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Seranaea Jones Oct 2020

i took no pleasantries in that adjustment
from the top shelf of Pastry Perfection
to the wicker-wire dust bunnies at the
"sole" level of humanity

after i mistakenly thought —you—  took
some element of freeverse i had posted a
couple of years ago at one of the more-read
poetry sites on the internet-

then i realized something, Poet..

that for all those sleepless hours you
spent cramming for the SAT—

i posited on how many welding rods
could be burned down during a two
hour period of trade school

and with respect to those thousands of
words diligently packed into your
undergrad dissertation—

(including that humorous description of a
knitted strap you used to keep the pencil
from rolling off the table

i wrote a brief essay of commonalities
on how much Gerald R. Ford and
Elwyn Brooks White
actually disliked

and to those thoughtfully crafted lectures
in front of scores of distinguished
scholars and senior staff—

i was projecting shadow puppets onto a
screen during a slideshow while the
teacher excused herself to the restroom.

basically this;  

as to the volumes of books
you have published
over the decades—

i have a few thousand words of
amateur poetry posted online
inside of a few years.

That Said,

for those carefully-placed words
(of mine)
you incorporated into your
latest masterpiece,

realizing poets will not always
happen upon the same instant
at any given intersection,

i recognized that most familiar sensation
we Both get when having correctly
delivered the punchline to the funniest
joke of the evening.

we —in fact— have only the readings
of fellow writers to blame for each
other's blending of creative impulses,

that during these miraculous,
yet humble birthings of verse—

i have it now on good authority,
that we all could possibly exist
within this capacity

                                      as mere equals...

"The Lanyard of Amateur Poetry"
© 2020 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved

my regards to Billy Collins..
Seranaea Jones Oct 2020

a detailing of moments
seconds into minutes,
minutes into hours-

into patient waiting
upon children
to emerge
from a toy shop

an unwanted noticing,
listening dull—a'fied to
adjacent patrons talking
furiously into their hands

almost wishing to
urinate again
just to pass
the next hour

sitting still,

autobiographies have been
written and published
in this time

Still sitting,

Children have been Conceived
and then given Birth To
in this Time

Ticked—TOCKED !

Moons have been Known
to form on the Surfaces
of Uranus

In This Time...

"the Tick— & eventually, the Tock"
© 2020 By Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved

Seranaea Jones Oct 2020

Among the constellations
sail upside-down
the vessels of old men who
have risen from their
earth bound material

keeping with them the footwear
they had on in that final moment
when each saw their remains
through The Divine Mirror:

two are embracing the masts
for unrenewable security

one grips the railing, convinced
he may fall back

still another holds tightly to the
chains of his anchor

But one lies face up on the deck,
content that his reflections will
never haunt him

he holds his hand out, extending
fingers into a celestial calm,
causing wakes

a destiny uncertain,
he flings his shoes

back into the sky...

"finding grace above the seas"
© 2020 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved

Could it be, letting go is that
final act in this play
called "life" ?

Sep 2020 · 266
the hands
Seranaea Jones Sep 2020

a total instrument package
constructed with all of the
brain's carefully deliberated
intents channeled into them,

one transmits to another what
words will never enunciate
without a multitude of

that which spoken
will never touch...

"the hands"
© 2020 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
Sep 2020 · 154
boredom eats foul
Seranaea Jones Sep 2020

ticking is a solemn arrest, a faded white wall,
and a pattern of blank stares, all ripe for a bold
occupation, affixed to space-taking suggestions
that lie upon linoleum in small paper snippets.

i heard the hoot of an owl by the window, maybe
it was something to do with the mismatched feather
dusters hanging side by side, or perhaps the noise
i was making with the scissors.

it then spoke to me in a broken beaked English—

let me help you burn that bland confetti,
we can slip off to a place where fast boats
await careless operators,

i have so many reckless gifts of debauchery  
packed for delivery to those "Whooo" wish
to entertain the sharps of my talons—

Share with me, your most
Malignified Thoughts !

