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Jun 2021 · 109
Luis Ramos Jun 2021
You’re part fantasy, part reality, so you have this effect on me that I’m starting to need and crave. It’s a feeling really, some surreal state of mind that I reach when I’m with you.

So don’t leave my side, just stay... Let me explore a part of me that I’ve been wanting to understand, a part of me that has been there... just locked away. Don’t let go or walk away... please just stay.

Bring me joy, bring me sadness, bring me all aspects of life. Summon all of my senses; rage, ecstasy, euphoria... make me feel alive. Last, grant me love and its bittersweet touch. Give me everything but give me nothing at all. Don’t go...
Feb 2021 · 202
El juego de la vida
Luis Ramos Feb 2021
El juego de la vida

Ayer en tu cuarto encontré una caja...
La abrí y vi muchas fotos y postales,
también cartas y otros efectos personales.
Tal vez yo no debí abrirla, aunque tal vez...
tal vez eso era lo que tú querías.

Encontré tu juego de barajas que me enseñaste a jugar. Y escondido ahí vi un libro muy viejo. Este mismo que ahora leo....
Yo pensé que te conocía, pero realmente nada yo sabía.

No es secreto que el ser yo quien estuvo a tu lado, me hizo sentir como el menos indicado... y es que no sabes que las cosas en mi vida ya han cambiado.

Perdóname que solamente una vez te escribí. Y perdona que cuando vine, solo fue para verte partir.

Hoy el juego de la vida tu lo haz ganado,
El juego en que yo creí haber ya fracasado.
Pero gracias por enseñarme esa última lección, por que Coty sin saberlo... cambiaste tú mi corazón.
Written for a one beautiful woman. A loving nothing and grandmother. The embodiment of strength and love.
Mar 2017 · 685
A new direction
Luis Ramos Mar 2017
At first there's reason to be wary
"Stepping out" can be scary.
So much of me feels left behind,
but is it really changing who I am?  

Just a thought, just one reflection,
yielding the courage to change directions.
A moment at last, to understand the soul,
guided and not cursed, by the man above.

The truth of the matter is I never changed course,
but a life that's not lived, that's a worthy remorse.
Yes, so much of me I've left behind,
for its already played part in who I am.
Having understood my own self a little better, I came to realize that living for other people's expectations, family traditions or religious standards was not a representation of who I am as a person. It's hard to seemingly change the design I was given to live my life, but the endevour is exciting and most rewarding.
Nov 2016 · 2.9k
Walking alone...but not
Luis Ramos Nov 2016
Life's like a journey that never stops.
You're failing and learning and always moving on.
You're then joined by people whom you learn to love.
But ultimately...
Life's that walk, that you must go on your own.

Embrace this truth: you are expected to have faults.
But no more than all the virtues that you've got.
Never define yourself by the number of flaws,
but on your willingness to be better, and wanting to grow.

It is true there are yet some, who of this they don't know.
And could somehow even, make you question your own worth.
Don't be sad, don't resent, we each learn at our own pace.
And remember, true love always sees flaws, as only a phase.

Whenever he shows and in whatever his form,
by that true love, you'll then one day be joined.
But even then, remain aware ...
Life's that walk, that you must still go on your own.
Self worth and becoming aware of the meaningless nature of the word "alone" is a realization that we each need to have at one point of our lives. Without it it's impossible to take care of the person that's always present in our lives...ourselves.
Nov 2016 · 693
Luis Ramos Nov 2016
One, It was real, it was definitely not a dream
Two, loving you I found, I was good at
Three, again within the hour, you ran back to him

Four, I was happy and so were you, for that I thank you
Five, having good timing is the luxury of very few
Six, true love will sometimes last but for a minute or two

Seven, you came my way and I let you come
Eight, you chose to stay and I let you stay
Nine, you soon wanted to go...I'll try and let you go

Ten...I want to scream. But I will admire you and love you still
Eleven, I respect you, no one's to blame for how we each feel
Twelve, not a fact...but perhaps it was only me, for whom it was real.
A poem written after a terrible break up. Hopes were up and trust was given unconditionally. Never safest is how I felt. Little did I know of what was ahead.
Jun 2016 · 835
One last prayer
Luis Ramos Jun 2016
By Luis Ramos

(In memory of a good friend, father and his love for his son)*

Forgive me Father for I am to sin...
Yet...hallowed be thy name  
if thou really art in heaven. heaven.
Here on Earth however,
this shall be my last prayer.

