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Jul 2019 · 237
Too innocent
I bring death to everything I ever cared about
I feel like a cactus in a party
Please understand why I'm pushing you away
Don't come closer and just make it easy
Oh how I wish things can be different

Your eyes told me everything I needed
Those eyes had never cried the way I did
You've never seen how deep wounds can go
The time it would take to start healing
The will it would need just stop hurting

So I'll keep you as far as I can
Keep you safe, away from my corruption
Keep the smile on your face
By hiding my tears with a smile
Apr 2019 · 225
The reality of an illusion
I was sleepy when I woke up,
My eyes was close when I saw the truth,
Still hoping for the best but the truth burns,
I have made myself a fool to your plays,
Inch by inch I pulled myself closer,
Been in a circle the whole time,
The truth is!
You think you need me,
you say you need me,
All you need is someone to be with,
you'll be just fine without me,
The truth is!
The flame was never hot
Just an illusion that hurts
Those spikes couldn't go through me,
The way your words cut through my heart,
As the night  dies the morning grows,
A plant full of thorns and afraid of the flame,
Now with eyes open, no more an ignorant,
The truth is!
I had my eyes open the whole time,
Just my heart ignorant of the things you did,
The truth is!
I thought I saw an oases of my life
Just a mirrage of depression.
Been a long time since I've posted here but hope you like it, I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions from you guys., thank you!
Sep 2018 · 357
For all the things I should tell you,

I was left with only one word

I can't recall that word, for it was cold that night,

we were under a street light, no one was around

Just us and the cold breeze

Surrounding us was the foreshadowing of the now;

A future that is just us cold as your hands when I tried to hold them

As you pulled your hands away, so did your promises;

promises that made a huge smile on my face,

those were just promises as light at paper;

that were blown away by the very wind that came out your mouth

I'm still here under the same streetlight where you left.

A streetlight that keeps on following me around;

showing to others what is left of me;

a scare, is all I have left of the memories of you

A scare that was made by you ripping the smile out of me

I keep on going back to that cold night;

seeking for answers to just one word

with only a scare to remind me of everything.

It's all coming back now

it keeps getting clearer, the word that I was left with;

but with it comes this gut wrenching feeling;

the word keeps echoing through my mind

a poem that was a challenge for me but not a challenge making
Thank you for cracking me up, no not the cheerful a joyful idiom. Bit by bit it just keeps on cracking! Here I am putting a double sided type on this crack. A crack formed by misunderstanding and decisions made by the demons inside out heads leading to a crack that keeps on cracking but thank you. Thank you for cracking this heart, without this crack I wouldn't had smile in the first place. Thank you for the broken heart.
just a short poem that just popup in my mind :(
Jun 2018 · 319
Can you see my Smile?
How I wish you could see my right now!

I’m not sure of what I’ve become, so changed by sorrow;

Darkness may cover my image,

only a silhouette to be seen.

You say I’m negative, depressed, and even someone new;

someone who once been the source of your happiness;

but hear me out here, I just lost the light that guided me through,

I lost you! The one thing that made me smile!

a true smile, the kind of smile that didn’t fade after the joke has been said.

a smile that pops up when I randomly look at you from afar;

that smile is not this smile!
Jun 2018 · 379
Can you please
by: Jhon Prietse Tacaisan

Can you please!

please be here

here to hold me tight

so tight that you’d never go

can you please!

please don’t leave me alone in the dark

so dark that i might forget you

can you please!

please look at this

this mask that hides it all

all my sorrow and pain

can you please!

please say something

something that my heart wants to hear

hearing it might mend it whole

can you please!

please be mine!

Please be mine again!

mine to hold again!

mine to be here by myside again!

mine to remove my sorrow and pain,

mine to love!
Sep 2016 · 1.5k
** hidden feelings **
looking at you,
makes my dreams come true,
like a child,
who has an innocent mind,
always so happy,
in the arms of their family,
i would be crazy,
to grab this opportunity,
but it's crazier,
to make this feeling disappear.
i ask myself,
if this is possible,
but then i feel it,
the feeling is indescribable,
holding it back is impossible,
all i ask now,
is to give this guy,
a chance.
one chance from you,
and dreams will come true,
you will never be sad,
in my heart you stay,
tomorrow will be a day away,
but it's worth it,
because you're in it.
Jul 2015 · 844
Friends for the second time
We have moved on already,
But why am I not ready.
Things have change ,
But somethings just can't change.
I knew every inch of you ,
But now you're now hiding in the shadow.