— my head split wide open and snatched down this
creature with one swipe of a dry tongue, the taste
of it was that of winter leaves and —probably— the
discarded cigarette butts from a public walkway,

it itched a little on it's way down,
concluding otherwise yet another
unremarkable event...

"boredom eats foul"
© 2020 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
Sep 2020 · 171
to hold a celestial being
Seranaea Jones Sep 2020

i want to reach up into a clear
night's sky and gently pick the
moon out from the darkness
between forefinger and thumb

but when ?
and what shape ??
such a chameleon !!!

shall i do this in a crescent
phase to see if the contour will
fit atop the periphery of my thumbnail

or perhaps wait for the full glory of
its radiance, to roll it between the
palms of my hands and feel the
illumination of it upon
the skin of my


to feel the coarsen texture
of tiny mountains

and to see for myself
what lies upon its shy
hidden face

but as i reach skyward,
my intellection hesitates

watching how it confidently
sails with the stars—

having pulled it down from
its heavenly perch,


not knowing for certain
how to put it back...

"to hold a celestial being"
© 2020 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
Sep 2020 · 161
pups of a puddle
Seranaea Jones Sep 2020

totally submerged
they laid side by side
three puppies of
different colors in a
shallow puddle
by a pasture

a bull with udders was
fixed halfway into
some fencing nearby
like no big deal

he was totally dark and
she did not labor

i lifted the brown one
he yawned and
looked at me with
black sleepy eyes

the middle grey and white one
was twitching partially under
the first, buried halfway
into sawdust

i left him

the third one had bands
of orange and red
around its little body
he was far too little
to pick up with
my fingers

they all just wanted
to lay still and sleep
in mysteriously
clear waters—

i woke...

"pups of a puddle"
© 2020 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
written from a dream i had
in 2007, i still clearly remember
the imagery of it to-day
Sep 2020 · 244
a dance for the humble
Seranaea Jones Sep 2020

lights spin backwards in the awakening
of midnight with all the youthful bodies
moving in reverse to it's rhythm

one moves naught because of his wish
to step forward against the flow and
is thus fixed                        
a too-late-to-adjust suspension, the view
from his seat for the upcoming show
is his only companion

he is most eager to be drawn into the
perimeter of the stage with his bouquet
of wrinkled dollar bills

stripping down to a personal submission,
he presents to her his graying embers

and with a grin~

she takes the green from the blush,
exchanging it for a golden touch

he smiles,

with a wink, she spins away with
a quick stomp of her heel

he smiles,

he returns to his seat to sip down
a drink that fizzled out years
before she was born—

he grins...

"a dance for the humble"
© 2020 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
the observations of an old man
in a dance bar, just passing the
time with no real need for
anyone's company...
Sep 2020 · 178
Captured Events
Seranaea Jones Sep 2020
A Ball works its way downstairs
through steady staccato beats,

airborne and then plunging until
banking against the baluster
and then over the edge,

bouncing hard from the sooner
than expected change in height
from floor to wall, it is then

Snatched from the air mid-flight
by the jaws of a Canine, a
quick and limber ball-stopper

that runs outside with the ball in
mouth, it then notices a shadow
casting over his own and is

Snapped up by the jaws of a
Velociraptor that just happened
to wander by.

Canine in mouth holding a ball in
its jaws, it runs across the street
and into a field through loose dirt,
as while in mid-stride it is

Yanked downward by an
enormous Ant-Lion

that now holds a ball snatched up by the jaws
of a dog that was snapped up by the jaws
of a lizard which was yanked down by the jaws
of an insect that in turn was
      The Earth,

which is, all in all—
a Ball, after

"captured events"
© 2020 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
Sep 2020 · 144
a glance between waterlines
Seranaea Jones Sep 2020
as i lay down for the transition into a
difficult sleep, i notice the shimmer of
a slight convex on the surface of my
ceiling fan winking with each rotation,

drawing my attention away from visions
of to—day as i attempt to erase them with
heavy sore blinks, pouring tears into

the fires of the immediate past, knowing  
all too well they will steam back into the
clouds that return for tomorrow's rain—

(you just gotta love the water cycle)

i re-imagine it as the incredulous stare of
a dolphin or maybe a sting ray lost in the
oceans of eternity, bereft of any suitable
media to push it's useless fins against

my lids slide downward to dismiss its fate
because my place is somewhat above their
high water mark, being fortunate enough
not to have drowned within such depths—

yet this lingers to mind as the last image
of the evening, blinking shut the thought
of some creature leering down at me with
its one envious eye...