So I daily bread, give unto him like you gave to me.
And as with the lilies of the field, clothe him...I know you will.

Lead him not into thinking that this is his fault,
but may he always believe of his father's great love.
Deliver him from false promises sent from above,
and may someone be there for him, in ways I cannot.

Thy will be done, though that's always the case.
May thy will be then to guide him, when he's in distress.
Yes, help him see that he won't know his own strength,
until he realizes being strong is his last option left.

Yours is the kingdom, the power, the glory...whatever.
Let me watch over him then, let us somehow be together.
So despite that on earth things didn't go better,
he can enjoy of my presence now and then and forever.

Forgive me father...forgive me...
For I don't think you're in heaven.
I just hoped someone would hear these,
the words...of my very last prayer.
A poem I wrote inspired by the tragic end of the wonderful life of a good friend. A father who wasn't allowed to be part of his son's life by a vindictive ex spouse. The intense pain he went through is something few can relate to. He was an honorable man who's painful circumstance led him to a choice he wouldn't have made otherwise. RIP Jacob
Dec 2015 · 628
A dream now altered
Luis Ramos Dec 2015
It's usually late at night,
while reminiscing about the past,
that I'm taken to a time,
when I could fully be your dad.

Yet circumstances change,
and not always for the best.
But Warrin, know that I will wait,
to reunite with you, says fate.

Yes, things are not like I once dreamed,
this was definitely unforeseen.
But though it's difficult the ordeal,
we'll make that father-son dream real.

It's usually late at night, can get pretty dark.
But you've become my one bright star,
so please...don't forget about your dad.
Missing my son desperately as well as his little brother who was born not long ago and who I have yet to meet. Changes come unexpected sometimes, it is hard to adapt, but be it all for my little ones, they need a strong dad.
Aug 2015 · 1.1k
Already a lifetime.
Luis Ramos Aug 2015
I’m a quarter of a century’s my story to you all:

I’m a father of 2 children, truly intense couple years, as I became not just their "papa" but also a chemical engineer.

I have learned 4 languages thus far and have worked at a nuclear plant.

I’ve learned NEVER to judge anyone and then dare to give advice…for circumstances are unknown anyhow, so ALWAYS think before it twice.

I’ve been married, I’ve been divorced, I’ve fought cancer and I won.

I’ve been shown what real friends act like, that sometimes “family” ain’t your blood.

I’ve experienced the truest love and the deepest heartbreak both, I’ve made bad and good decisions…no regrets in any of those.

I’m 25 years old and have seemingly lived through a lifetime, but though the road is still long, I am confident right now.

Because for all those problems ahead, now there’s these lessons I’ve learned, where there’s value in none more than finally knowing what is hope.
Celebrating 25 years of amazing experiences and tough trials. All I know now is that when thrown down you can only get up, when set back you can only move forward.
Luis Ramos Jun 2015
It took me one summer night to find you,
we talked for hours until late, we didn't care.
It was like talking to that friend I long knew.
It was the start of something new, something great.

I took my wall down and so did you,
bringing us closer, the unusual pair.
Never wanting more, but feelings grew,
thus ending our journey seems now unfair.

And though I want you and need you right here
I understand that your love wasn't meant for me.
We saw ourselves happy, but it was only in our dreams,
for if we wake up tomorrow, you're much happier with him.

But no space or time can ever make me forget
that when I gasped for air, it was you who I met.
Reminding me that true love can always be there,
you healed my heart...that's something rare...not to regret.
To someone very special to whom I wish the very best in life :)
Apr 2015 · 984
Luis Ramos Apr 2015
There was a time I used to pray
that I always kept my faith in love,
You then came that summer day
as one gift from the man above.

Yes, our hearts were afraid to love,
but we put all cards on the table.
Not knowing it wouldn't be enough
that reality would turn unstable.

Like that old song we used to sing,
while holding hands on Friday night.
It's lyrics talked of our love's spring,
a love trapped short in borrowed time.

It'll take more time to believe it.
Hardly any left for some grieving.
But, Love can be found after it's tossed!
Joy can come back after it's gone!

