Dark cloud of dust,
Choking soft as to soak
The moisture fresh
From your lungs.

Blinding blue sky
Set for worship
On a tall horizon
Too far, too high
For common souls-
                  To float on a      
Breath of sweet dry air,
Eternal journey to sunset
Small piece of a dream
To chase a grey cloud
From sky to west.

Where subterranean
Creeks used to slip by
Rise in a ***** of land
Where water once carved
                          Its roam
Now the winds sweep
All traces away
Back toward the sea,
And fair beyond
The aching dry eyes
Of the sons of
This red earth,
A mist lies awake
And prays for rain.
I thought I’d visit the place we met
Drenched in neon, old regrets
As cougars stalk the noisesome streets
Roll out, angry sheep, sorrowful bleats
The bogan cries out to the moon
The hunchback hipsters sing of doom
The fancy dressed and terminally blessed
The puddles reflect an endless stream
Of broken hearts and wilted dreams
And the neon lights buzz proudly
Our gods, our morning stars, so loudly
Call to us like lanterns on the bows
of a thousand lost ships and broken vows
I saw you once within the sea of skin
Handsome, strong, but deep within
I knew I’d known you all my lives
As brother, lover, husband, wife
And now the caribou part their ways
To **** and fight and live their days
or perhaps to slumber, to retire
Yet I stand alone and admire
The post that held you, my darling one
Lover, absentee saint, my sun
I stare at the corner and I weep
For love itself must also sleep

— The End —