"a glance between waterlines"
© 2020 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
Sep 2020 · 851
a binary mystification
Seranaea Jones Sep 2020
0100110110- etc..
  0 & 1 & 2 is 3
         " ? "

i know two numbers,
one and zero

though the "two" cannot exist here,
the inclusion of an additional
element becomes a necessary evil,

for zero once paired becomes
a paradox resulting from three
instances of enumeration

(presumably at once)

since the zero is involved in all this,
its very existence must count, even if
in fact it only represents a void—

to correct this numerical anomaly,
the two must exit this array by first
taking nothing with it...

"a binary mystification"
© 2010 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
there can be only One....
Sep 2020 · 287
the cloud
Seranaea Jones Sep 2020
i felt a presence as i walked
past its shadow between
restless sunbeams and
lazy dark patches

too small to fill a stadium and
too light to resist a breeze,
it could not muster the most
muted sigh of thunder

still, it singled me out from acres
of trees and multi-laid squares
of rooftop hide-aways

and followed—

to send a message of being
to an insignificant recipient

through a small break within
divided thoughts, into a brief
opening underneath—

a single drop, into a
downpour of

"the cloud"
© 2008 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
Sep 2020 · 414
the frenzy, at rest
Seranaea Jones Sep 2020
i used to throw bread crumbs into
a pond full of minnows next to a
place where i worked years ago

it kept me cool in the summertime,
pulling the heat out of me and
feeding it into the winds as

a turtle snapped up dozens of fish-babies,
transforming the vision of my frame into
maybe the size of a praeternatural feather

and for a moment,

i dreamt that on a clear night through the
eyes of a barnyard owl that i could
navigate the dark foldings of
space into the beating
hearts of praying

blinking back to a view of
disturbed green waters—

i commenced
to waking...

"the frenzy, at rest"
© 2020 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
Seranaea Jones Sep 2020

—                                           /..\
                                       the house is
                                   otherwise empty
                            aside from me, the senses
                   of you seek out the most minuscule
               of things to woof at, a fault line between
             loneliness and apprehension slips a little in
     the path you must take to sniff my hand as it gestures
your tiny pitched notes into the silent end of this open space—



"the small dog at the end of a hallway"
© 2010 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
Sep 2020 · 184
memory paper
Seranaea Jones Sep 2020
did i lose it already ?
this fragile notion
piercing the fog
that hovers my ocean ?

i must place it
somewhere safe
so i may remember
the fragment
if not the face

perhaps this snippet
of waste?
     no, there is
not left a whit of space

Here is the vessel,
a white bleached and
prepared remnant
of an elm or a spruce        
that once
and shaded the sun
from exhausted lost

cut stripped and
to provide
               for Me
this small

so i may forget...

"memory paper"
© 2020 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
from an idea
in 2008
Aug 2020 · 732
As stars eclipse the Moon
Seranaea Jones Aug 2020
the moon is your element,
underneath it you alight
with its pure lunar dew

all senses become the air and
the water as your heartbeat
sends ripples into me

i can feel that and more as fingertips
trace my reaction to it gently
upon your bare skin back

but it seems beyond my capacity to
channel the energy and lift from you
the heaviness of your thoughts

so we sit still as i let you
bathe quietly within
your element

if you happen to glance and
catch me gazing upward,

the stars, they are
                               all mine...