Only one thing's left for true healing
and that is found while forgiving.
Because after all is said and done,
our paths still connect forevermore.
“hello was the seed that made our love grow, and if this we ever doubt, let's take faith and push it out” Never thought I would go through this, having lost the person I loved the most has been the ultimate failure of my life. Yet I must understand that there's circumstances that we cannot control and people sometimes make desicions that affect us. The important thing is finding ourselves in the process and realize that we still have a future that is as bright as we let it be.
Feb 2015 · 1.1k
Not too late
Luis Ramos Feb 2015
I dreamed of you last night,
it happens once in a while.
Us lovers' tale is the usual kind.
Us lovers' tale...except last night.

We are both needing to change
Fast, and before it's too late.

I gave you my heart, it's been yours alone,
last night however, words drilled a hole.
And despite the fact that we're  both at fault,
you keeping my heart might be no more.

Know this is not a complaint,
Heaven knows I'm no saint.

I dreamed of you last night,
it happens once in a while.
Us lovers' tale is the usual kind,
Us lovers' tale...the kind I want.
Love is going through everything that has been designed to tear lovers apart and come out even stronger.
Jan 2015 · 604
Nothing was the same...
Luis Ramos Jan 2015
I found her in the field that summer day,
queen of all wild flowers.
Her beauty was beyond compare,
I admired her for hours.

Something about her caught my attention
as she started gazing back.
That single glance, Gods finest invention,
left an imprint on my heart.

By and by the winter took her away,
There was no one to blame.
I found her in the field the other day,

this time however...

Nothing was the same.
A little something that came to me tonight, some things are better left in the past. We can only look to the future with hope in our hearts and optimism in our souls.
Jan 2015 · 497
The life that he took
Luis Ramos Jan 2015
If both despair and anger
were in your soul placed,
In the heat of your battle
would you fight them...
or their lives spare?

There was a man broken inside,
asking that question to himself.
He lived according to his own desire,
a disregarder of life's precious breath.

Would you fight off deep hatred, if in your soul placed?
Would you fight off sour vengance?...Right then would you care?

This man was stubborn and real cold of heart,
unable of loving since the day she departed.
Asking in heartache if she's ever to come back,
He obtained a clear answer from one Heavenly Father.

"If you battle resentment when in your soul's placed?
Why linger?, it's simple...we both know the way:
Choose to be humble, their flaws quit to look,
I give you your heart back, the one that anger took"

He then ended a life when he heard that firm voice,
Yes...the wicked man in him, was the life that he took.
As we seek for improvement in our lives, a decision must be made, who is to leave and who is to stay?  Sometimes its preffered to let go of a part of ourselves that brings misery and sorrow. Change starts today for whoever decides to end all rage.
Dec 2014 · 968
When Peace Remains.
Luis Ramos Dec 2014
Would it take a lifetime of waiting,
to reconcile the aching heart?
What heals the soul that's breaking,
when it feels an ardent ire?

Who gives your heart some protection,
when you’ve dealt with bitter rejection?

For, what light can be seen
if you are alone at night?
Whose love can you feel
when you remain apart?

Who will answer these questions?
Who will you ask for directions?

Know you've been destined to find out,
with knees bent and recalling your debt,
that there's no room for any of your doubts,
for peace remains...only when hope is there.
Some pains may seem too deep to handle. This is not meant to be a religious piece at all, I have simply found what's worked for me to rise above the pain and remember my own personal worth
Dec 2014 · 8.4k
The witch who yells
Luis Ramos Dec 2014
How deadly is the sight of the flying witch,
she's mighty and flawless, her name is Lynn
elegant and graceful in her broom she'll go,
All of her victims had that exact same thought.

She seizes you with kind words
and for your soul offers you gold.
With her, you enjoy flying,
for you trust you won't fall.

Once in her cave, she speaks with friendly words
she fills your belly and fabricates a loving home,
It's hard to see her as from the underworld
It's hard to see what's about to come.

Before you realize she attempts to take control,
eating the brains of whom you call your own.
She's yelling and screaming, how putrid is her soul.
The witch is evil, but no one cares of what you know.

Now down the stairs she complacently goes,
raises an eyebrow, it's diabolical, it's smug
she then smiles to her husband, a mere puppet of hers
Satan is that woman, the witch who yells.
To a woman I once had a great respect for.
Dec 2014 · 4.0k
Luis Ramos Dec 2014
Oh rage, oh rage, how long will we battle?
I have suffered your daily abuse
And I'm here to tell you: "this is your hour"

You know I can't hide
You know I can't fight,
Will you just let me fly?

Oh rage, oh rage how long will we battle?
I am destined to hear the sound of your rattle.
My feelings right after looking at my grades for this semester during Christmas break.

— The End —