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Cezar Ybanez Jr Apr 2020
If redemption is measured by one's purity, then no foot would step on the streets of gold.
Those grand mansions promised to the "true children of god" will be nothing more than just bricks and stones.
Those gates would remain shut.
White garments would remain unworn.

The paradise would be left alone in its own for eternity cause no one will ever be worthy. God said it himself.

So i don't see no point bruising your knees down on prayers, living most of your life by a scripture written by men.

Living by the promise of an eternity without fear, pain and tears.
Without these things that maketh life people will go crazy in heaven
Just a thought. I'm just tired of churches claiming they're the one true crap. corrupting and stealing from its flock.
Jul 2019 · 197
Cezar Ybanez Jr Jul 2019
I'm afraid that if I tell you
"I love you" too much
the word will lose its meaning

after all, it's just a word

so I guess I'll just have to find a way
to express my love to you
in infinite different ways, somehow.
I love this boy so much. ****!
Dec 2018 · 546
Cezar Ybanez Jr Dec 2018
YOU need to be validated.

now, I know that "you love yourself" and all that crap.
Maybe too much, actually, that you feel like you don't need anybody else.

But isn't it nice to have someone commend you on how you try make yourself better?
I think it's nice to know that people could notice the way you radiate with light.

That same light that you've worked so hard to conjure up through the chaos. your chaos.

Don't you see? YOU are beaming, my love, and the whole world is blinded by you. Can you expect us to shut up?
Validations, we need it, don't shy away from it!
Nov 2018 · 323
the waiting
Cezar Ybanez Jr Nov 2018
a thought;
"I'm never gonna find love, ever."

you wait
and wait
and wait

for the dread to come
but it never came

maybe because you've already accepted it
or maybe because you don't really believe it

because somehow
deep inside you
you believe you deserve love
and you believe it will come

and so

you wish
and wait
and wait...
you deserve love, honey. we all do.
Aug 2018 · 222
how to be wise?
Cezar Ybanez Jr Aug 2018
a friend once told me
"be WISE and consider
all the possibilities"

but thinking about
the possibility
of you and I
is the complete opposite
when all I want to do
is to forget about you

when I've already settled
to the "other" possibility;
Aug 2018 · 343
Cezar Ybanez Jr Aug 2018
I did this to myself
and what hurts the most is that
I have no one else to blame

this world has somehow taught me
that everything is easier
when there's someone accountable
for every pain  

it's hard to let a corpse go  
without knowing who the murderer is
because isn't this how justice works;
played by the victim and the manace?
self hate and self harm produce the worse pain
Aug 2018 · 259
speak up luv
Cezar Ybanez Jr Aug 2018
you've taught me how meaningless
actions are
you've made the body language
foreign to me
         like a tongue spoken
         by my long-gone ancestors

actions are stronger
than words
but words are certain
than actions

for your eyes
your mouth
your limbs
your touch
and your absolute loss
of sense of space
does not speak for you
and your ****** feelings

and if they do, I refuse to hear them
hey! if you love someone, say it! don't leave them assuming with questions that breeds questions
Aug 2018 · 278
my white-hand boy
Cezar Ybanez Jr Aug 2018
so tell me
how do you do
paint charcoal
under my eyes
without getting your hands *****?
how do you
break me and bend me
and crush my heart
in your fingers
without getting them all ******?

tell me
my white-hand boy
do you realize you're killing me?
oh, my white-hand boy, how you **** me
Cezar Ybanez Jr Jul 2018
the feeling of knowing and not knowing
that pull toward conclusions
empty faces, blank eyes
racing hearts

we live for the thrill of it

-the thing about secret crushes
dear ugly
Jun 2018 · 382
subject of beauty
Cezar Ybanez Jr Jun 2018
how do people make good things out of love?
music. art. poems love really that beautiful
to be a subject of something magical?
sometimes I wonder, what could i make out of love too
Mar 2018 · 197
why are y'all fine?
Cezar Ybanez Jr Mar 2018
I have this habit of staying
in a situation
while the rest of the world
had moved on.

as to why these people
seems to be fine
hours after the disaster

Now I think
there's something wrong
with me.
Mar 2018 · 261
stranger to self
Cezar Ybanez Jr Mar 2018
opening MY phone
with MY finger print
sometimes is the only
way to assure myself
that I am STILL ME
in MY body
I feel like a stranger to me sometimes
Mar 2018 · 646
the waiting
Cezar Ybanez Jr Mar 2018
the problem is
I don't know what I want
and how to search for it
so I wait for someone
who'll tug on my heart strings

and by then, I'll cry out
"it is you, I've been
waiting for you"

-but until then, I'll wait
a prayer, to my future lover
Mar 2018 · 268
Cezar Ybanez Jr Mar 2018
mother of all things
both bad and good
sister defender
of the weak and weary

you brought balance upon
this world of brute and force
with your gentle grace
changing this **** water's course

oh powerful women,
weakness of men
HAPPY WOMEN's month to every mom, sis, aunt, grandma etc.♥
Mar 2018 · 365
Dealing with my wings
Cezar Ybanez Jr Mar 2018
I was given a set of wings
huge, strong and powerful
but I've never used it
to fly and soar
and feel the breeze
above the sun kissed sea
with cotton candy clouds
all around me
never even tried
never even dared

Sometimes I wonder
wether these were given to me
as a gift to cherish
     a blessing to own
or a curse to carry
     a burden for all my life to bear

And I wonder what it
would feel like
to be free
to fly like the others do
if only I weren't
too afraid to try
too afraid to dare

I sometimes try to take
a leap of faith
but as soon as I reach the edge
I feel the mighty wind
I beheld the depth
I see the drop
I hear death
I get nauseous
I pull back
I tuck my wings in
and shut it nice and tight

Maybe what I need is something
that would push me
but it would be nicer
if  it would pull me
taking me with it
in the fall and teach me
how to fly
you'll know what i'm talking about in here ;)
Mar 2018 · 317
it's hard not to care, ok?
Cezar Ybanez Jr Mar 2018
whenever I say "I don't care anymore"
it's not to emphasize that I really don't
it's more like a reminder
to myself
that I shouldn't

cause I keep forgetting and forgetting
cause it's hard not to care, ok?
-an ode for all of us, who can't not care
Mar 2018 · 404
an adamant wall
Cezar Ybanez Jr Mar 2018
Maybe, we're not entirely scared of Love

maybe we're just scared on the idea
of being vulnerable and weak and dependent.

Freaking out whenever we feel
our walls crumble down
for someone

   - and we can't afford
       to let our adamant walls down
can't, yet
Feb 2018 · 261
a kiss
Cezar Ybanez Jr Feb 2018
above the sea
in the silence of the night
the moon kissed the earth

it shone beautifully
reminding me I'm alright
Feb 2018 · 301
Unending slumber
Cezar Ybanez Jr Feb 2018
It would be nice
if we ever looked into each other's eyes
and see a world covered with red skies
and red sun and red stars and red kites
to know that these butterflies
are more than just some made up lies

It would be nice
if you'd like me back
if you'd look at me
the way I looked at you
dream of me, wanted me
the way I do for you

But it would also be nice
if one day I open my eyes
to find what once was red
is now just a faint blue sky
and accept that these butterflies
are no more than just my made up lies

it would be nice
if I wake up
to the one I admire. to my red sky.

— The End —