"As stars eclipse the Moon"
© 2008 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
for Katt...
Aug 2020 · 242
unremarkable soup
Seranaea Jones Aug 2020
they float in rusty rouge waters
as fog steams upward, obscuring
various uncanned flotsam

white shapes of vocabular form
disperse into random orientations
entangled by processed seagreens

i saw the letter 'k' rise to the surface,
only to slip below again as other
consonants recomposed

with a single dip of my spoon,
seven of these lifted from
their salty wakes form
a simple line of


"unremarkable soup"
© 2020 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
an idea posted in 2008
Aug 2020 · 244
the inertia of a moment
Seranaea Jones Aug 2020
second hand pushes up
the weight of minutes,
in turn lifting hours

it struggles climbing
from seven to eight
slipping back a bit

by nine it trembles
but inserts itself
notch by notch

the last fifteen seconds
are desperations of
loud ticks

and when the twelve is
reached, it brief rest
is pushed overtime—

plunging straight down
to the six again,
loosely swinging.

the minute felt a slight
nudge forward, but the
hour paid little attention...

"the inertia of a moment"
© 2020 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
Aug 2020 · 282
Seranaea Jones Aug 2020
dark fluids unwelcomely
invade relentlessly into
materials unprepared

creeping brisk black hot
indiscriminant and unbound
consuming lust for gravity

over the edge
         down the legs
               onto my lap
           down my legs
over my edge
         into me—


© 2020 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
first posted on ms

"thx Doug..."
Aug 2020 · 277
that space between mists
Seranaea Jones Aug 2020
to be a bird of great wing,
pulling across the folds
of cloudy space

intimately familiar of each
turn between misty
white finials

with a quick flap—
out of reach,
into the opening of a
grey mountain—

evading the glimpse of
all but the sharpest

"that space between mists"
© 2020 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
wrote this while responding
to a nice comment from
Ghost of Jupiter
Aug 2020 · 225
Seranaea Jones Aug 2020
im not forty-five just yet~

the picnic table to celebrate this
occasion was likely constructed
in the 1960's just as the illusion
of security began to unravel

it will have marks cut into it from
a paring knife some kid snuck out
of his mother's napsack to

scratch in a few here-and-there notches,
juvenile swirlies and crisscross patterns
expressing out with what little language
he could muster at the time

and —of course— some initials

two letters representing a presence
which will later metamorphosize this
simple gathering point into somebody's
threshold between the sky and the grave—

a horizon cruel, unyielding and
dead straight

i wonder how many have sat there, pondering
the timelines carved into this rest area where
forty-five years of inertia will be spent in a
long venting breath

the picnic basket will be packed light when my
day comes, observing in the company of old and
weathered timbers, feeling the etchmarks with
worn fingertips for a name i never was...

© 2009 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
this poem was first posted on Oct 2009 on Myspace.
(i have aged a bit since then)

Many Thanks to Dale Winslow and Lance Strate for featuring this piece on the Oct 2010 edition, sixty-seventh volume of ETC: A Review of General Semantics in the Poetry Ring section, pg 439.

A time comes for everyone who lives long enough to
realize —perhaps within a heartbeat— that there is
decidedly more miles in the rear view mirror than
what appears ahead in the next viewable stretch
on this road called—              "Life"...

Aug 2020 · 197
Seranaea Jones Aug 2020

i submit~

they had been used to fill the balloon
in order to make it lofty, without any
regard for these molecules not desiring
a state of massed captivity,

with a clown smiling literally from
ear to ear with what he had done,
sentencing them to an uncertain fate
inside a rubberspheric prison.

floating erratically above the small child
he had given them to, they bounce up and
down repeatedly upon string as this small
jailer runs between tall ma'ams and misters

they long to be released,
but they do not desire
a wandering cell
at the mercy of
the winds—


A man in dark vestiges
has wandered into this paradigm
with lit cigar in mouth, wearing a black moustache
upturned at the ends. He smiles in twisted lip pleasure

as he

the key into the lock

FREE !!!

the yellow cocoon shrivels instantly away,
tiny helium souls quickly separate as they
dissipate completely into oblivion within
a welcoming clear blue sky


~so you may understand, a possible
justification exists for —conceivably—
any negative human activity...