I once asked you to be more then friends before,
Now I'm asking you to be my friend once again.
I know things did not work out for us,
But you should know that I did every thing I could.
We trusted each other,
But trust is what we need now.

It's there a second chance in life?
Or will it hurt twice as much?
Can we ever be friends again?
And maybe this time will be different from the last time.
Because when you fall in love with someone,
There is no going back to "just friends"
~ jhonpritse tacaisan
I know because I have loved, cared, worried,cried. But you can learn from what I have experienced so you can enjoy your life
Jul 2015 · 2.6k
In this busy world we live,
we often forget the things
that's important in our life. Somethings just can't be
easily forgotten.
You only been in my life for a second but it seemed to be a lifetime.
the things we did,
the moments we had,
will always be
Is there Forever ? Or no forever?
Jul 2015 · 382
You Should Have Stayed OUT
Ever since you came in,
I was happy,
I put you before anything else,
I made you my queen,
I did anything you said,
But you did not see my efforts
You did not laugh,
You saw someone else,
You said yes to him
You Should Have Stayed OUT Of My Life.
I only write pen if I'm sad, to express my inner self.
Mar 2015 · 496
love at 15

I can’t stop thinking about her
Her hair, her eyes, her laugh
She accidentally put a spell on me
And doesn’t have a reversal  

People say that fifteen year olds can’t love
But what I feel for her is love
I stay awake at night
Thinking, dreaming, crying about her
I cry about how she isn’t in my life
I dream about how it would be if she loved me
I think of me and her

I can’t get her off my mind
And when we talk, my stomach feels like its evaporating

All the stars in space and all the grains of sand
Cannot count my love for her
I have a tendency to love things that are no good for me

She makes me feel like I’m worshipping a brick wall
But I continue to love without second thought
Too bad I never got the chance to say I love her

But what do I know? I’m only 15
this poem was used for my project in english and i just want to share this to you all , hope you like it.
Mar 2015 · 483
Good bye now
I will really miss you
Can I ever see you again
Is this the end for our relationship

I will miss your sweet smell
I will miss your closeness
I will miss your voice
I will miss your jokes

Will I ever see you again
When will you be back
Well you still remember me?
Will you ask about me?

If you will not see me?
Will our relationship break?
Is love really have to be like this?
Love is full of question.
Hi this is my 4th poem ,,, pls support me,,,
Should I step up my game?
Or should I just wait another time?
You are my best friend
But I like you more then JUST friends

I told you every problem I had
I never kept any secret to you
We are together most of the time
Can I still do this if you are my girlfriend

Should I smile
Because we are friends ?
Or should I cry
Because that's the only thing
We can ever be?
liking adding,like,reposting,commenting,and please share.
I will do my best to make more poem.
Mar 2015 · 1.5k
Good Bye
Anyone can say good bye
but it's only hard to say;
you will not see that person again
So will you say good bye to me

Two words, seven letters
That can touch the deepest part of you
I can't stand the feeling without you

when can I ever hear your sweet HELLO
I  will never forget that day when you say your goodbye
Your red lips said it without a problem
just don't forget that the door is open if;
you ever come back.
Please support me by liking,adding,commenting and sharing this to your friends.
Mar 2015 · 945
I miss you
I miss you like;
the sweet smell of spring ,
I have not seen you for a while,
like I have not seen a whale,

I will do anything just to see you again,
I would sail the seven seas if I have to,
or I will fight the monster that is guarding you,
I will be brave just for you my love,

Our connection is becoming weak,
because there is no physical connection connecting us,
Even if my time will run out,
I will never run out of love for you,

will I ever see you again,
all the time we've spent together,
I will wait for you no matter what,
a world without you is a world without life,
I will try to add more poem every week,,,,
Don't forget to like,add,repost,and share if you really like my work,,,
This would really mean a lot to me,,,
Comment if you what me to do a poem on specific topic, I will do my best to do that.

— The End —