Aug 2020 · 160
the phone police
Seranaea Jones Aug 2020
they know who i am,

i first violated their ordinances
in the commission of a prank
phone call when i was eleven

simply a twenty-two second call
to a residence notifying them that
their refrigerator was running away

and i guess maybe it did—

because there was a strange non-analog
sound which indicated to me that the
authorities were monitoring.

my name is now certain to appear on
government stationary amongst a list
of other eleven year old offenders

inside a folder that sits in a drawer
of a file cabinet within row after row
of other file cabinets matrixed

underneath probably an eleven square
mile parcel somewhere outside
Langley, Virginia

(not to mention how many floors)

telephone patrolmen never forget a name,
and even if i turn eighty-eight they will
eventually issue warrants for my arrest

with patch cables on hand to tie me up
in order to extract confessions regarding
appliances for which no one has
any immediate concern—

ring tones will distract their focus as i wink
into the two way mirror, their failure to
hang me up until the eleventh hour
sandwiched firmly between my lips...

"the phone police"
©2012-2020 by Seranaea Jones
All rights reserved.
Aug 2020 · 171
cloud chandelier
Seranaea Jones Aug 2020

               a suspension in the sky with refined silver cords
                 bearing tiny droplets full of crystal reflections
                     in a slow rotation which disintegrates the
                      periphery into gently unfolding louvers
                         that carefully define feathered edges.

                               i wish for it's pull chain over
                                    my own midnight sky—

i have but
small candles...

"cloud chandelier"
© 2020 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
Aug 2020 · 180
the scope of salvation
Seranaea Jones Aug 2020
Their leader was very persuasive, repeatedly
promising them sanctuary from the
dangers they all faced in that
daily struggle to survive.

they were all seeking
the same thing,

A Light

that would show them
the way
                    to  Salvation..

at the onset of dusk
they headed out boldly,
numbering in the hundreds
—a single destiny.

the journey was long and treacherous
with many of them falling behind.
some succumbed to exhaustion, thus
becoming victims of nocturnal predators.

eventually the destination is reached,
a Holy Illumination just ahead,
that same light described
in the stories told to the
little ones each

some were so overcome with emotion,
they became careless and fell short.
the leader exclaimed with such exuberance
"God, to think that I would hesitate !!!"

the survivors —en mass—
ventured into
                              The Light...

Robert Caine was taking a nap on his
back patio after a bit too much to drink.

His sleep was suddenly disturbed by
a great many pops, cracks, and zaps
emanating from his bug lamp

"the scope of salvation"
© 2020 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
Aug 2020 · 316
Seranaea Jones Aug 2020
a keeping of structure framed into the confines
of expectations for readers who are by far more
educated and better read than if i can just keep
to writing within those experience perimeters of
uhhh, someone else—

who claims to have seen that the world is about
roughly the size of a really really big asteroid,
hiding behind the thumb of an astronaut floating
some distance away from the pad i wrote my
last poem on a quarter-sheet of tissue paper

with a china marker.

As per the vocational experts of my youth;
i may well have qualified for the position of
"document shredder",
or even the author of small gift books—

—had ANY of this material fallen into
the wrong hands...

© 2020 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
Aug 2020 · 226
Seranaea Jones Aug 2020
One day i had a detailed look
at a 24 inch machine scale and
pondered some new ways to
relate to the sizes of things

some "inch" scales are in gradients of
decimals and i see them divided into
tens, those tens in turn divided to
even smaller tens, thus~

1.00 =    1               inch    
0.10 =    1/10  th    inch    
0.01 =    1/100th    inch    

1/100th of an inch is very small but i see
certain things that my mind can measure,
like the size of the Earth— a little less than
eight thousand miles in diameter.

i can see a mile, but not thousands,
so my magic scale says:

1" = 1,000 mi, thus
Earth = about 8"

i imagine holding Earth in my hand
like a small beach ball, then i figure
that the moon is about 2 1/4" big.

how far away is it, i wonder ?
let me grab a tape measure :)

given what i have on hand, now there
is a basketball and a tennis ball lying
some 20 feet apart from each other
in the back yard

i look upon all this and fathom it in—

but this vision now zooms upon my "Earth" ball
with the scale situated conveniently next to it.
detailing the texture of its surface, my eyes
become disproportionately larger than my brain—

observing the Space Station
cruising about 0.15 above it,

the clouds hovering at 0.01,

and further still through the winds of upper distances,
descending between the smallest of lines to my
mere figment of a presence at
1/100th the size
of this tiny

— leaving me to wonder how
i could possibly have even
glimpsed all of this—

from way down

© 2020 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
originally written
March 2008
Aug 2020 · 151
intentionally poor poop
Seranaea Jones Aug 2020
Pregnant Penelope placed
pealed pears in pairs in a
path which pickled preacher
Percy just previously pondered.

Pealing downstreet in a Plymouth,
he placed the gear down and
pushed the peddle purposefully
upon patent plush carpeting


Poor pealed pears pushed
plumb with the pavement,
they promptly exploded..

Oh Please ! Pause !!!

preposterous poetry should
be punished promptly with
proper penalty,


regretfully someone
will plagiarized such
pompous penning

Alas, THEY shall be known
for the **** they pass
in some preferred

which —personally— would
please the p*** out of me...

"intentionally poor ****"
© 2007-2020 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
originally posted 08 Sept 2007
on MySpace
Jul 2020 · 445
a whoosh unheard
Seranaea Jones Jul 2020
my ears soak inside-out in a seltzer
filled glass on my bedroom nightstand
each evening so that the ringing will
hopefully dissolve and settle to the bottom

they dream of wingtips that the
maple can hear through the leaves
as they stir the breeze upon landing,
the patter of avian claws gripping
the bark in short scoots,

the stretch of a twig bending downward
with the slightest brush of a feather, the
splitting noises of a newborn’s egg,
and even the breath taken before
the whoosh of a dive—

they awaken this morning with
words and imagination bringing
forth a new voice,

one which reads aloud to them
about the simple sounds
that birds can make...

"a whoosh unheard"
© 2020 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
originally posted 29 March 2008
on MySpace

i sleep with a fan on each
night to drown out
the ringing in
my ears
Jul 2020 · 618
shoes and feathers
Seranaea Jones Jul 2020
my footfalls translate to mileage in the
way that feathers can be lost to a given
amount of wing beats—

each iteration of propulsion will shed
bits of material,

and these are mixed into the sands that are
splashed across beaches, bleached and
eventually broken down into elemental shapes

one of those grains flew and landed on a
boardwalk and then another one
kicked it aside many years ago
by some distant shoreline,

they now lie together in my path—
why i know this is anyone's guess,
but surely the math is in my favor

needless to say, even if my remains withstand
the sands of time there wont be anyone
left to recognize me,

yet i am certain a piece of me will always
be a few steps ahead somewhere,

either washed there from a recent gale,
or maybe blown from the nostrils
of a passing sea gull...

"shoes and feathers"
© 2020 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
Jul 2020 · 431
Seranaea Jones Jul 2020
a large hand from outer space
descended to the Earth's surface
and with a finger and thumb,

grabs me by the belt at the seat
of my pants,

hoisting me straight up like
a fish out of water for
viewing with a great

He turns my tinyness toward Him
and looks me eye to eye, frowning
in disapproval—

"I dunno, maybe You should
                 toss me away??"

His face then smiled a little,
and with a sigh ,

i was gently lowered
back down...

©2007-2020 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
originally published on
myspace blog
05 aug 2007
Jul 2020 · 284
pest bag
Seranaea Jones Jul 2020
my panic sack would have
contained enough breath
to blow out most of this
year’s birthday candles


a mask tumbles out like
some kind of lung-wallet,

hinting whispered

i hyperventilate into it
with resignation upon
each casting of a socially
distant wave

splashing between crests—

a sense of security swells
in my chest as i drown in

absolute safety...

"pest bag"
©2020 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
i wonder if they plan to build
colonies for the infected
this century ?

— The End —